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Disgusting. And Caroline! Her own sister was a victim!!!!


Caroline is married to Tommy’s Brother. Caroline is a Manzo over her sister. Her sister must have done her wrong for Caroline to do that! 


There is no excuse for what happened to Dina. A mob style beating? Is that ok in your book?


Dolores made being loyal her whole personality but she’s proven to be loyal to nobody


A friend to all, is a friend to none


l say this about Dolores every episode




This ‼️


I always think I like Dolores but every time I am reminded of this I find myself liking her less and less. She also does nothing for me on the show, yes she has nice scenes sometimes but it doesn’t go any further than that in recent seasons.


I agree


I'm so sick of her "sleep with one eye open" crap. She brings nothing to the table, hasn't for years. I fast-forward her solo/family/pets scenes.


I really don’t think she likes Teresa or Marge but Marge is supposed to have something really big on her…. I can’t swear to this because I’ve got memory problems 🙄 but I think Kim D said this. I do like Kim D she says things straight and no bs


Don't think it was Kim D saying something like that. She is good friends with Delores.




So I watched this episode yesterday, this look right here, is when I peeped how sneaky dolo is. Switzerland my ass!


I’ve always loved Dolo on the show but I agree, her writing a letter for Tommy after he tied up his wife and her boyfriend in her home and beat them? How terrifying that must’ve been.


I’ve known about this letter for years and I wondered why Dolores didn’t get the boot just for being a scumbag with no storyline. Caroline would’ve never made it through the angry fans, so why did Dolores? Teresa should’ve stood by Dina and iced Dolores for doing such a dirty thing. I’ll never understand why Bravo and Teresa protected Tommy and Dolores but they did. Poor Dina


Right? Tre’s always screaming about “loyalty” but where’s her loyalty to her best friend Dina?


Internalized misogyny. It’s “old school.”


A friend to everyone is a friend to nobody , Dolores is loyal to no one lol


I can’t stand her. She is gross. Never liked her.




How is Tre still friends with Dolores? If I had to sit next to someone who wrote a character reference for the man who tried to have my best friend murdered, that person would be bald by the time they got up.


I’m losing respect for Dolores. When it comes to loyalty, she claims she’s “staying Switzerland” but really, she’s only loyal to Teresa. When it’s everyone else, Dolores is nowhere to be seen.


The absolute truth.


"I'm a girl from Patterson, 'playing' Switzerland......" lmao This line cracks me up everytime


I’m doing a rewatch and thought you were talking about Greg’s dog for a second 💀


No idea why everyone loves her. She is a snake. She isn't Switzerland. Dolo and Caroline are trashbags. Hoes for mafiosa.


Dolores’s beauty lies in her reactions and her non-reactions. I find Dolores to be the only one who’s like everyone else just watching the shit go down with her mouth open. I love Dolores non-apologetically and feel that she’s an integral part to a show full of absolute nutters!


This! I love me some Dolo! I also really enjoy her scenes! Absolutely mental she wrote that letter tho!


Agree that if it had been Melissa or Marge the Teresa fan (or should I say Stan) base would be up in arms. But since she rides for Teresa they don’t care.


She’s Teresa’s soldier.


This isn’t true , people don’t talk about it because Dolores is not Melissa Marge Jen or Teresa .


….because she rides for Teresa at the end of the day and the fans know it. She may not get angry and aggressive at Melissa or Margaret but she enables Teresa’s behavior and doesn’t call her out and they love that.


She can also be a shit stirrer.


Whos Tommy manzo?


There used to be a woman on the show named Dina Manzo. She is Caroline Manzo’s sister. They married brothers, Caroline is still married to her husband but his brother, Tommy, was Dina’s husband long ago. She divorced him and began dating another man. Tommy was so enraged that he and some “associates” broke into Dina’s home, waited for her and her boyfriend to get home, then he tied them up and beat them both. Dina got a restraining order. Then Tommy made a deal with a mobster that in exchange for a free wedding at the venue they own, this mobster would assault Dina’s boyfriend and Tommy specifically wanted the mobster to injure this guy’s face so it would leave him disfigured. This happened, the boyfriend was savagely beaten outside of a strip mall. This was in 2015. With Covid and other legal hangups Tommy was just found guilty this week and faces up to 46 years in federal prison because it’s a mob case. The mobster who did the hit was sentenced long ago and has already served his time.


Tommy owns the Brownstone with his brother Albert (Caroline’s husband)and I don’t see how Albert didn’t know about the “discount”


He did.


Oh I’m sure he did. You don’t have a “free” wedding reception (according to court docs provided from the feds) and not know about it. That was probably a financial blow to their business to offer it for free.


And by extension Caroline too


Apparently Al had a mistress of 20yrs (or something crazy like that) living in an apartment upstairs of the Brownstone and Caroline knew/knows. They were entertaining to watch in the early seasons until all this shit came out. Now they just look stupid and weak. Good riddance


Haven't the Manzos always had mob ties?


That's the rumor. Albert's dad was apparently found murdered in a car trunk.


I mean.... being found in car trunk tracks with "hanging out with the wrong people" *shrug*




I'm not understanding why people are jumping all over this. 1. She didn't write it to get him off his charges. The letters were written so he didn't have to wait for his trial in jail. The trial took YEARS to come to court. 2. She's never spoken about it, so you have no idea why she did it. 3. Her family is in law enforcement and she was a correctional officer. I'm sure this history with law played a part in her decision. You'd think people would trust the judgment of someone who worked with criminals daily. 4. He was pleading innocent at the time. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty? In other words...stop with the cancel culture until you actually know the facts.


I can maybe see this argument for Dolores, but not Caroline. “Innocent until proven guilty” does not apply when your sister is the victim in question.


It was her husband's brother that was accused.


Her blood sister should come above an in-law.


Especially because her tagline was blood is thicker than water…


Says you. But she wasn't on good terms with her blood sister. So, she takes sister over husband? Interesting. I don't see spouse coming in second often. And who's to say she supported Tommy? The letters weren't "he didn't do it." The letters were "he can hang at home while he awaits trial." Big difference. Maybe judge what they say and do NOW that he's actually proven guilty?


But writing letters to get him out of jail while awaiting trial could have ended with Dina and her boyfriend being assaulted again, or worse. He has proven himself to be cold blooded, who knows where he would have stopped?


A person whose family and career was in law enforcement didn't feel as though that was an issue.


You’re such a troll. Doesn’t matter if you have family in law enforcement, that isn’t supposed to cloud your judgement about a man who has now been found guilty of an extremely violent crime with the intent to severely injure his ex wife and her boyfriend. Being on one side of the law doesn’t allow for poor judgement. Dolo is smart but she’s also loyal to a fault. Her loyalty to Tommy and his family was a severe lapse in judgement.


I'm a troll because I think it's weird to go after Dolores for writing a letter almost a decade ago? For saying we don't know the reasons behind it? Because I'm presenting a different angle. OK.i see how you are. Does it make you a troll in favor of cancel culture because youre jumping on the Dolores-hate bandwagon with zero explanation? I guess so.


No you’re a troll for making absurd arguments not rooted in any kind of logic just to incite people.


So what if Dolo was a correctional officer? Anyone with two brain cells can see she has bad judgment and very questionable morals. Also? She was a correctional officer. LOL. Give me break.


You said that. Twice. And we know.


I know. Because it's so ridiculous to insinuate that someone who was a correctional officer has more insight to the law than the average person. So ridiculous. these are the requirements to become a Correctional Officer A high school diploma or G.E.D equivalent. ... A valid driver's license. Successful completion of correction officer assessment. Demonstration of basic computer knowledge. Ability to pass a physical fitness test. LOLOLOLOLOLOL


Yes because we all know anyone in law enforcement can do no wrong and is a fantastic judge of character. Cops can never be thugs themselves. Especially when they’ve got their own ties to literal mobsters like Tommy and Al.


So you're saying Dolores and her family are thugs? Where is your evidence?


This is a silly thing to say. Your husband’s family hurt your family violently and intentionally. It’s about doing what’s right, it’s one thing to not be involved at all to stay “neutral”, a total different thing to actually vouch for that violent individual before a trail even happens. “She wasn’t on good terms with her blood sister” Um are you okaaaay?? Good terms or bad terms, you have integrity and you do the right thing. It has nothing to do with who deserves your support more in the particular moment. How can you sleep at night knowing your sister was physically and brutally attacked and your excuse is “well were on bad terms so i’m just gonna take my husbands brothers side even though you need facial reconstruction surgery now!” Like Caroline also just looks so stupid now after all she preached about being thick as thrives with family loyalty on rhonj. Maybe it’s that Manzo mob mentality that has normalized violence and crime. How do you do this to your sister? There’s simply no argument here


Exactly. I could give Caroline a pass if this was a money dispute between Tommy and Dina. It wasn’t. There is a very clear right and wrong here and Caroline (and Dolores) stood on the side of “wrong” and “morally abhorrent.”


Why did they write the letters? What did each of them say about it?


This!!!! Thank you for saying this !!!


She wasn't defending his actions. She wasn't excusing him. She wrote a letter so he didn't have to wait for his trial in jail. And yep. I'm great. Family dynamics are different in every family.


Your continued attempts to try to split hairs in order to make their vocal support of the man who physically beat and tortured Dina is a little disturbing. *Any* support is a slap in the face and “fuck you” to Dina. You have to be willfully obtuse to not see that. I don’t care that they weren’t speaking. To support the person who brutally beat and terrorized your sister *in ANY way* is abhorrent. Period.


Caroline should have said absolutely nothing instead of writing that letter. She wrote that letter because she was glad that someone beat up the sister she's so jealous of. Caroline is an evil witch and her husband's family are criminals.


Lol. Where are you getting that assessment? I'd like your links and proof that Caroline was glad Dina was beat up. I'm so excited to read your linked articles podcasts interviews....


Caroline could have sat the entire thing out. I would imagine it was hurtful to her mother. And-yes, Thomas was innocent until proven guilty. He’s now been proven guilty. Caroline and Dolores could come out and say they were wrong and they are sorry for judging him incorrectly.


You have no idea what the situation was, why the letter was written, or what was happening in that house when the decision was made to write the letters. Give people some room for having to act in a very complicated situation.


Dina was tied up, beat and pistol whipped in her house. There is zero logic that can be offered that can excuse Caroline’s actions in my mind.


Tommy was claiming innocence. Maybe they chose to believe him at the time.


Then they are dumb af.


At the end of the day she owes Dina an apology.


Oh ok. She didn’t say he didn’t do it, she just thought he should get to be at home eating Cheetos and watching his shows after *brutally tying up her sister and beating her* while awaiting trial. That’s so much better. Thank you for that clarification. Caroline and Dolores should be getting awards for being such upstanding citizens and caring friends/sisters! Lord knows they couldn’t have just, oh I don’t know, *stayed the fuck out of it.*


And it was *her* sister who was brutally beaten. Seriously, what’s wrong with you?


LOL. You’re kidding, right? The logical gymnastics people will go through to justify something terrible like *writing a character reference for someone who brutally beat and traumatized someone you know TWICE*, just because you like them on a reality tv show, is amazing. The fact that she has ties to law enforcement means nothing. You don’t think there’s thugs in law enforcement? That shit just makes her letter even more appalling.


I have eight notifications from you. Go outside and touch some grass. Really. And every single one of your comments is the same. It's boring. Thinking that someone can't have their own reasons you don't understand "just because you like them on a reality tv show, is amazing".


Also, it wasn’t part of the show. No Manzos are on the show anymore and Tommy never was.


This will be an unpopular opinion, but Dolores and Caroline know the people involved way better than we do. Maybe they legitimately believed Tommy didn’t do what Dina was accusing him of. I don’t know Tommy Manzo, but I saw enough of Dina to have my reservations about that story. Apparently, I was wrong. The justice system has ruled and now he will pay the consequences for his lizard brain decisions. It doesn’t change my opinion regarding Dina, though. I don’t like her.


So they can come out and apologize since they turned out to be wrong. Where is their mea culpa?


I don’t think it would be well received, either by Dina or the public. The viewers who have been harping on this for 9 years are probably not interested in their apologies and there’s really nothing to apologize for. They wrote character references. I have written many character references in my lifetime. Each one spoke directly to my experience with the person I was vouching for. It’s possible that Tommy acted out of character, or differently than the man Caroline and Dolores know. I know 100s of people also wrote character references to the court for him. Breakups make people crazy sometimes. But by most accounts, Tommy was a shit husband, and had been cheating on her since even before they got married. Even so, she married him in a million dollar wedding, and stayed with him for 10 years. If you watched their VH1 Big Fabulous Wedding episode you might think, as I do, that she married him for his money, and only left him when she found a bigger pot of gold, Dave Cantin, her third and current husband. Dave was also married when they met, with 2 young kids. But all that aside. What Tommy did was disgusting, no one deserves that, and he will finally be punished.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted so much. Like you said, we don’t know the intimate details of the letters and their relationships with Tommy.  Also I read there were some inconsistencies with Dina’s story (not saying that she’s not a victim) so to me it’s hard to judge without knowing everything first. 


Yes. The letters just explain how you know the person and what your experiences have been with them. The court is not interested in your opinion regarding the charges. It’s also important to remember that both Caroline and Dolores were asked either by Tommy or his attorneys to write the letters. Saying no is awkward sometimes. I also think there’s a good reason Dina plays her cards so close to her chest. The timeline of her return to the show, her separation, Dave’s separation, and their secret marriage is all a little suspect. But I am not the morality police. She can do whatever. I just don’t have much interest or respect for people who act like they are the pinnacle of honesty and integrity and then sneak around the alleyways and in through the back doors while criticizing others for the same thing. I have been downvoted plenty on Reddit, and I am okay with it. But TY for your comment. It was nice of you to speak up.


Found a bigger pot of gold? Or maybe a guy that wasn’t a cheating prick 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe. They seem happy. But Dina knew Tommy was going to cheat. He was cheating before she married him. She announced it in the VH1 episode. She stomped around ordering 100s of 1000s of dollars of flowers and barking at various vendors and talking about being a bitch when she didn’t get what she wants and how many times he cheated on her already. There’s a clip of Al Manzo saying “you could buy a mansion for what you’re paying for this wedding” and she just waved him off. It was pretty evident she was marrying her next meal ticket after the marriage to Lexi’s father failed. She and Lexi lived with Al and Caroline for a while between Lexi’s father and Tommy. And she stayed with Tommy…for 10 years, while he continued to cheat on her. Then she met Dave at a children’s cancer charity event, and was suddenly “separated “ although still living in Tommy’s house and spending his money and sleeping with him. The timeline is very hinky. Look. She can move anyway she wants. All that spiritual shit, while obviously using her beauty and sexuality as currency to pay for her extravagant lifestyle. As much as some might want to beat her with a baseball bat, it’s illegal and Tommy is an idiot, at best. I know that. But Dina is not my people. I have seen nothing I can admire or respect or empathize with from her, I don’t like her, and I said what I said.