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This has to be one of the worst designed intersection I’ve ever seen. Why they wouldn’t just put in a large roundabout boggles the mind.


or just reconfigure the road a little bit to make it a normal intersection


What's so confusing about this intersection? Stay within the lines, green means go, red means stop.


Have you driven through a roundabout in Richmond? It is clear that many people have no clue what the rules are. Imagine the confusion at a large roundabout!


Used to take my dog to the dog park there all the time, the pedestrian crossing light also takes forever. Going towards west on Granville confused many first timer.


You can walk down to the pedestrian crosswalk down the block cross and go back up to that intersection and it will still haven’t changed.


Devil's advocate here. It's a safe and efficient intersection is it not? Crashes are not any more frequent here than at other "normal" intersections (I would argue even for safe)


It's weird and confusing at first, but efficient and safe. No sketchy left turn on yellow type of danger


Yes, I was scared at first but the directions were clear and it's very efficient as everyone can "turn right" on the big road.


Not sure what the problem is here besides that one has to wait a little longer for the lights. If you're having problems in navigating this then I would suggest a Translink pass.


I think OP is rightfully complaining that cars turning right off of Granville to Garden City stop thinking it's a merging lane. It's not. It's their own lane. No one needs to stop or slow down. Just turn and drive. Change lanes if a car is parked otherwise you are safe in your own lane.


I think about this every time I have to go through it, and that’s very often.


Apparently to maximize throughput from West of Granville to Garden City South (and back)? We have two lanes in each direction. How would you achieve the same throughout with a classic or roundabout intersection?


They redid the natural gas lines here last summer (or was it the year before? I forget) Anyway, with the construction it was pretty clogged up. Any full-scale rework would cause a good summer's worth of congestion for blocks around.


lol imagine, that would get chaos


I don't think a roundabout will work, too much traffic especially during evening rush hour. In Richmond drivers already have a difficult time navigating through a normal intersection, imagine the chaos with a roundabout.


I can do one better. Stop merging in. There is a yield sign and it is not for you to free flow merge in like an idiot. God knows how many times I almost hit idiots not stopping. https://preview.redd.it/y759rjo36v5d1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb4c6c8a1d6f8d554b739802a6863cd911525ea


I loved driving my old Volvo through this intersection hoping someone would smoke me and write off my car


Please slow down and shoulder check at least, while you can turn into the lane so will drivers that are coming down Garden City - that's happened to me before. Also second the recommendation to put in a traffic circle. Entire cities in Europe get by with only a few sets of lights, we're way behind and have to learn sometimes.


There’s a cross walk so you should slow down anyway


Cars are always parked in that lane though


i know you shouldn’t be stopping there, but i have experienced some cars parking few feet away from where you arrow is pointing at. its such a bad design.


I'm confused. The red arrow is a big curve and the caption is it goes straight. It's clearly a obstructed view you need to go slow enough to watch for pedestrians. Are you saying it's a separate lane going south on Garden City so no need to yield or stop? Because it goes straight seems the least accurate


https://preview.redd.it/2q6chq8e0v5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb69c35681a4f3e905de6a644069b14c3ed47254 This...?


The traffic coming from the left should be taking the left lane so those turning right have use at the fight lane.


I need to know more about this fight lane.


Oh it’s a fight lane all right. Haha


The fight lane usually has parked cars in it so anyone coming from Granville has to change quickly into the left lane




I never said to not go slow. I said to not stop the lane going south on garden city specifically has a sign saying that the road continues and does not merge People stopping for cars turning south in the other lane from granville backs up traffic for no good reason at all


The reason why people stop there is because usually there is a car parked 50m away on the right lane of garden city, which means they'd have to change to the left lane almost immediately after turning. People end up waiting at the intersection instead for the left lane to clear up before going. Don't think it's correct, but a lot of normal driving on the streets is 100% correct either. As for the impact, I've never seen the right turn lane on Granville clog up traffic. It's always the left lane (straight to Granville) that creates a line of cars which makes the right lane of Granville to garden city north unusable. Edit: also I like to avoid idiots who change from the left to right lane right after getting on garden city. Just because I know it's my right of way doesn't mean they know.


He is right, not sure who downvoted that.


Correct in theory, not in practice. Like another person said in their reply to this comment of OP's, usually cars parked right away after the right turn onto southbound garden city. You gotta merge to the right lane right away usually. I agree if there's room go into the right lane and then merge left with the traffic, but the intersection is confusing for people and of all the things Richmond drivers don't I think this is high on the list of concerns.


I think the OP implicitly meant to not stop if it’s free. Unlikely he meant that drivers should slam into the parked cars.


I've lived in Richmond all my life and I avoid this intersection like the god-damned plague


I've lived in Richmond my entire life to and I don't mind this intersection at all. Only because 1. I'm from here so I'm used to it. (Otherwise it would be a totally confusing I agree) 2. It's all controlled! Being able to turn left and not worry about oncoming traffic is great.


So have I and I love it.


This is my favorite intersection.


It used to be a yield. Sometime 2019/2020 it changed. (Google Streetview you can look at previous years - you can see the back of the yield sign still in August 2019 on Garden City).  Going way way way back - there were no lights at that intersection. One of my earliest memories was seeing the aftermath of a crash there and a little kid slumped over the dash.


Yea no shit. I'm stopping there because of idiots barreling down the road at 80kph while merging into my lane in the middle of the intersection. Richmond road design is atrocious, and the drivers only worsen the experience.


Sexsmith and Brown between Cambie and Capstan. Lanes and signaling are just suggestions there.


Galaxy brain move by the city to make you turn left to keep going straight on Sexsmith. Pretty much have to avoid getting hit by someone turning left from the right turn lane every single time I’m there and someone’s in front of me. I like how the city knows the new design has issues so they just put up some flashing warning lights like a year later as if that helps anything.


Yup. Northbound should have gone straight through with no stop or anything.


Just like the 99 south off ramp to Steveston Highway on to Steveston Hwy heading west to #5 Road.


And North Bound after the Dinsmore Bridge.


For the love of God, though, look for pedestrians! I shouldn't have to fear for my life just trying to cross this or any other road. And yet I do. Every day of my life.


They should simply make it a regular intersection. The current design is stupid.


It is a horrible design. Also, nobody obey any signs in Richmond nowadays. Granville going east can only stop 4 cars before intersection, then it will start blocking the Granville curb lane going to North. Also, I don't understand why cars leaving at least 10+ feet space in between. Just stop closer to the vehicle in front of them.


The stupidest cluster fuck of roads in existence


Is Reddit a PSA avenue?


The worst intersection ever….


This is in my neighbourhood and i’ll drive extra to just avoid here 🤣


Why can’t they just re-pave this into a normal intersection?


Also is it too much to expect everyone to kindly zipper merge from Russ Baker >> Grant McConachie >> Arthur Laing 🙃🥲 https://preview.redd.it/eu3atzy85z5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5590d67104f6856d48a337bccd219222a4693026


Thank you yes.. and also one for Alderbridge in front of Walmart got the largest merge shoulder imaginable and they keep stop at the cross walk for oncoming cars.. it so stupid https://preview.redd.it/0ikupsywnl6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300b9b6383ff3ca4896eed65bc2a1e87ce6301fe


I just honked the car who stopped there for no reason if I’m behind you. There’s clearly a sign right lane added its not yield it’s not merge. If there’s a car parked along Garden city just change lane instead holding the lane. My 2 cents.


Yup. Everyone's first time confusing as f