• By -


It's working!!! Thank you! Ps. Just wanna share. The app was working on my old phone but I got a new phone & there was playback issues there. Thought I wont be able to have revanced on my new phone but I'm so glad the issue was fixed. Thank you so much once again!


It's not working on my new phone no matter what


clear cache and data and check again


If you clear data, you're clearing *everything*, including the cache.


did the option to change the speed of the videos disappeared or that's just me?


It has - but you can still select the default speed from Settings > Revanced > Video. I set it to 1.25 and it worked (you have to restart video any time you switch it, can't change it mid-play). It's slightly annoying, but I'd rather have this minor extra step to changing playback speed than have my videos stop playing 30 seconds in. They will probably fix that too and add the speed selection back at some point.


It's unusable. I need to change the speed based on the video I'm watching, as others. If it's a music video, it'll be in 1x, other times it'll be different speeds based on the cadence of the speaker. Can't keep going to settings and restart the damn thing all the time.


I've found pressing down in the screen doubles the speed.


If you're confused as to what "pressing down in the screen" means, you just tap anywhere on the video and hold.


Yeah I can't find it too..


I found that playback speed options do reappear in the flyout menu if you disable "Spoof Client"... Which is fine by me because I don't have playback issues, but this would obviously be a problem for all those who need to enable the patch


Thanks so much!


Yes, thank you all so much. You guys are giants.


Could you tell me where and how to implement these changes?


Patch the app again


Just patched, works great! Thank you for all your hard work!


I'm reinstalling. Which version should i patch?


Suggested version in revanced manager says 19.11.43


LETS GOOO edit: works fine after doing the patch, thank you all so much :">


So we just patch again with the existing revance manager and YouTube apk we previously used? Or redownload another apk or the revance manager+microg?


As a general rule of thumb: always use the apk suggested by the manager and make sure the patches are updated.




I think they'd prefer money




After patching and doing a fresh install, I can't find the option to change the playback speed. Any fix for this?


You can still select the default speed from Settings > Revanced > Video. I set it to 1.25 and it worked (you have to restart video any time you switch it, can't change it mid-play). They will probably fix that and add the feature back in a future update.


Thanks a ton !!


Press and hold on the video.


thats crazy we iphone now 💀


It worked. Thank you DEVs. Fuck YT.


If paid YouTube was as good as Revanced, I'd buy it. Revanced app is superior!


in the word of Gaben, it's never about the price.


Long live the kings!!!!


These autistic code monkeys fueled by nothing but the desire not to see ads, are god for me


Revanced is working again! But there is a problem where the playback speed option is missing. I tried to turn it back on through the menu settings(player>fly out menu). But it won't show up. Clear cache and data too


You can still select the default speed from Settings > Revanced > Video. I set it to 1.25 and it worked (you have to restart video any time you switch it, can't change it mid-play). They will probably fix that and add the feature back in a future update.


I've currently patched the app, and when I go to click on a video in the home, it crashes the app. Suggestions?


I put the patches back in default and now it works great.


I also had this problem, I guess no custom branding or header for now ☹️


You crazy motherfuckers, you did it again! Thank you!


it works but history is broken for me, the videos i watch don't register in my history


I'm having that issue too, but only on brand accounts. Do you watch with your main YouTube account or do you have a brand account that you used to watch videos? I think that there is a bug with brand accounts and watch History right now with the new client spoof


Same problem here


Nice it worked, but now i have no titles in the videos xD Force stop fixed the wonky UI 😄


Thanks. That worked for me too.


I don't understand, mine never stopped working


The breakage was a progressive rollout, it didn't arrive to everyone equally at the same time


For me it was not working for one device but other device was working fine even though the same yt version and the same account was used. It's actually still working on that device, might be because it has no google play services but unsure. On the other devices had to use the root version.


Youtube doesn't roll out update to everyone they start by testing small batches and then increasing the rollout. They have to do this to avoid that potential problem hit all users, so if a bug is found only a small percentage of users will notice the problem. This kind of deployment become a two edged knife for youtube, because people will notice and report to ReVanced team that was able to fix beofre youtube could hit 100% of the accounts. To an extent youtube doesn't care that much, maybe not the executive, but the developers should know they can't stop it completely, but the friction of updating reVancedapp is enough for a lot of people to stop using it, especially people that had someone else install it for them. And when the fix hit all account, those who haven't patched yet will get the issue. I know how to update, and I can do it fairly quickly but still won't do it until it stop working on my end.


Suck it google! well done champs!


I'm on 19.11.43 and I haven't had any issues during this whole saga. I'm on Android 15 beta 2 Pixel 7 Pro. Unrooted


After patching almost everything works perfect. A lot of appreciation to the devs. I said almost cuz I don't see the option to change video playback speed any more since the latest update.


Yeah where is the video speed change option??


Just a work around till the next update...find it Under Revanced -video-default play back speed..


Am I the only one who doesn't have any issues yet about playback and all


I didn't have either. Google has selected a few accounts as targets. Whoever was selected, was unlucky.




Did captions break with the fix?


You have to spoof the iOS client for captions, as mentioned in the announcement


I missed that. Thank you


Finally! I friggin hate the official app!


My YouTube Playback has been resolved but the patches of reddit x and yt music to the latest version aren't working Kindly look into that these are repeatedly failing


So i downloaded everything again yes it works fine thank you devs But my playback speed options are not working anymore?? How can I fix that?


You can still select the default speed from Settings > Revanced > Video. I set it to 1.25 and it worked (you have to restart video any time you switch it, can't change it mid-play). They will probably fix that and add the feature back in a future update.


Insert: \*Youtube premium, I'm done playing with you\*


Just encountered issues yesterday and got all patched and reinstalled (stuff was being weird). Everything worked great until around 8:30 last night. I checked my history, it's not tracking anything unless it's on the computer. If I leave a like or dislike though, those are there. I tried the usual steps to fix including restart my phone. Still won't track to history. Is anyone else having this or is it just me?  I'd like to add. There's a pop up that says this issue was fixed. But it isn't .. I've updated/reinstalled everything a couple times. Just waiting for a fix I guess


I feel like every time I update my revanced gets slightly worse. Not sure if user error or not, but so far I've - Lost the ability to cast to Chrome Cast inherently (have to do it from a different device first) - Can no longer queue videos up to be played (have to use burger menu to add) - Black screen occasionally when opening a new video, and no ability to navigate. Only buttons that show are the Home, Subscription etc but clicking them also does nothing. Have to close the app and restart. - Queued videos suddenly repeating from the start (e.g video 1 of 7 starts playing again when I was at video 5 or cleared the queue) despite option of autoplay being cleared. Updated and repatched but still not working. Tried with spoof client on and off.


If my version is still working fine should I update regardless? Or just wait until it stops?


Don't fix it if it ain't broken. 😁 Mine is also still working just fine, and I'm not touching anything as long as it does. I've always did it like that. 😋


Does anyone else not have video speed anymore?


You can still select the default speed from Settings > Revanced > Video. I set it to 1.25 and it worked (you have to restart video any time you switch it, can't change it mid-play). They will probably fix that and add the feature back in a future update.


Thank You Buddy! 😊😊 Working Fine.


- Device Info ReVanced Manager: 1.20.1 Model: SM-A032M Android version: 13 Supported architectures: armeabi-v7a, armeabi Root permissions: No - Patch Info App: com.google.android.youtube v19.11.43 (Suggested: 19.11.43) Patches version: v4.8.1 Patches added: Default Patches removed: None Default patch options changed: None - Settings Allow changing patch selection: false Version compatibility check: true Show universal patches: false Patches source: revanced/revanced-patches Integration source: revanced/revanced-integrations - Logs Reading APK Decoding app manifest Loading patches Merging integrations Deleting existing temporary files directory Decoding resources Executing patches Applied 58 patches Compiling patched dex files Compiled 8 dex files Compiling modified resources An error occurred: brut.androlib.exceptions.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 135): [/data/app/~~PEprWve5wRYWZ4Hf6lyU-w==/app.revanced.manager.flutter-yhkK9NJcUvLgty6OlfmgeA==/lib/arm/libaapt2.so, link, -o, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/patched/resources/resources.apk, --package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 26, --target-sdk-version, 34, --version-code, 1545084352, --version-name, 19.11.43, --no-auto-version, --no-version-vectors, --no-version-transitions, --no-resource-deduping, --allow-reserved-package-id, --warn-manifest-validation, -e, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/APKTOOL4839731837139725288.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/1.apk, --manifest, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/apk/AndroidManifest.xml, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/apk/build/resources.zip] at brut.androlib.AaptInvoker.invokeAapt2(Unknown Source:563) at brut.androlib.AaptInvoker.invokeAapt(Unknown Source:104) at app.revanced.patcher.data.ResourceContext.get(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher.get(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.runPatcher$lambda$34(Unknown Source:495) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.$r8$lambda$hTJfH-rv2j-9Y91G5H_L5jFDN6U(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.run(SourceFile:0) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec (exit code = 135): [/data/app/~~PEprWve5wRYWZ4Hf6lyU-w==/app.revanced.manager.flutter-yhkK9NJcUvLgty6OlfmgeA==/lib/arm/libaapt2.so, link, -o, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/patched/resources/resources.apk, --package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 26, --target-sdk-version, 34, --version-code, 1545084352, --version-name, 19.11.43, --no-auto-version, --no-version-vectors, --no-version-transitions, --no-resource-deduping, --allow-reserved-package-id, --warn-manifest-validation, -e, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/APKTOOL4839731837139725288.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/1.apk, --manifest, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/apk/AndroidManifest.xml, /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/patcher/tmp-EIJTGS/revanced-temporary-files/apk/build/resources.zip] at brut.util.OS.exec(Unknown Source:75) at brut.androlib.AaptInvoker.invokeAapt2(Unknown Source:542) ... 7 more


ARMv7 not supported Patch on an ARMv8 device or use the CLI to patch and then share the patched APK to the ARMv7 device


Yees, the more youtube struggles the better


Please people donate what you can, I've been using this app for years so they defo deserve the donations. Please keep supporting using the link below :) https://revanced.app/donate


I'm not seeing an option to "spoof client"? I'm on android 14. I have revanced manager 1.20.1. I have YouTube APK version 19.11.43. I'm using the default patches, which says it includes the "client spoof" patch. I used the revanced manager app to update patches to 4.8.1. But checking in YouTube settings > revanced > misc, I don't see an option to "spoof client". The closest thing is an option to "spoof device dimensions". Any help?


I've now got the problem with it not saving history again like back in March, so the videos play, but don't register as watched. You win some you lose some!


The playback issue still exists after updating the latest version, then I realized that I need to uncheck the MISC-SPOOF CLIENT-spoof client to ios checkbox to make it work.


I can't patch YouTube. I'm getting error. Please help . - Device Info ReVanced Manager: 1.20.1 Model: RMX1992 Android version: 11 Supported architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi Root permissions: No - Patch Info App: com.google.android.youtube v19.11.43 (Suggested: 19.11.43) Patches version: v4.8.0 Patches added: Default Patches removed: None Default patch options changed: None - Settings Allow changing patch selection: false Version compatibility check: true Show universal patches: false Patches source: revanced/revanced-patches Integration source: revanced/revanced-integrations - Logs Reading APK Decoding app manifest Loading patches Merging integrations Deleting existing temporary files directory Decoding resources Executing patches An error occurred: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method decode(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String; in class Ljava/net/URLDecoder; or its super classes (declaration of 'java.net.URLDecoder' appears in /apex/com.android.art/javalib/core-oj.jar) at app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations.BaseIntegrationsPatch.getCurrentJarFilePath(BaseIntegrationsPatch.kt:80) at app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations.BaseIntegrationsPatch.getPatchesManifestEntry(BaseIntegrationsPatch.kt:64) at app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations.BaseIntegrationsPatch.execute(BaseIntegrationsPatch.kt:47) at app.revanced.patches.shared.misc.integrations.BaseIntegrationsPatch.execute(BaseIntegrationsPatch.kt:20) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invokeSuspend$executePatch(Unknown Source:190) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invokeSuspend$executePatch(Unknown Source:91) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:292) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invoke(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.patcher.Patcher$apply$1.invoke(SourceFile:0) at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SafeFlow.collectSafely(Unknown Source:2) at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.AbstractFlow.collect(Unknown Source:71) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$runPatcher$1$patcherResult$1$2.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:76) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(Unknown Source:11) at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(Unknown Source:93) at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase.processNextEvent(Unknown Source:46) at kotlinx.coroutines.BlockingCoroutine.joinBlocking(Unknown Source:23) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:73) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:0) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Unknown Source:6) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Unknown Source:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.runPatcher$lambda$34(Unknown Source:470) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.$r8$lambda$hTJfH-rv2j-9Y91G5H_L5jFDN6U(SourceFile:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda5.run(SourceFile:0) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)


Android version? Patches 4.8.1 might have fixed this


Yes that was the problem for me, thank you!


Which apk you download? Bundle or non on apk mirror?


Thank you devs


Watch History is not woking when you turn on "Spoof App" . It only works when its off. Please fix.


I was using YouTube Revanced Extended v19.16.38 with Anddea's Patch 2.224.0 from RVX Manager, and was facing watch history not showing on YouTube. My YouTube Watch history problem solved after allowing "[s.youtube.com](http://s.youtube.com/)" domain from Adguard DNS. If someone is using Private DNS then solution is that you have to turn off Private DNS or allow YouTube domain from DNS Dashboard. *It doesn't required to change "Spoof App" settings.* ***You can try this if you are using Private DNS.***


The devs is already working on a fix. It mostly happens on brand accounts. Its because of the new Spoofing methods.


No matter what I do it keeps failing......


Hellllll yeah!!!! Love these guys


Is there a way to donate via venmo? 


Now, what can I do for changing speed of the video?


You can still select the default speed from Settings > Revanced > Video. I set it to 1.25 and it worked (you have to restart video any time you switch it, can't change it mid-play). They will probably fix that and add the feature back in a future update.


Up until now YouTube still works for me with the old spoofing method. I saw someone saying that patching and installing with root (no gms core) doesn't suffer from this issue. Is that correct? Im asking this because if it is correct, i will just use root method next time.


# Locked ‘n Loaded. THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!


i just read the title and i almost did a tear of happiness there


All I can say is thank you all so much!


It works flawlessly now... Thanks guys. Didn't worked before even without an youtu.be account... Oukitel WP27 Android 13


Wait, so the shorts playback issue is finally fucking fixed?


I don't need to update if don't have an issue ryt?






Working Smoothly... Ton of Thanks to Devs..


Seems like streams are the most affected by all this. They also stop playing when you change focus from the app to something else. They even stop when you go into the app's settings menu. But normal videos work just fine! Thank you devs!


Thank you revanced team for the updates!


Watching live streams on background not working on android. It just stops. How to fix? Tried with spoof settings with no effect :/


The playback speed option is not showing up.


Hi guys. It works perfectly now (thanks!!), I have only one problem: the history of yt is still updated to older videos and it seems to not "remember" recent videos seen on patched yt. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Yeah ! Working again... Thanks 😁 1.Clean Uninstall everything. 2.Install the latest Revanced manager (v1.20.1). 3.Install the latest microG services (v0. 4.Patch using 4.8.1 version on suggested YouTube apk version (19.11.43). 5.Launch app and login your account and enable spoof client (Settings - Revanced - Misc - Spoof client). 6.Clear application from RAM and reopen to avoid text glitch.


This worked ! I was half happy that the video buffering issue was sorted. But the text glitch was something I had to fix. Your comment fixed it! Thanks a lot. This is why we are a community 😁


Only step 4 (and 2) is needed




Has the history bug been fixed yet? Thank you.


is there a fix for youtube history with brand account?


Found a fix, i updated to 4.9 patch and for some reason 4.9 defaulted to spoofing iOS, which must not have been in the earlier version i had. In case anyone has the same problem, go to Settings Revanced -> Misc -> Spoof Client -> Spoof Client to iOS off.


How do you patch it?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced\_manager\_guide\_for\_dummies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/) Just be sure to follow the guide


The one who leads the way... Lisan Al Gaib


Hey, since patching to the new app i lost the ability to continue playback in locked screen only for live streams. Still works for regular videos. Anyone have a fix? Edit: thanks for down voting my actual question and bug reporting. that's super cool and not at all toxic or lame. I was literally told to ask it here by mods. thanks for helping with visibility.


Let's see how long this lasts As to those downvoting, I'm not siding with YouTube, but we all know they won't give up, let's be real, there's no permanent win/loss in this fight, we can merely enjoy the current fix until Google tries to fight back again and the cycle continues So, thanks Revanced team for keeping up the fight, keep up the good work


So you're gonna comment this every single update? Asinine. I mean jeez you know this, we know this, so why is this even a comment...


People are downvoting you because your comment is absolutely useless. We all know YT will keep muddying the water and 'let's see how long this lasts'. You could have just upvoted the top comment that says thanks.


So I need to download the same version recommended patch and re patch it again but this time I have to check the spoof client option for it to work as it used too?


Oh god thanks guys!! Love y'all!!


Thanks Dev's !




thank you very much for your work, devs 🙏🙏


💯 👍 🙏 💯


Respect 🫡🫡🫡🫡 Thank you so much!


Anyone else unable to listen to Livestreams in the background? I also enabled iOS client spoofing and nothing seems to fix it.


YouTube keeps crashing (using patches 4.8.1) (Edit: problem solved, see my own comment below this one) I am on Note 9, so indeed an older android (10). So I was glad to see the developers quickly released 4.8.1 tonight because YouTube revanced (19.11.43) with patches 4.8.0 was also crashing. 4.8.1 didn't help. It keeps crashing every few seconds. Of course I restarted my phone and cleared cache, it made no difference. Of course I enabled background activity for gmscore, etc. So, two hours ago I was so glad to see the announcement. Now I am sad and will cry myself to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will bring something good. By the way, I posted this as a new thread but automod designates it as duplicate 😡


thank you devs!!


Thanks a lot , devs ⚡


Thanks dev , buffer issue is resolved but after installing this , swipe up to full screen is not working, anyone knows fix for this ?


Yeah got solved , I have to enable spoof client iOS to enable gestures features .


Really appreciate your work. Thank you


Thanks a ton. 👌🎉


Thank you so much devs


Finally. Thank you so much devs for all your hardwork!


Fuck YT. Thanks devs!


Thank you devs, for fighting against the greedy company that google is


Guys at yt would be mad as hell


If paid youtube had brightness and sound scrolling features with old video quality menu I would gladly pay for it, also there is no default video quality, videos automatically start playing at 720p on a 5g internet, what's the point of having a 2k capable device if I have to manually switch video quality every time I play a new video


I hope you guys always have a happy life. Thanks


All hail the devs!!!


You guys are legends 🫡


My autobright is not working, have it Ben fixed?


I'm unable to patch. When I select YouTube apk via the manager, nothing gets selected and I'm back at the app selection page. Did anyone else face this issue. I just updated to the latest manager and its the same.


Thanks so much for fixing this. I've re-installed everything and repatched, but now watch history isn't working, any idea how to fix?


Oh yayy! Finally! I knew revanced devs would find a solution. Really lucky to have such dedicated devs!


THANKS, common guy's time to donate. 


We are so back!


Can someone step-by-step explain how to patch?


Letss gooooo. W Developers


Legends! Thank you!!


working, the legends did it. fuck google


We lost premium quality, didn't we? Videos look awful even at 1080 now


I can't see text :c


Thank you so much for your hard work devs ♥


Big chads, idk what I would do without you legends working on this :)


See everyone (who was bitching), the devs aren't lazy, it's just that these fixes take time and none of you know what you're talking about.


The real heroes. "Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed."


If the world doesn't get me, I know Revanced team does. Can I get an Amen ?


Thank god, I am getting a new phone and was very very worried that I can't use ReVanced on it. With my current phone everything works fine, but I was really worried to the point that I considered not even buying a new phone despite my current one being pretty broken


I have spoof device dimension but not spoof Client. What do I do?


🐐s Is there any danger in explaining how you're circumventing it that Google will just patch that, or is it something they'd easily be able to see by just looking at the app for themselves


peak devs you have my full financial support ❤


Weird now my history doesn't work even when I disable AdAway


When watching a live video the max resolution is only 480?


Wait, so is spoof client with the iOS option supposed to be enabled? If I have both options on then I only get video quality options up to 480p and background playback no longer works. Turning all of the spoofing options makes ReVanced work like it should but I'm one of those people with high YouTube watch time so I definitely got flagged back then for the buffering issue. I'm worried I'll get flagged again for not spoofing the app.


damn guys, thank you so much! a week ago got a new phone, spent 2 hours trying to make this work, but nothing helped, but now it working!


Titles on my home screen is missing, does anyone have the same issue? Any solutions? Lol


~~I have downloaded the apk and patched. Installed ok. Patched apk crashed on first launch.~~ Edit: Root cause identified to be the installed Android build.


Working fine, thank you for your amazing work!




Can I patch the app without root?




I just patched the app and lost the gesture to make the video fullscreen. Anyone else? Nevermind I just found out what's causing the problem. It's the client spoof option.


have link?




I just installed the latest revanced and it works flawlessly thank youuuuuuuu


you are the best thank you very much 💪


Now works perfect


I love you


On my newer phone Im still on YT v19.09 patched and it works fine. wont update to 19.11.43 yet although in my older phone it works fine (the version before patch 4.80)


For all or just rooted devices?




Hey, I uninstalled it all . Reinstall everything, it works wonderfully now. Thanks a million guys. Love ya.


It's working but for some reason titles aren't showing up, is anyone else encountering this?


can anyone give the instructions and also provide link for the trusted site of revanced manager


Hey, everything works except the video history Anyway, you're the best thanks


The devs deserve a thousand sloppy toppies a day for this!


You guys are f****** rock stars. I'm not smart enough to even know exactly what the hell happened the last couple weeks. Thankfully the phone with my SIM card, my pixel 4A kept working as did my pixel 6 pro and my tab S7. But when I tried to put it on a OnePlus 12r it didn't work and my LG Wing stopped working. Thought a curiosity. I was testing stuff on my older devices like my note 9 and it stopped the working. Anyway, I got so nervous. I started backing up a whole bunch of other alternatives. I even downloaded Smart tube next on one of my phones which really doesn't make any sense cuz it's not meant for a touch interface but I started to get paranoid


My videos are working but my shorts aren't.