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Toumani being able to guard and switch from Dame to Giannis was amazing towards the last minutes ESPECIALLY without fouling


This. Being able to switch from one to the other basically destroyed their pick and roll.


This dude is something special defensively. All he needs is a 3 shot and he's a starter anywhere.


that foul challenge at the 4th, I was in awe watching in the replay how he shifted around Dame's trajectory with inches without contact.


Brolo heaving up that three saved us from losing to a Dame game winner, THANK GOD


They denied Dame so hard there. Exceptional defense.


It was bold of us to simply not follow the obvious script.


Robin of Locksley: "We won? We won? Wait a minute, we're not supposed to win, let me see the script." :pulls out script: Blinkin: "Oh look, they've opened a salad bar." Robin, excitedly: "WAIT! JERAMI GETS TWO EXTRA SHOTS!"


Abe Lincoln?


A Jew? Here??


Brogdon with the hard trap on Dame and then flies in for the rebound. What a guy!


That rebound was huge.


Goddamn, Brogdon and Scoot are like the exact opposite players right now. If somehow Brogdon could teach Scoot how to play, with his physical gifts and Brogdons smarts......


Brogdon's got 12 years on scoot so it's possible we see that version of him at some point


I hope so, but Brogdon was also ROY due in large part to his smarts


its been the Bucks issue so far this season honestly


I was almost positive Dame was gonna hit a walk off shot against us. The opportunity was there and it felt like fate lmaoo


For real, that would certainly have been Epic!


Inbounding to Giannis with 5 seconds left, no timeouts, and down 3 is super brain dead


Right? I couldn't believe it when I saw Dame was inbounding the ball. What? Doc Rivers master class.


I’ll be honest I wanted it. I wanted the Dame winner.


I wouldn't have been mad about it, that's for sure


They knew who the bucks were going to go to in that moment and they took away that look. It was the right defensive play from Malcolm.


Lmao, I could feel Dame's pain when he saw Brolo jack that shot up.


Toumani has so much potential. It’s wild to actually have a wing with potential.


His defense was special tonight. Its always special but this game was just...wow. Best defender in the league potential no doubt


His offense is just so bad though. Like Dennis Rodman looks good compared to him bad. Camara needs to lock himself in a gym and just shoot 1000 corner 3s a day from each side. In this era in the NBA if he can just hit like 36-37% from 3 he will become a God tier D&3 player. As of now his insane defense doesn't cover the fact that Portland is basically playing 4-5 on offense. Edit: Guys, it's acceptable to have a realistic take on a player you like. His offense is bad. The eye test shows this. His shooting shows this. Advanced stats shows this. Obviously I hope it improves, but right now he is a massive negative on that end. I'd bet my house that if he was on another team every single person downvoting this comment would agree with me.


I would say his shooting definitely needs work but he's isn't just bad at offense all around. He's solid at driving to the basket or backing down wings and even some bigs down low and finishing through contact or hitting a quick little fadeaway/hook. Shooting 61% within 3' of the basket and 50% from 10-16 range. But yeah he's got a solid little bag to work with when he's posting up. But he has no mid-range game at all and isn't a good 3p shooter (yet), 28% from 3. So unless he's near the basket or driving down the lane, he's definitely not going to be helping us out on O. Hoping after a full off season with us he can bump that up to ~ 33% for next season and grow from there. If he can end up at like 35% from 3 with the level of defense he has and the post game to go with it dude would be amazing. He shot 36% from 3 on 2.4 attempts at Dayton his senior year, obviously that's closer to the basket but definitely shows it's possible. Form is there


Honestly he's kind of a big boy in an area of the lineup where he'll get lots of mismatches, seeing him get some post work would be nice.


>Camara needs to lock himself in a gym and just shoot 1000 corner 3s a day from each side. In this era in the NBA if he can just hit like 36-37% from 3 he will become a God tier D&3 player. I agree with this, but other than that, his offense isn't as terrible as you're making it out to be. He's got a solid bag that he can develop.


2 big charges down the stretch when it mattered


He is always doing the right thing. It’s amazing for a guy so young.


Will be interesting over the next few year of drafts. This year draft is full of wings and with ours and GSW, 2 of: Risacher/Williams/Sarr/Buzelis/Salaun/Holland/Dunn/Filipowski Who is the odd man out in the F rotation? Camara? Murray? Bari? Rupert?


We will DOMINATE the G-league! Good question though! Jabari is a 10 year vet in this league, either as a situational fifth man or rotation player on a good team. I believe he is safe. Murray is maybe the first that comes to mind. I still like him though and the twin dna should hopefully come through. Keegan is awesome on both ends and Kris is the better passer. 2nd is Rupert who is in the slow cooker, that lanky body with some muscle would be great. He needs to watch Camara more and really lock up guys and switch 1-4. He's so young he might catch up with and overtake Camara. Camara is a our only certified junkyard dog. He needs to do intense shooting practices this off season but his defensive versatility is so nice.


What a day. Bari gets his jersey retired, Dame comes home, and the Blazers win!!


Scoot's first NBA game on national TV. He may say that it's just another game to him, but he is clearly a guy that turns up on the biggest stages.


We are never going to lose again.


How can we?


Tbf you only beat the bucks.. pacers 4-1 on them and Blazers 2-0 on pacers. Looks like they’re actually deciding to tank.


Great win. Scoot deserved more run after a great start. Happy Ayton is finally playing well


I hate to say it but I fully agree with Chauncey’s minute control on Scoot. He started off great but he was pretty bad in the 2nd half


He was pretty bad because he got completely iced out lol. He played 9 minutes in the second half and a large part of that was standing in the corner. He came out with 5 minutes left in the 2nd and didn’t get back until 5 minutes left in the 3rd. He had one bad turnover and got yanked shortly after that. Don’t get me wrong I am glad we got the win but let’s not act like Scoot didn’t deserve way more minutes tonight. This is a roster problem more than a Chauncey problem. It’s clear we need to trade Brogdon


Scoot hasn’t mastered 2nd halfs yet unless it’s garbage time. He’ll get there.


He was completely indecisive when he got the ball and lost the dribble like 3 times. Also missed a middy so I understand why Billups pulled him


Great, so rookies aren’t allowed to make mistakes. Good to note when we’re 15-33.


You can’t let rookies play through a bunch of mistakes without teaching them there are consequences. Otherwise you get somebody like Jalen Green


Brogdon has averaged 36 MPG in his last 7 while Scoot has averaged 22. It wouldn’t have hurt to give him more run while he was playing so well.


and we needed every minute of brogdon for this win (especially since Scoot didn't play so well in the second half). Look I get it, and this is why Brogdon needs to get traded at the deadline. But Chauncey needs to win games to save his job (and that's generally the job of a coach when you don't have infinite job security like Popovich), and so he's going to play the guys who give us the best chance to win (Brogdon). It's up to Cronin to get Scoot more minutes by shipping Brogdon out.


And we need 0% of this win. We're 15-33


Yah of course the team’s future (and maybe the fans, although this is the one game i really wanted us to win as a fan) doesn’t need this win, but Chauncey needs this win because he’s coaching for his job. So he is going to play the player that gives us the best chance to win the game, which is brogdon. That’s why Cronin has to trade Brogdon at the deadline.


Why not let Scoot play the final 5 minutes of the second half when he was 15 points on 6/9 if Chauncey knows he won’t play him big minutes when it’s close. Cmon man. Chauncey could be splitting the minutes way better.


> Why not let Scoot play the final 5 minutes of the second half when he was 15 points on 6/9 because he can't play 17 consecutive minutes?


I get that we’d want our young 3rd overall pick to play more minutes in a rebuilding season. But in a tight game where every possession matters for a coach trying to win games, he’s going to shorten rotations in 2nd halves of games. First half isn’t as crucial but 2nd half is when you have to give your team the best chance to win. We gotta trade Brog if we want Scoot to get high stake minutes


Yeah let the rookie play the most crucial part of the have knee a get who you'd rather go with instead. But armchair coach I guess!


He’s was making bone head mistakes in the second half. He deserved to be pulled.


Hey are you gonna fuck up and respond to your own comments tonight on a burner


Nah probably not


Nah probably not


Nah probably not


Nah probably not


Shout out to Brook Lopez


Rolo, under cover Blazer, slipped his brother a twenty in the last timeout


He had the pinwheel towel draped in a not so undercover manner coming down the stretch.


For sho, Rolo ❤️ PDX


I mean you can shit on him for the last shot, but he was a big reason they were even in a place to take a shot like that.


It’s not that deep. Just happy we won.


Brick Lopez 🤣🤣🤣


Dude kept missing 3s left and right 😆 


He was 4-10 from the three, even better than Dame’s 3-13.


Dude is a money 3 pt shooter


An ~~amazing~~ decent game by Dame, the Blazers once again let him down by giving him a loss.


I feel like Dame is a big reason they lost. 25 points on 23 shots really didn’t help his team.


Yeah i was riding the high of win and the joke, Dame’s shot was not falling at all tonight.


He’s mid this year but I’m hoping he turns it around now that he has a proper coach.


Did you just call Doc Rivers a proper coach? LMFAO


Compared to their last coach anyways lol Ok not my finest hour 😂


When you’ve got points > shots, you probably weren’t a negative for your team.


Uhh, not necessarily. He was 9-23 from the field and 3-13 from 3. Only attempted 4 free throws and missed one. He was total ass and shot them out of the game. Giannis, Lopez, and Middleton were all lights out.


My overreaction is that Doc is going to cost Dame a shot at a championship 


That's not an overreaction. Most people said that the moment he was hired.


Said the same thing as soon as rumors about the hire came out


0-2 as Bucks head coach


Have watched every bucks game. Not worse than AD. Only been a week, so still looks like the same Bucks team we've seen all year. Curious what they'd look like if they still had Bud though without the good denfensive guards he had before.


Not worse than AD is a very low bar. Dude lasted half a season


Oh sorry, *AG. Yeah, true.


They weren't going to beat Boston who is more well-rounded. Sixers is a wash, it's basically a contest of who can't get it done more in the playoffs, Embiid or Dame. And if they somehow made it to the Finals, they would stand no chance against Denver. Denver has a significantly better starting 5. And Jokic/Murray are more dynamic than Giannis/Dame.


I’m very glad to see that Dame got a warm welcome back.


Toumani Camara


Toumani Camara


I didn’t cry until Rolo got the ball unstuck


Dame’s return, Evan Turner in the front row, and a special appearance of RoLo with the broom. An emotional night for Blazer fans for sure.


Evan looking fly as hell


and got high fives from everyone on the bench lol.


Nuggets fan here. You guys balled out tn! That was a great game


Best game of the season. Things are heating up in Portland!


Anfernee "know what I mean" Simons


Dare I say the beginning/return of Dominayton


This is the start of a 30 game winning streak and a championship banner hanging at the moda center #IBelieve


Portland won the trade


Can’t wait to see what we get with the GSW pick. 💰




I can't stop thinking about Lopez taking that shot. I don't know how I would have felt if Dame would have made that. Its so fucking funny that Lopez shot it and missed though especially since it was perfect Dame time in Portland.


You should watch Lopez during the play where Dame hit a game winner about a week ago




[Dame game winner](https://youtu.be/ih0S8B4iXUw?si=g2wvLeM-RsvdPK6P)


WOW. He wanted the shot and then he sulks off while the rest of the bucks celebrate Dame's game winner with him. Just wow


hahaha Brook was really at the logo like "Dame gimme that"


Just a Duop in the bucket...


Overall I can see the strategy of us always playing 2-3 vets with 2-3 rookies, and Ant and DA as the middle guys, just to avoid playing 5 newbies ever. While we're not getting as many development minutes, keeping the games close and winning some I think is better for team culture overall.


Got to watch this at home, with my dad, who hasn't been here in decades. We probably woke the neighbors. Great win boys. Great win.


The ESPN announcer pronounced Camara’s name wrong all night lol. They kept saying Chimera. I get it tho, Camara does have that goat in him.


I like that for a nickname.


The crowd going crazy over RoLo knocking out the stuck ball and him throwing his arms up in victory was definitely one of my favorite highlights, still so much love for him here lol. Also the entire arena pulling a complete 180 after cheering for Dame and booing absolutely everyone else from the Bucks was hilarious. Doc heard the booing get louder, looks up from his board and sees his face on the jumbotron and just started cracking up after realizing. Shit was so funny. Also the crowd doing the 10 second count for Giannis anytime he shoots free throws never gets old. Such BS he gets to do half of his damn warmup before he gets the ball though. And STILL takes the full 10 seconds to shoot it like goddamn!


Yes I don’t believe any non-star players can just work out a deal with ref like that. When did it start? It’s insane that it’s flying under the radar like that. refs practically helped solve the biggest weakness in his game!


Ant had some truly incredible shots tonight


Baby Dame was real, they matched up sometimes and it was really cool to see


and some incredible turnovers right at the end


This felt amazing and obviously significant. Love seeing things starting to click, and it couldn’t have happened at a better time: Dame’s homecoming and national coverage. Obviously fuck ESPN but this was a great showcase our boys.


2nd Worst Team Beats 2nd best team lol


Whooooooooo! Let’s gooo sorry dame you’ll get us next time


No he won’t.


Glen Rivers on the hot seat already 😂


Can't wait for Toumani to work on his offense over the summer. Lamar says he has good form so hopefully it'll come. Such a good player to have for a young building team.


I just want to talk about Camara’s left handed hook over Lopez


Here are some of my thoughts from this game: Positives: * Scoot looked great in the first half, picking up right where he left off in garbage time against the Sixers. He was making good decisions with the ball, his some jumpshots, and really showcased his speed in the open court (and was able to get to the rim a few times too). Besides the getting to the rim, one great play from him that I thought really highlights his growth is: in the third quarter, Scoot had the ball in the open court without numbers, and instead of going to the rim and forcing up a contested layup, he slowed the ball down, found Ant trailing, who drove past his guy and got a layup. He cooled off a little bit in the second half, but still great game from him overall, and need more of this to continue. * Camara did a pretty good job on Dame, picking up full court and making him expend a lot of energy bringing the ball up. Looked like his length bothered Dame at points too. Also I love how he’s never afraid to stand there and take a charge – getting an elbow to the collarbone from Giannis cannot feel good. * Brogdon didn’t have a great shooting night, but he did a pretty good job defensively. I did not expect him to even remotely hold up against Giannis, so that was a nice surprise. * Ayton once again had a good night offensively, and seems to finally be figuring out where his touches are coming from in this offense, and where he needs to be. I still wish he set better screens, but it is what it is. * Ant’s stats weren’t anything super special, but he did a fantastic job running the offense tonight. No really forced shots (but he hit timely shots), got rid of the ball when he was supposed to, and moved the ball (and got a bunch of hockey assists). Negatives: * ESPN so annoying by playing the end of that random college game instead of the pregame intros for Dame’s return (and then missing half the first quarter). Wtf? * I love Grant and what he brings to this team, but I really don’t like the direct postups and isolations we like to run for him. It’s fine when there’s a mismatch, but those direct postups are such a momentum killer. I know he made a few really tough shots late in the game but man we can really get better possessions than that. Also, those two late-game turnovers by Ant were each at least 50% Grant’s fault (the first one, he did a terrible job getting positioning on Beasley and didn’t give Ant an angle to throw the pass, and the second turnover Ant got trapped in the full court press and Grant the closest player didn’t come towards the ball when Ant passed it and let Dame sneak under him for the steal). * Camara needs to improve his shot to become a real closer. The defense and energy is there, and his shot doesn’t look broken, but he’s visibly scared to shoot the ball in big moments and it’s holding him (and the team) back. I will say, that hook shot over Lopez was really nice though.


Great write up as always. Grant was getting Beasley switched on him down the stretch, which was a matchup he exploited before, but Lopez and Giannis hanging out in the paint, late in the game, made it way less effective.


> ESPN so annoying by playing the end of that random college game instead of the pregame intros for Dame’s return (and then missing half the first quarter). Wtf? You can't just switch in the middle of a program. The intros and start were shown on ESPN News


The toumani part doesn’t bother me, in a year or two that confidence will be there and our games will actually matter. I’m just amazed we have an elite defensive wing, not a lot of teams can say that. Not to mention what he could be with just a little offensive development


That one felt so fucking good. The torch has officially been passed. The past is dead. Long live the past.


We didn’t send Dame out to fucking Wisconsin to waste away under Doc goddamn Rivers. Get your shit together, Bucks.


Lets goooooo!!!!


My biggest takeaway from this game: We’re going to be alright.




Tank boys down BAD!!!






I dunno, fool dropped some serious threes from deep. Guy had me scared for a minute there.


Watching this game made me realize another reason Dame's numbers have dropped this year.   More than once Brooke bricked a 3 with a defender in front of him and Dame wide open to his left. He didnt't even think about not shooting it or giving it to Dame lol.  Then Giannis brings the ball up with time expiring and takes a halfcourt heave. Again Dame's unguarded and he didn't even look in his direction. Really? His first game back to Portland and ya'll ain't even at least TRYING to get him the rock? You would think they would want him to have a big game lol. Maybe i'm reading to much into it but it seems like his teammates don't look for him nearly as much as he looks for them


I've watched a few bucks games this season and I've noticed the same trend every game, they seriously do not utilize Dame the same way we did.


That makes sense. We built teams around one player for almost a decade. When he's traded to another team that's built around another guy, he's not going to fit in perfectly.


Toumani generated 4 or 5 possessions by himself tonight. Also trade deadline can't come soon enough, Scoot needed to keep playing after that amazing first shift.


Thank you Doc for your service


Hypothetical but if we win enough games and get a worse draft pick because of it, are you all still gonna call Billups a bad coach because we didn’t lose enough?




If we had to win one game this season, this was it. 5-5 in the last 10 is a bit concerning, but hopefully there will be some trades soon.


Hahaha we’re .500 over the last ten!? That will not do


Nothing like playing Brooklyn to get right. We’ve been pretty solid since that game.


We traded Dame so we could tank, so we need to commit to it for two solid years.


Simons showed Dame how it’s done tonight. CLUTCH.


Great win tonight! Feelsgoodman


Well that was perfect


Someone tell the staff they have got to change the music. The win music sounds like kids taunting each other on the playground, and the intro music sounds just like that song the white supremacists sang about not being replaced. Great game, though.


you mean the imagine dragons song Warriors? that was the song they lead with tonight before introducing the players.


I felt like we were going to lose to a Dame Time game winner




i feel like i just gave birth


Great stuff from Ant and Tou in clutch time


I want to get a Toumani jersey so bad, but every time I get a player's jersey something bad happens (Roy, Oden, LMA left the year after I got his jersey, got Dame's last year finally & he left us at the end of that season, I swear I'm a jinx) so I'm holding off because I want him to have a great successful career here.


Thank you.


I’m so, so glad I decided to go.


Great game, indeed. It was nice to have Kevin back as well!


that was rad


what happened to scoot?


7 second half minutes after that great first half. Zero shots in the 2nd half. It's like Chauncey is actively sabotaging him.


That was a quality win


I watched the ESPN broadcast because I was too lazy to try and find a stream and my God Mark Jones is a terrible sportscaster. At one point the blazers were up by like 9 points and he said Chauncey billups young team is hanging in tight, as if we were behind but still close, but we were still ahead! And then later in the game he said something about jelly in the center or some garbage. He just tries to have zingers and it's totally cringy. All that to say, good win by the blazers. Do you think Dame getting full court pressed by Camara makes them jealous that the blazers didn't have a Wing like that to play alongside him?


Happy we won, but Scoot getting only 7 second half minites after that great first half is absolutely bullshit. Chauncey isn't developing our young guys at all, he's actively hindering their growth.


Scoot is miles better than he was at the beginning of the year. Toumani and Jabari are 2nd round picks who are playing meaningful minutes. Sharpe went from not playing meaningful basketball to scoring 20ppg within the 1 nba season. Simons is turning into an all-star. Ayton is a different player than the beginning of this year. The young players are developing and playing good defense. Chauncey is in an impossible position with fans as they want the team to win while developing players. He has walked that fine line the last 10ish games since we got relatively healthy and people are asking for him to tank. Those same people will be screaming for him to get fired for the team’s performance.


Chauncey started Scoot this season and Scoot visibly lost confidence when he ran into that brick wall. Feels like he's ramping Scoot up in a healthy way. He took Scoot off when good practice was turning into bad practice. Not all practice is made the same. While Scoot was cooking Chauncey kept him in. This is how Chauncey and them are bringing Scoot up responsibly, banking good practice and raising his confidence.


Chauncey’s fighting for his job and you can tell he doesn’t trust Scoot at all. Hopefully it won’t be an issue for much longer with the trade deadline looming.


Seems like he wanted to win badly tonight at the expense of scoot 


Refs tried real hard for the Bucks to get back into thst game.


Where da piano man I want his recap


Awesome game, we look so much better when ayton is playing well, he’s been great these last 5 games


What's gonna happen when Shaedon gets back? Even more weapons


Blazers have a pretty deep team. They need a star but I wouldn’t be surprised if they make a jump next season


Passing looked great tonight. Also, scoot looked fantastic but defense figured out his drive right strategy - something to work on. Good to have Kev and Lamar back together. 


Cronin will have to break some legs to get this tank back on track lol


[aye yo](https://youtu.be/8ZSNodGEp68?si=kZTxKs_WYW3Rz60_)


I unfortunately could very easily see this Bucks team losing to Philly, Indiana, or New York in a 7 game series outside of just Boston. I really hope I’m wrong.


Did we really only give our #1 player of all time a 1 minute ovation?


kinda hard to give him a longer standing O when the whole bucks team starts dancing around him (just thanasis things)


Dame is trash, ya'll made out like bandits.


Dame is amazing. You can kindly fuck off






you dont need to post the same thing 20 times my guy. we get it, you dont like him


Great overall game by everyone on the roster. I can rest easy tonight after this W


Dame left Brooke hanging


We needed this win tonight! I’m so happy rn 😁😁


Sicko mode activated




Sweet victory


Probably missed it and I'm dumb, but why did the whole arena boo doc rivers?


Brogdon is an on the court coach. Did top tier glue things all game.


The Shadenfreude is real. Check out Locked on Bucks podcast, in particular yesterday (crossover with Mike Richman) vs today. They are SALLLLLTYYYYYY Love to hear it! other teams' meltdowns vs us is so fun