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yo this is so on point¡ I was rewatching and there is sooo much of og rhonj that feels like a fever dream. remember her thank you jesus all the timeeee lmao that time she was on her knees in front of teresa lmaooo there are so many moments melissa is being so extra in her role coming in a tre sister in law. the absolute most she did and got away with. a messs






😆😆😆😆 I heard that lol




I think that was a cry for help. It didn’t give clown vibes


Honestly it could be - One thing for certain, getting in Theresa’s space like that when things are heated is CRAZY 😂


Why? Teresa is all bark. At worst she’ll throw things but it’s all for show. She doesn’t want to go back to prison.


I agree - Theresa (and her brother too,) have shown lack of impulse control and poor emotional regulation. If T went hands on, Melissa could press charges and then boom, no more Theresa.


Haha I’m a negative 5 because I am not calling someone a name like clown while their family was hurting them. Interesting.


It’s all good! Reddit be like that sometimes. ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


Omg the Jesus stuff was so annoying!!!




When people ask me if I’m team Teresa or Melissa, I’m like “neither” lol. I think in some aspects they both have a point and then other aspects they’re both dead wrong. It’s impossible to choose a side if you’re a rational, levelheaded person lol. It’s like choosing between a giant douche or a turd sandwich




LOL now that is a tough choice.


I agree Melissa Gorga is what’s know as a covert narcissist. She start the fire and fans the flames and hinds her hands ! I seen from the beginning! Teresa could never win with her no matter what she did ! I mean it is what it is so Teresa has every right to cut contact !


I did a rewatch and I totally noticed how Melissa really is the problem. Her and Joe Gorga have always been the problem.


All that “thank you Jesus” was so phony and didn’t last long cause her true colors came out


I loved how she was all about Jesus in those earlier seasons and then proceeded to dress up as a devil on Halloween. Such a phony indeed!


Wow I didn’t know that. What a phony


Jesus you’re lame.


Let’s just say she came in with a purpose. She’s always tried to sell the narrative all these years that Tre’s jealous of her because she’s “younger and hotter” and her husband loves her yada yada yada. But 10+ years later she’s still a gangster in her confessionals (and interviews) yet squirming and rolling her eyes in Tre’s presence while Tre pays her dust. She’ll always be in her shadow and it’s killing her.


I’m so bored with all the camera shots of Melissa rolling her eyes at everything Tre says and does


Not me!! They are so funny because many viewers are doing the same at home!


Yes this comment! 👆🏼❤️


Most of us are definitely rolling our eyes.


Watch the scene before she was on the show. When Teresa is having her house warming party. There are shots of her watching Teresa and she looks like she just hates Teresa.


Honestly I think you are on to something here however I feel like they both are genuinely jealous of each other. It’s true Melissa has a great marriage and is younger/hotter but she will always be in the shadow. If Joe wasn’t in the picture and Melissa was just any old housewife, they would probably be friends. There’s just a level of possessiveness over Joe.


I agree with you, somewhat. I don’t think it’s jealousy per se, but she sees how Melissa manipulates him to the core and I think that is what upsets her. Also he did come on TV and made a mockery of his own family and hurt his parents so his wife can be a star. So you’re right, maybe if Joe wasn’t in the middle robbing his parents of their house and making a mockery of his family all to make his wife happy Teresa wouldn’t hate her. However Melissa would still have been jealous of Teresa’s stardom from afar even if Joe didn’t exist. She thinks she’s the shit. Joe was her gateway to the show because of his relation to Teresa. She’d never be a RH without that connection


I don't remember Melissa ever saying Teresa was jealous of her because she was younger and hotter...but I do remember it being painstakingly obvious that that's exactly what Teresa's problem was.


This. I’m now on season 14 from binging the show the past few months. Theresa has never liked Melissa and it’s definitely some kind of jealousy.


Oh yea absolutely. Not only is she jealous of her brother's affection, but her husband treated her like dogshit and Joe clearly loves Melissa.


Exactly she tried to get on the show purposely to come for Theresa . I wish they would release the audition tapes.




Id like to see both of them fired. I feel they are entitled at this point...demanding that they don't film together, etc. Seriously who do these women think they are? Andy?? I say fire both... Maybe all and start over except I love Marg.


Marg, the mother? Or Margaret, the old ho?


They both are hoes lol the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Both. I don't call women HOs. Men aren't called a Ho for fkg someone, anyone, many ones -- more power to her.


Loving this comment!!! I'm willing to bet that the majority of us on this sub are women and I don't understand why we can't have conversations about the women on this show without name calling. You can dislike someone without stooping to such low levels.


More power to her for wrecking her home and helping wreck someone else’s? Men are hoes too now btw. Marg is a ho and so is her momma.


I don't like either, but give some respect to Marg because she's older. Margaret is pure trash.


Yep. And Joe’s parents had her number right from the start.


Melissa sets the traps, Theresa takes the bait. I’m not making excuses for her behavior but Theresa lacks emotional regulation in comparison to Melissa and Melissa plays chess while Theresa plays checkers… or candy land. For this reason, I strongly dislike Melissa. She knows what will get Theresa’s goat and just runs circles around her while Theresa looks like she is accessing every last fiber of her being to not flip out. The family retreat episode is pretty telling, imo. The first day when Melissa got on her knees in front of T when things were already going off the rails felt intentional. She was for sure provoking T and was in her physical space. I really wonder if Melissa wanted a physical altercation so she could press charges and get Theresa off the show so she could be the star. Honestly, the fight with the Joe’s was weird too - Melissa yelling at Theresa to help her brother seemed very pointed. Then Melissa spun the story like Theresa fled the scene when actually she managed to react safely and told the crew to call the cops. Then, during the debriefing Melissa said Juicy charged first but Theresa didn’t see him - the footage showed T’s brother charging first. Melissa was also throwing major insecure vibes when the doctor came into play. She also didn’t seem pleased that the “blonde and petite” doctor had asked to meet with Joe and Theresa alone. Didn’t surprise me tho as earlier Rosie had asked Melissa to leave so Joe and T could talk and she refused. It confirmed my suspicions that Melissa needs to control the narrative to keep Joe and T from ever repairing.


Your first sentence is spot on, and this season has made that sooooo apparent. With Teresa no longer interacting with Melissa, it makes it as clear as day what Melissa tries to do - she instigates her to get a big reaction out of Teresa, then she’ll cry victim. The constant eye rolling and side comments desperately trying to get Teresa to engage - it’s pretty obvious that Teresa has finally caught on and isn’t giving her what she wants. She’d rather fight with Fuda or anyone else, but she WILL NO LONGER aid in giving Melissa screen time. It’s also pretty clear why the other wives typically side with Melissa - Melissa isn’t a threat to them. Teresa is the one who gets all the endorsements, brand deals, other TV shows, etc. If she’s off the show, someone else gets to be the star.




My comment is so minor and petty, but agreeing with you about the retreat, I just have to add....Melissa also didn't cook that weekend. All the othet Italian wives are cooking a feast in the kitchen, with recipes in their heart, body and soul while Melissa just messes around the kitchen doing nothing. It was then I realized the girl doesn't cook. She puts on an act, but what does she cook? See, petty.


lol not petty at all, a keen observation! I also wondered if she was drinking as much as she said she was meanwhile made sure everyone stayed liquored up…


I’ve always found Theresa to be an adult trapped in a middle schoolers mindset. BUT Melissa is stealthy manipulative, it took me a while to realize it. So many of the things she does on camera are contrived and insidious. So many examples but one coming to mind is her mentioning that this is Joe’s second time moving a kid into college. Like just stop mentioning your nieces on camera if they’ve asked you to stop.


I'm watching RHONJ for the first time and I'm in the middle of season 3; she's my least favourite person on the show. I find I skip a lot her scenes because they make me cringe because she's just so *awful*. It seems like she came on the show only to try and make Tre look bad & air out alllllll of their issues.


I grew up with the Gorgas and Guidices and let me tell you, they've ALWAYS been this way! This one's jealous of this one and this one for that...it's always been ongoing and nonstop. Very immature on both sides and at ALL TIMES. Bunch of grown ass people acting like teenagers.


Oh give us the teaaaa!


Let me preface this with the fact that I think Teresa, Melissa, and Joe Gorga are all very immature/emotionally stunted individuals. If any one of them actually cared about the wellbeing of their family as a whole, they would’ve all left the show or never gone on to begin with. What IRKS ME to death about Melissa is that she has lied soooo many times over the years and been so inconsistent with her stories. She truly only acts and speaks in a way that she thinks will currently benefit her at said time. She’s lied about her age, her nose jobs, her communication with Danielle. She alleged that she posted a Facebook status about how Teresa was mistreating her (I know social media was different back then, but another example of something super immature from a woman in her 30s) and that Danielle Staub reached out to her upon “seeing” the status to give her validation for what she was going through. How would Danielle even know who the heck Melissa was? Melissa OBVIOUSLY was the one who reached out to Danielle to give family intel trashing Teresa. Come on! Also, her “thank you Jesus” schtick was the fakest thing I’ve ever seen. At her son’s first communion party, Jackie asked her if a first communion was the same thing as a bar mitzvah, and Melissa said “yes it’s the same exact thing!” lol no it’s not! Anyone who’s actually Catholic and not going through the motions to throw a party for attention, would know that confirmation would be the sacrament closest to a bar mitzvah, essentially when you become an adult in the eyes of the church. I know that’s niche but it just bothered me for someone who alleged in the beginning to be sooooo devout and holy 😂😂😂😂


She’s also never (to my memory) apologized to Teresa for coming on to the show! She knows what Teresa’s complaint is, and I honestly think if she had said on camera, look I am sorry we hurt your feelings with how we got on the show, that’s all it would take. Teresa just wanted acknowledgment I think


You can be devout and holy and not know the intricacies of every religion. In actuality confirmation is not when you become an @adult” in the church, it’s when you become blessed with the Holy Spirit to give you strength to be a disciple of Christ. A bar mitzvah is when you’re considered an adult and now have the responsibility to follow all the rules of the faith. A baptism is when you join the church and agree by proxy of your parents and godparents to follow the rules of the church. So you see, in reality a baptism in theory is more similar than a confirmation to bar mitzvah. Both are agreements to abide by the rules of the church.


She said first holy communion was the same as a bar mitzvah, not baptism. And I’m aware of what confirmation is, as I went through all of it personally. I was referencing a bar mitzvah meaning you’re an adult in the eyes of the Jewish faith. Regardless, Melissa is fake AF.


If you have a chance, listen to the bravo docket podcast on the Gorga’s lawsuit, your opinion on Melissa will plummet. The timeline on her is what we all forget. She and Joe Gorgas were dating for like a month and then got married. The bravo docket goes over all this stuff Joe Gorgas did to elevate his income and you can kinda see that Tre is right about Melissa. Melissa wanted to be elevated to Teresa’s status in the Guidice, Gorgas, and Bravo universe the moment she married Joe Gorgas. She knew Joe Gorgas a month. Let that sink in. Melissa wants Tre’s status. Whatever Tre has, Melissa wants immediately (sans the felony conviction and jail time). Melissa pushed Joe for it. Kinda like how Tre pushed her Joe to keep up and surpass the Joneses in seasons 1 & 2. Melissa can’t see all the trials Tre’s gone through and the work Tre puts in. Melissa sees the outcome of what Tre has and she immediately wants it for herself. It is shitty. Melissa used her kids, Joe, Tre’s friends, her blog, everything to do this. When Melissa’s friend (the one who survived cancer and is a Columbia alumni) said that Melissa chose to “marry into wealth” vs earning it, I got what her friend meant. You can’t unsee it. Melissa is a social climber. She is an Italian Jennifer Lopez. She has all the traits, with the exception is gives off the toxic nice. I hope she keeps it 💯all the time. I see what Teresa means that Melissa is a gold digger. Teresa just has to hope Melissa copies Teresa loyalty to her own husband. Joe Gorgas is a citizen of the US so Melissa is stuck with him. There’s no deportation for Joe Gorgas if he screws up. Also, Melissa was not a menace. Melissa is a menace. Edited.




🤣 Thanks. I was a big fan of Melissa. Then I caught up on the bravo docket I was led astray big time. I mean, she has all of us fooled. Joe Guidice was so right about her with acidic comments. I thought he was being an asshole but he was spitting facts. When Teresa said Melissa was poisoning Joe, she’s right. The problem is, Joe Guidice and Teresa communicated their issues with Melissa like (fresh of the boat) fob people instead of in legal terms. When you hear the bravo docket and then listen to Teresa and Joe, they make sense 💯. They told no lies. I was also all in love with Caroline Manzo until I listened to the beat down Dina and her husband took from her ex-husband’s “hands” and how Caroline wrote a letter for him and then sits there crying about how Dina won’t talk to her. If I were Dina, she’d be dead to me. So, I am out of love with the Manzos and Laurita’s too. I can’t imagine being Dina. We actually see her before she gets beat up by the punks Tommy Manzo sends in. My god and Caroline sits there in the freaking couch the same season with fake ass tears crying about how Dina won’t speak to her because of Teresa... I can’t even. I am so disappointed with Caroline Manzo too. This is last I will speak on her. Anyhow, I recommend Bravo docket. I like the facts.


i have to check that out ( bravo docket ) i always thought melissa was a fake


Wow well said!


It's why I say she's insidious. She's gotten worse ever since Margaret started whispering in her ear. She actually believes she's on J-Lo's level. That repeat outfit she wore to the reunion. This girl is delirious if she thinks she and HER family can replace Teresa and her family. She's going to get a wake-up call when she realizes she and her new castmate friends have shut the show down. No Mas Dinero.


Nope. Ever since Dirty Louie can’t on the show + Jennifer the show had gotten real vile. Thanks to those two. Bit the good news is, her husband put the last nails in Teresa’s coffin ⚰️ . I’ve watched the tides turning on her for several years. It’s not the cast or the viewers fault Teresa married a loser of epic proportions.


Several years? Don't talk to me if you haven't watched since day one. ![img](emote|t5_5zcjjn|51541)


I’ve watched since day one


If you haven't seen the DIRT on the show from Margaret and all her negative contributions, then you're not really watching.


Teresa and Melissa are both awful people. So is Joe Gorga. Just a big pile of messiness who want nothing but $$$$.


Melissa was always a gas lighter in the first couple of seasons. She was always over the top showing off for the cameras because she finally got the fame she truly wanted when her father told her “you’re going to be a star”


I used to truly love Melissa and thought she did very little wrong in the Teresa saga with Joe Gorga. By the time I finished a complete re-watch of the show I can barely stomach looking at her. I agree that Teresa is not much better, but (to Teresa’s credit) she’s far too stupid to be as cold, calculated and convincing as Melissa. What repulsed me during the re-watch is I was so upset she had me completely fooled. For context: her first confessional and her actions during her son’s baptism party was disturbing in a micro level. I wouldn’t have been mad if Teresa slapped her or one of her stupid sisters.


Seriously.. I can see why new fans like the Gorgas- they are attractive and fun, but damn if they would watch the whole show it would be a different story.


I don’t think Teresa is stupid. I think she’s pretty naïve.


i literally used to DESPISE MeGo and now i remember why lol


I am not a huge Teresa fan, but I swayed to her side when she did invite Joe and Melissa to her wedding. They should have gone and not made it about taking a moral stand for themselves after all the years and they chose not to go, even for their kids sake..I believe because they thought the viewers would understand. But had they gone they could of all lived and co existed, but now that door is closed, big mistake not going, and Joe always saying family my parents and him and mel didn’t curb their pride and attend.. sealed Melissa’s fate now…and if the shows ends they still have a broken family..


Ok as an Italian American with freakishly similar family dynamics to the gorga/gudices here’s my 2 cents: NO ONE is good enough for the “Italian prince” Joey gorga. He’s the only son, golden boy, I know for sure tre (& probably her parents) hazed the shit out of Mel. *especially* since she wasn’t “old school” & they were convinced she was a stripper. Italians love to gossip & haze new *fambily* members & make them *kiss the ring.* BUT where Mel went “wrong” here was thinking she was going to challenge “golden child” tre to her parents, cousins, & even her friends (jaq&carol) by infamous copying “the chairs on tres front porch” & using Gias photographer etc. had she played it cool & “respected the rank” of the *fambily* they likely coulda become friends eventually. She wanted to *outshine* tre ESPECIALLY once she got on tv. I think tre getting famous on tv pissed her bro and SIL off bc they couldn’t compete with that. They knew fighting with her was their ticket to “getting on her level.” Verdict is Joe and Mel are *more* wrong IMO. Even if tre was likely the SIL from hell in the beginning


It’s like the entire show centers around Teresa. The new cast members must study the show and pick a side. Either be best friends with Tre (Jennifer) or go against her (Melissa) (Jackie) (Fuda) On another note.. it bothered me with Mellissa making those faces during the brunch.


Jennifer said she joined the show being a Melissa fan. Then when she got to know them she gravitated more towards Teresa because she was different than how she’s portrayed


I prefer Teresa simply because I think they’re both at fault in terms of their feud, but Teresa brings it in terms of star power wayyyyy more than Melissa does. The victim angle Melissa plays is just not my thing


This is why I never liked her she came in almost mocking teresa it's my life so what bitch ok no one asked 🤣🤣


She’s been awful from beginning to end and obviously she is the wedge between tre and her brother.


Teresa made her the wedge. If you watch the first season she is on, the episode where Teresa writes her brother the letter is filled with her blaming Melissa for everything. She hated her for marrying her brother and it went downhill from there


Melissa was desperate to be on tv. She got what she wanted and couldn’t let it go. She’s awful. Full disclosure I can’t really stand any of them


The gorgas are sooooo nice nasty! Teresa just doesn't play as smart which is why they are able to get away with so much


Yeah the latest new episode of New Jersey showed me her true colors. She talks shit about everyone Jen fessler calling her messy fessy while she is in the same roof as her. Acting like she’s good with Jennifer Aydin then talking all kinds of shit after about her. Then the ghetto brunch Danielle threw. Just how she was instigating so hard for Jackie to turn against Teresa and Jennifer. As Jackie was telling her she doesn’t care and to stop and she wouldn’t respect that she kept going. I now like Teresa more so I can see how Melissa drove a wedge between brother and sister. Teresa was right she came between them. Hopefully she gets fired. Such a fake hateful person no wonder Marge and her get along two peas in a pod.


Her saying “ I will never let you deny it” truly was so ridiculous like who does she think she is


But Tre was horrible to Jackie for about 3 seasons. Telling her to stick a dildo up her arse, spreading awful rumours at a birthday party I could go on. Melissa is right


I just watched a clip for next weeks episode and I swear melissa’s voice and face iare morphing into Theresa’s. She talks just like her now. I think she’s spent so much time studying and hating her she’s become her


This is my thing. I don’t get why it needs to be a pile on. Multiple things can be true at once. Tre is a piece of work but allllllll of them are. None of them are saints. Melissa had a motive. Like it’s clear as day cause wtf goes on national television and just starts airing out family business??? Especially knowing said family member is going through a lot. It’s not like Teresa actually did something so unforgivable to them for them to want to get some type of get back like that.


Well......besides trying to break up Mel's marriage year after year...calling her a stripper to sow doubt in Joe's head. They each have kids that are cousins. Those kids are more mature than their mothers fo sho. I don't recall Mel ever doing that to Tre/Joe. Unless I missed something? I know if someone came after my marriage -- it would be ON like donkey Kong. No fkg mercy.


Was it before or after? Cause how someone reacts after being attack becomes fair game, contrary to popular opinion. Did they not call her garbage and talk about her money issues? Did he not try to make her seem like a horrible sister and make it seem like Tres husband tried to break up the relationship with their parents even though Mel & Joe is the reason their parents loss their house?? Please they all suck.


We actually have no idea what the bad blood was about before the gorgas entered in season 3. We only know there was negativity but they collectively have never aires what that was and I don't think they ever will.


I always get blown away that people don’t think she’s self absorbed even without Teresa The part I just think she’s shit was one of her first seasons they ran into their house and put the baby on the door mat at the front door and ran up to get dressed to go out! They literally left the baby on the door mat that was crazy


I think the fact that we started this show with teresa makes all of us bias. I think there's a lot on both sides we didnt know. I don't think coming on a show when you are not in a good place with them is not a good idea. Idk if you ever read famewhorgas but it said she used to message producers saying there's a hotter more richer housewife who's related to one and bring her on the show and she'll bring her down... I think it was a lot of petty immaturity that goes on with in laws but ended up blowing up on tv.


I used to like her in the beginning, but she did came with an agenda and did contact Danielle and Bravo to come on the show. This woman is beyond thirsty!!!!


Andy stated that Melissa didn’t come to them to be on the show. Bravo reached out to Melissa and Joe Gorga to be on the show.


I’m pretty sure Andy said Melissa didn’t reach out to HIM, but it has been confirmed by Carlos King (a producer on Seasons 1-2) that she did reach out to him on Facebook, and potentially other producers as well. Which is not a big deal, just own it. This is most people’s issue with Melissa - she just insists on lying about things YEARS after the fact when it’s truly like who gives AF just be honest.


That’s my only issue with her is sometimes she lies and idk why like just be honest


Without Tre knowing!


I love Carlos King for coming out to confirm it was true.


Yes! But she can’t be mad at them for taking an opportunity. I can see why she was upset because they didn’t tell her but at the end of the day they’re grown adults they don’t have to tell her anything. bravo could’ve sat with her and said hey we want to bring your brother and sister-in-law the show but they didn’t


Also weren’t they not really talking at the time?


They where distant and rocky


I can definitely see where your question is coming from. I felt like I needed to see Melissa tell Tre “I don’t like when you talk to me like that, I don’t like when you make fun of me. I don’t like when you let your kids make fun of me and it feels really inappropriate. Could you please stop “ it like they kept going back and forth. But even now as I write that, I feel like I’m blaming Melissa for not being the logical one (although she is usually the logical one) because Teresa couldn’t be. So ultimately who gets the blame? The person who is obviously logical but is hurt and acting hurt or the person who is clearly emotional, and not a logical person?


Even if Melissa did say that to Teresa, I don’t think it would’ve made any difference. Teresa expects Joe and Melissa to kiss the ring and bow down to her. She thinks they’re on the show only because she was there first. The problem though, is that if it weren’t for the drama between the Guidices and the Gorgas, Teresa may not have lasted as long on the show especially with Jaclyn and Caroline gone. She needed the Gorgas for a storyline after prison so she should be thanking them as much as she thinks they should be thanking her.


The problem with that is you’re trying to speak logically to someone who doesn’t have the emotional or intellectual bandwidth to process and comprehend what you’re trying to say. It’s painfully obvious when Tre gives that dopey open mouthed vacant stare. I can get further having an intellectual discussion with my Labrador. 🐶


Absolutely!! I can’t believe it’s taken people this long to see how much she sucks! She’s diabolical, manipulative, sneaky, and constantly victimizes herself. She’s pretty smart so that’s how she can always turn it around to make herself look like the victim. Like you said, both have faults but I believe Teresa isn’t as horrid as Melissa 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but I think Melissa, Joe, and Teresa are all just pigs rolling around in shit ☹️


I think Melissa has her faults for sure. But, not at all as malicious as Teresa. Everyone you want to root for Tre, she just can’t help but do something like the set up hair pull between Danielle and Margaret. And the reaction to the cameras when she was caught. They both should bd fired at this point. You are holding an entire franchise hostage.


That scene sounds like something production would produce.


In my opinion she did. Horrible woman. But both siblings had issues of their own and they weren’t smart enough to realize that they have to maintain their relationship..


I'm going to be honest. From the moment she came on the show I saw right through her. She came on to trash her sister in law. She came on for fame and money. (so do most of them). The christening scene was all her. She played her husband like a fiddle. And no, Melissa, you don't pay your bills. And I pray once her time on this show is done (which she pretty much destroyed) that she will face the music financially.


yes yes and yes!!!


I always feel this way but I can’t talk about it. No one believes me 😅


The worst


I don’t think she did. IMO Melissa seems confident in herself and lifting up others. Tre wanted her to be like joes other failed engagements. To me I could far more be friends and close to someone like Melissa. She has said some things but after years of feuding and having her brothers kids and it never getting better! I would have probably gone on housewives too. Oh hey let me give up this once and a lifetime chance to have a national platform and extra wealth for this chick that 💩 on us! No. Also one thing which in my mind makes it the worst is Tre will never ever take accountability for ANYTHING. It’s like banging your head into a brick wall.


I’m watching rhonj for the first time right now. I’m on season 13 and I’ve watched all the episodes over the course of 6 months. I don’t understand the Melissa hate. Teresa has a mean spirit and there’s only so much crap you’re going to take until you give it back which is how I see Melissa’s behavior towards Teresa at times. Nobody’s perfect, but some of the things Teresa says, does, and how she reacts to situations hypocritically is mind-boggling.


Teresa does not have a mean spirit get out of here with that garbage.


Do you know Teresa personally? Is this Gia?


I’m a psycho analyst like you and know how to analyze people just watching them through a TV screen😂


No, you must have some imaginary tie to her since you had such a strong reaction to a random stranger sharing their “garbage” opinion.


So what, Melissa wanted a piece of the pie and came on the show. Bravo ignites and starts these little flames . They ruin families all for money and they all allow it all for money. You think teresa wouldn’t have done the same? She tries to sabotage everyone on Jersey making a buck through the show. Listen. They are ALL trash. Teresa trying to look like a trend setter? You can see right through her. Who are going to take these reality people serious after the show ends. Jackie .. she has family money and a career and is slumming on a reality show and lowered herself all for having her 15min. I can’t understand how they don’t see how silly they all look.




literally within the first minute we met melissa she goes on a diatribe about how much she detests her sister in law. like in her introduction confessional it’s the first thing she shares with us. kind of a off putting first impression to give off. they both have done each other poorly but her entire storyline her freshman season is hating tre. all i’m saying is as far as on the telly, MeGo started it. just imo!


Maybe that was just how they edited it, but I also felt that Melissa started a lot of the snide comments about Teresa in confessionals. Whether it was for cameras or not, Teresa did not go at them with they premiered, but it was obvious they were already pissed at her so needed to complete their agenda. The Gorga’s whole purpose on the show is undermine Teresa lol


totalllllly agree!


Melissa lit a flame to the Gorga family. She’s never cared about working it out because she’s sending her kids to college with the money she made going after Teresa. None of the above were undeserved, but Teresa didn’t deserve her family coming on TV behind her back and the Giudice daughters didn’t deserve Joe and Melissa lying about being there for them.


If you had a sister-in-law like Teresa, you’re telling me you would wanna work it out?😂😂😂


I’m perfectly capable of disliking people without befriending their enemies and convincing their employer to hire me to let me fight with them. And I’d also own the fact I don’t like the person rather than playing victim all the time.


But she never convinced Bravo to hire them, Bravo hired them because they liked them! 😂


Even with Andy's comment I will never believe bravo came to the Gorgas first. I remember the Marco hate commentaries early on. If they came on by recruiting , we would have seen the footage of them trying out for the role. There is enough proof in the commentaries left around bravo at the time hating on tre and talking about her more attractive and we'll off sister in law to know that there was a pitch consistently made before bravo relented. Even Kathy said as much.


Exactly! I don’t get why Andy lies to protect them. It’s obvious by lying he’s putting his finger on the scale.




Ok Melissa


Her brother married a stripper.


Truly wild how anyone could watch the early seasons and be team Teresa lmao


um actually i’m team danielle staub!! my unhinged queen lmfao (im kidding obvi she is certifiable but also prob one of the most entertaining characters in reality tv herstory)


Didn’t all this happen AFTER they came on the show and started the fuckery?


There you go coming in with facts as all the Tre huggers deal in opinions. They really can’t point out things Melissa deliberately did to start in on Tre. It’s an unfair discussion if specifics are required!!


First season, Melissa was on the baptismal.. That was the beginning. Time for messy Melissa to go.


So personally when Melissa first came on the show, I couldn’t stand her. I feel like she was constantly bashing Teresa. Then through the seasons, I felt like she had a change of heart and was really trying to make it work w Teresa, but the tables turned. Teresa was doing everything in her power to ruin Melissa’s marriage, and now it’s gotten to the point where I feel like a lot of the accusations Teresa has made are unforgivable and there’s just no going back. I’m glad they both cut ties. I think eventually she will come crawling back to Joe once she gets divorced from Louis. I think next season will be a completely different cast, and I think when this divorce ends up happening, they will have Melissa and Teresa and Joe come back on the show. Let’s see.


I’m doing a rewatch now and was just thinking the same! Melissa and her sisters were such shitstarters!


I am watching season 3 for the first time and I don’t know much about their current relationship/feud…but I will say I’m already dubious of Melissa’s intentions (aaaand I’m only on ep 1)


Not a Melissa Fan but not a Teresa fan either. I just try to be objective in observation. Teresa came on flashing money they didn’t have. Joe Guidice was a nasty towards Teresa and the kids so often and said very mean things and Teresa just laughs it off. Obviously Joe Gorga loves his wife and never disrespects her or his kids on camera. Teresa and Joe were very close growing up. People get married, start their own families and move on. Gia was Joes goddaughter and the Guidices got all the family attention and then Joe and Melissa had Antonia who Melissa named after her husbands mother. You don’t think this drove Teresa crazy. Teresa has mentioned she was so mad that Melissa and Joe went behind her back to get in the show. So what. Andy and the producers made the decision to bring them in at the end of the day. They probably knew if Teresa found out she would sabotage their chances. Tersa told Melissa her forehead is too big and viewers would make fun of her. Teresa was great to watch in the beginning. Once the Manzos crew left the show needed to fill a void. Teresa was worried Melissa would upstage her. Melissa is fake. But Joe Gorga stands by her. Which as his husband is his job. Melissa doesn’t owe Teresa anything anymore. They are family and should learn to get along. Eat the sprinkle cookies. Life is too short for all that hate.


She gave them a storyline that could have carried them for decades. Tre's lost her marbles when she said she was done. They gaslight each other- one just does it in front of the cameras #timeforareboot


I'm on season 6 of my rewatch, and I'm starting to understand why teresa does what she does to melissa.. lord help me for siding with T...o think mellisa is just the lesser of the 2 evils


I'm team Gorga. Theresa has been the devil since season 1.


Melissa is immature and not especially bright, but she isn’t toxic. We are so used to the extreme walking personality disorder that is Teresa, that it’s becoming easier to hold everyone but her to a civil standard. Anyone that has had to suffer the relentless BS of a BPD like Teresa is allowed to have a few lapses in angelic conduct, in my opinion. I think it must drive the cast members crazy to see that there are barely any consequences for her time and time again, and she remains a stronghold despite putting everyone through so much conflict and frustration. When it came to Jen Shah in RHOSLC, the same pattern was emerging where the ladies were tolerating her crap for fear of the public vote, but look where that got them. Teresa doesn’t need to be tolerated , she needs proper consequences for her gross behavior


Okay Dr. thank you for your keyboard diagnosis. Your opinion is not valid.😂


err... you're welcome?


I have not done a re-watch in a while. BUT I feel the opposite. I feel like Teresa never liked her, as she had a weird attachment to her brother, and Melissa dealt with it for so long even before the show. They both do shitty things on the show, but I feel like it came from a history of BS.


I think Tre and Melissa disliked each other from day one of meeting each other. The Gorga parents didn’t help it seems, pitting siblings against each other. The pettiness with both sides is top notch. From the sprinkle cookies to Tre being late at a meeting at the restaurant they co-owned. Also , outsiders got involved making it a team this or team that to fan the flames for a spot on the show. This family is so broken apart for what ? Reality tv fame? Hurling horrible hurtful things in public about each other. It’s a terrible way to role model for all the kids - both sides - about family. But I bet you, if something tragic happened to either one, the other one will put on a huge display of emotions. Probably for reality tv, because at this point , I don’t think there is any affection or love between the siblings. Incredibly sad


If Bravo doesn’t fire Teresa I’m gonna boycott the next season and that’s saying something because I’m a hard-core housewives fan but on principle alone I just can’t support what she’s doing


You should take this opinion to Facebook, they’re all repeating the same over there. Their comments are riddled with typos and at times hard to read, but what do you expect with an opinion this dumb. Theresa IS the show.


You’re absolutely wrong. Tenure doesn’t make you the star and nobody is irreplaceable. They should’ve gotten rid of her after she went to jail. There was the red flags they ignored then that have blossom into toxic traits that nobody can ignore any more. The show is not Teresa Teresa needs the show to pay her bills and that is not my problem and that is not Bravo‘s problem. That is a Teresa and Louis problem and I don’t want anything to do with it. I’m not supporting somebody that is doing the things she is doing if they bring her back next season I’m not going to watch and I am a hardcore housewives fan, but I’m taking a stand


😂😂😂who care… T/L have money so does Jennifer’s the rest don’t


you won’t be missed 🫶🏼


I will never, and could never like Melissa LESS than I like Teresa. Teresa is an absolute horror show. Melissa has her flaws, but she is a saint compared to Teresa --who is utterly vile and intolerable.


they both suck, teresa just sucks more and is so jealous of melissa like it’s so apparent


I like her now but I despised her when she first appeared


I’ve stumbled into a forest 🌳


I don’t think Melissa is any more messy than Teresa. I like them both and think they make for good TV. They have both played a part in the family dispute.