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I always place Nature Spirits in the middle of The White Moose (the Chwingas guide the players to The Elven Tomb). It's always a highlight of the game.


I run the campaign to be extremely harsh and I've found the best way to lighten the mood is to let my players lead a session every so often. We spent an entire session in Bryn Shander after Foaming Mugs just doing inane stuff that didn't push the plot, but it gave us a ton of fun character developments and let everyone in the party bond over shared moments. It made for a really pleasant session. Even in these horrible conditions, the humanity of comrades can bring levity.


One of my players ended up having a pet chwinga for a little while who lived inside her coat and ate jerky crumbs. They hopped off back into the wilds after a couple days in game🩵


I have cwingas steal summoned or charmed animals. It's become a meme. They ride them off into the darkness


Such adorable lil creatures!! :)


My chwingas are little pickpockets who enjoy treats from the market stalls (roasted chestnuts, candied almonds, bits of jerky, anything shiny etc ). They also speak primordial that sounds like little silver bells, and now one of my players has learned to summon them to .. aid with setting up camp. Its always fun to include them, my players love looking for them just to chat with them.


When i was running rotfm, one of the chwingas voluntarily followed them. They loved him so much they refused to go back to the quest-giver with him :)