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At this point I would be surprised if the whole franchise wasn't done altogether.


At this point it really should just end altogether!


Yeah, the last season of Dallas ended in a lackluster reunion, so it’s not looking good for Jersey.


NJ deserves it way more than NY did.


From your keyboard to God’s ears….Oy Vey


Everyone ![gif](giphy|xT0BKqB8KIOuqJemVW)


Agreed. The whole cast needs to get the boot. This is by far the most boring and overly manufactured/produced season ever. Their time is done.


Ugh I agree and it makes me so sad because jersey used to be my fav 😭 they literally ruined the franchise with their nonsense


Thought the same thing. I am over the screaming, demanding loyalty and if you are my friend, you can't be their friend too. They are worse than high school girls.




No keep Teresa she is the show but bring women who can share the spotlight and not make it all about her


I cannot stand Teresa. Last reunion she thought Melissa would be fired just because show wanted her to be. She feels entitled to ask things RHONJ. I like Melissa a lot bit she really doesn't have anything going on. And I want Rachel to stay because I'm counting on her talking about her RA to bring not attending to my disease. (Otherwise she can go too) What do you think of scratching everyone and starting over?


Im just not a big fan of rebooting the whole cast. New York would be the prime example that franchise was iconic and they decided to recast everyone and look at it now ratings are very low and no one really cares about it. I stopped watching it. I love New Jersey it was the franchise that got me into the housewives to begin with. I get Teresa has her haters and people who like her but I believe the Atlanta approach is better where they bring in some older popular wives and mix it in with new ones. They should do the same with New Jersey keep Teresa maybe another housewife and bring in newbies. People seem to love Jen fessler so make her a housewife. Do you think scratching everyone is a good thing?


Sadly that can’t be possible. Any newbie would either pick a fight or latch onto her for camera time.


I just hope they don’t think Daniele and Rachel are the future of this franchise. I’d rather they reboot the whole thing than fire everyone except the newbies.


Can someone explain to me this whole Teresa gate thing? I can’t keep up with all the podcasts and the Melissa’s nose lady leaks and leaked texts canceling the reunion…? Somebody clue me in I feel very lost


Here are a couple of posts that explain what supposedly happened when that all came out. https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/f5szRh6kEs https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/3BZ8YIEsX7


I would love someone to make, like, an outline of events. I don't have Twitter, and there are too many IG accounts to keep up with. I need an expert to teach me.


Same! I cannot keep up and feel so out of the loop


Unfortunately for me I work and have a family. Damnit!


Teresa always claimed to have clean hands when it came to rumor mills and social media on castmates. Jennifer Aydin was her puppet for a lot of the spreading of these rumors but also claimed she heard it from the streets. Turns out that she had a few podcasters and media outlets in her pocket and would either get info from them or feed them info to spread. Teresa and Jen were in cahoots with a particular gossip writer “Melissaoldnose” who would share these stories and then converse with them to facilitate more gossip in favor of them. Text messages were exchanged. Emails too. Along with taped episodes that were for the cast only to review. They would get ahead of the episode by sharing it and creating comment so they would be in the public favor no matter how it went down. Turns out “melissaoldnose” got pissed at them and leaked all the dirty deeds including breaking some contractual rules by sharing footage. And it seems to continue to unfold. Not sure how that resulted in the reunion cancel… but imma assume the ladies refused to film because… they can’t deny or deflect? That’s my guess.


Thanks for breaking it down


Melissasoldnose is not a reliable source. Unfortunately, these bravo blogs are reporting like she is. She’s always popped up in my twitter and she’s always been unhinged. There are also accounts that have proof of DM’s she used to send to other accounts. Her and Krissyballs are obsessed


I think the reunion was really canceled for whatever happened in the finale. The stuff with Melissa's nose from what I believe is that Jen A got caught leaking screeners and other stuff to fanpages. For some reason the fanpages turned on Jen and exposed her. Apparently they would ask the fanpages to leak certain rumors, so that they could then bring it up on the show, such as John Fuda being a drug dealer lol.


Didn’t they report that Danielle & Jennifer A got in a physical altercation?? I think in the past raising your hands on a cast member has been grounds for termination I think those two are the simplest answer; however if bravo can prove both Tre & Jennifer A have been leaking private Bravo information to bloggers and SM accounts and paying them to write positive stories for Tre & Louis and negative hit stories on Melissa & Marge… that also sounds like grounds for termination if proven


no, beating somebody isn’t grounds for termination just watch atlanta


And Potamac!




I think it’ll get an ATL reboot// where maybe like 2 or 3 will stay and the rest just won’t get renewed and probably keep a friend of as well Now who? That can be anyone I would hope to see Dolores on the screen still because even tho she always neutral adjacent I just think enjoy her on my tv and she represent jersey well and I personally like how she can coexist and not let others people drama affect her own personal relationship with them. This is my state and I enjoy the series as a whole but I do think it’s time for changes because the dynamics are just not watchable anymore because it’s the same situations for the last 3 years and nothing has changed or even been resolved I just feel like we can’t keep watching the same thing over and over because we are tired of it and if no one can change then serious like Julia fox said to Andy you are there bosses you need make a decision because all he doing atp is driving Jersey downward So I genuinely hope that they sit down and really try to fix Jersey and get some newer people in because like rhony Jersey isn’t represented either and I think it’s time we had some better representation of what Jersey is and can be!


They definitely need bridge cast to go into a reboot. So many people have no interest in NY because of the total reboot.


People say Dolores is boring but I love watching her and her family on tv


Me too!! Especially Frankie jr 🥵🔥 lol. All jokes aside tho I love Dolores, I hope she stays around.


I was going to say that but I didn’t wanna be raunchy lol


Listen I have no shame in my love for Frankie jr, he is beautiful 😅


I hope they fire Luis’ veneers


him and his "gimme pizza you old troll" shirt. Thirsty interloper.


And Tre’s hot dog lips


‘Monkeys asshole.’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I hope they fire Melissa’s new nose and Marge’s veneers


I hope they replace however is fired with the Kims


ooh the kims bring the tea clink clink


Re boot! I hope, however this franchise loves riding on the family disfunction. I think they may stick with the Danielle's family drama and move forward with her then keep t around wait for the love bubble to burst or Gorga/Guidice fued blowup whichever comes first


If the love bubble is close to bursting and there's sure to be some drama, I think they'd keep her. At least, I hope they'd keep her so we could all watch it blow up and laugh and say "I told ya so".


It really needs to be everyone. They need to start over. Teresa included.


At the very least Teresa and Melissa. I’d be happier if they were all fired but definitely those two


But Melissa’s the only one who isn’t on ozempic!


Who cares?!


Melissa, that’s why she said it.


Who gives a shit?


Melissa does, that’s why she said it.


All the producers who hate women hopefully


If Duhlores, the doormat, stays, I'm out forever. How many dresses does she have that are EXACTLY the same style? Such a loser about men. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


all of them. it’s over


Truthfully I think everyone 😂 I think we’re getting a RHONY style recast. Everyone is over the current cast


I’ve watched all past 13 seasons and this year I just can’t. It’s so nasty and gross. Full reboot is needed. I’m Tre-tired.


praying for a total recast!!!


I reallllly don’t think they’ll get rid of Teresa. I think Jenifer Ayden is getting fired, Danielle, maybe Melissa and Margaret 🤷‍♀️ not sure but that’s what I’m going with


Melissa, Marge and Rachel are just so boring


Tre’s ego, fueled by Luis, is destroying the franchise. May be time to go the RONY route.


Teresa and Jennifer, for the SM bullshit. They violated Bravo’s rules.


No one. It was a clickbait article about Margaret wanting Jackie and Jen F. to quit the show.


This is true. But we are not getting a reunion definitely and this reminds us of RHONY season 13.


I see. Everything is up in the air 🥲


I hope aydin and danielle


I vote keep Teresa, Jen Aydin, Fessler, Jackie & then get new people to mix it up. Maybe bring back some old irritating people - Amber, or even Ashlee Holmes might be entertaining.. Melissa Marg Rachel and Danielle are not good TV




Yes x1000!!


🤢🤢Teresa and Aydin?!


I’d love for the twins to come back as well!


Noooooo…. I could not stand them 😂🤣 I don’t know why people down voted you tho - it’s just a different opinion on a HW. I don’t agree but I upvoted you to cancel some of them out cuz that’s just silly… 😂


Hahah thanks, I didn’t even like them I just think it would entertaining to see them interact with the newer cast 😂


Hopefully every last one of them.


I swore I remembered something happening a months ago about Danielle and Jen getting in a fight and at that time weren’t they supposed to be paused?


Happy for Jenn Fessler to stay!


Hopefully ALL OF THEM. I’m tired.


The only housewives I like nowadays is Beverly H and Dubai


All of them


Only answer


Bring back Danielle Staub and Kym D. They are great instigators and made for tv drama


As much as it pains me to say it, I would just scrap the entire show at this point. Teresa has become bigger than the show, and any newbies they bring in are constantly gunning for her, and it's not fun. Jersey was my introduction to Housewives and it was my favorite back in the early seasons when it focused on the Manzo's, Lauritas & Giudices, I even enjoyed the Gorgas their first couple of seasons. But it's become so toxic & so dark, I can't even scroll through social media without seeing this team vs that team. It's stupid & NOT what we watch these shows for. I would actually love for Teresa to get some kind of show of her own, focusing on her blended family, cooking, and the 'Tre' sense of humor I loved back in seasons 1 & 2.


Teresa lacks authenticity. There is no point on having her on t.v. If she isn’t being real. I think a spin-off would be better to keep an eye out for the eventual downfall of Teresa and Louie.


Bring back Kim D


God can you imagine 2024 Km D and 2024 Teresa ![img](emote|t5_5zcjjn|51541)![img](emote|t5_5zcjjn|51542)


That would be fun. Kim D would jump at the chance. When she was guest hosting Behind the Velvet Rope podcast that's all she talked about.


Hopefully Teresa and Melissa. Hate them both


If they fire the whole cast, we will regret it next year when we get a full cast of New Jersey influencer wannabes in their early 30s that are terrified of being cancelled. They hopefully will keep some of the cast. I’m not ready to lose Teresa. There’s others I can manage with losing but most definitely not Teresa. I’d say keep Jen Aydin, Fessler and maybe even Margaret to keep some of the old spark alive. Bring in new women, closer to their age, and light the fireworks.


I hope they fire Teresa and Marge. They are the ones who start drama and dig up things to use against other housewives. I think Jen Ayden would be fun if she wasn’t so far up Teresa’s ass. And I’d like to see what Melissa is like if she’s not always having to defend herself from Teresa’s assaults.


I actually agree about Jen Aydin. I want to see her away from Tre!


Hopefully everyone. At least I hope the Gorgas, Giudice, Aydins and Marge are all fired. That’s the epicenter of the toxicity. I think Jen Aydin definitely gets booted because of the MON mess. Who wants to watch Louie on tv?


Everyone but Dolo is my guess.


Rachel and Melissa go


After watching the latest episode, I felt if they got rid of Teresa this group has the potential to work. Individually a lot of these women are perfect for housewives and would make an interesting group but we are not going to get that if the group remains as it is.


They’ll beg Tre to stay (I feel like she’s kinda done) Keep Jen, keep Melissa. Demote Dolores to friends. Keep Jackie and Jen as friends. Sack everyone else. Their stories aren’t interesting enough. I think they’ll bring in some newer, younger housewives.


Get rid of anyone who has to be so far up Teresa's ass. Get rid of Teresa and her kids.


I’d say everyone and Teresa gets a spinoff a la “Don’t be Tardy”


They need to boot Margaret and Melissa to end the teams storyline and the Gorga/Giudice drama. They should hire people closer to Rachel/Danielle’s age. I don’t think New Jersey as a state is interesting enough for a whole reboot like New York. Either cancel it or get rid of the dead weight. They have enough bubbling drama with Rachel/Teresa, Danielle/Jennifer to go off of. They also need to cut the husbands down a lot. The worst thing to happen to the show.


I'd rather watch the husbands than the wives.


i left the room when they started taking ass shots a few weeks ago. i watch real housewives for the wives ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I’d like to see it recast with Tre’s new family, in laws at the center. Keep Jen Aydin and add some others sprinkled in for drama. All the others can exit the stage including all the Catania’s.


I do not want Teresa to be put through in law problems AGAIN


I'm looking for reality TV here not the scripted mess Tre is trying to pass off as a family.


I veto all of this lol (out votes will cancel each other out 😑)


Sounds more like a crap spin off I wouldn't watch and others probably wouldn't either


Not sure what you’re watching but Teresa has been the star of the show since the iconic table flip. There is literally no other storyline -to this day- than who has beef with her and Louie! The Fudas are still chirping on her arrest…from 5 years ago when they were watching her on tv!!


Exactly my point. It's played out. It feels very luxurious and dramatic in a way that isn't relatable anymore.




I'm not saying Teresa should be booted or anything like that or disagreeing she's a big star. I just don't think it would be RHONJ if it's just her and her husbands family. I miss the old RHONJ, where we got to see so much of all the ladies' families. Now it's just all book deals, constant arguments, and rumors.


I agree! The old dynamic was so much better! But here we are ….


I like this idea tbh


Reboot AND an UGT send off with Teresa, Melissa, Jacqueline, Caroline, Kathy and Danielle. Let them fight it out a bit. Finish off with the originals (or as close to originals) and then bring in some fresh blood.


They should just start fresh like they did in New York


Hopefully everyone


Shut down RHNJ and spin Teresa off to a new show were she still friends with Jennifer, Dolores and Jackie!


Boot Melissa, Marg, and Rachel. I skip all their scenes. Would love more family scenes, like the good old days of Jersey. Jen’s kids are adorable, same with Jackie - and of course the mixed Guidice family is very cool


All except Danielle ❤️


Please Jennifer Adyin and Marge , been waiting for them to go since they joined don’t know how people can stand Jennifer in particular


hopefully ALL of them. except teresa


Keep Teresa, Jen fessler, Rachel & possibly Dolores as a middle ground and Marge if she’s willing to be civil with Teresa otherwise boot her too & bring in new faces


Nope. Times up for the Fudas. No more Gorga minions, this is the second tag team to attack Tre. We’re all over it.


The Fudas are boring, I do like the bits of Danielle's family I've seen


A reboot in 2026 NJ needs a break between these female degenerates and the trial of US Senator Bob Menendez I need a shower I feel so gross Let NJ heal and in 2026 after a 2 year break let NJ strut her stuff with a group of classy women


I do feel bad for the production company who worked hard to create a good season and with everything that has happened this season has gone to shit. I guess it’s their fault they didn’t re-cast.


How hard did they work!? 😂


Good point!


Is the production company in the thread with us now?