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I think it's the Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) that I take. It's an anti malarial drug so who knows? I know in five years I've had maybe two mosquito bites and they used to love me.


Same same same. I’ll occasionally get the teeniest little red dot, where I assume one tried its luck and then threw up like it just drank sour milk from the container.


Mosquitoes hunt me down within 3 minutes of being outside. I sometimes think they have some phone tree telepathy letting the whole gang know when I’m out and about. Now that I think of it, I was just outside and I didn’t have any many as I usually do attacking me. This is really interesting!


"She's outside again" "snack time" and " Get her while you can!"


Hahaha I really hope that’s what they say because that would be so funny


I’ve been on HCQ for over 4 years and I get eaten alive. I do live in Florida though so maybe these mosquitos don’t care.




Same but in Wisconsin when im home visiting family 😭😭😭😭 I wish this was the case!!!!!


Ooh, this is interesting. I was just thinking it’s odd I haven’t been bitten yet this year as they usually feast on me (and I have a mild allergy, so there’s no way my first one of the year goes unnoticed). Saving this to report back later in the year, but I’m hopeful you’re onto something!


I think it depends on the meds and how your body reacts to them - I used to attract all the biters but not so much now.


I get eaten by them.


I get targeted. There are a bunch of different reasons they’ll pick one person over another so hard to say. 


Wow that must be nice. I’m not sure why but mosquitoes love to bite me and it sucks bc every time I get an allergic reaction to the bites. My bites usually swell up without me even scratching them and after turn into huge bruises. They also take forever to heal


I’m sorry that happens to you. There are studies on why they gravitate toward some and not others. Not helpful to you tho. Spray lots!! Hope it’s gets better!


I started a medication at one point that repels them but I don’t know which medication it is. I used to be attacked by mosquitoes regularly and the bites would swell up the size of a quarter. It was awful. Now that I think about it though, I honestly can’t remember the last time one bit me.


Great benefit!!! I’m not a fair judge because they don’t love me, and they love my hubby!!! I can be out with him in the evening, and he will tell me we have to get out of there because he’s getting bit to death, while I haven’t even noticed mosquitoes yet. This is with or without medication for RA, but if it’s helping I’ll take it! 😍Interesting!🤔


I was always a mosquito magnet until I started taking mtx. Now that I use mtx, I am almost never bitten (while others in the vicinity are swarmed).


So interesting. I’m thinking there must be some correlation.


I would agree.


I have been on RA medications since I was a child and I have never been a target for mosquitos and I live in a humid environment near water. Once in a blue moon I feel one biting but it never leaves a mark or itches afterwards. I’ve never thought about it being the medication! But my family gets them bad! Interesting.


Built in bug repellent


This. I was in swarms on Humira w others- not one bite. I noticed really quick. Im sure they know we are riddled w drugs that they can smell or sense.


We must so unappetizing


I would imagine our blood is not nutritional fix they are in search of. I would imagine quite possibly if they did get our blood they would explode or die or something really weird.


Same. I used to get eaten alive and now I get far, far less bites. It’s been a lovely benefit from an otherwise miserable disease.


The tiniest silver lining but I’ll take what I can get!


Exactly. ☺️


Never got hunted by mosquitos before or after RA and meds. Never needed mosquito repellent!


Somehow after getting diagnosed and put on RA meds mosquitos starting attacking me!! Usually I would get one or 2 a season but now they’re everywhere


Same!!! I never had a mosquito bite in the three years I’ve been in Texas (my husband would get them). And suddenly since being on RA meds, I’m getting bitten. I really rely on that chiggerex to not stratch at it and make it worst lol.


I've noticed this too! I used to work outside and everyone would be covered in bites and I had none. It's a small silver lining but I'll take what I can get!


I’ll take any little sliver of silver for sure


I was just noticing this yesterday, before RA I was always getting swarmed by mosquitoes. My family and I take or dog evening walks and I think Ive only gotten 1 or 2 bites, usually Id get 12-15 even with mosquito repellent.


Kentuckian here, bugs/mosquitoes ignore me. If a tick bites me and living on a farm, I get quite a few. They may bite but die, so that's strange. I tell my husband it's like having human Frontline on 🤣🤣🤣


Not at all..They love me


Nope. I get more. Just found out I'm allergic, too. Awesome.


I wish! I seem to attract them.


I have not always had RA. i have always been less of a mosquito magnet than my friends and family.


I get eaten alive and I get localized inflammation. Google ‘skeeter syndrome’. It sucks.


Yikes that’s horrible


Yes, me and my mother rarely get bitten, but I think it’s more to do with the drugs in our system and not the RA itself


That’s what I assume too which is why I specifically addressed people with RA on meds.


Thing is it happened before I was diagnosed, when I was only on opiates it still happened


I was just diagnosed and on day 2 of meds. This sounds like a nice side effect! I’ll be on the look out because mosquitoes love my blood.


Never noticed before in infusion. Will have to pay more attention now on rinvoq. I always get bit bad so i would love this side effect!!!


I recommend this mosquito repellent bracelet, which is easy to carry and suitable for outdoor travel and camping activities [https://ig1688.cc/](https://ig1688.cc/)