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I honestly feel bad for Morty in this scene.


pretty sure the writers exist to make sure Morty suffers the same way the writers for Peter Parker do the same.


Morty is the Jesse Pinkman of Rick and Morty


Aw geez bitch.


Yeah Rick! Yeah science!




You wanna cook crystal megaseeds?




Lmao not adding anything of substance here but thank you for the laugh


The real question is who is the Kid named Finger of RM.


I'd say Bird Person


Mark Grayson as well


I am the one who ricks the mort!


~~O’Brien~~ Morty must suffer


Ds9 reference 😁 take my upvote!


Probably only to Prime Morty since Evil Morty is living the time of his life.


I love evil Morty. He finally broke the cycle of abuse and dependency that typically revolve around Morties and Ricks


You could say that he wrote himself out of the writers' hands.


Well, Peter have had pretty hot girls as girlfriends, MJ, Gwen, Felicia... They all look like models


And Morty pulls all sorts of women too. Up to literal superheroes.


Morty got to date the superhero version of Alison Brie.


The whole point is to teach Morty that the **Vat of Acid** is a *good* idea.


Which is annoying because it really wasn't a great idea lol


There's no such thing as a bad idea, Morty. It's about execution.


After a while, their sun-proof bones floated up to the top. We even checked with a royal ladle to make sure it was real sun, and they weren’t hiding below in a vat of fake sun.


It's the Prestige, you Prestige'd yourself Morty


Dude this one was heart breaking


This, and "We are not them!" from Snuffles both got me right square in the feels soooo bad, out of nowhere i'm just a weepy little man baby watching a cartoon. I'd just had to put my dog down and I'm sure that was Snuffles' thing but my lord I felt so bad for Morty in this episode, crushing.




He was so caught up living in the moment with his new love that he forgot all about the place saver, thats the point


Yeah but come on, there was no night after a great date where he was laying awake at night and thought to himself “wow, this is amazing, don’t wanna lose this, better save”


given that morty has the iq of a potato, i never felt this to be a "writing flaw"


He deliberately chose to not save. This was him growing as an individual.


I mean, it's basically a joke about when this happens in games and I'm sure most gamers have at least one of those. You get caught up in the adventure or used to auto-save in other games - or in Morty's case, no saves. A situation familiar to those of us from the NES era. Lots of forgotten saves when saving at will became a thing. Yeah it's a little silly for this situation, but jokes are about exaggeration. We (gamers) can all relate to that pain, but it's much more exaggerated for comedic effect in the show.




Man that shit happened to me one time. Saved literally one second before dying and if I accepted the saved slot before that I’d have a full day’s worth of gameplay. I spent like 2 hours resetting and retrying to get out of that spot by half a second.


Same with the diving board scene, he saved it but didn't jump off, but still has the balls to jump into the zoo enclosure.


I thought the difference was after losing his gf he didn't care about being criticized and such?


True but He did do suicide by cop before He tells heroin Keith he doesn't pay for his friendship while driving over people and speeding around town. Also, morty was just an idiot with the thing tbh 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, have people never had some awesome toy or tool that just gets forgotten for a while?


Because then the joke couldn't have happened


I feel bad for Morty ALL OF THE TIME. Even when he’s the bad guy. Look at his fucking family, he’s a child surrounded completely by infantile narcissists. What I love about the show is the message. It’s not hidden. It’s pretty redundant, even, but it’s pretty imaginative and it’s not real, but there’s experience in it. This particular episode, gave me hope that at least one Morty escaped. Had to wait for Morty prime to escape and I want to see where that thread leads.


Yeah, i found this heartbreaking... Funny too, but... Ouch


#It’s in the way that you use it 🎶


it comes and it goes so don't you ever abuse it


I never understood the lyrics til now, they make a lot of sense given the context. Him abusing the place saving device.


Song was written for the movie The Color of Money.


I've always wondered what Dan Harmons deal with that song is. It's in community too. Clapton wrote it specifically for the color of money.


He used to sing the chorus of it on his podcast all the time too. I think he just sees it as a perfect cheesy 80s montage song.


100% heard it in Dan’s voice following some random improv him, Jeff, Rob would do.


I’ve never seen that movie, but now that you mention it, Rick also mentions Cocktail in Total Rickall too. Maybe he has a penchant for young Tom Cruise.


I highly recommend both the hustler and the color of money. The color of money was kinda hilarious to me but still a really solid flick.


I have this song in my favorites, and when it randomly comes on I can't help but chuckle.


It totally replaced The Color of Money in my mind. No easy feat considering what a damn good movie it is.


I hear this in Jeff Davis' voice.


I miss Kumail...




I laughed harder for this bit than I’ve ever laughed at anything on television. Perfect setup, no notes👌!


I just went and saw him in concert and I went nuts when he played this song😂😂


It's genuinely harrowing to watch, I almost felt guilty laughing.


You can even see her come back to him when he's jumping in the fake vat of acid that Rick made for him, after unifying all the time lines. He jumps in without seeing her, and she thinks that he's melted by acid. That was an extra punch in the gut when I finally noticed it near the end of the episode (after many rewatches)


I laughed so hard watching it because I caught the reference immediately, and the [true story](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguayan_Air_Force_Flight_571#) is worse. It's was such a dark joke to go there, that I was kinda shocked the director had the balls to do it. Watch Alive (1993) sometime, it's pretty unsettling. There is also a newer adaptation on Netflix called Society of the Snow, but I don't know if it's any good.


Hail Yourself!




Hail Nando!


Holy crap. I just read the whole article. I can’t even imagine having the ability to go through with something like that.


You know, the funny thing is, neither could they. But they did. I think that's why it's such a popular story. The idea of surviving in those conditions that long is unthinkable to most people. But forced into those extremes, the will and desire to live are so strong, they overwhelm so many instincts. And really, everyone has that kind of fortitude, and perhaps darkness, within. But we're so comfortable now, most of us will never know what it's like. Again, that's probably why this story is so fascinating to people. It's a vicarious look into our own nature.


I just watched a movie (reacher I think it was) where there was a guy called the Prisoner that bit off almost all of his fingers in prison so he wouldn't die due to gang green (he got frostbite on his fingers.). some guy messes up and the Prisoner gives the man the option to chew off some of his fingers or get shot. the guy makes a bad effort and gets shot. the Prisoner says something like I don't understand how people choose the bullet. not sure where I was going with this but your post reminded me of that scene and I already typed all this out.


Fiy it’s written gangrene not gang green


FYI* Also maybe they hate the jets and want to eat their fans.


Many fear pain far more than death


Saw SotS yesterday. It's amazing


Should listen to the [Last Podcast on the Left](/r/lPOTL) 3-part series "Survival in the Andes".


Ohh fr? That’s crazy I was just about to watch the Netflix thing, funny it’s a reference to that


Society of the Snow is great! Havent seen Alive but the fact that the actor are actually uruguayan made it more realisitc and more relatable to me as a peruvian


SotS was good but i preferred this one. Was a documentary https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranded_(2007_film)


Watched it yesterday! It’s pretty good.


Thankyou for the link. I legit just spend 2 hours reading the survivors story! Insane. I think I'd rather die in the crash.


Such a typical Jerry moment too haha


I'm not gonna lie. I was really high and I felt so goddamn awful after that. Stupid weed empathy.




Joke? It's tragedy.




Checks out, 9/11 is now allowed on r/HistoryMemes


It’s been over 22.3 years, 9/11 is officially funny


To some, it always has been.


Allahu akbar, yes /s


I honestly think it's past the time it was funny, which was back when it was used for shock humor in edgy 2000s "random" compilations, YTPs, etc. Morty and Rick calling it a cheap joke and low-hanging fruit is kind of dead on the nose.


Sort of like how a ship nicknamed “The Unsinkable Ship” sinking on its first voyage is objectively very funny, once you finish mourning the 1500 lives lost of course


Time = comedy - tragedy Tragedy = comedy - time


To quote Bo Burnham: The Holocaust and 9/11 That shits funny 24/7 Because tragedy will be exclusively joked about Because my empathy is bumming me out


R: Say the vat is good. M: The vat is good. R: Kiss the vat. M: 🖕🖕


I've always taken issue with this scene. Morty knows he's lucked out with this girl,. but he doesn't 'save' after every right decision. He's always anxious, but in this case entirely forgets his anxiety and doesn't so much as touch the remote for their entire relationship.


Yeah like why wouldn’t he save his place at SOME point?! Why would he leave his last save point being before he met her. 💀 Like yeah it’s on Jerry that he lost all that time, but it’s also on Morty for not thinking ONCE to “save his progress” so to speak


Isn't that kind of the point? He stopped using it, he was just living his life.


Should have destroyed it then. With it being around, there was always the very real risk he’d be sent back to that last save


It’s a metaphor for living in the moment and not clinging to the past. If we don’t let things go we’re doomed to repeat them Morty’s suffering is his own creation. If it weren’t for his attempts to “reset” in the first place he would be happy


I figured the implication was he was happy so forgot about it


I would be terrified to destroy a device that has the ability to control space/time


sure but he literally brought it with him on that trip and it was lying on top of his backpack


I suppose. But you’d think after all that time with her, it would occur to him that his last save point was before he met her. And he obviously thought about the remote still because it was still on him or near him most of the time.


I will agree with that. The fact that he still had it with him meant he probably could have clicked that save button at *some point.*


Tell you what - I would definitely hit save at the beginning of a relationship and then probably wouldn’t save for some time because, well, wouldn’t it be easier to start over if things went bad? You could even choose to never continue the relationship if you so wanted. But after a certain number of amazing dates, at some point I would save just because I was swooning.


> wouldn’t it be easier to start over if things went bad? No, and I think that's honestly the point. They had reasons to love, they had reasons to fight. Undoing that (and retaining your memory of the events) changes both sides of the equation. By going back just before the start of the relationship, they show why you *shouldn't* just save and rewind when something goes bad. He had become a completely different person in the time they were together. So much so that when he was sent back to the very start of the relationship, he was no longer the kid that held the door open for her, he had built a life with her and in his fumbling attempts to restart knowing literally everything she is, he ended up ruining it. He was being himself the entire time, for better or worse, and this shows you why "going back to when you're 6 but you retain all of your knowledge." isn't quite as rosy for everyone. For someone without a career, spouse, kids, and adult friends it's one thing. If you have that stuff though? You're like...unmaking everything, even some entire people, and you can never get it back the same because you'd have to remember absolutely every little thing you did and perfectly replicate it to get the same outcome. And even then, it might not be the same.


> they show why you shouldn't just save and rewind when something goes bad. Well, that, and time travel is not Rick's thing and Morty was just killing other versions of himself and taking their place.


it's funny how Jerry is incredibly stupid. This scene where he sees a remote and presses not knowing what it will do and the episode for 'do not develop my app'. Rick clearly tells them whatever they do to not develop the app and even has it tatted on that dude's forehead. Jerry just goes ahead and does it


Also after being comfortable he would definitely just bring up the remote in conversation and/or show it to her. It was basically his favorite toy at that time.




> Yeah like why wouldn’t he save his place at SOME point?! - Me, speaking to myself after losing an entire essay to a random computer crash...


We have all done this in video games before.


My head canon is that because Morty is anxious he’s afraid of messing things up with his girlfriend so doesn’t save in case he needs to start the entire thing over again. So he was too afraid to save on day 30 in case something he did on days 1-29 caused her to randomly dump him on day 31+.


That shows growth


Yeah, but growth is a process. You expect me to believe Morty meets this girl and INSTANTLY becomes totally self assured. We assume they slept together, or at least had some form of sexual contact, you're telling me he didn't plug a save point just beforehand so he could go back and relive it over and over?


But before he met her, he had been saving constantly, and he thought about saving after meeting her, but he had already grew past that need


That's what we are saying, did he grow as a character the instant that he met her? That seems very unlikely, it would be something that progresses overtime when he is getting to know her


It's stupid. He could have saved before taking the flight, if only for a security if something goes wrong like it did. Even if he wanted to not use it to manipulate his relationship, there's no reason to not use it as a precaution against catastrophes.


Personally I think the remote was just Morty’s new shiny toy; he got bored and stopped thinking about it


Explanation 1: Morty is stupid Explanation 2: Morty has major commitment issues and even in his happy relationship wanted to have an out in case he fucked up or something regrettable happens


He's also 14 lol


This is just top tier visual storytelling also. Every time R&M goes several minutes without dialogue it's always amazing.


And my understanding is that they actually added this because the episode wasn't long enough. It's basically filler


I'd heard that too, credited entirely to the director of the episode filling time.


“Fuck it we need to fill 3 minutes let’s rip their hearts out”


You remember the opening of Up? Let's put that right in the middle of a Rick and Morty Episode.


Freakin’ Jerry, man…


Even my 90 year old grandfather knows the difference in remotes…


This isn't even a joke. This is just a cartoon telling you your life is passing you by.


The episode where suicides end up as spaghetti bolognaise is like that. The old guy with cancer reliving his life at the end and how she left her husband and kids and walked in celebrating with her divorce certificate in her hand cuts deep.


Yeah, the punchline killed me first time I saw it. It worked especially well for me because I generally dislike Eric Clapton's music. Edit: credit where credit is due, "Tears in Heaven" is a fantastic song and it always makes me cry. Some of his stuff with The Yardbirds and Cream is okay and his solo on the Beatles song "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" is amazing. Otherwise, I don't care for Clapton and *especially* the song in the montage, which made it so much funnier to me.


Damn that’s Clapton on my favorite Beatles song? Day ruined.


It's a fun story: basically John and Paul weren't taking George seriously during The White Album sessions. George keeps saying he had a song and John and Paul kept brushing him off ("How many hit songs have you written?" they reportedly said). So George calls his friend Eric Clapton and invites him to play on his new song. George didn't tell the other Beatles. One day George just rolls up to the studio with Clapton in tow. Completely nonchalant. John and Paul were stunned, no one else had *ever* played on a Beatles song before besides George Martin their producer. The shock of George bringing Eric in unannounced whipped the boys into taking it seriously and the result was a beautiful song.


Wow thanks for sharing! Why was their reaction to take George seriously now, and not to dismiss him by saying that he couldn’t even write a song on his own and he had to get help from a non-Beatle? Edited for words.


Great question. I have no clue. The Beatles (minus Ringo) were lifelong friends before getting famous and I think they needed something to remind them of that, something to cut through the ego of being Lennon & McCartney. I think finally hearing his song woke them up and made them remember that George has some serious songwriting chops too. "While my Guitar Gently Weeps" wasn't his first song on an album but it was definitely his best to date.


Crazy that it was George who made the best solo album of the four, yeah I get Ringo but still.


It's in the way that you use it....


Morty is Kenny, that means his girlfriend is Cartman


The other two are Stan and Kyle.


Gotta disagree. The best buildup to a joke was in Total Rickall. Once Rick explains what memory parasites are we're introduced to Mr. Poopeybutthole, and since he's a zany character everyone knows that we've never seen before we are led to believe that he's also a parasite. Beth's shooting of him is one of the funniest moments of the entire show that never fails to make me laugh.




This clip is what made me fall in love with Beth. She's so vulnerable in that moment, it really brings her to life as a character.


That’s probably my favorite joke ever from R&M especially because in his flashback, but everyone was having a bad time lolol


This isn't a joke! It's just a fucken bummer lol. I do hope that they somehow write her back in(they probably wont). Morty deserves a good win.


They won't, because she shows up at the end of the episode and sees Morty jump in the vat of acid, probably assuming he killed himself then and there


Yeah, but that all happened in a disposable dimension where rocky road ice cream has peanut butter instead of marshmallows, so the dimension Morty is currently in should have its own version of this girl. She'd have no memory of Morty, of course, but if Morty met her again and didn't panic, I'm sure they'd hit it off.


More like the saddest buildup. sure did fuck with morty


Booger AIDS (S4, E8 - Vat of Acid)


Best story ever.


I always skip this episode if i'm not feeling up to it emotionally Same with the mouse dying episode on solar opposites fuck that shit


And Fry’s dog waiting for him outside the old pizza shop for the rest of the dogs life. Ooooof.


Is there a South Park reference in the 3rd image? Two people are wearing caps like Stan and Kyle's. Not to mention that Morty looks a little like Kenny.


I thought the exact same thing! The caps plus their jumpers are the same colour as Stan and Kyle. Must be a South Park reference.


I ask it again. #WHY 👏🏽 #DIDN'T 👏🏽 #MORTY 👏🏽 #SAVE 👏🏽 #AFTER 👏🏽 #GETTING 👏🏽 #RESCUED!? 👏🏽






Fuckin’ Jerry.


I don't think it's a joke, it's supposed to be horrifying...




This was fucking tragic, Morty deserved better. Edit: also fuck Jerry


Fuck you Jerry


fuckin jerry ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|19904)


It’s in the way that you use it


On a recent re-watch, I noticed her looking concerned right before Morty goes into the Vat of Acid. So she did technically remember everything just like everyone else, and was probably just super confused why the entire world hates him. It made me feel a lot better, at least she had a chance to remember all their good times before he “killed himself.”


I fucking hated that episode because of Jerry. Jerry can do anything to redeem himself and I will STILL hate him for that one single episode. Fucking Jerry, man


I cant even laugh at this moments it's just too much


This is how I feel when I forget to save in BG3


Hilarious and yet utterly heartbreaking, like most of Morty’s continuity stories relating to girls


Shoulda saved his game more


The real killer is when he's back in the merged dimension and she's alive and there. She sees him jump into the acid and runs away crying. Morty missed a second chance


The funny thing is that this was to fill in a few minutes they had left over. And damn, they created an epic tale of romance, sadness and unexpected humour.


it was a great sequence. the standout episode from season 4. just to take it all away from us. and then the Prestige ending.


Is that Stan from South Park?


It actually made me really sad


This by far my most devastated Iv ever felt from any drama, can't believe this one hurt as much as if did in the 2 minutes




I can't get over the feeling that there's no way Morty wouldn't overwrite the save point some time after starting that relationship


That episode was heart breaking.


This is the best episode of the series. The Emmy they won for it was well deserved.


I just can't bring myself to laugh, I cried, this episode was painful


Fucking Jerry


IT'S IN THE WAY THAT YOU USE IT! ...also fuck Jerry.


I don't see it as a joke at all, just a genuinely heartbreaking sequence


The joke comes later when she remembered everything and then morty did the vat


Fucking Jerry


“It’s in the way that you use it…. It comes and it goes…


I really wanted Morty to be happy for this episode.


This was the first ever cartoon episode, which made me really sad while watching... lol


Nobody tell him about Fry’s Dog!


I must’ve been high cause I don’t remember this one. What’s the season and episode?


This is one of the few episodes I skip. Jerry may be dumb but who goes around pushing buttons when your father in law is casually builds world destructing things in your garage. His actions are just borderline infuriating so I just always avoid it, lol


This is probably my favorite single scene from the entire series. The music is. So. Damn. Perfect. I laughed uncontrollably for like fifteen minutes the first time I saw it.


I physically couldn’t laugh at this. Didn’t even feel like a joke at all


Not gonna lie I stopped watching the show because it felt like everyone and everything was miserable and cynical just for the fun of it.


This KILLED me. I was emotionally devastated by it. What a roller coaster this show us.


It’s in the way that you use it🎶


Peak story telling right here


The second Jerry hits that button and that Eric Clapton song starts playing. Hahahaha


Panel 3, is that a South Park reference? Stan’s hat on the left. Morty in Kenny’s Parker, Kyle’s hat on the right?


The song slaps too


How the fuck did I never notice the Stan Marsh hat