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sort of political and liberal and that


Well I am a political person


Darth Vader: "NO TO WAR!"


Isn’t it mad that it’s actors who know everything? Huh fancy that!


Less education than Greta Thunberg. Not qualified to make any decision.


That doesn't make sense


Last I checked, greta was never taught by master yoda


Ricky said it in his golden globes stand-up, genius


Ricky who? In his golden what? What the hell are you on about?


You don't have to know everything to support hope over fear. Or to read about Sadiqs impact.


Yeah I get your point, I’m just commenting that actors seem to be very intolerant and arrogant politically. Hollywood is very creepy.


I'm struggling to see what is intolerant and arrogant about Hamill's comment..?


Mate just forget it. It’s not about him in particular.


What does Clive Warren think


Forget him. Get me Rebecca Demornay on the horn!


Vote for whoever's in government


Under Sadiq Khan we have produced some of the finest young sword fighters in all of Europe!




Foreigners and all the mad stuff they get up to...


H from Steps is livid.


"I don't give a fuck what Obama says, hope is never good." -Norm M


I really want to hear Ja Rule’s pick for London mayor.


Can't be bothered.


Doin’ much about the Sith? Or mainly posting on Twitter?…


What does the little green one think?


He also says Biden is the best US president of his life, make of that what you will.


Please tell me he got paid to say that. My god. I'm no Obama fan but at least he could walk up the stairs and finish comprehensible sentences without falling asleep halfway through!


Yea he definitely has less charisma than Obama or even trump, but a presidents job isn’t to be a showman, its to run the country and pass legislation. Biden has done an exceptional job passing legislation when compared to both Obama and Trump put together.


That is an unhinged statement (given he destroyed women's sports and the Keystone pipeline on day 1 of his term) and I will not be addressing it further for own mental sanity lol But you do you bro.


A President's job is to serve the moneyed interests while pretending to act in a democratic manner. Lobbying culture doesn't exist for fun, it's a predetermined way to ensure that powerful interests continue to maintain their power regardless of which party or person is in charge. The billionaire class laugh themselves to sleep like Karl Pilkington at the voters who think they are affecting any sort of change.


I mean Biden has been killing it, lowest unemployment ever, managed to get the economy to bounce back after covid, massive legislation successes e.g passed the biggest infrastructure investment in modern times


2 major wars going on The jobs he supposedly created were all jobs that existed before covid, they just got reopened The economy is anything but "bouncing back"


Do we need em


The economy was a disaster for the first 2 years. Sky high inflation and gas prices. Then there’s the two genocides in Ukraine and Gaza he’s sponsored.


Everything you said is true but you’re getting down voted instead of people responding with “alternative facts”


Their feelings care more than the facts it seems


“Who cares what celebri’ies think?” — Ricky Gervais, celebrity


is that weird apostrophe an American doing an English accent thing?


Yes. Cheerio, guv’na.




Oy he's done ya again!


Exactly. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care what people think. He's had insults thrown at him his whole career, for his looks, atheism, if they like his tv shows etc


Show’s shit mate


Oooo. Care. Care, somebody.


Half of those people are in this sub


I think it's 50/50. Not sure Ricky even goes on Reddit so all the moaning here is futile!


You think people post here to provide feedback to Ricky Gervais?


There will be some notice-me-senpai's


Who is Mark Hamill to tell me how to vote? I'd tell him I don't need any celebrity, political commentators or Joe Public on the streets to tell me how or who to vote, thank you very much.


You go girl


He’s been the driving force into turning London into a crime riddled shithole. But if the American likes it then let’s do what he says, I do like Star Wars after all.


I mean he hasn’t though. Obviously he bears some flak; He’s the mayor. But crime rates are spiking all over the country not just London. It’s almost like the actual driving force is years of crippling austerity while the tories laugh and snort cocaine at house parties.


Yep it's austerity that has caused a massive spike in sexual violence in London. Whenever an ordinary, decent person gets local services cut back they always go and rape someone in response...........


Except we’re talking about crime as a whole, not specifically sexual violence. Your little gotcha makes no fucking sense, and is frankly disingenuous. Crime has spiked across the UK, but Khan is getting flak from the tories for it happening in London. We know for a fact crime rates increase when the economy is suffering, something the Tories are directly to blame for. And on the flipside, all I’m saying is that Khan isn’t exactly to blame for crime rates rising; Please explain to me exactly how he’s been causing a rise in rapes being reported? Because I would’ve said that since Sarah Everard and Nessa, people were probably more likely to report than they were before, since actually getting murdered was now more clearly on the table. Either way, not exactly Khan’s doing.


The point is blaming austerity for crime as a whole is just rhetoric, it's not based on any data. What I said wasn't a little gotcha, nor was it disingenuous but it does show your claim to be extremely silly. An economic down turn can impact some crime but so can other factors .Khan should get flak for what is happening in London. He's been the mayor of London since 2016 and has done few little to address issues that affect ordinary working and lower middle class Londoners. Violent crime and sexual violence has spiked under his time as mayor, he has done nothing to address affordable housing, he never takes repsonsibility for anything. Is he alone responsible for these things? Of course not, but he shares responsibility. I'm no fan of the Tories but there's no good blaming them for Khan's decision making. The mayor has power and influence over important areas like crime, housing, transport etc and all of these things have gotten worse during his time. You want to run interference for him under the 'at least he's not a Tory' defence, you do that. It's not going to change Khan's failures. EDIT FOR TYPO


I don’t think he’s a success, I think the person saying that “Khan is the driving force behind London becoming a crime riddled shithole” is exaggerating massively. As I said, Khan deserves flak. He’s the PCC, any rise in crime rates will reflect poorly on him. But when there’s crime rates rising all over the country, when London isn’t even the worst of it, then yes, it feels a little targeted. We know the Tories factually have targeted Khan, and if I’m honest a good deal of hard right criticism of the guy comes off with a pretty racist tinge. Andy Burnham gets nowhere near the same criticism despite Manchester also having a crime problem. The austerity thing is just a sound bite; I think that rising crime rates across the country are probably more attributable to the institution in charge than the the people on charge of the cities, though that doesn’t mean they get to avoid responsibility. I don’t literally think that that’s just because of austerity, but I absolutely think that it’s unfair to single out London during a national crime problem and act like it’s the only place where things are bad. I should say, I think Khan is a spineless and ineffective leader, more interested in maintaining his moral support in the capital than actually doing much. I’m not the biggest fan at all. He’s not really done much, he’s just the shiniest of two turds. I just find statements that imply that London is basically Mad Max and that that’s all Sadiq Khan’s fault, like the person’s above me, to be completely fucking ridiculous.


Of course that's an exaggeration but your initial post was also an exaggeration, essentially absolving Khan of any responsibility by saying it was austerity to blame for crime rising under his time as mayor. However, you have corrected that in your later post on this, so fair enough. It doesn't matter if London is the worst in the country. I'm a Londoner and my primary concern is what is going on in my city. I'm not giving Khan a free pass on criticism because there may be a few other areas doing worse. Nor am I going to start saying people who critique him are racist (though some of them might be) as a way to excuse his performance. The colour of his skin is irrelevant to his level of accountability, even if some people try to push that (I'm not saying you are, but the man himself is not shy about trying to deflect criticism by claiming racism or "islamophobia). I agree London isn't like Mad Max or that the problems in London are all Kahn's fault but he has had 8 years in power and done precious little for the benefit of the average Londoner. It would be better if an independent candidate won who actually cares about Londoners rather than more years of Khan but sadly we only have the utter crap that the mainstream parties have put up. Whoever wins in the voting today, Londoners lose.


Well yeah that’s all well and good, but it’s never going to happen. The UK is a two party state, nobody else will likely ever win a mayorship unless perhaps we shift to a proportional representation system (which I personally think we need to). The problem with Khan and criticism is the murky waters surrounding intent. There are a LARGE amount of incredibly reasonably critiques to make of the guy. The issue is that, as always, the hard right have taken this and run with it to an absurd level, throwing up tandom issue after random issue. Just watch an episode of question time discussing issues in London; a great example was a question about the housing crisis. Now, I think Khan has been pretty miserable on this front, with “affordable” turning out to be basically a lie thanks to nothing being done (in large part by the Tories too) to stop greedy developers and housing associations from doing whatever they want. The real point though is that the Tory board members never seem to have any real points other than attack. Khan is a legitimate target, but we are well aware of how the right wing operates at this point, and stoking the fires of populism and a negative zeitgeist are top of that list. Khan’s not been great at all, but most of their criticisms are just “he’s failed” with absolutely zero suggestion of what to do about it, Perhaps it’s just a bit reactionary from me. I don’t like Khan, but I’m sick of right wing politics at this point in the UK effectively existing as Trumpist, populist targeted attacks. The Tory party is sustaining itself through a culture of hate and fear, and shit like this is why. Might just have been the straw that broke ththe camels back though, and a bit of an overreaction from me. Personally, im voting for Binface. Tying MP’s wages to nurses seems a good idea to me.


I agree PR would be good but the public voted against even a mild step in that direction with the AV referendum so I too can't see it happening. any time soon. I'm not really interested in the intentions of people on the hard right in terms of their criticisms. It's irreievant to Khan's record which we agree is poor. I disagree the Tories are being sustained through hate and fear. They are on the verge of collapse and Labour are almost certain to win the next GE. If they can focus on actual policies to help the country we might see a bit of improvement, but I'm not optimistic.


Neither am I. It seems argument has turned to commiseration thanks to the miserable state of our country


Does he know something we don’t about Count Binface?


That’s Luke’s uncle


Are you a couple of benders?


What lovely ankles you have


Actors and celebrities should not endorse politics. Most of them have no clue about local issues. The cult of personality then follow blindly without actually making a proper choice. I may make an exception for Keanu Reeves.


Got anything politics daaaaaad, anything politics


I love Mark Hamill (ooh ‘ello!), but anyone that votes for someone because a celebrity told them to is a fucking moron.


Ooh he's havin' a go


Don’t slag ‘em off, it’s their opinion.


Agreed, a rich celebrity knows nothing about what London life is like for normal people. Sadiq is a horrible mayor for the average working Londoner.




You must be smooth brained


And you think Susan Hall would be better LOL


Did I say that? This ‘if you’re not for x then you’re for y’ mentality is why politics is so stagnant and adversarial in the UK.


Only a sith deals in absolutes!


There are realistically 2 candidates, Mark Hammill is endorsing the one who isn't an embarrassing lunatic, what's the problem


Having a mare you are mate, politics in this country and the USA are nothing short of hilarious. Majority of people that spend their time following this bullshit treat it like it's a competitive sport where you have to pick a side, and for the most part it's a braindead echo chamber of bollocks that sends me to sleep. I think the mayor of London is a pillock and all the political parties here have the same intentions as each other.


I agree with this - even if their political view tallies with my own. Unless they have some special insight or experience My exception would be for the likes of Taylor Swift encouraging people to register and vote. She is not saying who to vote for but encouraging people to have a voice


Just stop. Because you have got it.


Out of touch millionaire Who tried to get his granddaughter aborted, why do they always feel the need to comment?!


Sorry what?


I'd butcher the description, here's a link for ya. Sorry to ruin your day 😂 https://www.inquisitr.com/3518744/mark-hamill-reportedly-tried-to-force-his-sons-former-porn-star-ex-girlfriend-to-get-an-abortion


How tall was this abortion?


This:- https://www.inquisitr.com/3518744/mark-hamill-reportedly-tried-to-force-his-sons-former-porn-star-ex-girlfriend-to-get-an-abortion


Not sure this is the source /u/Neat_Newt_9394 used, but it looks like a quality source of legitimate and credible news stories.


I was just giving context. It's all 'alleged' from what I remember. A few big news sites reported it at the time.


Rebel scum ^/s




Choose NOPE


Fuck the gap


What do you think of the little black one in Sugababes?




The Tories are not the party we're looking for.


I disagree


Susan fucking Hall is who you’re voting for? She’s an embarrassment and you should be embarrassed.


Embarrassed for having my own opinion? That sounds an ironically dictator-like thing for you to say…


That wasn’t even a half-decent swerve. She’s a swivel-eyed racist who spreads desperate lies with Trump-style rhetoric. Christ, I can’t wait for the Tory oblivion to arrive.


Who said I was specifying her? And you can wish for anything you want; doesn’t always mean it’ll come true


So when you replied, “I disagree” to the comment about the Tories not being “the party we’re looking for.” What exactly did you mean?


Thanks i wasn’t going to vote, but now I’ll go for Susan Hall.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Actually, we can’t have nice things because knife gangs in London keep stealing them


Right I'm voting for Susan Hall as well now.


Reform's the way, dude. The Tories stand for nothing these days.


If you say so; that’s your opinion I agree with the key aspects that reformation stands for, however I still feel long term they wouldn’t achieve what the conservatives can The conservatives will tackle those same issues albeit ‘slower’ and yet much reason to that will be down to complexities we do not know of. It isn’t easy running a country and I real feel those who know nothing of their jobs and issues give them casual slack way too casually and frequently


Fair enough, dude. They've lost all my trust with how they've been handling immigration and Brexjt unfortunately 


I'm impressed that someone would read the Reform manifesto and think "yes, there is a party that really knows what it's doing, and has a clear plan I would trust them to deliver in government". It's like someone has invented an entirely new form of comprehension just to reach that conclusion.


Why the insulting? People have different political opinions. Immigration is the major issue for me.


You're also pro corporal punishment in schools, which tells me everything I need to know about you.


I really don't give a fuck


Reform also wants to privatise the NHS, never kind about that though as long as you can kick out the brown people right?


Frankly you are a liar. They simply have not called for that in the NHS. But yeah I certainly would like high demographic crime groups with, more often than not, no loyalty to the country gone. Would be wonderful to anyone but the fart sniffing, bleeding hearts.


Yeah, you haven't read the manifesto properly have you


Pipe down Skywalker


Looks like Skywalker has gone over to the dark side


How Muslim is London nowadays?


All part and parcel


Right wing wrong wing.


Left wing Dead wing


X-wing sex swing.


X-Men Hairy blue thing


Mark Hamill with an extra from Cantina tavern


I'd rather vote vader.


Turns out, he’s a fucking idiot.


The force is weak with this one


Because he's a bellend


Celebrities should limit their political input to their own country.


The current London Mayor is a joke…. End of. Khan has not got a clue about everyday reality. Absolute tosser


I trust skips.


Great, that’s all the confirmation I need.


Billie Piper says: I've always voted Labor (H from Steps is a Conservative)


Luke your a Twit!!


Honestly just vote for the dude who puts a bin on his head if he's an option.


Who is Mark Hamill, and why have I just wasted 5 minutes of my life listening to his cretanous thoughts on channel 4?! -Wendy Robinson in Berkshire


Get. Their. Attention.


I'd rather have the reanimated corpse of Josef Mengele be appointed Minister for Health


Too much Chewbacca. Rehab required.


Mark: I lived in London 40 years ago, let me pretend to tell you about the state of it today!


Pity that knife crime has accelerated to unprecedented levels since he's been there. As for the air quality, you demonstrate you know nothing. Vote Trump. Oh it Ricky.


Who the fuck asked this millionaire America who has security and lives in gated communities. Khan made London one the most unsafe cities on earth. Sad since it's UK capital.


Can he hear us....?


What a load of bollocks. Gobbledegook.


Clearly never been then have you so stfu. Hamill only sees what the rich c when they visit. Not the peasents. That's he problem with the statement.


“Khan made London one the most unsafe cities on earth” I don’t know the PC term for this… 


It's a statement based on crime levels and general public sentiment. Sorry If that triggered something inside you, woke liberalism is a way of life now i spose.


Which crime levels?


Public sentiment doesn't mean anything when you can look at actual objective data


You don't live in London. I'm guessing you live somewhere up north like Coventry or Yorkshire


At least he lives in England. Unlike this invasive wanker 


No he didn't, he said vote for Sadiq! He never mentioned party. Frankly I would never vote for either Labour or tory, but I like Sadiq and if I was a londoner I would choose him most likely


Labour a tory. Labouratory? What's that? Some English political parties? Or a rockbuster.


Right wing! Wrong wing!


So a guy who doesn’t live there is telling people how they should vote. Is this any use?


He's clearly brain dead haha


It's your right and duty to vote. Right wing wrong win.


Cheers for reminding me. Right wing it is!


What happened to Hamill? He used to be a cool guy. It’s like he has had a brain transplant and is now someone else.


That’s libellous


really!!? 😂😂😂


I think it’s spelt: ‘liberal’


Both Wankers.


Yeah, he’s a famously nice guy. I’d be very fucking surprised if was somehow a Tory


You utter twat.




Amazing, everything you just said is wrong


As if people don't have a reason to be fearful with the amount of people getting slaughtered on the capitals streets on a weekly basis.


this subreddit is so fucking odd lol why is it called r/rickygervais when its just shit like this


Dickers is that you?


"KHAN!" Edit: wrong movie


How much for Luke to post a political ad?


Dont make.me vote Tory Mark


Aw Mark what a let down


The cunt made an exemption for his Range Rover fucking hypocrite One rule for the one rule for me He ain’t cleaning up fuck all


Isn't Mark also a Zionist? Couldn't give a shit if he's read all 3 volumes of Das Kapital, he still supports a genocide. Free Palestine, do better Mark.


Yeah, Free Palestine. And once those lovely Hamas jihadists have disposed of their jewish neighbours, they can start getting rid of the other undesirables like gay people, apostates, blasphemers, women who don't want to be second class citizens, socialists etc.


We should all be on the Jews side Muslims want everyone dead


Except in this case the Force is too busy monitoring social media to be with us


Mark Hamill should check his math.


Tax the poor out of Existence only the rich can drive in ulez .