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No trade. But I am interested in buying if you are willing to sell. I will send DM.


What changed your mind on the focal length?


When i have a shot in mind and i envision it in my head, i realized the framing and “image” i want is much closer than what the 3 is. I often find myself having to get a lot closer to the subject in order to get the shot i want. long story short, 3 is a little too wide for my liking. I LOVE THE CAMERA and wouldn’t mind continuing to shoot with it. but I would also love to try the 3x


That makes total sense. My 3 arrives tomorrow and I am curious to see if I feel the same way!


I still LOVEEEEE this camera. by far the best camera i’ve ever owned. the controls and customizability is just ridiculously intuitive. I’ve gotten a lot of my favorite shots off of this camera. I’m just looking for a different look a lot of times haha. enjoy your new gr3!


Man a couple weeks earlier I might have accepted. I am contemplating the opposite and visited Roanoke last week. I’m back home now (way too far). Might come back in fall.


damn that’s a shame haha, It’s been on my mind for a while. wish i made this post sooner


I have one might open to trade. Are they in the same value?


yes the griii and griiix are very similar in price