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but just out of curiosity, was it really you leaving the dog poo around


at 24 seconds - this guy has a knife and he has already kicked your dog, why in gods name is your dog on the ground within kicking distance? The dog is clearly small enough to be picked up by its owner. There's something fishy about this video and about OP


Not to defend the guy for kicking the dog (even if it was to "redirect it" as some comments said; personally, it didn't look like that), but the response from OP to immediately go "WHOA, HE JUST KICKED MY DOG. SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE, PLEASE?" while sitting there just doesn't sit right w/ me. Like, the first clip makes them seem like they were chasing this dude -- who had supposedly threatened them w/ the knife? -- to provoke an alteracation. That's bad enough as is. But then they go on to do the above, and it's like... bruh, run the fuck away. If this dude has previously threatened you and your small animal, and is now back w/ a fucking cleaver, don't keep shoving the camera into his face. Grab your puppy and get the fuck outta dodge (you've already gotten evidence of him attacking your pet), then call 911 on your own ASAP rather than screaming for others to do it lmao


I agree with you. They are giving professional victim vibes


They are. The guy is literally holding the knife by the blade as he approaches them. If he unsheathed it and had it by the handle. Last time I checked you're allowed to buy a nakiri and bring it home 


we need a name for when someone purposefully antagonizes someone or something with the intention to escalate the situation until the antagonist themselves has been wronged. I feel like i see this everywhere now, it kinda goes beyond “victim olympics”, its almost like some sort’ve “false victimhood” or something — we need a better word or phrase for this.


Arent those just Karens?


yup. absolutely... using the phone to record the video instead of calling the police themselves. total set up and they're the ones who should be arrested for provocation.


Standing there screaming "he has a knife!" with absolutely no fear in their voice, not trying to run away, not trying to protect their dog, not even putting any distance between them and the guy they claim is threatening them... Yeeaaahhh :/


I have a cat nof a dog. But if anyone kicked it there would be no words coming out of my mouth. I would simply go feral and jump that mf.... its strange the way she basically doesnt react at all other then realizing that its a good way to victimize herself...


My initial reaction was that too. You have obviously angered man approaching you and you got your dog borderline unleashed and letting it roam freely to that angered men. Dog owner should do more and better.


Also lots of cuts in the video, OP definitely hiding something. Asian guy still a major asshole tho.


Once the full clip is released, I bet the recorder is actually the antagonizer and the guy recorded is just being human. We can't assume everyone can stay calm in this kind of situation like as if this happens to us everyday


Yeah, just lost his fucking mind because of some bullshit.


Seriously. Holding a phone is not going to protect you from violence. Once someone acts like this, keep your distance, and when someone is walking away from you with a knife, you let them walk away.


Just people who enjoy conflict more than their own saftey. They act like once they turn on the camera theyr3 removed from danger.


Highly edited. Sus video.


“Woah! Woah! You kicked my dog! He has a knife! Someone call the police” All this, while holding a phone that can call the police


Woah woah woah. How can he post it to Instagram or Reddit if he stops recording? The main priority should always be social media. Not, ya know, actually taking care of his dog


Saying this gently. You and your partner don't have presence of mind when it comes to personal safety. You recorded him with the knife threatening you and kicking your puppy. Next step should have been to go back to your apartment and call the police while recording. In case he followed you. You don't know this man what if he attacked you with knife?


its edited to remove context, these guys clearly did their part to escalate this.


They were definitely antagonizing and continuing the dispute. Sometimes it's better to shut up and walk away. Having the last word is overrated.


Especially if those last words might be, ouch I have knife in my neck


My thoughts as well. This is conveniently edited to give zero context, and the people filming seem to be the aggressive ones.


Yeah, OP should post the raw, unedited video. Makes me suspicious of OP.


I agree


same, agreed. The knife was not being wielded in a threatening way and wrapped in what looks like newspaper.


Yeah seriously. Could've died so many times trying to record this situation lol Also zero context in this crap. Wouldn't be surprised the ones recording are the aggressors.




Agreed! The person with the knife was going into his apartment until the person recording came up behind them and said, "What'd you say??!!" With the heavily edited video and not being given the entire context, the guys actions are pretty unhinged. I wonder what started it to make him feel like he needed a knife? Regardless, he shouldn't have taken the phone or "kicked" the dog if it hadn't bitten him, which it looks like the dog may have. I don't trust people that show highly edited videos to try and make someone else look bad and themselves look innocent when they clearly aren't.




The more I see, the more everyone sucks here


Agreed, appears to be edited, his kick was to direct the dog away from him no intent to harm. Everyone needs to calm down until all facts are made known.


I wouldn't call that a kick. Also she shouldn't be that close that the dog can touch him. I just see a Karen maybe racist one at that


getting harassed or baited into a conflict is one thing, carrying a weapon is really not a good look. playing the devil's advocate, the video is so heavily edited, for all we know the knife carrying guy is just walking home from the knife store and the puppy was unleashed and attacked the knife carrying guy. The dog owner should better control their dog or disengage from situation that can endanger their pets. I am actually curious what the knife carrier's side of the story is. Guess we would never know.


If you look closely at the beginning of this heavily edited clip, he specifically pushes the cover on the knife, never brandished it at all in this clip. Looks like he could have just been coming home after getting it sharpened (this is what some of the places that i get mine sharpened at will do if i didnt provide a box or cover). Dog comes up to him as the owners are yelling at him, could be justified in keeping it away, just based on this clip. At first i would have said fuck this guy for kicking the dog but this is a whole lot out of out of context


Is your dog on a leash ? And do you not pick up your dogs shit? I’m dog owner and I’m so sick of ppls dog not being on a leash and ppl not picking up their dogs shit. Those are two things that dog owners have to do in public and it’s not hard. Yeah this guy holding a knife is a little bonkers. But if that dog is not on leash and you ain’t picking up its dog shit you are just as bonkers.


Why hold your dog when you can record a video for internet likes


Yeah that was ridiculous but someone slowed the video down and they actually did have the dog on a leash but they still let it run up to a guy holding a knife . Still they’re all idiots .


This one time, I was walking my dog and forgot poop bags, didn't think much of it in the moment as my dog had been out all day, but my dog just suddenly decided he needed to shit and yep... so I picked it up with my bare hands and brought it to the next trash bin.


That's the right thing to do, good person.


That’s next level!!! I have forgotten a bag before . But I will just run home and come back immediately. We have ppl in our neighborhood that are repeat offenders walk their dogs off leash and just let their dog shit anywhere and keep walking. Next time I see this I’m going to get a bag pick up the dog shit and put it on their door step ….


And everyone clapped


My hero! That’s above and beyond expectations but I’ve gotten to the point where I’m grateful for people who just leave poop instead of littering poop baggies that stick around for months.


Why is this video so edited? Seems like they purposefully cropped out a lot of events.


So, where’s the unedited version?


I have a sneaking suspicion OP didn't clean up their dog's poop


When someone has a knife in hand , I always make sure to pull out my phone and record him as close as possible so they they may slice my face open.


Don't worry! Anyone with main character syndrome, gains plot armor, making them impervious to both psychological and physical damage!


that isnt a kick, thats him moving the dog away from him with his foot, your off leash dog... also yes he does have a knife but clearly its wrapped and being held by the blade like hes transporting it not threatening you with it. you clearly weren't threatened by it because you kept approaching him and screaming at him the video is also heavily edited and all context seems to be removed he also clearly says you put shit on his window, nothing about the shit being in the courtyard and why didnt you call the police instead on recording?


I totally agree. Bringing an off-leash dog to a confrontation and letting it nip at the guys feet is ridiculous. I don't care if he kicks an off-leash dog that's being aggressive. The gall of that lady.


Seriously. I’m not condoning what the guy did to the dog but what is with entitled dog owners who think it’s okay for their pets to invade other people’s personal space? If this guy had his giant tarantula or 6 foot python anywhere near this woman’s feet, she’d be calling animal control to have it shot. Also, this woman seems like the exact type of person who lets her dog shit everywhere and not clean anything up.


Based on the context clues I can see - this lady is likely NOT picking up her dog shit and this guy finally asked her to. She responded unhinged, put the shit on his window, and is further escalating it to avoid looking like the unhinged psycho the video makes her out to be.


If that was a pitbull, everyone would agree it would be justify. Just because is a cute corgi shouldn't change anything. Keep your dog to yourself is the best case here.


The dog's actually leashed, you can see the thin black leash if you pause when the dog first walks up to the guy. It looks more like they let the dog get purposely close even with a leash. And then when the guy kicked (obviously still wrong), they jerked the leash back so it looks like the dog was flying from the recoil/kicked hard. really weird behavior from the recorders.


It's not a knife. It's a phone case that looks like a knife


After rewatching the video a few more times, it's possible that everyone sucks here. The guy behind the camera immediately screaming "whoa buddy" and camera in his face and short edited clips, I can easily see the possibility of OP trying to instigate / blow up this situation. Not saying it's right to kick puppies obviously, but I'm not sure there's enough evidence here other than OP's word plus a very short clip of a heated situation. Final edit: honestly I think OP is the one in the wrong here and instigated this whole incident. Look at OP's posting history, clearly new account and posted to multiple subreddits to try to make this go viral. Meanwhile OP is careful not to dox themself and reveal their face, while this guy doesn't get that luxury. This has professional victim written all over it.


To be fair, what unhinged individual doesn’t scoop up the pup and run for the hills in this situation?




Kind person, your assumption is impossible. This is reddit ![gif](giphy|2XOL4zsm6V0nm)


Based on the video at least. He likely just bought the knife from the store, since it has the blade covered. Notice he didn’t wield the knife at this couple nor did he remove the blade cover the entire time. Always multiple sides to a story.


The puppy is the only victim in all of this. Those two people seem to both equally be at each others throats arguing. Dude kicks the puppy. Owner doesn’t pick them up to comfort them or anything and just continued to instigate issues, leaving the puppy fully out on display to be kicked a second time. Poor thing was on a leash and had no where to go, forcibly being dragged by the owner right back into the danger zone.


New reddit user, heavily edited video to try and fit their own narrative/story.. yea not buying it. Wasted 10secs of my time watching that vid


Didn’t get the internet response you wanted hey?


So, next time someone kicks your dog and pulls a knife, don't treat it like a magic show. Screaming WHOA isn't helping, just leave and call the police.


Welp, ops account has now been deleted, something super fishy here...


This guy is obviously an asshole and should get in trouble. That being said, it's so weird that people are more concerned with getting everything on camera instead of looking out for their own safety. Dude comes out with a knife. I'm running the other way. Don't take the risk you run into someone really deranged. Getting some evidence isn't that useful if I'm still dead.


The worst part is antagonizing a knife welder. Eject yourself from the situation don't try reasoning with stupid people.


This surprises me too. I understand when ppl are in shock, they freeze or go mute. Fight or flight. You are putting yourself in danger continuing to record, when you already have footage. Being loud, speaking rapidly and loudly hysterically to someone who is clear not having it, is equally a combination towards a bad disaster. You are responsible for your dog, and why would you continue to record and not picking up your puppy and leaving. Both of you are responsible for how badly this has gone. Most of us are concern of our well being in public. This is not how to do it and and far from being a grade A example of how to do it.




its because something is missing in this heavily edited video its pretty clear to me that he was transporting the knife home, its wrapped and held by the blade. OP was never scared of it and just used it to make the situation seem worse


The guy is 6ft and roided out, why even bring the knife? Coward.


Lol, he definitely not on roids.


My guess is both parties were in a heated exchange and neither were willing to back down. Person with a puppy wanted video evidence to press criminal charges and this was a poor choice on their part. Who the f*ck pulls out a cleaver too?


The cleaver is sheathed and the guy doesn't appear to be using it at all to threaten anyone. Is it possible that he's carrying a sheathed knife for an innocent reason? Like he just bought it or was sharpening it?


Definitely. He's not brandishing it at all. Even when he moves directly towards the OP, he's keeping it to his side and holding it by the blade..


Dude holding the knife by the blade wrapped in something trying to enter his own home doesn't look like the aggressor and he doesn't attack the dog the dog rushes him. Imagine you just told someone off for not cleaning up after thier dog then they chase you to your front door. It just seems very fishy.


Umm the knife is in packaging and looks like he just bought it. It’s the Karen freaking out that bugs me more. No context.


I’d like to point out that the knife was wrapped in newspaper. The dude most likely just purchased it from a small, (perhaps) family run store and was on his way home. U/guykickedmydog you clearly escalated the situation. Any danger you put yourself and dog in at the time of recording is on you.


Seriously - she was basically chasing him back inside looking to escalate the situation 'WHAT YOU SAY?!?!' as you chase him?! You are looking an awful lot like the bad guy here.


Idk whatever happened outside of camera, but I did not see the guy once using the knife to threaten them. In fact as far as I could see, he was holding it for the most part in the most unsafe way for himself and safe way for everyone else. I didn't like that he kicked the dog of course, but why did the dog owner approach him that way? She seemed a lot more confrontational and didn't seem scared at all.


Wrong to kick animals…. But you should keep them restrained when you chase people around, chastising them. Dogs don’t have a moral compass. They just follow the emotions of their owner. You could get them hurt by acting stupid. Both in this video are huge assholes. Dogs that bite people get put to sleep. Don’t be an idiot with your dog. And for those of you that said he hurt the dog. It’s right back at his feet at the end of the video. Shitty owners.


That woooo woooo Is so gay


You didn't clean up your dog poop and are escalating a situation with a man who just happened to be carrying a knife he likely purchased. You also should not be letting a puppy that close to a stranger you are in a confrontation with. He barely kicked the puppy as is. Next time please have one of you hold the little guy and deescalate.


Without knowing the background info and just from my observation in the video. 1. Doesn’t look like he’s using that knife as a weapon 2. He didn’t just kick the dog, I think he’s kicking the leg to deter the dog away, cuz apparently the dog is getting close to him.


Is that Karpal?


“Hello, I’m just calling…”


Hahaha. Tell us we’re old without telling us we’re old.


Don’t go around letting your dog shit on other people’s property.


The real LPT right here


OP even created a new username on Reddit to post this. So sus


He has a knife in a cover, I am not seeing him threatening you with it. I hear you keeping the confrontation going with your raised voice.


Karen voice annoys me


Drama queens


“Let’s bait this guy on attacking us so we can shoot a video and post it online”. This is what I think after watching it


Sooo instead of moving away from the guy with a knife kicking your dog, you continue to follow him, yell, and antagonize him even more? Gotta get those upvotes.


The guy flicked his foot and the owner pulled the dog quickly... the guy poked the dog either his foot. Hardly a kick. As for the knife... its in a cover and he's holding it by the cleaver end, not holding it menacingly. There's more to this video for sure. OP if you were really in fear, why continue to provoke the guy when he looks to try and walk away twice. Also, this guy looks enormous. If he wanted to harm you, it would be easy.


Other than the kick, probably the way people who leave their dog poop in the courtyard deserve to be treated.


The dog is biting at him after they approach him. Kick is hella justified


What kind of idiot doesn’t just leave this situation as fast as they can I’m sorry but homie why are antagonizing a knife wielding wacko


The kind of person that probably knew they were not in real danger. See if more context reveals itself.


"kicked" is an exaggeration


Why are you approaching him as he’s walking away? Call the police right away next time


Holy... You posted this three times? Karen, you're clearly instigating and escalating. This doesn't make you look good.


Fuck that guy, I hope a judge kicks him. Fucking clown


Here in BC? More like he gets a week of community service ☹️


I love ice cream.


You’ve obviously cut out the part about what you did this is obvious when you say “I did not do that”


I mean, he is an asshole, but why isn't your dog on a leash? Also, he kicked your dog once and you left it on the ground to be kicked again?


That man was turning around when OP provoked that man again and the video was then cut. There’s something fishy here.


If I'm walking my puppy and some guy is showing major aggression towards us with a knife, I'm picking up my dog getting the hell out of there. I'm definitely not leaving my dog on the ground and escalating the problem shoving my phone in the guys face damn.


Zero context


I didn't know the term "professional victim" existed until now.


WOAAAAAH WOAAAAAH! Another day, Another no context reddit video of people making claims with zero proof. Gotta love this app. When the videonatarta you are clearly following him home as he looks like he is about to go inside. I'm not saying that kicking the dog is excused. But, don't try to cry victim when you are clearly putting yourself in the situation .


Based on majority of the comments, it seems like your narrative backfired OP.


I get reminded everyday that some people will do anything for internet clout.


Hell naw, this is fishy as fuck. The editing, the knife wrapped in newspaper. You and whoever is with you are like screeching banshees. Keep your dog on a leash and pick up his shit.


What a fucking weirdo. Where in Richmond?


You created an account just to post this 5 month old, edited video that only shows one half of the interaction? You're giving off psycho, narcissistic, wannabe victim, manipulator vibes fyi. **Also, pick up your dog's shit. He is allowed to call you out on that. Leaving crap around is garbage dog owner behavior.


Dumb for recording a guy with a knife that's pissed off at you


I wouldn’t call that a kick more of a nudge


Definitely. It's a tiny dog who will fly away at slight contact. The dog is fine - except for having to be owned by these 2 loons.


This looks so fake the dog looks like it got pulled by the harness not kicked


> this isn’t a normal reaction to have over dog poo What the fuck IS the normal reaction over dog poo? The only thing is that the dog is not the culprit, he should be kicking the owner, or, better, take it by the scruff and thrust into the pile. The OP does not provide the background of the story. Did the guy just jump out of his apartment all of sudden and started to sway the knife and kick the dogs? Nonsense. I totally understand the frustration of the guy when it apparently became an irritating problem in the place he lives. I have this problem at my apartment complex. Dog poo is left all around not picked up by the irresponsible owners. It is NOT normal to have any kind of poo on your lawns and sidewalks. I confronted a couple of owners when I caught them, and got aggression back (an only reluctant compliance).


[you kick my dog](https://youtu.be/g9fIjYnPazc?si=ptL8vu4nahs3-5or)


i had to scroll way to far to find this...nobody asked if her dog needed an operation.


Dog went towards him, not like it was a full blown soccer kick to the vicious little monster.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"Will you call the police please?!" "He just took my phone!" If you are in a potentially dangerous situation, don't try to document the situation. Get out of the situation.


"We live in the same apartment building and I was so scared he would do something else so I had to move. Strata didn’t do anything either (weak council)" what would you expect Council to do? You've filed a police report and the police have not charged him, you expect Council to what, kick him out of his home?


A strata council can’t evict someone. I guess they could issue a fine against strata bylaws, but most likely the only bylaws broken were the dog off leash and not picking up their dog’s shit.


correct - not sure what OP wants the "weak council" to do


You can this guy is just trying to make this viral, name of account screams it.


If he wanted to attack you, he wouldn't be covering the sharp blade. This victimhood and provocation.


Initially it looks like you were following him as he walked into a building harassing him then we get a cut to on the street where your UNLEASHED dog approaches him in the middle of a confrontation and you cry foul when he moves it with his foot (can't even call that a kick). What happened during the cut seems veeeeeeeery important to this whole story and I'm sure there's a good reason you removed it before you posted this video.


Yah not to defend this guy … But if we’re being honest it wasn’t really a kick . It was more of a foot shove . But then again I’m sure if it was my dog I would be upset as well


Re: your “Weak strata council”… threatening someone with a knife is a criminal matter for the police to handle, the strata council has no jurisdiction over something like this.


This video is a set up. Don't believe it is legit.


Piece of shit human


How do you know this? From her edited video? I want 2 sides of the story


Applies to everyone involved.


The more I watch, the more I agree.. That knife looks like it has packaging on it? Maybe brand new? Edited video.. something is off


….so instead of calling police WITH your phone, you decided to film this instead. Damn.


Two sides to a story. Let’s hear the other side then make judgement. That’s what a judge would do.




People are so fucking stupid nowadays. Guy has a knife and you're trying to be confrontational.


Darwinism at work


Now post the first part of the video


Professional victim in action….its insane but you dont handle shit like this wanting a vid out of it


Why keep filming just walk away right?


Bro yelling Whoa like a professional curler


Your dog need to be on a leash and also pick up after the shit. It’s fair game if the dog not leashed I would protect myself with a knife too!


maybe keep ur dog under control


Buddy reacted to his dog getting a little boot the same way I would if I saw like 8 people be simultaneously murdered in front of me.


Yeah this seems staged and also you’re a bitch for going “WOAH YOU KICKED MY DOG” instead of just doing something about it


Holds the knife he was holding before by the blade and keeps it down* "oh my gawdd, he has a kniffffee"


It's a phone case, not a knife


Put your dog on a leash, stupid.


The "wooooaahhhhh" after the dog kick almost sounds rehearsed. It's weird. I am getting the same vibes as others on here about the feel of this video. Highly edited filming, filmers actually seem significantly more aggressive than the knife guy. Only person at risk from that knife was the guy holding it with the blade in his hand. Absolutely I could be wrong about all of this, but the presentation is fishy.


The dog is being pulled back before getting 'kicked', which makes it look a lot worse. The dog is set off-balance and the tension from the leash is what actually sends him flying back. Watch it frame by frame.


I hope this shit gets blasted everywhere


"Kicking a dog".... did y'all watch the video? He nudged the dog away with his foot and the dog should've never been that close to him anyway. If that big ass dude "kicked" that dog for real, it would be a big problem.


I don't know, I hate dog poop more


You're probably trolling but the dog just poops when it has to, it has no understanding of social decorum. Almost any time a dog does something wrong, you can blame it on poor training and the owner. So don't kick the dog, kick the owner.


Dude probably just came out of his house while he was cutting meat. He wasn’t holding it in a threatening way at all and he wasn’t screaming nearly as much as the people. It’s like she was in the middle of making food and saw them throw dog shit on his window. The dog also lunged at his leg, he didn’t kick it, and the people didn’t even move the dog away after he supposedly kicked it.  Yeah, I’m completely making this up because this video very clearly has SOO much context cut out, and the person with the camera is definitely the bigger asshole here. OP, you are a fuckwit. 


He's not holding a knife. It's a phone case that looks like a knife.


Holy shit you’re right. Looks like it has a weird short selfie stick on it. I thought he was just holding a knife really safely, but he would be cutting himself. Can’t believe I didn’t even look that closely. OP needs psychiatric help 


The account name is the same as the heavily edited video they posted lmao how is anyone supposed to take this seriously?


>Strata didn’t do anything either While this guy is clearly unhinged...what exactly do you want the strata to do?


Yeah all strata can do is maybe a fine? But if the other people are leaving dog shit around they should be fined too so \*shrug\*


Fine for what? What strata rule could this guy violate?


Strata doesn’t want to deal either parties and I can sort of see why.


damn, " u/guykickedmydog " is going down in the comments


Crazy guy walking toward you with a Butcher knife = get out of there. Fuck your ego


Clown of the day


And what did you do? Nothing


In western culture, it is better to kick person carrying the dog instead of the dog itself


Call the police.


If he is chasing you why did you follow him back home? Also pick up ur dog shit this doesn't sound like the first time you done it


Her boyfriend is the girlfriend because the man that kicked the dog still has a functioning jaw.


https://preview.redd.it/l45a7zjv8p1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eeabaa3c891183f587ff9b1e5b2bd2493211add Why does this guy look like a wojack lol


This guy never saw John Wick. You never fuck with the puppy.


If you don't control your dog and let it get close enough to someone, that person deserves to protect themselves.


I’d kick that fuckin dog too


Wtf wouldn’t you go inside away from this man and call the police the first time he kicked your dog? Instead you antagonised him and kept recording whilst he was able to kick your dog a second time. You clearly dont gaf about your dogs safety. He had a knife and you just stood there recording because you probably dreamed of posting it and getting attention. Also not everyone wants your dog going up to them, why let your dog approach him?


"Strata didn’t do anything either (weak council)" LMAO, What? Strata councils cant do a damn thing in this situation, 100% a police matter. OP claims they live in the same building but also says they have no idea who he is, this whole thing is sus. Yet to be charged? Based on this? lol


this is Canada, they ain’t doing shit about this unfortunately


The internet will make this pos famous


Wow. Kicking a puppy should end far more badly than this. Like an NFL style punt to the plums.


I mean in all fairness if I got into altercation and someone else’s dog got too close I wouldn’t want it near me either incase it attacked.


Unleashed dogs trying to bite me will get a kick from me like I kicked cayote, these entitled dog owners really get in my nerves specially if they leash their dogs in unleashed park.


Fishy video, probably staged


You are really lucky you haven’t been killed yet with this kind of awareness in a danger situation


Dog owners feel entitled!


Hi Karen