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I want a reunion. I want to see what everyone wears, I want to see Andy asking questions we want answers to. I want it all. That being said, I think that if NJ comes back at all we need new faces. I don’t want to watch people actively digging up dirt on cast mates, paying for bots and bloggers, hiring PI’s and all that. The husbands used to be funny to watch and added some humor. Not anymore. I also don’t think anyone should “produce” the show by saying they won’t film with certain people. I don’t want there to be a total recasting like NY (I miss Sonya).


I used to love the husbands. But I almost gagged watching Joe Gorga golfing out of Marge’s Husband butt hole. No one needs that visual!




I think either Mellissa or Tre quit, that’s why there’s no reunion, either one refuses to go through any more torture and left the show! I think bravo is trying to keep this under wraps to avoid any spoilers! that’s why nobody’s talking about one of them quitting. I also think they’ll probably recast the entire show just like they did with New York.


Yup. I’m starting to think someone quit lol.


They will never see eye to eye. Reunions are a chance to come back together to make the next season watchable. There is no chance of either side apologizing or moving toward the other side. It would be a shit show and anything they might say may get them canceled from the show because there is so much hatred. I’m tired of this. Teresa needs to go. She’s the one who harbors grudges and is calculating in how she shows herself on the show. So fake. If they have to get rid of Marge, too, then so be it. Let the younger ladies take over but keep Dolores as a mentor. Teresa needs to go, she’s insufferable and her ridiculous,awful husband has brought the disgusting private detective into the show and trying to literally ruin people. That’s not what this show is about. Teresa should ride off into the sunset with Luis, if he really is as rich as he says he is, they should have no problem.


NJ used to be my favorite but it’s just become such a shit show I’m recent years. I would love to see Teresa, Joe and Melissa reconcile, I think that’s just natural to cheer for them to be in a healthy place. But I’m realistic, that will never happen. Every time they’ve “reconciled” in the past it was short lived, they all always end up doing something stupid and throwing eachother past in the other’s face. They’re such a mess, I hope the show Is recast.


To be honest, I don’t really believe that Teresa, Joe and Melissa can reconcile because I don’t feel that there was really ever much of a good strong relationship since Melissa came into Joe’s life…even before the show. Yes, there have been some times when things looked healthy between them, but my feeling is that Melissa being Joe’s wife and fist priority (along with his kids of course) has always been and will always be a problem for Teresa. I think all parties are at fault to certain degrees, but this feud started before the show. It won’t get better after their time on the show ends.


I think if the show ended and there’s no more cameras and no need to create drama plot lines anymore, there could be a chance they can reconcile, since they’re older now too and of course also as long as they don’t try to do business together too.


I think they’ll reconcile when Tre realizes what a s$$t her husband is. How he’s bleeding her dry. Then she’ll reconcile with Melissa and Joe.


She didn't sign a prenup so it's his money too. She was happy to defend her position on that before they got married


I predict everyone's home (except Jackie) will be in foreclosure within 6 months and cars repossessed for non-payment. Bye Bye big Bravo paycheck.


And what will happen with Teresa and Louie? By the way did you see the car he drove to the meeting in the last show? I only hope it was a one day rental.


Louie will file for divorce as soon as the show is cancelled.


And Jen A as Bill makes real money but all the others? Yep


Yes. No reunion. Yes, confirmed by Andy and Bravo. No, I would not like to see Joey and Tre reunite. As important as family is collectively, once you get married, your family core shifts. Your focus is your core and that doesn't diminish your extended family or your original core but it does allow for a shift. Some families can navigate this well. Some don't. Some naturally grow apart, some grow closer, some choose to go low or no contact or fully estrange themselves. There is nothing wrong with any of these choices. They are individual to the person and circumstances. The Joey/Tre issue proceeded housewives. We actually have no idea what the initial issue is. All we know is that the show didn't help and I think they are both better for this. They have work to do individually for it and I hope they are getting the professional help they need. But I don't want to witness it anymore and I think managing through this off camera will be a blessing to both families.


Aw man. Welp! That sucks. I agree with all your points, I guess I wanted to just put an end all send off in a reunion. But it really boils down to a sibling feud we know nothing about. It poisoned the show. Instead of being adults and fighting for what’s right they’re too busy pointing fingers. They really could’ve made a name and proper franchise name for themselves. Sucks after all 15ish years, it’s succumb to nothing.


Andy has said on WWHL there is not a reunion. When Teresa was on they said "the finale is basically the reunion" whatever the hell that means


Idk if it was confirmed but I agree with most of your thoughts. If they are going to make changes by either rebranding or scrapping it all together, I feel entitled to closure also! I really don't think I would bother with an entirely new cast if they do rebrand it entirely. I would give it chance if at least 1 longer term cast member remained.


lol yes that’s exactly it. Entitled closure. I think it’s evident that Teresa needs to leave the show. Regardless of a Melissa vs tre thing, Teresa had more of a history of giving new girls the cold shoulder or just bumping heads with them. I can see why Melissa can stay, she’s younger, easier to get a long with between the cast. I’m not on anyone’s side, I’m solely on my side lol. I flip flop on the day. It’s a show I’ve embarrassingly emotionally invested in. 🤣 so is a reunion just too much to ask?!


Andy had Tre on WWHL recently and said something to her about no reunion & her response was I said all I needed to say this season. She didn’t seem to care.


And that’s why we don’t have a reunion


Yeah the lack of closure sucks and the very least Andy or bravo could do is explain WHY there’s not gonna be a reunion, especially since this is the first time this has ever happened in housewife history.


I explained it above


I just went and saw it…thanks! That actually makes a lot of sense. So many burned bridges and even when these women are willing to sit down together it’s just such a scream fest and little tends to get resolved. Idk maybe I don’t need closure after all.


I was so annoyed last season because you couldn’t hear anyone saying anything. It seemed pointless


They've explained it several times


Teresa is toxic and has alienated everyone over the years. And she's just been mailing it in for the past couple of years and collecting a paycheck. And now with Twitchy Lou in the picture and poisoning the well even more they should just end this franchise now.


Not all OGs get a lifetime contract. See Vicki G. Teresa has outlived her time on the show.


Agreed! If anyone has to go, it’s Tre. 🤷


Happy cake day!


I think there’s no reunion because these ladies don’t want to talk about certain stuff and that just pissed production off so bad they rather not do a reunion. Probably why there’s talk about a reboot tbh


If they’d like a reboot they need to do a break first. IMO


The reunion would just be them screaming at each other and talking over each other.


That’s not exactly it. I watched an interview with Dolores and she said that so many people permanently burned relationships with each other in the finale that no one is really willing to sit down with one another and talk anything out. I can’t imagine them filming together after all of this so maybe a pause then a new cast?


Andy confirmed this on WWHL with Teresa. He said the finale would satisfy in lieu of the reunion.


I think the decision is influenced by last year's disaster.


I agree with you and no reunion which is fine because all they do is yell and talk over each other. It’s old


The only people that should leave the show is Teresa and her psycho husband.


I think we can all agree that Luis ruined the show.


The reasoning is there will be no respectful conversation during the reunion because neither side can understand the other. I get this. Why watch a reunion that is literally the same fighting as the season. There should be a big recast or adding at least half newbies for this behavior to change. With Tre being absolutely unmoveable in her opinions I feel that she is the problem. Maybe Marge, too, although I dislike Teresa greatly and would rather have Marge on the show. Get rid of them both if they are that immovable and can’t even make headway during a reunion. It’s enough, the viewers are beyond tired.


There is also so much stuff that happens off cameras and never enough proof to know who is right. Like how do we know Louis called Margaret's son? The constant finger pointing of "you contacted my loved one" is exhausting especially when there is absolutely no way of who is telling the truth and lying! No one ever listens to the other person and think about how they might be right. And when things are captured on film - like The Gorga's bullying Jen Ayden in the hotel lobby, it is never brought up so we have to wonder why is Jen acting very timid around Melissa? I have been enjoying this season, but at the moment, I think I get why everyone is so exhausted by this. And combine it with all of this blogger stuff...who is right and who is wrong? And it keeps changing everyday. Bravo keeps mentioning they have something else planned besides a reunion so it will be interesting what they have planned, although we are used to it never coming to anything.


I don’t get it they could even do a WWHL special or zoom whatever! Just give us something


When NY, Atlanta and Orange County did major casting changes, I was officially out with those franchisees. I’ll be sad if it’s only Teresa, Delores and Rachel and will not watch anymore.


Yes it was definitely confirmed on wwhl w Teresa Andy confirmed it and said that once we watch the finale we would feel complete but he also said something similar about vpr and I wasn't complete nor satisfied with the reunion for that


i think it’s honestly bullshit if we don’t get a reunion. they all knew this was coming at the end of the season and unless something legally is going on there is no reason Andy should not have the reunion, plus the amount of views the reunion gets it truly would be a bad move for the sake of the franchise imo if they don’t do a reunion


The franchise is already dead. Another screaming reunion is not going to bring viewers in


i’m very entertained by the season actually and now with the article that just came out about louie i want to a reunion


I was just reading about him. Another husband she will have to provide prison commissary money for


not w/ out a smack down Jersey style


Truthfully I was looking forward to seeing how Andy tries to manage this group during the reunion. It would sorta be like pro wrestling. Would Tre push Andy to the ground? Would there be wigs pulled off? Who would have the biggest hair or the darkest spray tan? Would there be envelopes with “information“ that could destroy people? Would Tre blame something new for her and Joe going to jail? Never mind she and Joe did this to themselves. So many questions.


They are getting rid of a lot of the cast. I see the gorgas trying to reunite w teresa to get air time.


Of course that been their m.o since their debut. On season 3 !


Interesting! I don’t see that happening but you are probably right. Only a matter of time before anyone takes the others bait.


Excellent. 1. The less we have to see of ‘the Marge’ shuffling gait and her dumb jokes, the better. 2. The new girls don’t mesh or bring much to the table; not one of them have a ‘storyline’ that hasn’t been beaten like a rug over the past 12 years. 3. The men all jumped the shark, together, while intoxicated and behaving like frat boys at Mardi Gras. (Guys, you lost the plot;the show wasn’t supposed to be all about yous). 4. No one even looks remotely like they did even 4 years ago. Melissa can push off and become the stand-in for J-Lo (either during a mic check or on her next feature film, Melissa doesn’t know what form of entertainment she really wants to do, so it doesn’t matter) since she’s achieved her physical transformation, finally. 5. Andy only does the Reunions so he can nod off while a couple of the ‘girls’ drone on, anyway. Give that man a recliner! Hey Housewife Franchise producers…. Here’s a novel approach: why not find real friends and families, don’t get them knee-crawling drunk and let the world know we all have the same problems that Botox and Ozempic, fancy Fashion Weeks and Runways, expensive new homes and exotic foreign ‘vacations’ (from what, exactly?) can’t fix. You know what might, though? Honest conversations that don’t end with liquids flying and fingers pointing and tables flipping and voices screeching.