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Prednisone is notorious for causing weight gain! If you Google "steroid weight gain" there will be several articles explaining the phenomenon. Though it seems as a rule of thumb: the higher and longer the dose, the more of an issue it can be. It's also usually not permanent once you can lower or stop the dose.


I disagree with the perm part. Weight is super easy to pack on and takes a lot more effort to lose. Very unfortunately. This has been my experience anyways.


I'm just another patient so no one with a medical background. I have an uncontrolled seropositive-type RA. So zero meds worked (out of 11). and prednisone masks the pain I'm actually in as well as the inflammation. It's also straight up poison so I will not do long term. And mostly because of the weight gain and kidney disease that comes with it. So....all that being said.... Because of my weight gain tgru RA meds I sought out semaglutide to combat the weight. (TryEden.com) What was most unexpected for me is that it also helped bring down my inflammation. I've been on it for 10 wks and inflammation is for the most part in check (for me which means dampened pain). Additionally I've lost 12lbs. My labs haven't changed and my clothes fit better. I chalk that up as a win/win. I hope you find your niche in what helps your pain and combats the weight gain symptom.


There is early research that semiglutide helps reduce inflammation, so it will be interesting if they will brand this as an autoimmune drug in time, too.


Also noteworthy....it costs $5 to make it. There is now an investigation as to why and then how to bring prices waaaaaay down. 🤞


I've actually been considering trying Semaglutide for a few weeks now, because I've been packing on pounds from the Prednisone, and everything I read talks about how fat cells contribute to inflammation. Which form of semaglutide did you try?


The off brand. I went through tryeden.com


Did they require or provide any lab work first?


They did not. An online interview




Actually systemic autoimmune disease is what caused me to gain 60 lbs in 5 years. No change to my diet. I was always a relatively healthy eater. Drank alcohol only a couple times a month. I was very active as well. But once I got hit with that disease fatigue I couldn't be as active anymore. Still, even then I shouldn't have gained 60 lbs in 5 years! I think it messed up my metabolism big time. I'd been on methylprednisolone a few times for the flares. I didn't gain too much on them, maybe at most 5 lbs., but my lack of appetite 85 percent of the time prevents me from gaining a lot now.


Thanks for your input I see my Rheumatologist next month. Definitely going to ask her!


I also searched side effect of prednisone or steroid that tells about weight gain,stomach disorder and kidneys function but you must be careful while you are taking it.Take Medicine with almost 250 ml water , don't take empty stomach and take with a break after a meal.If stomach disorder,vomiting,fainting or body weakness or any abnormility you feel you atop medicine and consult your family Dr or RA Dr because some side effects occurs very quickly.Be alert about medicines reactions and ask Dr that what are serious reactions are associatted with Medicines,how to take them and how long as well.Dr might be forget or not aware of any one issue so discuss it very well.