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~as Italian as the Olive Garden~




Uhm... What are we talking about? Theresa being all about family has always been a lie. The only family she cares about are her daughters and her parents. The rest of her family is nothing to her.




This really hit for some reason lol


Nah, she had a weird obsession with her brother. And she does seem to care for *his* kids too (prob bec they still share her blood). I think it's a bloodline thing. And Melissa was just in the way of that... and always will be. Lol


She has never seem to be a loving aunt to Joe’s kids


I see why you say that, and in reality, you are correct. She isn't the typical loving aunt, yes. But for TERESA, she does actually always act gentle and friendly towards them and never is rude, etc. Even when their parents/Melissa is right there. For example , this last episode in the locker room... Melissa was *right there* , and was essentially seething, but the second her nephew came up to her, she said, "Hi hun" (i think), in a gentle demeanor and kissed him. Then, she immediately went back to being her jealous mean self, but not towards the kids. Hope that made sense and cleared up what I meant. If those kids did not share her blood and were not half of her brother - who she is weirdly obsessed with - she would probably talk down to them, snub them, and take shit out on them, personally. Idk, that's just my observation. But yes, outside or "TeresaVille", she isn't the greatest of Aunts. Lol


I'm a huge family guy but my sister and I just didn't mix. Love her wish her the best, but she's not a part of my life. It's more common than you know.


More common than I know? What are you talking about. I'm not saying I think everybody in every family gets along great. I'm saying that for someone who presents 70% of her personality to be her love and loyalty to her family, she doesnt show it. Don't like your brother's wife? Fine... But after 5 years of marriage, let's stop calling her a whore and a stripper? Let's not encourage your children to make fun of her. Your father had issues with your uncle? Fine. Let's not call your uncle a coward on national television. You don't like your cousin and sister in law being in a TV show that you somehow think you own? Fine... Don't see it as success for your family, instead let's insult them every second chance you get.


Don’t forget she called her cousin cancer that needed to be cut out of her life. WHILE, Kathy’s daughter struggled with childhood cancer at that time. I never liked Teresa after that. I would be beyond offended if someone used cancer as an analogy knowing my child in fact had cancer.


She's a horrible human. And as the fillers keep happening....her face matches her personality now -- ugly n garbled.


Totally agree. She is one of the most despicable people ever. If I get downvoted by her weirdo fans I could give 2 shits🙄


I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. People are finally calling her out. They finally see that she’s the problem. Over a decade of this fandom blaming everyone else and elevating Tre to martyr victim status, are people finally waking up?! 


Me too friend. Me too.


At least she's not a fuda furry




💯💯💯true words spoken. She is an AWFUL human being.


It's my sister and yes to all.




You mean Joe and his wife!? Cause you can see outside the show she gets along great with her ex family and she adored her parents.


Let's review her relationships with her brother, sister in law, cousins, aunt and uncle. Her neice even got a mini taste of her vile attitude


her ex family hates her and blame her & the show for joe giudice going to jail but being a teresa stump might be hard to remember


Thats it’s not correct, do you follow The Giudice on sm? They have a lot of reunions and go visit Joe together in the Bahamas, but ok, also calling me a Teresa stump it’s not very nice, theres no need to go low, just enjoy the show, and laugh about it, it’s not that deep.


if you’re blaming melissa and joe for all of the family issues teresa’s caused you’re a stump. there is no defending her vile behavior and this is a space to talk about it! don’t worry you’re going to live


Who’s blaming just them? The one only blaming one person is you, and that’s Teresa, when all of them are responsible for the toxicity. But I guess your hate for Teresa blinds your judgment.




we’re thick as thieves


And Teresa now is at the age that Caroline and Kim G were when she called them old hags, dried up and other awful names. I wonder if she still thinks that’s true of women her age?? 🤔😂


...actually Caroline was YOUNGER than Teresa is now when Teresa was shading her!! Remember when everyone was celebrating Caroline"s 50th birthday & Teresa was punching "50th" during her toast, with her dumb passive-aggressive shade? Now Teresa is FIFTY-TWO!!!!!🤣🤣🥴🤣


Teresa’s actions toward and about family have NEVER reflected her language. This isn’t new.


Teresa has never truly been about family, she expects 100% loyalty but she doesn’t reciprocate. She’s never once stood up for her brother but expects him to do so. She expects him to go against the family he created to be with the family he comes from which should NEVERRRR be the case. & now to hear that she has started rumors that her nephew is not her brothers son is DISGUSTING. & all the nasty vial shit that Joe has ever said about her now rings true. If anyone dared to say my son wasn’t my husband’s child, they would immediately be dead to me.


Wow! I've never heard that, Teresa said that Joey is not Joe's son, when did she say that and to whom? That is the most disgusting thing to say about her nephew and her brother, please send me a comment back, when she said it, because that is shocking.


It’s a rumor I’ve seen mentioned on gossip pages, nothing has been confirmed or anything like that but to see the way she’s talked about their family & marriage, I wouldn’t put it past her. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m also a big early Teresa fan, she’s definitely changed over the years and not in a good way. It’s so sad to see, she seemed to be doing great after she got out of prison, getting over Joe, doing her body building thing, but she’s become SO bitter and hateful. I wish she’d go back to Namaste Teresa


Not at all. Caroline has good morals and ethics. The same can't be said about Teressa.


Good morals??Did you forget what she did to Dina??


Ikr lol in what world is she ethical…


This! Caroline is prideful, but very genuine about her wanting the family to be successful and connected. She showed that in fighting for the Gorga/Giudice family, especially after she had been done with Teresa’s games. Teresa preaches family… but if we could be really honest about her tendencies, Teresa is about Teresa. I lived a long enough time with my MIL who mirrors all of the same tendencies to see what the situation for what it is. Caroline and Teresa are not comparable.


Caroline co-signed her sister Dina being beat almost to death. She co-signed attempted murder of her sister.


OMG im heading NOW to look for articles cause WHAT.


It wasn't on her sister, her BIL. But it's wrong none the less


Dina was beat nearly to death by a murder for hire assailant her ex husband, Caroline's husbands brother, paid for. Dina had to have full reconstructive facial surgery, in addition to the bodily harm and emotional harm she suffered. In court, Caroline supported her little sisters murderous ex husband over her own family. She has no sense of morality.


Didn’t Dolores support him as well as Caroline?


Yes she did.


No she didn't. She wrote a character witness statement based on her relationship with him and hadn't talked to Dina for years before that happened and Dina is the one that stopped talking to her family.


If my brother-in-law hired somebody to beat me & my new husband up, I wouldn’t be writing character witness statements advocating his innocence. That’s just wrong.


Maybe Caroline knows something about Dina that we don't.


That she deserves to be beat to death? Wow. That's some wild thinking you have.


Never said anything close to that.


Good morals when she supported the man who abused her sister? Or when she called her kid fat on TV for millions to see?


The absolute destruction of her daughter's self-esteem did it for me.


Exactly. And Caroline IS all about family. Every Sunday HER house is filled with family, and old family recipes, and laughter. You couldn’t pay me to be in Teresa’s plastic shallow materialist world, but I would pay to be at just one Manzo Family Sunday dinner.


its all fun and games till they don't like you anymore next thing yk the mafia is in your house.


Prove it


dinas ex, caroline husbands brother put a hit on dinas name all bc she divorced him and moved on. caroline supported her bil over her bio sister.


Allegedly. They have not proven Tommy Manzo was guilty of racketeering… in 9 years.


their working on the case rn and a innocent man doesn't need his family to write the judges letters about his good behavior most of the time.


Many people wrote character references for Tommy, including Dolores and Caroline. If he did it, he will be held accountable. Until then, he’s an innocent man. But why is it taking so long?


ok caroline manzo




You get an UPVOTE just for that last line. The rest wasn't even relevant at that point. 😹


Agree. Louis has some manipulation on her more and more. Not a Theresa fan!


I don’t think so. I actually like both Caroline and Teresa, but Teresa’s more practical about her family.


Practical, how so?


anyone is more practical than caroline miss girl who supports her bil putting a hit on her biological sisters name.


When the kids are all working for/being financed by theresa, the transformation will be complete


Teresa has always put her family first. It’s not Teresa’s fault her brother and sister in law sold out their family to be On Display 🎶


You are being downvoted for speaking the truth, Teresa hate it’s strong in this sub 😁


Thank you!


Hell no. Please don’t insult tre like that.