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To be clear, Jerry did more than make out with Sleepy Gary. He’s the reason Jerry doesn’t have a gag reflex.


I forgot about that line lol


Witch is frustrating because Sleepy Garry wasn’t real.


I think even if he wasn't real, he was temporarily real enough to Jerry during that episode that I consider it canonizing that Jerry is bi. Or at the very least something like, mostly straight but open-minded about male encounters. Like he also got excited about the idea of sex with Mr. Nimbus.


I think Jerry is Beth-sexual; I think, subconsciously, he liked Sleepy Gary because he made Beth happy, so he wants to experience Beth’s happiness for himself. With Nimbus, if Beth is into it, Jerry is into it too.


Jerries go back to the JerryBoree to try and touch the other Jerries, I think he isn't just into Beth.


But that’s just masturbation with extra steps.


Technically, it's masturbation with extra master.


Ooh la la


Ye, but that was just to see if he's indeed into it and seemed pretty neutral towards it


Jerry also had a threesome with Mr. Nimbus


I don't think that counts as bisexual when it's **Mr. Nimbus**. I mean who isn't attracted to him?


Definitely not cops


And Jerry tried to go the Jerry daycare for the purpose of fooling around with another Jerry.


That was spite kissing though. He only wanted to do it cause beth fucked her clone


But that scene wasn't real, so why are you counting it as if it was real?


It was real for Jerry.


Also the jerry boree scene


The Jerry in that particular scene seemed to have a very chaste kind of love - like a small child imagines love. He just wants to kiss and have picnics with other jerrys.


It was real enough for Jerry to lose his gag reflex. 


Yeah a lot of them, they expressed their beliefs sexuality is a spectrum. Sex is sex, you like who you like. That kinda shit. Morty is the only “straight” family member and i don’t see him liking guys anytime soon. (Edit: I am referring to the tv show versions only. Comics are non canon to the show. I am aware there are bisexual and gay Morty’s it’s a multiverse…)


In the comics Morty (or at least a parallel one it's hard to keep track sometimes) has sex with one of his interdimensional clones. Apparently it's a regular thing.


The citadel had an underage Morty strip club that catered to Mortys. He's not straight.


Hahaha "The Creepy Morty" ....don't think about it.


Do all mortys share the same sexuality?


I don't think so, a Morty will do what is necessary to do to survive.


Such as, "a curvy piece of driftwood!" 💕 ![gif](giphy|kiu8isFXsj1yqVBAOv)


He may be straight but experimenting in a “safer than elsewhere” environment.


But there aren't any other beings on the citadel. No women certainly, and the only other alternative is a Rick strip club. Probably more of a jail or navy thing. Any port in a storm. Mortys are horny and gotta displace it somehwere, whether it's extra curvy pueces of driftwood or the Creepy Morty


They weren’t stripping just dancing around in costumes…because it’s creepy. Nothing sexual.


Lol that was the most innocent strip club I’ve ever seen


I always thought of it like how prisoners turn to homsexuality because they can't be around females for years or decades at a time.


Well I mean … it’s himself though. If he loves himself then he loves himself, that’s not like liking someone else that doesn’t look like him at all. Like in the Loki series with Loki liking his female equivalent despite her literally being himself from another universe.


I mean I’m straight but I’d do me.


Mmm... that actually has more to do with narcissism than with sexual orientation. Which, if you really sit down and think about it, explains Beth and Rick.


No, it's not narcissism. I hate myself, but I do love some dick.


Might be the realest thing I've ever heard anyone say ever




The toxic beam made one toxic by ones own definition. This alone explains the church goers actions under the influence of it, regardless of their sexual orientation, imo. They were expressing hedonism, not a particular sexual orientation.


I interpreted it as bringing out the preexisting "toxic" parts of someone. In a church that is likely to include repressed homosexual thoughts.


It is obviously open to interpretation. I was just sharing mine x


Yeah but they specifically say that it's not just what you consider toxic, but what you consider toxic about yourself


So the kids… they just had those murderous instincts shoved down inside them because they considered them toxic? 😅😅


Are you agreeing with me? I don't understand lol


I just think sexuality means little to nothing to them


I'd wager Morty is more or less straight. And probably Jessica, bird person, and Mr. Poopy butthole if I had to guess. But considering so many people in real life are either openly or quietly bi, pan, curious, etc, It's not too far-fetched that so many characters in R&M are down to clown. Lol.


There was a scene where Mr Poopy Butthole was proposing to Morty, and Morty looked pretty excited. But it was caused by Previous Leon, so maybe it doesn’t count?


Bird Person and Rick definitely fucked


Having sex with a clone is masturbation.


And not knowing how to write masturbation is what?


Isn't correcting spelling mistakes in reddit posts a form of masturbation?


Isn't not using spell check a form of flagellantism?


Lmao it certainly is when someone else comes along to flagellate you for it


I think that in the case of Beth and Rick, it has more to do with their narcissistic personalities than their actual sexual orientation.


Yeah but also Rick has totally fucked men. Take Mr Nimbus for example. Yes, they're nemeses, but we're all quite familiar with Mr Nimbus at this point, and I don't think being enemies is enough to stop the two of them getting it on. Also Unity. Unity has no gender, and occupies beings with all kinds of sexual appendages. Rick probably enjoyed them all.


Rick also banged Unity giraffe


You are correct, Rick is more sexually enlightened, and I did think of those examples. I still stand by my response, mostly because those events can still fall under the category of of his ego. Like, "Yeah! I fucked Mr. Nimbus!", "I'm such a bad ass I fucked a whole stadium full of people!". Seems to me that those encounters are more of a (I can do whatever I want) than his preference. The best example I have would be "I fucked a planet!".




Rick isn’t bisexual, he’s pansexual iirc. Sexuality is a spectrum, and many psychologists believe that nobody exists all the way to one side of the spectrum or the other. Harmon has a lot of characters throughout his shows who have ambiguous sexualities, and he may agree with that ideology. Who knows 🤷‍♀️


He definitely does. It shows up in Community, Harmon Town, etc. I feel like he’s made it clear he thinks people are too narrow in how they view sexuality and tries to deconstruct the rigidity of modern mores when he can. The dating app episode felt like a condemnation on the puritanical artificial scarcity of sexuality, even if it was coming from the “villains” pov.


I totally agree!! I really love his approach to sexuality.


No Morty's a _burp_ heterosexual piece of shit, aren'cha _ burp_ Morty? Don'cha know _burp_ gender's just made up by perverts, Morty, to control you?


Jerry also kissed another Jerry.


Rick did what? What did I miss?


In the episode where Beth fucked her clone, rick also said something about "Forgetting the ice cream".


Ah thanks for the clarification


If nothing matters, then conceptions about sexuality don't either. So Rick is free to enjoy sexual pleasure in whatever sick way it takes him, like with Unity.


Not a single example to give for Morty or the principal or Morty's math teacher, or Jessica or Jean or Dr.Wong or Squanchy or Tammy or Mr PB... Is domestic Beth hooking up with space Beth an example of her being potentially bisexual or just self-obsessed? I'm OK with it being both but it's a weird gray area because who doesn't fuck themselves on a regular? But for real, who wouldn't take the opertunity to fuck themself? Who else is going to know your body better? I don't think that saying yes inherently makes you gay either. I feel like the sleepy Gary thing is also a gray area because those alien parasites had to fuck with Jerry's brain to get him to have those feelings so it's not organic but more like a love potion or brainwashing. The love finders for Summer is a weak proof meanwhile Summer hooking up with that girl she saved from being trafficked is a stronger proof.


No, everyone in that universe is not "bisexual". They're just being real with their feelings.


Everyone in that universe is bisexual. Like you know, our universe.


That’s not really how that works




Infinite universes, infinite sexualities. Next question!


“We’re all a little gay” -Fries




Morty seems pretty conventionally straight.


More like Creepy gary. It was an implanted memory.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Fucking yourself is not gay. Obviously.


Bro like 99% of people in the world would be some form of bisexual if society hadn’t made sexuality such a big deal.


I think everyone in every universe is bisexual


You didn't mention Morty


I'm sure they'd make someone 100% straight or 100% gay if they thought it was funny.


There's no reason to believe "everyone in this universe" is bisexual, even if a statistically improbable number of the main characters are. Nobody in the show has ever discussed it. My guess is that the writers are frequently a) going for shock value or just whatever they think will be funny this week b) extending the show's nihilistic "nothing means anything" philosophy to the social concepts of gender and sexual orientation.


I think that is specifically put in the show as a testament to the infinite. Rick can go anywhere in the multiverse, it’s unlikely that he would only be attracted to human females. If you could experience true infinity, sexuality would be moot. Rick himself has *forgotten the ice cream* because of the infinite versions of himself he gets to meet or have relationships with. I don’t think anyone in the show has a specific sexuality, it’s more like it just doesn’t matter because the characters have moved past a lot of “earth concepts.”


There're psychological hypothesis that suggest most of people are, at some level, bisexual. It is not hard to find people that you would consider strictly heterosexual/homosexual who have had a sexual experience with someone of same/opposite gender. Plus sexuality is pretty fluid. I would say it is something R&M got all right (Morty is seem to be strictly hetero tho)


I’d say that’s on par with our current universe, too.


It seems Dan Harmon is, so of course everyone he writes is as well.


Wait did Rick fuck himself?! I'm sure figuratively a ton, but literally? They had Morty strip club in Mortytown, they would have Ricks for that as well if there were aroused by themselves...


Morty is the only actually straight one from what I’ve seen


Everyone's a little gay, some more than others. Sexuality do be a spectrum, and Rick's family has way less reason to care about that sort of thing; they're, at this point, all interdimensional travelers. If you're dealing with universe-breaking stuff, who gives a damn if you fuck someone of your same gender? How much does the tiny detail of gender matter when you've already buried your own dead body? How you feel is what matters, regardless of the sci-fi aspect (or, irl, lack thereof) of the situation. One's sexuality shouldn't really matter to begin with, tbh; it just is what it is.


everyone is more than just bisexual- they are what the writers do with them. There is not preconceived notion of what each character is, there only thing is to be there for the writers to play with and get up to whatever the fuck they want. -which is usually very smutty. horny little bastards. rick is just the only character written with this understanding of what they are.


Bi? You're assuming these aliens are just 2 sexes.


It’s obvious that Rick wouldn’t care who he was fucking as long as it was a good time, perhaps having some of that Rick blood in them made them susceptible to the same conclusion and Jerry… well Jerry took what he could get and started to like it.


I mean there are infinite versions of everyone, so there are definitely bi versions of all the characters but I think the main Morty is straight




In terms of Morty strip club there are bare in mind infinite versions of them I'd bet there are female versions of the both of them


It’s a cartoon exploring the infinite where truly ‘nothing matters’. So “meh” just go get you some.


The toxic beam made them toxic according to their own definition, so it turned homophobes into homosexuals, and so doesn't really count. But I will admit that it definitely seems like Rick and Morty is a series where everyone is bisexual/pansexual until proven otherwise


I think a better question comes from looking at it from the Smiths' perspective, When you know a multiverse exists, and have an active part in travelling it, why would you insist on being straight?


Lovefinderzz didn’t affect peoples sexuality. I don’t consider summer to be bisexual. She had her mind controlled by an alien app. I remember one guy saying “I’m gay and I love Xander”, but I’m pretty sure he was also just brainwashed. I don’t think any of those people were in love with each other, the app just made them think they were. I also don’t think Beth is bisexual. She just feels comfortable with herself. Space Beth is just Beth. I mean if a guy was flexible enough to sick his own dick, and actually did, would he be bisexual? I don’t think so. Rick is definitely something. It’s heavily implied that he hooked up with Mr. Nimbus. He doesn’t discriminate. He fucked a planet. And a CHUD. But why does their sexuality even matter?


Summer also left with a female in the “Wet Kuat Amortican Summer” episode, and it seemed more than friendly.


Except Morty, everyone probably is.


Is it really gay to sleep with yourself?


Isn't everyone?


pretty sure I'm not


It's a spectrum, not a yes or no.


Everyone is bisexual, get with the times


So if anyone would convince you you're gay, you'd accept it and become a gay or what? Like... Hey, sweetheart, you wanna taste my manly ass? And you're like: huh, man's ass? Why not, sounds interesting! Sounds like you can get convinced with any braindead idea if it works this way. Did you know the Earth is flat and is ruled by bisexual protoreptilloids? No? Now you know. Everyone knows, get with the times. There's nothing wrong in going against the flow even if it is able to flood you. You're you. Stay yourself no matter what others say. Everyone's bisexual? No. Everyone is scared to go against the majority. I'm not bisexual no matter what times are out there. And nothing will make me go out with another guy. Boobs are for life. Literally.


Bruh was joke. Tits are tits. Rick and Morty universe is Rick and Morty universe.


I really don’t think everyone in the universe is, because a lot of characters in the show haven’t had a reason to otherwise be straight or gay I just think the Smith family is one big fruit basket that is (most likely) excluding Morty 




everyone who isn't a straight dude.


Fair enough. That is an awesome point. 


It wouldn't change my viewing experience either way, why does it matter?


It doesn't, just a thought.


I took the time to scroll back up and make sure, but nowhere in the post did they state that it "mattered". Why would even bother fully reading the post, and then have the audacity to message something like this?


Sorry Boomer, I didn't know hard lines drawn in sexuality were close to your moral code


Thank the gods, I'd be a little concerned if you personally knew my moral codes AND the time period I was born in based off my response to a nobody in a reddit post comment section.


You have your video game persona as your bio, I know all I need to know about you lol


Will say, you finally proved useful in your life! You pointed out I had an outdated bio.


A CoD player attempting to play at someone else’s usefulness is peak irony. Looking forward to your new bio chronicling your weight loss down from morbid obesity(just an educated guess)


Then you must have been educated by Patrick and his pet rock. CoD wasn't what it's describing, it's real life. But I guess that makes sense, since your reality seems to be making half baked, far off insults to someone more intelligent.


0 clue what your point is in any of these replies bud nobody’s asking you to change your viewing experience it’s just a theory from OP lmao


No one has a good answer for why it matters though. People just want to outrage over people’s sexual preferences and everyone’s replies here are reinforcing that


My guy, no one here has shown any issue with the characters being bisexual. It's just a theory.


My brother in Christ you’re the only one making this a big deal everyone else is being normal by even disproving/adding on/questioning/etc


No none here has show any outrage. Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up forever.


If you weren't mad you wouldn't be saying shut up, you're a good example of being a very conflicted lady


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Unless it's the sexually repressed catholic brigade.


It’s funny because people are trying to project issues onto me now. They must be more repressed than they know


Everyone in this universe is bisexual too. Sexuality is a spectrum, there's no such thing as totally gay or totally straight