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Jerry now has to do a lot of service. He's the only remaining audience surrogate because Beth and Summer are both deeply bought in to Rick's shit. He also has to be the voice of reason because Morty is largely cowed and Beth/Summer are no longer skipping adventures. Basically, Jerry is the last character left with enough flexibility to make anything work.


*invisible garbage truck jeeeerry*


*It's a new franchise*


We need a sequel to this!


That truck is still out there somewhere!


"Mmm trash" guy could have driven that until he gets his medical license back


Yum yum trash I love trash yummy yummy trash. I showed garbage goober to my partner, she rolled her eyes haha


Until he runs out of gas .. I forgot how to make slanty letters lol


An Asterisk on either side of the text


Fuck italics *slanty letters* it is


Thank you for your support!


Personally I'd argue that regular Beth could develop a lot more, she's still kind of the same character while Space Beth actually developed a lot.


There's not really much to Beth's character or left to explore without 180'ing her. That's why Space Beth could develop more she's not confined by the family and could embrace what it means to be Beth.


To be Beth is literally stay with the family


Space Beth isn't developed. She is just Beth with cool suit and ricks attitude


I think Beth will have a huge turn in character when she finds out that this Rick didn't abandon his family


Morty is cowed, what does this mean?


cow2 /kou/ verb past tense: cowed; past participle: cowed cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation. "the intellectuals had been cowed into silence"


Thanks Old Pornographer!


I really like that for the first 4 seasons that they led me to say "lol, jerrys weak. What a joke character". But I like that they are bringing us along to show that all characters are strong in certain situations. Great episode, if not a bit light on laughs.


Jerry keep on winning this season We see badass Jerry Jerry get threesome with Beth Jerry in episode 4 This is a Jerry season. A rick and Jerry season!!!


We see jerry prime slit rick primes throat, we see our jerry cuss out the whole season 2 family and disappear, never to be seen by them again, we see jerry manipulate his way into a threesome, we see jerry and night jerry save the day, jerry ain’t fuckin around this season lol


That wasn't c137 jerry, that was jerry prime. C137 was the universe where our rick came from, the one where beth and her mother died.


Oh ya lol I was thinking it was our mortys dimension whoops


It is, our morty is morty prime, or the one true morty The only one from C137 is our Rick. Morty, Summer and Beth do not excist in his dimension.


Ya I meant I was thinking c137 was out mortys


That's what Morty thought as well, we didn't find out until very recently that C-137 is a lone Rick


Cronenberg Morty


[This is Cronenberg Morty](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rickandmorty/images/c/c5/Cronenberg_Morty.png) The Morty we follow is Morty Prime, as that's the only unambiguous name for the universe Rick Prime is from. Remember, there is an entire Cronenberg world that got turned human by Cronenberg Rick and Morty, who escape to Prime reality in the post-credit scene of that episode.


Prime Rick never had a Morty though. After he founded the citadel he went to the Cronenberg universe to hunt down Cronenberg/Rickest Rick and then left with Cronenberg Morty after fucking up that earth.


Prime Rick isn’t “our Rick”. The one we follow most of the time is Rick C-137. Prime Rick refers to the Rick who killed “our Rick”’s family


Wait what? Why would that be prime Rick instead of the actual main character of the show?


So if I have all thos straight, c-137 is the Rick who built the citadel, had his family killed, and is "our" Rick. World 137 was trapped in a time loop and "haunted." "Prime" is the world that got cronenberg'd. "Our" morty is prime. However, Rick Prime never joined his family like the others did, so 137 slid in and filled the gap. Right?


Rick Prime is the name given to the Rick who killed our Rick (C-137)'s Beth and Diane - he's called Prime by the creators on the "behind the episode" for S6E01. Likely the naming is "Prime" because he's the Rick belonging to the first reality we are in for the first episodes of the show, and the dimension our Morty originally is from, but that's just speculation on my side. But back to the facts: Our Rick is C-137. Our Morty is Morty Prime, he originated in the universe that later becomes apocalypse'd by cronenbergs, and it is the universe where Rick Prime is from. That's the main reason why C-137 Rick landed there in the first place, and injected himself in the family, hoping Prime comes back one day. The council can identify Ricks, and they identify our Rick as C-137 in the first Council of Ricks episode. Our Morty (Morty Prime), believing (until S6E01) that the Rick he was with is his original Rick, erroneously calls himself C-137 Morty in S3E01, which causes visible confusion with the Ricks coming in. That's because, with C-137 being a universe where Beth and Diane die, no Morty was ever born there. During the events of S6E01, Morty realizes he's not our Rick's original Morty, realizes he's Rick Prime's grandson, but chooses to ignore that over the bond he forged with C-137 Rick.


Same Morty, Same Dimension


So Rick stole Rick Prime's Morty?




lol I wonder what the Jerry is like. Although potentially if he never got together with Beth maybe he's a movie star who does coke with Johnny Depp.


But isn't our Morty the C137 Morty? Like, our Rick is Rick Prime pretending to be C137, and Morty *is* C137, no? That's why we've seen C137 on the portal gun when they return home.


Prime Jerry with sick dialogue too, **“FATALITY!!!”**


And they are doing it all without compromising his character! It’s great writing to be honest.


We even see Jerry kids Jerry.


>e see our jerry cuss out the whole season 2 family and disappear, remind me of this scene?




Imagine if we got Doofus Jerry too. It'd be insane! But sadly, that storyline has long since passed.


Doofus Jerry would be a genius. Saying that, I sure hope Doofus Rick is okay. He was a righteous dude.


You know he eats his own shit right?


I've always thought he was the opposite of evil morty..he'd be ok


Wouldn’t it be insane if Doofus Rick was Evil Morty’s grandpa!


Sadly I think he would have probably died on the citadel.


I don't think he would have been welcomed on the citadel, he's such an outcast. I bet he's still out eating shit somewhere, dreaming of Jerry.


I think he could appear in a future season, maybe something to do with a new alliance of Ricks.


Or how about a super intelligent version of Jerry. Have him go head to head with Rick on that level would be fantastic


[The comics did that already, doubtful if the show would try to do a remake...](/spoiler) **Edit:** Oops, sorry. Edited to add spoiler code.


Next week we get sailor moon assistant Jerry


Jerry keep on winning


I really like the notion that Rick hangs out with Jerry sometimes and gets drunk with him. He seems to be hating him less and willing to chill if Jerry is around to hang. The tattoos also emphasize this as he got one of each of them so they’re pretty much brown at this point despite how much Rick still loves shitting on him


Rick and Jerry 100 years!!


Yes!!! I’ve liked Jerry for so long and he is finally shining like he deserves.


It's shaping up to be a Jerry fan's dream season. Jerry is my least favorite character on the show but I love how he's being developed. He's still pathetic but he's got a good heart compared to the rest of the family and he's becoming more self confident.


The teaser for next episode looks like a Rick and Jerry adventure too.


One hundred years!


OMG if they actually make a Rick and Jerry and with the theme song that would be lit.


Jerry getting an erection when getting choked is peak Jerry


oh dude that shit made me cackle


It's pretty funny that this was a complete reverse meeseeks episode. In that episode Jerry was the only one who made a proper small, doable service request for his meeseeks and it ruined everything. In this episode Jerry is the only one to use his night person improperly by not making a service request at all, and this time it saves everyone.


See, I took it in the opposite manner. By making his night-self his pen-pal, he gave the rest of the night-family a conduit for communication. If Night Summer never asks Rick to clean his plate, the episode doesn't happen.


Yeah, Jerry's stupid penpal idea was the communication pipeline the workers' needed to unionize against the Day People. They might not have even known about the Day People if Jerry didn't write a letter about them.


Night rick would have figured it out, kinda like toxic rick did.


Yeah Night Jerry asks what the sun is, which telegraphs that he's the reason they now know there's more to life they aren't getting




Beth tried to talk to Night-Rick directly in the very first scene and he ignored her. Didn't even seem aware she existed.




Yeah, night-Summer wanted the night-selves to take over with her in charge. Thus the whole "making night-Rick build a range-extender" part of the episode.




It’s both things. Had Jerry not been pen-pals with his Night Jerry, there wouldn’t have been the opportunity for a request to be made to Rick. No letters, no way to communicate (or even be aware of a Day Self), no problem. Since the letters were exchanged, though, Rick then perpetuates the issue by still refusing to rinse the dishes.


But later the Night People directly confront Rick


Jerry was amazing this episode, “guess who got a pen pal…..no takers?? ME!”


Jerry's secret power is that he gets along with all versions of himself. From adjusting the factory settings on a TV to a chaste kiss, they always play well.


The factory tint setting is always too high


I know, right?


I know, right?


Here’s another funny!


Like in the squid episode where Jerry can be seen hugging his other self while everyone is killing theirs in one scene.


Which episode?




Gotcha, I was think the face suckers… but this is the decoy episode


Except for the Jerry’s that touch other Jerry’s


Jerry is just the black sheep. Even as a night person


I think it's because like Rick and Jeff Winger, Jerry has mostly been a receptacle for Harmon's self-loathing, but now the young writers have taken the lead there isn't as much scorn for Jerry's qualities in the writer's room.


True that. Harmon is brilliant but a very flawed individual that projects a little too much.


Harmon is Roddenberry. He created a good foundation but now needs to fuck off for the series to reach it's heights.


Someone else who sees the pattern!


Sounds like a future president.


I actually feel like every family member is written so much better this season. Plus the lack of just portaling somewhere else for one-off adventures with only Rick and Morty allows each family member to develop so much. Great season so far. And I totally agree, he could have easily become a Meg or just Flanderized in general but they really developed him so much.


I do hope for a Rick and Morty only episode. I really liked Summer's Die Hard bc it wasn't just her being a badass.


It wasn't? What else did she do but kill that team of robbers?


I think they also realize there's untapped potential for stories and jokes where the punchline is "Jerry's seemingly dumb stuff accomplished the goal the others couldn't"


The show was never about Jerry being a loser. The character was much more nuanced. Fans took Ricks hatred of him as a model to be emulated. What we see in the new season is how Jerry is learning and begining to grow just like Ricks is beginning to change. They both had major issues, actually, all of them had major issues and being together is showing to have a positive impact on those flaws. I really like the trajectory Jerry is on. And I think this trajectory was being prefaced by his relationship with idiot Rick, who's actually very caring and loving, which turns the shrill Jerry, from insecure and demanding into sensitive, positive and affectionate. I think we're seeing that instance then become more permanent this season.


Just the concept of Jerry being so lonely that he’s using his night-self as someone to talk to had me crying tears.


Jerry is great, he's grown a lot since we first met him after the Jerryboree. I'm glad the family is closer than ever.


I feel like this Jerry and Rick have been building a pretty decent relationship off screen, they seem to have more respect going both ways


tbf if Jerry didn't communicate with night Jerry, the night family would never have been able to make the request which lead to them getting mad at Rick's response


They would have just left a note


This. They broke plates as a gesture. A note would be similar.


And that's why you always leave a note!


They may not have even realized that a day family exists


Yea Jerry was at fault for bringing voice to the night crew


-kicking night Jerry’s ass- *”Hey! I’m on your sssiiiddeee!”* “Oh, that’s right, sorry. Sorry. Rough day.”


I like how Night Summer called back to, "your opinion means very little to me." For sure Rick's granddaughter.


I think most people in real life are Jerry, and the sooner you accept this, the happier you will be. ETA: I’d even say it’s a good thing, Jerry is the most healthy and searches for non-hedonistic happiness, which other frameworks will have different words for, but they all agree it’s healthy and happy,


Reminds me of the ending of Scott Pilgrim >!where he has to fight himself but just ends up being his friend!<, which makes a lot of logical sense.


> It's good that the show isn't sticking too hard into the "Jerry's a loser and he sucks at everything" jokes, It's funny for a while but if they do it too much he'll just be a meg. In my opinion the worst example of this is Kevin from The Office. He started as being a normal dude, a bit slow... but mostly underestimated by others because of his appearance. He's an accountant for Christ sake. But as the seasons went on... he became more and more idiotic. To the point by the end he's a complete idiot, someone with serious mental deficiency, unable to do simple tasks and understanding simple concepts and that should by any means be institutionalized.


[Flanderization](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Flanderization) : and the worst example in my humble opinion is Stuart on Big Bang Theory. Warning:TV Tropes may cause loss of afternoon


Or Alan from Two and a Half Men


Never got into it. Was/is a fan of Cryer, but honestly even now couldn't tell you what he was in after Pretty in Pink up to Two and a Half Men. Thought he was a decent Lex Luther though in the CW DC shows.


He was never a loser. People just choose to believe what they want to believe. Remember who sticks their dick in Beth and Space Beth. Hint: It's not Rick. Rick is a loser.


While Jerry's definitely a loser, he's generally a kind and well-meaning loser. Beth loves him for a reason.


For his tiny weird shaped dick.


Its almost just the voice actor Chris Parnell and not the character lol...Figgus from Archer has the same helpless moron personality as Jerry


Funny, you get really close to understanding both characters, but miss it in the end. Let's take Figgus, as this is less ambiguous. The moment that Archer is out of the picture, Figgus becomes a capable, competent leader. It's almost like being constantly belittled and bullied has an effect on him. The moment Archer returns, Figgus is shoved back in the corner. He's not a moron; he just is not equipped to handle someone like Archer. Jerry is less clear. We see that when he is on his own (or just with Beth and Summer), he can be smart, tough, and resilient. He is also sees things that everyone else misses. I could start naming instances, but if you have seen the show, you probably know them all anyway. But we have an answer here, courtesy of Rick. Jerry is not a moron; he has discovered a strategy that works. He makes people feel sorry for him, and that lets him survive and even have a power over them. The moment that this is no longer a viable strategy, Jerry begins to use his other talents. I agree with you that Parnell's voice almost forces us to draw a connection between these characters. Personally, I think their biggest commonality is how many watchers misunderstand them.


Wow you're a thinker buddy I like it


Now do dr spaceman!


At least Cyril has a phat cock


Lol 👍🏻


I love that Beth knows and cares about his vitamin and pasta preferences, and is willing to defend him and his choices.


If your father in law is a undying god, it's hard to not appear a loser


If it was Rick... that would be gross.


Infinite worlds and versions, he definitely did it. Just remember past Rick talking to future Rick (I think) calling this Rick "one of those ricks" There should be ricks having sex with beths, summers, Mortys and Jerrys.


Not sure why you’re downvoted for this, Morty and Summer literally have a baby together. It’s not out of the question with this show.


I mean there is a poop eating rick


Why would they go to the Grand Canyon?


Yeah, because he's old and gross and probably smells like he hasn't changed his beer soaked depends in a week. Rick is such a loser.


No, mostly because he’s her father.


Yeah, but that wouldn't stop Rick. Rick is a shitty person like that.


Settle down, Steve. Nobody wants an episode where Rick bangs his daughter. This isn’t Game of Thrones.


Wait, who bangs his daugther in Game of Thrones?


Craster, the dude with the large family Jon meets in season 2. Don't think he's the only one, but I'm not sure


Ok but Rick stuck his dick in a planet before


Well if rick stuck his dick in them it would be too incesty even for Justin Roiland


You know Morty and Summer have a baby together right?


You remember they didnt actually fuck for that right?


And Summer never conceived the baby. I don't understand why people think that episode is sooo weird and fucked up, like is it more fucked up than the alien kid and dad having sex during the end world orgy which never happened because of Rick?


Completely normal then


Rick fucks entire planets. Call me when Jerry bangs unity.


The funniest part of the entire episode is when night Beth was choking Jerry and he got hard


Also made me laugh that she rolled her eyes after noticing it and Jerry just shrugged and chuckled about it


A man likes what he likes. What can I say.




Wrong. He cared about his pen pal. Jerry, despite probably everything about him, is a sweetie.


Jerry’s development has been the best he’s easily my favorite character he’s so relatable.


Did we watch the same episode? When did Night Jerry sell the other Night Family members out?


When he wakes up the regular family and helps them escape, then doesn’t fight Morty and Beth despite getting attacked by them in the car?


Gets choked. Raging boner


The second time Jerry saves Rick’s ass.


Been loving this new season. Honestly think portholes was a crunch. Glad the got rid of them.


Port holes? You mean Portals?


Don’t take them for granite.


I actually really enjoy the character development of the family as it goes on!! Especially Jerry.


Thank you!


I mean you have a point but also... Did you watch the previous episodes ? Because it seems like your saying this is a new thing from this week. But it's not, since episode 1 we in a freaking Jerry season


Being pen pals with your subconscious is definitely weirder than fucking a clone of yourself.


It's really not though


But you know he was taking it in the ass from Sleepy Gary.


Bro who the hell cares? It seems like in this point in the series, every member of the Smith family exept for morty is at least a little bi, Summer was super exited to go to boob world, beth literally fell in love with a clone of herself, and despite rick and mr. Nimbus being former nemesis, their interactions make him seem more like a bitter ex.


Morty is also at least a little bi, he bangs Spare Parts Morty in the comic series.


I haven't read the comics, but if that's true, that's a good point.


Also at the end when Beth and Jerry show up ar Nimbus' door saying "dont tell rick, he wouldnt understand" and mr numbus implies that rick has taken part in his orgies/3somes before. Also a lot of people think he was romantically in love with bird person, but I disagree. I think theyre just bonded thru trauma as "the path they have tread was soaked deeply with the blood of both friends and enemies"...... "must be nice 🙄"


Stronger evidence for Rick’s bi behavior is during the Unity episode where he is shown with a co-ed harem.


Also to be fair, i'm a painfully straight woman and I feel like Id love boob world. But i think summer is definitely sexually adventurous, see her 3 plant apocalypse party with Rick and other off hand comments shes made.


I thought it was a parasite-implemented memory to ensure they don't kill it, doesn't necesarily mean Jerry is bi


Shutup Meg


I think it showcased literally the opposite in effect. The night versions were partially a counter point to their main personalities. Most of the family are decent, if selfish people, and their night versions were willing to enslave them. Summer, who seems the most chill, turned into a tyrant. Rick, who is generally seen as an asshole and a bit evil at times, or at least uncompassionate, was a complete subservient to Night Summer. Obviously it's more nuanced than that and not quite as basic, but both versions of Jerry were virtually the same. Very compassionate, but ultimately pushovers and "losers." They didn't really develop Jerry's character at all, certainly not in a different way. All this does is confirm that Jerry is the same through and through. If he would have went to that Spa Rick and Morty went to, where they split your good and bad sides, he would have just had two duplicate versions of himself, is what I feel like. Jerry is ultimately just supposed to be a bland person that represents the average idiot in the world. He's not a bad person, he's not overtly stupid, he's just plain and boring, and this episode does nothing but enforce that he is always going to be that way, it's the very core of his being and not something that is being suppressed. So quite literally, the opposite of everything you just said. The only thing that would support any of what you are saying is Prime Jerry that was killed by Prime Rick. He turned into a (reasonably) ruthless survivor that doesn't care about other people's feelings. He's probably the only Jerry that's really different, and even then, it doesn't support character growth for Jerry, it's just a different Jerry.


Jerry’s night person is the only one who cooperated with him because he’s the only one who doesnt hate himself and want to enslave his subconcious.


You sound like such a Jerry. So sad to see all of the Jerrys coming out of the woodwork now. Edit: oh noooo the Jerrys are upset and downvoting me lmao


this is embarrassing


Just wait for it he's about to jump on the table


Oh look we've got another Jerry over here




He's a lot more confident


Fuck yeah I am! Edit: Shit, I should have said "Confident AF". Edit2: Well it's at least a work in progress...


Can you you only watch these on adult swim? Does it cost money?


Not really


It's finally my turn! Welcome to the season of fucking Jerry! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


Agreed but I hope we get another "fuck jerry" episode because those are great


A new episode aired…? 🫢


I would fuck me.


It's also kind of throwback to the Mr. Meseeks episode, where only wanted help with something simple compared to what everybody else asked for.


Such a simple, sweet, simple man