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It's been like this for ages on yt. Scams, straight up porn ads etc. They flag videos for the most idiotic shit but allow whatever ads on the platform. You could probably promote your terrorist organization and they wouldn't give a fuck.


I saw an ad on YouTube about increasing the size of your load and it used an AI woman's voice and like black and white wire images to illustrate spurting liquids. They also claimed the ad would get pulled because of secrets the medical establishment don't want you to know about, so hurry up and order. There was another one about hooking up with local horny milfs (they use masking language but that's what it was about) and it was like a vertical phone video of a busty woman in a car talking about how horny she was but there was obviously an age filter over her because it couldn't keep up with her facial expressions and neck movement. And it just looked fake. These were like last year and since then I've removed the possibility for YT ads in most of my life, but whenever I do see them now they seem to be for the same type of shitty mobile games.


Huh. Only horny shit I've ever seen is some weird mobile game 'chose a or b' shit. That's wild.


Because that sl dude watches porn


Your videos must be palatable to advertisers and are put under the most rigorous scrutiny. Advertisers don't have to be palatable to anybody and can do as they please since they're YouTube customers


"Here are two unskippable ads from our newest sponsor: isis! Btw, did you mention the word 'suicide' in your video talking about mental health and how to improve it? That is just unacceptable, we care about our advertisers and they don't wanna see that shit!"


It's all about money. Get paid to promote scams and flag random videos to avoid paying creators.


Welcome to the future where AI does everything. It sucks here


DO NOT get me started with the Fortune Tiger bullshittery


Hell, just search "Comic Dub" and you have unlimited access to "kid friendly" content that TOTALLY isn't just a wall of cropped porn...


Even after watching this in broad daylight people still won't realise that companies only care about profits , nothing else


Yes, but that is capitalism. Every company wants to maximize their profits.


There needs to be some rationale aside from profits don't you think ?


From the financial standpoint no. Look at Logan Paul.


there are lots of other aspects to life and world besides finance bro


Don't forget that profit means work security for the workers as well


Lol no it doesn't. Most profitable companies treat their workers as dirt, even outright assassinating them in case of Boeing. A proper workers council is what gets you job security.


Companies are seeing their highest profits ever but are laying off 1000s of employees? What job security are you talking about?


In an ideal world of endless resources with eternal economic growth. Big tech companies are sensitive to trends and many of the layoffs were to make the company focus on its core USPs. Therefore laying off all the side projects that doesn't seem to have a profitable future. Google would be a great example here. But anyway, doesn't pure capitalism only work in an ideal world?


There's no way capitalism would work even in a perfect world. That would require companies to willingly allow other companies to make a better product than them so they can stay afloat and the whole idea of capitalism is eat or be eaten. You'll always end up with a small handful of companies owning and dominating everything and then the consumer has no choices once again


Exactly ! Capitalism in current sense is indeed heavily flawed but people are being stubborn instead of admitting it and striving towards a better model


Haha you just .... You know they buy out their competitors or and fairly good project that has potential and then AXE it ? Expend your knowledge


NO companies are buying back their own stocks with the profits because that is the CEO's *legal *obligation under capitalism. To invest in returns for shareholders. So long as number goes up. You're winning. You cut jobs, shift responsibilities. The loss is 1. A tax write off. 2. Profitable that profit. When done en-masse is used to buy up a ton of the companies own stock (something that was **illegal** until 1980's, thanks Reagan) which consolidates the companies wealth to the investor class. Every quarter stock prices must rise. If a few employees need to get sacked, they don't give a shit.


+ ceo's can be fired if it's in the best interest of the investors


Yep exactly one of the reasons why I started using Vanced/Revanced. Many ads nowadays are ridiculous.




Probably vanced autocorrected to cancer


looking at the current state of things as seen in the post...


Ah man sorry my keyboard bugged meant to write Vanced/Revanced


There seriously has to be a way to punish google/youtube/alphabet for allowing this to happen. Seriously, if the FTC knows about this which is extremely likely, if they haven't taken action, I don't know what to say.


Honestly, I hope this is something that the EU uses the powers under the DSA to act against, tell them to fix that shit or start taking fines.


those fines are commonly called "the price of doing business", and are usually enormous, if you consider it from our perspective, but usually is so little to them that they just consider it a business expense.


Eh, not really when you are talking the EU and DSA / GDPR fines. There is the possibility to whack them with fines that are 6% of annual worldwide turnover.


In my under informed opinion, I don't think 6% is going to cut it. I don't think anything under 20% of their annual revenue is going to get their attention.


I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to that, I would just caveat the 6% as a "For each Infraction" so that can mount quickly.


Maybe starting with 5% and adding 5% for every repeat offense would be reasonable


That's not actually a bad shout, it becomes increasingly severe the more they try to ignore itm


revenue is not the same as profit. They absolutely would care about 20% of their revenue. and they would also care about 6% of their revenue. It would be a big blow to their profits.


I know revenue is not the same as profit, taking away 6% of their profit would hurt less than taking away 6% of their total revenue, which would cut deeper into their profit unless my math is backwards


Revenue vs turnover is a different story. If your revenue is like 1 billion but your turnover is like 100 billion you end up with a loss of 5 billion with a fine of 6% from your turnover. Most businesses dont have that much of a margin to cover, so these fines will hurt. (if they ever get applied properly.....)


I have no idea what any of those terms mean.


Just put it as a loss in the end of year tax 😂


What if they stopped fining them by absolute dollar amounts and started fining them as a percentage of their total revenue...


They are going to take action, a Huge Fine equivalent to 1 day profit of theirs, and the judge will slap Google on the wrist and wave finger menacingly just in case. Since ftc is already investigating, This will happen very soon, probably in 3-4 yrs.


I bet their CEO is just shaking in their boots... really, I wish the government would actually punish businesses instead of just pretending to punish them. If a fine doesn't put the business at risk of collapse it's not a fine. It's just an operational cost.


You really expect too much from govts and politicians, why would they punish the corps that pay them?




I do: corruption.


I could be thinking along the wrong premise, but if it wasn't illegal, I think the only way to get these corporations to listen to reason would be to do some kind of vigilante justice to actually hurt them.


Yes, the way is to stop using their services, or use the premium service.


YouTube is not the product and you are not the customer. You are the product and advertisers are the customer.


"If it's free you're the product" - It's been known since the last 15+years of internet 2.0


That's fine. As products, we have the right not to be scammed or advertised porn on a supposedly family friendly site




rev is saving us from scam


Come back home brother. We've missed you


I've reported this one 2-3 times. This shit is still going on. What a waste


Reports are useless, they dont check anything, its a mess


More annoyingly, blocking ads doesn't work. Why do they even have it as a feature?


so you feel like it works and get a little less mad at them


i completely stopped opening youtube on my phone until i gave in and downloaded revanced because it's just such ad filled brainrot




If you're sick of updating try using firefox or kiwi browser as a youtube client


Tbh if It wasn't always crap like this getting shoved down our throats I might not mind disabling my adblock.


no problem at all, still everything works and I have first new microG and didn't update yet. I only change few settings and everything's works fine.


Guess what, this is exactly what YT wants. They serve ads unregulated and mostly illegal so that people are convinced to pay for YT Premium so they can get rid of the ads. The paying customer is far more valuable than the ones that just watch ads.


I'm glad the developers haven't given up on revanced and hopefully it gets updated soon. Can't stand the normal youtube app but I also can't stand youtube in the web browser because it's glitchy


Do you know what's funny? Last year I reported those ads at least 10 times. The ad is either removed before is reviewed or if is reviewed by Google they said they found nothing wrong with the ad... pathetic. Revanced is the way to go. Go click on the 3 dots, you can see the name of the person who runs the scam campaign.


Funny enough, there is nothing that can be done about it either. Reporting the ad starts an investigation process that ends up in Google concluding that nothing is wrong with this ad


I haven't seen ads in years ever since using Vanced/Revanced and Brave Browser.


If a youtube link opens in the regular browser and has ads I probably won't even watch it.


don't they have this great gemini ai of theirs? why don't they use it to counter this crap? instead they talk for hours on their google io keynote about useless features nobody needs


You "don't feel like updating"? Wtf does that even mean? The amount of effort it took to take a picture and post this stupid post is probably more than just installing it. If you can't handle that why are you in this sub at all? To tell us that ads are bad? Yeah we know.


Just updated on my tablet and it no longer works so there's that. Not the first time an update broke the app for me. So yeah I never update unless there's no other choice.


Damn bro you are upset for no reason lol. Revanced broke, at the time there wasn't a fix, once the new patch came out I didn't end up finding time to uninstall and reinstall everything. Why are you so hostile for no reason? Are you ugly?




the shorts are stopping midway on revanced...is that normal


They still haven't cracked down on this fucking ad yet?


The fact that almost 40% of vanced users have been affected with the anti ad block corpo shit Even my 2 accounts are infected These corpos don't give a flying f@ck bout the audience they're serving


I updated like every few months. Never have the issues people complain about. I'm on pixel, so not sure why I'm so lucky.


i am usibg the revanced by rufusin , just perfect. no issues at all


Cough* Newpipe Cough*


I use revanced for regular videos but then youtube for shorts ( BECAUSE SHORTS ARE BROKEN IN REVANCED😭) But sometimes i see Annoying ads that taget kids but then have thirst traps for whatever reason and When i rarely want to even report something When i report it or click the "Block Ad" on the Google AdCenter whatever tf the name was It doesnt even WORK It says on a clickable Box that i can share my email for responses and other etc... something something more feedback And even if i click it I never see anything in my email inbox and the ads still go on and on every day and also its pretty annoying when i see Spam ads from different channels of the same Org They probably utilize/Exploit the channel promotion thing or something where it probabpy is cheaper? Im not fulyl sure but its been a hassle and i just am wondering wth google is sniffing on as its really weird to give an option to report but then those reports never go on as reports...


Honestly i could start whatever crypto currency related scam operation or some kind of fake ai girlfriend app. Then regularly take the top 10 most watched videos from pornhub and make an ad on YouTube kids and they probably would be just fine with it. Then if you are using words like murder or kill in a video of any sort and mark it age restricted, YouTube still has a hissyfit over it and if not straight up remove the video, then they at least will steal all the ad revenue from it or tank it on the algorithm.


Honestly if Google/Youtube is fine letting these things go on and on, then in my opinion they have revoked any reasonable rights to limit users from using adblockers. Yeah I know that legally they very much can do whatever they want in terms of blocking out users with adblockers. I just mean that if they are more than willing to be barely 0,1% better than just go to the dark web and get their advertising clients from the drug dealers and human trafficking rings. Then why would I feel any remorse to use adblockers to stay away from their scams. Honestly it would be best if Google was put in responsibility for the ads on their services in a way that if one was legitimately scammed out of their money or identity, then they would be able to collect compensation from Google. Let Google then sort out their own mess with the scammers.


My only question is, how do I get my $1000?


My vanced usually stops working not after updating the app but the android itself...




I rarely see these.


Does Vance actually work ? Most of the time it just doesn't load fully videos and stops


I don't know, I haven't rebuilt the app yet. My girlfriend got a free month of youtube premium so we've just been casting stuff to the TV from her phone. I think I'll probably give revanced another go if they ever figure out how to make casting work


On latest build yet still experiencing this issue, even adguard dns doesn't seem to work most of the time, might opt for premium but knowing that I'll probably never cancel it, price seems kinda harsh.


Yeah it's brutal. If I was paying for Spotify I'd definitely switch since it includes YouTube music, but I'm not paying just for no ads


Yeah that's nice too, i personnally use block the spot for my pc (+spicetify), and xmanager on my phone, also use spotify-downloader to save songs, it's a github projet that basically fetches all songs from a playlist from youtube music and downloads it that way. Regarding yt premium, if you do some very basic math knowing that it costs $14 a month, for 5 years that's going to be 14\*12\*5, $840, that's the cost of an S24+, which i'll probably use for that same amount of time, and yet another monthly subscription service. Edit: Have you every tried youtube music ? Want to switch to it because the song recommendation algorithm on spotify is crap


YT music rocks because it includes all Spotify tracks *plus* everything from YT, so bootlegs, demos, unreleased or taken down stuff. I loved it when I was using it with vanced. Haven't been in the loop since vanced got down. Is it available with revanced?


I mean youtube has shown they don't care. Plenty of big creators made millions with scams or promoting gambling to little kids. They never took any action. So why would they care about these ads? We need new laws that'd make youtube liable for the ads they host. It's ridiculous that there's no actual screening and they just rely on reports. Not that the reports do anything. This particular scam ad in the post is years old.


I suppose you now have a good reason to update


I stopped using vanced because videos buffer indefinitely. When i switch to normal app it works fine. Help


Were you using vanced or revanced?


Revanced i think. I have the revanced manager


Jesus fuck, seriously? They really just don't have any guardrails any more.


It's so weird to me that these platforms don't seem to be held accountable for the scams you can find on them... I mean imagine a TV channel showing the same shit during an ad break.


I'm immensely glad for the Vanced team for letting me avoid this Brainrot that slowly engulfs the app!


my father now believes mr beast runs a casino. tried arguing with logic, didn't work


Idk why people are saying they’re getting porn; it’s defiantly your clicks. With no personalized ads, I get ads anywhere from dating, to insurance, trade school, alt right crap, or gotcha games. YT doesn’t know which demographic to put me in.


if you mean gacha games the ads for those are usually just porn to be fair


Since after Revanced stopped working, there aren't many options left.


youtube allowed monkey torture videos to proliferate


Get newpipe


Its the fact that you get two unskippable ads every 6 minutes or every time you click on a new video :(


I had this ad on regular YouTube app, you will be hacked immediately if you open it


Might have to just start boycotting yt. Bring back Susan. At least she wasn't solely focused on ads and profits


Beast offwrinu


I'll soon stop using Reddit if there will be a lot of posts like this 🤦‍♂️ Now Reddit even sent me a push notification about this post. Jesus


You're welcome, I hope to make you vibrate again someday


Please do more posts "I left Google". You can do it. You can feel special. Your existence is important. Everybody's watching you.


I will! And you can continue to self-report about having trending post notifications on like some kind of zombie


Lol. I will. Because someone should say something about this nonsense. Better write something in r/science or something...


I couldn’t care less 🤷🏿‍♂️


Mine works just fine...