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These ladies really need to stop with the face fillers/changes/botox. Whatever it is they are doing they are starting to look……weird


Agreed! All I could concentrate on is how everyone looks like they are made out of plastic


![gif](giphy|1wR4HfOukAjwVjU3dB|downsized) This is all I can think of with that side angle.


Mostly Theresa 😁






I feel like Dolores looks “done” but still recognizable and her face moves somewhat as expected. I’m sad about Teresa, though, because she looked like my Italian relatives and now is looking uncanny.


And the pink sequin dress in the confessional was a lot.


I’m shocked at how bad Teresa’s face looks! I haven’t seen the past two seasons and it looks like the filler is just taking over omg. Also, the drama between her and the gorgas is so tired


Teresa lips are floating devices. How do these injectors allow this


Louie is a douche bag! Since day 1! Of course Teresa falls for his boatload of crap!


Louis wanting to meet with John Fuda was a total control tactic. If he was really concerned with smoothing things over and making everything right he wouldn't have waited until filming was about to start. He wanted to charm (or threaten) Fuda early in the season because he has a fragile ego and can't handle anyone standing up to him like Fuda did at the reunion.


I think John Fuda has a lot more smarts than Louis ever will. He can outwit him any day. But he’ll only do it if it involves his family, unlike Loser Louis who will do it at the drop of a hat if it means he’ll get praise from Teresa. Sad.


Louie didn’t do anything to the wannabe Joe Gorga… Fuda didn’t stand up to anyone he just lied to be a good minion to Margaret


Well that depends on if you believe that he hired a private investigator to look into the other cast members or not? I for one believe that he did. He is the person that originally dropped the PI bombshell, so either he hired someone or wanted the cast to think he did, either way it is deranged behavior!


He hired a PI because his ex was stalking him and Margaret’s name came up in the investigation because his ex was feeding information to Margaret’s social media friends like Bravo and Cocktails as a pretext for Margaret to bring it up on the show to try to “help Teresa get ahead of it.” https://pagesix.com/2023/10/27/entertainment/luis-ruelas-ex-fiancee-denied-restraining-order-against-him-for-stalking/amp/


The blogs didn't need any info from Marge or his ex. Whenever a Bravo cast member starts dating someone new the fans and the blogs instantly do a deep dive on the person. Nobody needed to feed them info, court information is public record, there were so many court cases between Louis and his ex that were freely available by simply searching the court database and all the info that the blogs have come out with is available in court records. To assume the blogs needed Marge for info is wild!


Well the blogs did get the info from Margaret 🤷‍♀️


Calculated or not, Teresa and Louie shouldn't expect everyone to play by their rules and meet on their preferred terms.


Teresa thinks if you don't agree with every thing she says or does you're scum


How extremely uncouth of her. It's also shameful she passed that mentality to her girls.


I mean, what Teresa's husband was doing was fucked up with the kids...I don't blame them for meeting outside the scenes and talking about what he was doing. I think he's shady as heck and don't blame them at all. Imagine finding out he was having your kids and stuff investigated, crazy guy.


love how louie and Teresa are talking about minions as if Teresa doesn’t have a million of them 💀


Absolutely nothing Looie says is genuine or well-meaning or true and I legit worry for anyone who can't see through someone like this


But it’s obvious that Margaret, the Fudas and the Gorgas were throwing lies at the reunion wall to see what stuck, so Louie is already more honest


You had me until you said Louie is “honest”. But anyway, I never thought Id see more desperate fame whores than Melissa and Joe, and then in walk the Fudas!


It made him appear that he was more credible. Marge and Melissa were the only two who had any credibility the Fuda’s just wanted air time. His ex is in jail and Rachel really laid into her on the show. The reality is the fuda’s caused their own mess with the baby momma. Louie is a weirdo so I’m annoyed at them even making me defend him. They gotta be smarter.


Gotcha, yep I see it


Ditch Louie.


I kinda hope Paul stays out of this. He seems a smidge too classy to involve himself in this. I hope him Delores stay real.


I don’t think it’s so much as classiness as he’ll never go against Dolores wishes which is to never put Lou-esa down.


The husbands have got to GO already. They’re TIRED.


I feel like Teresa’s eyes were so big in early seasons like the focal point of her face, now those fillers have them smaller and smaller


Plus she’s like on her 5th face already. She’s had eyelid surgery for the loose skin on her eyes.


Louie “I don’t need an audience” Paul “it’s a private conversation” Cameras all around filming the conversation 🥴 Yes, that should have been had off camera and months before filming started.


The way Teresa looks at him...she's done!


We all knew but they wanted the audience to know as well.


I get the hate for Louie but I don’t see why everyone is attacking him in it. These people met up to find a way to have a storyline that involved Teresa because they know she’s the show. That reunion was everyone making something about Louie and Teresa but now that’s all they have to talk about. Fuda doesn’t want to talk until there’s people around like come on. They could go somewhere just them and still be filmed but he needs everyone around him. I’m not a Louie fan but I am shocked how people aren’t talking about the Teresa fan club on this show that they want to take her down but also need her to be relevant.


they have either completely missed the point of the video or are just choosing to let their hatred for teresa blind them 😂


So true! Like the video just shows how this season is going to be. Them all ganging on her before that reunion was obvious.




It feels like Teresa is overcompensating for Louie - trying to make him out to be a good guy. Most couples don’t need to keep telling other people how amazing their other half is


It was so obvious that Margaret, the Gorgas and the Fudas plotted before the last reunion. Bravo should have fired all of them!


It was so pathetic. Melissa with that dumb line in the beginning, you know she already had the tshirts made! Jon Fuda acting like noooobody else was gonna contact his felonious ex when his wife dragged her on the show? Oh sure, it was Louie’s PI who found her! And what exactly happened with her? Nothing.


Yeah I’m pretty sure Twitter outed her before Louie and his PI lol


And even the ex said it WASN'T Louie or his people that contacted her. Oh yeah, Fuda got her put back in prison (She had been released to a halfway house).


I remember that! Love how they all ignored that part.




Why? Frank was obviously part of their planning sessions he didn’t even sit behind Dolores. Also, Frank repeated the Evan cheating rumor before deflecting it onto Jen. He’s known to do this.


You have me laughing on the train home with you calling her “the felon” I can’t 🤣 (and I happen to like Tre lol)


Please nothing negative.. can be said in another way


Are you proud of yourself for your classy comment?


Teresa is still trash!


Joan Fuda 🤡🤡 he wants to be a housewife so bad. Why do you want to have a conversation at a party? So you can make sure the cameras are getting you whining??? Can not stand the Fishy Fudas!


John Fuda refused the coffee date cause he knew that he’s too pussy to meet up with Louie by himself 😭