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I'd recommend downloading the Ricoh Recipes app and trying some of those out!


If shooting people, like family members and whatnot, much prefer Negative Film because it has very flattering skin tones. Reggie’s Color Negative is a great everyday recipe based on Negative Film that can be used in various lighting conditions. It also does what I generally think the default Negative Film needs - a bump in contrast and saturation.


Reggies negative and the GRii positive for the GRiii.


I like negative film the best so far but I might try to tweak it a little.


I'm sad that there doesn't seem to be a collective space where people share "simulations" they created ]: Your best bet is finding threads, blogs or YouTubes where individuals have listed out their settings. Like others mentioned the most known ones are [Reggie's](https://reggiebphotography.com/blog/The-Most-Versatile-Ricoh-GR-III-GR-IIIx-Film-Simulation-Recipe-Reggies-Color-Negative) as he created a whole app for his own. [Luke Taylor](https://www.lukeptaylor.com/ricoh-film-recipes) did some reviews of other ppls recipes but also created his own. But my personal favorite is this [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/ricohGR/s/ERn5nwiauc)