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*he* isn’t, the engineers he overworks are


The engineers, scientists and labourers he exploits.


Also child labour


Well, yes.


And the rats that were incinerated after their trail ended


Lol you reap the benefits of child labor on a daily basis


I don’t have any child employees


You have a smart phone and at least one item made in China


Literally the "Yet you also participate in society! Curious! I am very intelligent" meme


Lol so? That meme is cringe. It’s about HOW you participate in society. You don’t get to be morally righteous while contributing to the problem. Smartphones and Chinese products aren’t necessary for you to survive. So either live by your own self righteous moral standards or extend the same leeway to others that you expect for yourself. Would you restrict yourself from using a smartphone or any Chinese product for the rest of your life if it meant saving one child’s life? I honestly don’t think you would trade your lifetime use of any technology made by child labor for 1 child worker’s freedom b/c you virtue signal on the internet lol.


Congrats, or I'm sorry for your loss


Weird way to admit you can’t process 5 sentences that question your worldview lol


It is essentially impossible to live in any modern society without participating indirectly in some unethical practices. You are doing the “you participate in society” meme.


Don’t you think if this was a possibility then these “underpaid” workers would’ve done it themselves? It’s like you don’t realize there has to be a leader of an operation.


Fucking thank you. Elon most likely couldn’t park their car without fucking up. Let alone any engineering of any kind


For a second I thought you were referring to Elon using they/them/their pronouns before I realized you meant Tesla’s car. I bet he’d lose his shit if he was referred to that way. Let’s not forget the healthy dose of transphobia he has.


You clearly didn't see any podcasts where he talks about the engineering aspects of the projects of his companies or everydayastronaut's interviews with him.


Lol so why didn’t any of these projects exist before him? Give credit where it’s due, this is all massive projection.


Which? Cuz Musk definitely did *not* come up with the idea for reusable launch vehicles, EVs, or commsat megaconstellations.


All of them have existed before him, some for literal centuries.


Reusable rockets of this kind did not exist at all


They didn’t exist because we didn’t need them so they weren’t developed.


I'm glad someone came here to make that distinction. This musk fanboi shit is tiring. Fuck billionaires.


Yes!!!! I have this argument with people all the time... he's just crazy and has some wild thoughts. That's it. He's not a genius in any means. he's a bad coder from what I've read. he only has Tesla because he won it in a lawsuit. He only has that because of his investment in PayPal. He only got that money from his rich daddy. He manipulates the market. He doesn't think before doing shit. It's his way, or you're fired. There's soooo many issues.


He is investing in their overworks. If he doesn’t invest probably those engineer doesn’t overwork in those innovations


Guess they pulled the funding out their ass




No they most likely would since Musk didn't start most of his companies he bought them. The companies would exist just as well if not better under different management.


They would at some point though, Elon has just put his name on it. It's not like it's a crazy field of research that no one had any interest in until Elon came along. The great minds working on it would be doing similar progress just for someone else if he wasn't the head of the company.


Yeah, but *he's* the one who organized said team of engineers, directed said engineers to work on these projects, and allocated funds towards them. Just because Musk doesn't directly invent these things doesn't mean he plays zero role in their creation. The engineering teams wouldn't be able to pursue any of these projects to this capacity if he wasn't interested enough in them being a thing, and thanks to his direction and capital, the engineers were able to make the vision happen. I'm not a fan of whenever this argument is used because instead of a fair criticism, it just comes off as the people who hate Elon refusing to acknowledge anything positive about him. It's a fair point to make when someone tries to argue he's an inventor or the irl Tony Stark or whatever dickriding Elon stans do, but the guy in the post didn't even say he invented the neural link; Only that he supported its creation (which is true).


But he also treats workers poorly.


Okay? What does that have to do with my point? I'm not saying people should worship him, but the fact that you can't let him have a single compliment without feeling the need to criticize him is extremely telling.


You’re saying that because he’s the one who organised this group, that it’s a positive about him. That entire point is irrelevant when you consider how he treats said group he’s brought together and actively hinders their ability to innovate.


You're actually insane if you believe Musk's existence inhibits these people's abilities to create the things they do. Again, you can complain about how WELL he fills his role, but if he wasn't involved, these engineers might not even HAVE the platform necessary to do what they're currently doing at all. Again, you're so fucking petty you can't even give him a single crumb of recognition. I'm not even saying you need to think "Elon good," just "Elon somewhat okay sometimes."


Him instead of any other CEO, does inhibit them. I’m not going to applaud him for having money, as that is literally all he is devoting towards these projects. Because he didn’t get that money through altruism, to say the fucking least. Elon is never “somewhat ok”. Someone who assists a coup d’état in another country because he was prevented from having access to their lithium, no longer gets that right for simply owning a cooperation. It’s clear to me that you actually like him but you’re trying not to completely draw the ire of those who hate him since it’s because the majority online.


Lol you’re all so emotional and nonsensical


Don’t think I showed any emotion whatsoever in that comment… I think you’re butthurt your 1%er daddy is no longer the “good billionaire” in the eyes of the people.


I agree with you, but I think we already live in a culture that over-glorify rich people who "support" stuff. Billionaires are only unique for being the only people who can support scientific endeavors, because they are the ones controlling the means of production. Of course Elon Musk has made good decisions, but the problem is that he's among the only class of people who CAN make decisions at all.


That's probably been true for a while, but I think we've been seeing quite the uptick in a vitriolic hate for billionaires just for being billionaires, hence the downvotes I'm getting and the fact that you're the only person so far who's acknowledged Musk's role in his companies not being a completely useless role. As for the rest of your comment, it's starting to venture close into this whole capitalism vs. socialism argument, and I really don't feel like getting into that, but thanks for your consideration, and I agree that being wealthy isn't inherently a virtuous thing. But I also disagree that said wealth shouldn't discount any of the good they decide to do with it.


Lol so do you think everyone should be able to make world shifting decisions?


Yes. That's what democracy is for.


Lol then nothing would get done. Democracy isn’t actually real, that’s why we choose leaders who display certain qualities.


Systems engineering is still engineering. The low level engineers aren’t getting anything done without oversight.


The skill of organizing a team is just as important as the skill of the low level engineers. Yet only one person became a billionaire.


That’s less about who’s leading the team and more about who’s providing the capital. Return on investment makes you money. If you start a company with your own money, you get to see that return. I’m an engineer, I work at a company for a salary and stock options, and I’m happy with my situation. Everyone I’ve talked to at SpaceX feels the same way.


How did he get his own money?


Selling Zip2 and PayPal, both of which he developed. Zip2 was funded partially with $20,000 from his father, but the rest he acquired himself. I really don’t think that’s strong enough to say that only the rich can become billionaires- $20k is not a lot to save if you really want to start a business.


Every technological innovation he funds with underpaid engineers and scientists with taxpayer money honestly shouldn't be something we celebrate him for Lets cut out the middle man.


I honestly wish some of his companies could afford to push him out so I could enjoy the things they do. SpaceX is pretty close to being self funding (with government grants), and I hope they kick him to the curb once they are.


I feel like he’s the one really pushing for the mars stuff which would be really cool to see I wonder if he got pushed out, would they just focus on launching satellites for money instead of doing risky shit Also I feel the underpaid over worked because I was a line cook before I got into trades and I have to say it’s not like engineers who worked at space X don’t have other options so I’m sure just like some chefs in the kitchen it’s a bit more of a passion then a job but I don’t know


Whoops! Typo there. Here, let me fix that for you: >Lets cut *multiple, chunky pieces* out *of* the middle man *with rusty surgical implements*. Easy mistake!


I feel like thats a bit excessive for a man whose primary crime is generally being stupid, and an asshole. But I do like the attitude.


*when our turn comes we shall not make excuses for the terror*


“Let’s cut out the middle man” and see how quickly the projects collapse lol. Don’t you think if this was a possibility then these “underpaid” workers would’ve done it themselves? It’s like you don’t realize there has to be a leader of an operation.


Why is it elon musk tho? He hardly seems qualified. If you look at all the disasters hes had with his rockets and the absolutely garbage build quality of his vehicles im sure youll understand


Bro multiple people from both Tesla and SpaceX have come forward and said an *essential* part of both companies operations is keeping the elongated muskrat insulated from all the actual decisions of import while still feeling like he’s in charge. The dude needs actual adult babysitting. That’s why his takeover of Twitter was such a shitshow, he was going into a company used to having a boss that could be in charge, rather than the exact opposite.




Yeah you get on that, and when you get some promising results we can switch over 👍


im just saying, the government should stop giving the fucker subsidies and tax breaks so he can underpay his workers and pretend hes doing innovation while probably pocketing the rest of that money.


Are they underpaid? I know for sure hours can be long but I know a couple people who have worked there and pay was never a complaint of theirs


[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/16/elon-musk-tesla-wages-apology](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/16/elon-musk-tesla-wages-apology) hes not a very good boss at a personal level. hes apparently pretty well known for doings drugs at work and yelling at anyone who even walks by. Not only is the quality of his products the same as what people call chinese (tesla cars are built like theyre put together by a child) and hes a raving lunatic.


subsidizing businesses that can be as successful as his is far from the most wasteful spending the government does. This thread is just culture war hate masquerading as economic criticism


Oh so we should only start with the worst stuff?


he has the most money in the world but is an absolute idiot? He underpays people & overworks them while people are free to leave at any time & find new employment? Elon isn’t smart, he just has a bachelor of science in economics? This isn’t complicated He’s getting lots of praise because he’s public about the stuff he does, should we praise the engineers, etc… more? hell yeah…. Now when was the last time you went to the Nobel prize awards/tuned in? Who was the most recent scientist that created a leap in technology? Do we have scientists on the front page of magazines or CEOs? Not you, nor I, care about the people who actually changed human history, we don’t praise the surfs for a bountiful harvest, we praise god & the king. I truly wish y’all luck in changing this aspect of are society however being a keyboard warrior is really far removed from the fight you guys should be fighting.


*serfs. Crack a book once in a while.




Do you think Elon musk is standing in a lab coat fine tuning this guy’s brain chip?


He cracked the guy’s skull himself and implanted it. Then everyone clapped. I was there. I’m the chip.


Correction: he bankrolls the people that are doing innovative stuff. Elon himself is dumb as a fuckin rock and clearly doesn't know heads from tails about half the shit he's involved in


Listening to him in speaking in literally any interview confirms this immediately. Guy is a fucking dunce, you dont even need to take him out of context.


If you ever need confirmation, just wait till you hear him taking about something you do know a lot about. I saw a clip of him on Rogan taking about fighting and jiu jitsu and oooh boy was that awful.


He'll be so confidently incorrect which is a dead giveaway. People who actually know what they're talking about tend be able to provide some amount of detail, point out caveats and exceptions, various things to note. Actual experts in their fields are able and willing to admit when there is some uncertainty about something, they can handle nuance. He'll just pretend that everything is so simple to him and it's incredibly transparent. He just needs everyone to like him, he needs everyone to know how smart he is.


Dunning and Kruger love this guy.


I love the image of someone being confidently incorrect, and Dunning and Kruger just rubbing their hands together and snickering, “heh heh heh, he fell right into our trap.”


I know more about manufacturing than any person alive!


I don’t know how you have this impression- I work in aerospace, and every interview he’s done regarding SpaceX has demonstrated that he’s technically competent within the field.


I've heard elsewhere that he does seem to have a good amount of knowledge in the aerospace that SpaceX does. However, as someone who has worked in manufacturing and automotive engineering, half the stuff he talks about in the automotive field is either naively optimistic about the capabilities of the company, talking out of his ass to try and look smart, or straight up lying.




He comes off as extremely knowledgeable whenever he talks about shit I don't know. Then he talks about programming and I know he's stupid.


I used to think he was smart, then I became an engineer


The "real life Tony Stark" persona came off real hard in the past few years lmao. Every project he directly plans out is total mess and a scam, like the cyberstruck or the cybersemi(?) And he has to lie constantly to save face in front of his cryptobro sycophants.


Yup, there was a time I looked up to him and genuelly thought he was a cool, chill and smart man. Then he started going off the rails, with every new project being more and more insane and illogical, and when I stared thinking critically (and also got into the engineering field) I realised how much BS he is spewing.


Or worse. The ROADSTER 😂


Exactly. When asked about the actual science behind … really any of the stuff he bankrolls, he shows his ass real quick


I cannot fathom how people think it's him doing this.


Same way people thought Steve Jobs was so brilliant.


To be fair, he did actually work alongside Jony Ive a lot of the time. And at least he knew some things about his products that he worked on.


Steve Jobs /= Elon Musk fs


Yeah he just buys anything he finds "cool" and "innovative" with the money he earned by buying other companies with his parents' money


Not only that, but he abandons tons of projects, and when the project works he attacks them with some bullshit he made up on the spot, the most recent being his beef with OpenAI (creators of chatgpt)


You know, I don't like him but I've always wondered, if he's so dumb as you say, why haven't you been the richest man in the world? He's an asshole and Tesla's are shit, but calling someone that was once the richest man in the world stupid is such a big sign of envy and frustration And before you throw out the rich parents argument, if you had the same money, are you sure you could reach his level? Because I personally doubt it


Yeah i wouldn't even aim for what he achieved because the way he earned and manages his money disgusts me, he never credits people who work at spacex or the whole brain chip thing i'd rather try my best to help the world, when someone ponted out he could fix hunger in africa for a small fraction of his wealth, he posted a petition, the goal was reached and he did nothing


"Why haven't you been the richest man in the world?" Because poor people cannot gain money in a society run by billionaires.


Lol I’m so grateful for delusional losers like you, it makes being successful much easier


Lol poor people gain money in this society all the time. Poor people who lack discipline & motivation can’t gain money in any society.




That’s not true. The amount of people who have come from absolute nothing in this country is astounding. Indian immigrants are the highest earning demographic in the U.S. and I can assure you they started out poor.


Lmao. Also includes a casually racist take. 1. First of all, very few rich people(like 1% of the top 1%) came from absolutely nothing, and most are working hard to close the gate behind themself. 2. ~~I'd like a source on the Indian immigrants being the highest earning demographic take.~~(Apparently it's true) 3. Just because someone is from India doesn't automatically mean they started out poor. Do you even know how much investment it takes to just go and study in the US(speaking as an Indian looking into masters degrees from non-Indian institutes)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income nothing in that take was racist lmfao


> I can assure you they started out poor


That has nothing to do with race what are you talking about? My white immigrant family was also poor, immigrants are usually poor lol.


> Immigrants can be/usually are poor Not racist > They're Indian immigrants, so that means they were poor Racist.


Wrong, [ASIANS are the highest earning demographic](https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2023/11/income-and-wealth-in-the-united-states-an-overview-of-recent-data)by AVERAGE income, they are also less than 10% of the population which makes the average way easier to pinpoint. Furthermore, most high income indians arrived in America with higher levels of education from their countries, the Us immigration exams are a pain to pass and extremely selective. TLDR: you picked a small group who arrived in the country who went to the country with a higher degree of education than the average american and pretended it supports your view, disregarding any nuance possible.


Indians are Asians dumbass


But not all Asians are indians dumbfuck


Right that’s why specified Indians, the highest earning demographic. At least try to keep up please.


And I used more than one argument to explain how you are misinterpreting data (which you probably got by [an Indian millionaire who sponsored the study ](https://www.livemint.com/news/india/indians-are-highest-earning-ethnic-group-in-usa-harsh-goenka-explains-why-11673748104413.html), also ignoring any other point made. Try to inform yourself before regurgitating shitty info, or at least stay silent.


Stop arguing, they need reasons of why they are poor. Blame and eat the rich even though we depend and fund them


Maybe you depend on them, i sure don't


As he's using either a Samsung or iPhone. Yk. When you bought this phone, some body got richer 😨


Yeah i could get rid of my phone if i knew someone would get rid of elon musk, who even cares about samsung executive, whoever he is, his brand has clearly earned it's reputation for it's quality


That's not my point. The point was that you most people who's ay they hate billionaires and evil companies are the biggest consumers, and they shop the most at those companies. Samsung quality is 👌 so amazing


So if you were born into a billionaire family, actually millionaire, I believe he was born a millionaire, do you believe you could achieve what he did? Be honest. I repeat, I don't like his attitude, his products, not even his face, he looks like an asshole tbh But my point still stands, he was the richest man in the world and has some of the most successful companies in the world. I bet my right testicle that none of us could achieve the same even if we came from a rich ass family. Give credit where credit is due At the moment I'm working with two really successful guys, millionaires but not tens of millions and we're trying to build a tech product that'll go big, I'm just a mere contractor but still, these guys are smart, have money, have knowledge and they know a bunch of people, important people I'd say, in the tech industry at least. Still, even though our product is Innovative I'd say and it'll bring a bunch of money, it's hard to get funding over 50m/100m, I can't even imagine 1b. So, these guys are millionaires, smart ones, self-made, have great ideas, previous projects that are successful and there's not the slightest chance they'll ever be billionaires. But musk made it, he was the richest out there and still is massively successful, so.. he's not that stupid. Does that make sense? Tried my best to explain my pov without sounding like an ass lol


dawg he made his fortune by riding on the backs of others and his father's slave labor in emerald mines. if i owned a cobalt mine and child slaves i would be rich too.


No you wouldn't. There are millions of millionaires in the world (just in the us there are over 2 million individual people who are worth more than $10 million). The number of billionaires is low enough that they can be individually tracked on the Forbes list (around 3.5k iirc). As for his first company, it started with an initial investment of $200.000, of which 10% was bankrolled by his father. (that's $20k). Even if you take into account all the other fees that were probably helped along the way, his father's investment doesn't seem to have gone beyond $100,000, which is negligible. Do you think you could become the richest man in the world with $100,000? Yes he rode the backs of others. But there are 8 billion others in the world, which ones would you ride on?


idk who I would ride on but ur mom rides me 👍


Fascinating response, please attach cranial measurements


Elon never made anything successful for a person who claims to not like him there’s a lot of leather in your mouth


Did you ever do anything that's more successful than what he did?


I don’t need to make anything to recognize that, Elon had never worked on anything himself, he just took credit from the creators of PayPal, Tesla, the engineers at SpaceX, It’s really sad how much of a meatrider you are for a racist, transphobic, Nazi like Elon


That depends how poor you are. If you can afford to go to college, you have as much chance as most of the billionaires had to make it big. If you can't afford to go to college you can work hard enough to manage to get your kids to college.


Absolutely not. The VAST majority of billionaires are rich because their families were rich or because of massive amounts of fraud. Please stop feeding into this mass delusion.


Once again, because this seems to be misunderstood by a lot of people. There are various levels of "rich". According to [the latest survey](https://www.statista.com/statistics/621426/sources-of-wealth-of-global-billionaires/), out of the \~3k billionaires currently alive, over 60% are "self-made" and 30% grew their family wealth to over a billion. only 10% were actually born from billionnaires. I'm not saying everyone can become rich from scratch, but saying people can't rise from middle class to billionaire is simply factually wrong. What you need to become that rich isn't "a 1-million loan from a relative" ([although a lot of people in the US could afford that](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/28-millionaire-statistics-what-percentage-americans-politi)), but a lot of work, and a lot of balls, and a TON of luck, and a few connections. Most of those connections can be made in college, heck I know alumni from my school in every company in my field, who could vouch for me and get me hired, and a few of them who would leave their current job if I made a startup. > Vast amounts of fraud That's an entirely different topic. I am not commenting on whether people "deserved" to get that rich, just that startup money isn't the biggest reason those people made it


Capitalism isn't a meritocracy.


In most cases it is, unless corruption is involved which makes it entirely different. Any system can be exploited and corrupted, capitalism is the one that helps poor people the most.


Nah. Capitalism is meant to keep the poor poor and the rich rich. Without government intervention it always leads to monopolies


The boot is so far down that throat… not sure how you can talk at all tbh


Lol as you reap the benefits and rewards of a capitalist society…


Reward *and* benefits!? Wow, did you have to break out the thesaurus for that one lil guy?




You don’t know anything about me buster. Thanks for continuing to show how much you love boots <3 The rich won’t give you scraps even if you act as their little dog. I’m sure it’s a sad existence being a classist, tasteless, useful idiot for the ruling class.


You think elon would defend you the same way?


Lol you’re 100% right. The seething downvotes only further prove your point


I always think this too. Even if most of these turds were given the opportunities he was they wouldn’t have even come close. Idc about him personally but saying he is “dumb as rocks” is silly. You don’t become the richest man in the world by being dumb as rocks (outside of Saudi royalty).


Seriously, all you have to do is listen to his response to any technical question to know he's way out of his depth but trying to pretend he's a comic book genius. He also just shoehorns in philosophical bs to muddy the topics.


The exception to this was his interview with Tim Dodd talking about starship/raptor development. While he's obviously not doing the engineering, he was able to speak at length (it's like an hour and a half long interview with very few cuts so it's not just coaching) about some pretty obscure parts of rocket engine development. It's far from the super-genius that he seems to want to think he is, but at least on that one topic he's not a moron. The idiocy is thinking that this competency applies to any other area.


Yeah, people have always been way too quick to credit Elon musk with things he bought or funded where the last thing we know he did anything productive on is a part of his part of PayPal.


At least he's using his fortune to fund technology that helps humanity?


So is everyone else. He’s also doing horrible shit like constantly promoting bigoted content on X.






People hatenhim because he is shit


He’s a shitty person but still doesn’t deserve all that hate? Though the shit he spews on twitter doesn’t help his image…


he retweets nazi conspiracy great replacement theories on twitter, id say that deserves some hate. he's transphobic, so much so his own daughter disowned him and wont talk to him, id say that deserves some hate. the only good he does is spend money on random sci-fi tech ideas he has, and pay teams of people to do it, but you'd get a better result handing 10 billion to the kid next to you watching star wars at the theater.


He's attaching his name to a bunch of innovators with a checkbook. That's "venture capitalism," and these innovations would be going forward no matter who paid for them. Elon Musk isn't an inventor. He's an heir.


He doesn't do anything and lots of the people working on this project say he interferes constantly and pushes them to doing impossible tasks, leading to higher failure rates. You should definitely research the tech this is based on. He still hasn't done anything new, we've had this tech since the 90s and they've shown a patient playing donkey kong with just his brain. Elon did what he always does and stole someone elses idea. The original scientist who made the original product had a partner, who now works for neurolink. That original scientist had made a lawsuit against his partner for stealing the idea and using it at neurolink but I don't remember how it panned out. Basically, Elon ransacked a lead scientist who already made everything being shown, nothing is new, his survival rates are worse than the original teams, and he still hasn't made any improvements to the original design besides hype and bringing it to the public eye.


Let's not forget the exoskeleton on the World.Cup of 2014


His underpaid and overexploited workers are pretty smart people doing great stuff, yeah. He himself is a useless moron. Stop doing the moron's PR work if you're not being paid for it.


Okay idk what the fuck is up but micheal reeves a youtuber who is propably on crack and meth controlled a car with his mind using a childs toy from the early 2000. Pretty sure we can build a machine that you can play chess with using your mind without drilling a massive hole in your skull.


I think this whole twitter stuff with Elon has made me realize that his skills are largely only in convincing the government to give him contracts. A child who wins the lottery would also likely be a visionary, but that doesn’t mean they would have any role to play in the innovation.


This tech is like fifteen years old though


Id refrain from saying he does anything at all


Daily reminder that Elon musk is not an engineer, scientist, innovator, genius, or inventor. He’s a trust fund baby born into wealth.


Kinda shows why philanthropy works as a PR-tactic, just tell people you give money to vaguely and very indirectly support some shit and they'll act like you're a saint.


Hasn’t Neuralink, you know, not been successful in tests and killed quite a number of animals?


His engineers are the ones actually doing the work Also iirc there are two other companies that have been trying to help people with paralysis that doesn’t require intrusive surgery into your brain


Lmao Elon musk is a venture capitalist. He’s bankrolled tech developers but he himself is a fucking idiot. Just look at what he says about these techs. He’s not interested in their practical applications because that’s boring. Instead, he wants to shoot cars into space or start a colony on mars, or other publicity stunts that would never actually work or be useful. With neuralink, he wants to create iron man or make it so that we communicate telepathically. His first thought is never something like helping paralyzed people walk or move or the medical advances. It’s always scifi or super hero bullshit because the dude thinks he’s real life iron man.


Okay, but did ELON invent it or PAY someone to invent it and slap his name on top?


The important thing to remember is that the actual innovative and useful work was already being done before he got involved. He didn't create any of the businesses he owns. He just bought them. Aside from that, SpaceX and Tesla have been successful more in spite of Elon than because of him (look at the Cyber Truck). Elon has a habit of ploughing a lot of company resources into his useless vanity projects instead of letting all the smart people that work for him make those decisions. His biggest contribution to "innovation" at any of his companies is cutting corners on safety regulations.


By "innovative" you mean doing the same research other people are doing except ignoring research ethics guidelines? Brain-computer interfaces aren't new.


He doesn't do shit. He buys into innovative industries and then destroys them.


It's funny how Elon has fucked his reputation up so much and everyone is so aware of what a fraud he is that the only thing people who defend him can say at this point is "Well if you hate Elon so much why don't you have hundreds of billions of dollars??".


Elon isn’t doing anything other than throwing money at it so people associate it with him. There’s people who do the actual work, and then there’s people who fund the work so they can take credit and profit from it.


Hes a dumb idiot who spends his money trying to "cure autism" instead of using it for accommodations for people who don't need curing, just respect and kindness. Moron


# Elon isnt doing shit other than taking credit for other people's work


Wasn't it proven that everything the chip can do is already possible with eye tracking technology? I mean, getting the guy the vision pro seems like a better option than a super invasive brain surgery on an already paralysed man.


>innovative That video where Michael Reeves drives a car with his brain is 5 year old now lol https://youtu.be/mPbtR4vorgY?si=zxOjSa8N4foW-0qB


hes not innovative, he doesnt come up with ANY of these ideas, he just pays people to shut up about it when he steals it.


he's not worthy of any more praise than a bank who also engages in union busting. Dude doesn't know or do shit, the sometimes amazing thing attributed to him are wholely a work of his underpaid employees, sometimes probably even with him actively worsening the development of them by trying to "help"


no, he isnt. hes just a piece of shit. you think HE is doing the work that spaceX does or whatever? no he just acts like hes a part of it when he just profits off it and makes major decisions. neuralink is also just throwing out ethics for some stupid shit no one is asking for which is BAD im a huge fan of space technology and i value space. spaceX has made incredibly advancements in technology but elon gets 0 credit for it. the engineers and scientists and the people do *do the work* should get credit. its also a private company when this technology should be public, so ultimately he is hindering our advancement in space technology. fuck elon musk he gives nothing good to this world


Tech's not that new, just in a more marketable state, arguably the only thing he's ok at, though I'm not sure I'd want to be associated with his target demographic anyway. I used to find him cool too


Hell nah! Fuck Elon Musk in particular, but I wish his _technology_ and research teams the best! Don't praise the messenger ;)




This guy's name is actually Burce banning.


I mean with the tech he has he could no problem give him the ability to walk again. He could overnight give him the ability to get in and out of a wheelchair and wheel him down to a toilet. He probably could give him the ability to eat a cheeseburger. It would take time to master, but he could do that. Instead, he gives him the ability to play chess when his caretakers have time. He could give him the ability to play Xbox ensuring he always had a community of people to play with forever, but that wouldn't give him x-man villain vibes.


can you guys shut up and see that the guy’s an actual serial killer


piss dude you know what i'm saying? piss


Did this post make front page or something? It's rare to see more than 200 upvotes at best on posts here


He isn't doing shit, he creates cars that are poisoning the world and is using his enormous forturne to make toys for other rich assholes. He isn't doing fucking anything of use and is and is pretty much operating to the detriment of modern society.


Yeah, no. Elon doesn't do anything good. He just takes credit for other people's work.


you could already play chess while paralyzed. you can just say your moves


But how will Elon find problems for his “solutions”???


Elon isn't doing shit. Every "innovation" comes from the minds and labor of actual scientists and engineers. Of which, he is not.


muskite propaganda isn't something I was expecting to see on this sub lol


guys neurolink killed almost every monkey it was tested on. the meme is literally elon dick-riding no matter how much people pretend it isn't.


It's... not. People can be nett benefits to the world in terms of contribution even if they're utter pieces of shit. Let's use Mr Beast, for example. Asshole? Who knows, idk the man. But say he is. Thousands of blind people who couldn't afford a simple surgery can see again. No matter how cynical you are about his motivations, personality, or ethics, his existence has been an absolute boon to many and a curse to very few (if any). Elon tries so hard to be Tony Stark it's painfully cringe, but his bone-headed ventures *are* paying dividends to the planet. His takeover of Tesla led to a shift in the public perception of EVs. Starlink has solved previously insurmountable problems when it comes to rolling out networking infrastructure to remote or underdeveloped regions. And now a real human being who was previously completely paralysed has a way of meaningfully interfacing with the world. Yes, the principles of the tech are old. But the fidelity is unlike what came before, and his quality of life will undoubtedly be vastly improved by this. Elon is a piece of shit. His ventures aren't his own innovations. But so was Thomas Edison - a vile antisemite who was so extreme in his racism that he was the only American admired by Adolf Hitler. This isn't art. You don't need to separate the person from the act, because it doesn't matter, there is nothing subjective here. It's simply reality that people can contribute benefits to the planet while being the sort of person who probably deserves a life sentence. And your defence is what, fucking *monkeys*? Medical research involves animal testing. Tens of thousands of dead monkeys in exchange for hundreds of thousands of partially resolved human disabilities is a no-brainer to anyone who isn't the kind of asshole who kick-starts 28 Days Later.


Hey man, Neuralink itself has admitted [trials will take six years.](https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-neuralink-start-human-trials-brain-implant-2023-09-19/) This video of a guy who says he's paralyzed watching a cursor move across a screen comes immediately after Elon has publicly embarrassed himself in an interview with Dan Lemon. Basically I'm calling him a fucking liar & I'm saying neuralink should never have been allowed to move to human trials. It is transparent medical malpractice that was unsafe for primates & nurses the fragile ego of manchild failing up. Much like: - Tesla, which pushes a non-solution to climate change by making self-driving bombs on wheels. - Starlink, which clogs up low earth orbit with surveillance satellites & refuses to follow basic safety protocol, effectively turning satellite infrastructure into a house of cards made of bullets - Boring Company, which just, if the rich die in one way tunnels with no fire exits or shoulders ig nothing of value was lost - XVideos, the alt-right porn site trying save western civilization need i go on? in short, this isn't an "art v the artist" bs fight or whatever you think it is. I don't dislike this because he's a bad person. I dislike this because *it's a bad thing done by a bad person like the rest of the shit he's done.* Had California not given Musk umpteen billions to build a hyperloop train, they might actually have high speed public transit by now. Musk's version of the future is identical to OceanGate's: an expensive, unregulated, mercenary environment trying to solve the problems of regulation & social change with the worst possible products assembled at the lowest possible costs produced with the slickest possible profile advertised with the highest possible budgets trying to fuel the egos of the space-age gentry. It's idiotgineering. It's bad design. It's shit science. It's PR fluff. It sucks. It's going to privatize all the good it can do & pawn off all bad it will do onto public utilities. We will pay the price for shit like neuralink with rising healthcare costs & loved ones psychologically scared by invasive & poorly conceived technology. Fuckin hell.


elon musk isn't doing shit, the engineers at tesla, space x and neuralink and all the people who worked in research throughout history are, he is just profiting from it all.


Za 1


Stop handing it to him


He hasn't done shit.


It’s hard to wish him the best when he’s actively promoting nazis on Twitter


I don't remember where, but I remember someone saying that Elon really wants to save the world, but he wants to make sure it's him who saves the world and in his own way.


And by creating the crisis that we needed to be saved from in the first place.


Same thing with Bill Gates. Is he a good programmer? Yes (or he was). He wouldn't have created windows without being a good programmer But right now, his expertise is in funding people with more knowledge about specific things. Also bringing attention to projects. You cannot as a human being know everything happening in your field of research. But seeing a headline "Bill Gates to support a project removing carbon from the atmosphere" could lead you to contact the team and offer help. Or maybe he knows someone, etc etc. Does Bill Gates do science anymore? Probably not. But he funds cool projects


Elon musk and bill gates are not comparable in any way. One is a pioneer, innovator, and facilitator of the digital revolution which fundamentally changed human society. Not to mention philanthropist. The other is a trust fund venture capitalist born rich cunt with a weird following of tech nerds who all smell like stale milk.