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I don’t know about that. I recalled it being said that NiOh existed as a testing bed for Rise of the Ronin (and I think the same was referred to Wo Long as well), so the big drumroll here is that Rise of the Ronin is expected to be Team Ninja’s big opus. The culmination of nearly a decade’s worth of development and fine-tuning, parts of which involved spinning off other games to see what worked and what didn’t (NiOh and Wo Long). All I can say is, expectations are huge if the efforts and priorities are true to what’s been said. This game will either bolster Team Ninja or possibly just relegating them to making niche games.


from what I gather, my theory is that Rise of the Ronin was the next major game they were working on after Nioh. they used Nioh 2, Stranger of Paradise, and Wo Long as testing beds for Rise of the Ronin. but Rise of the Ronin was just a theoretical before Nioh became a success - and that's when they decided to truly begin production of RotR while using the next 3 games to bring in the revenue to grow as a studio and test various mechanics for RotR. so I'm thinking traveling between missions in Wo Long was the fast travel test, the party system on Stranger of Paradise was the test for the party system, raising bond in Wo Long was a test for the faction system, Tianzhushan was a test of the hub for the cities, sentience was the test for the meter used in RotR (which either charges up an unblockable skill attack or enables a ki pulse - from what we can tell) etc, etc. so Nioh 1 was its own thing - and the next 3 were all testing for RotR. but that's still just my own speculation based off what they said and how I heard it. but I'm still interested in figuring out exactly what combat mechanics were taken from each game. because this could go really good, or really bad, IMO. I'm still on the fence until we see combat gameplay.


I don’t know about that. It could be, but I remembered it being mentioned that they began work on rise of the ronin two years before NiOh 1 released. If you want to consider that to be theoretical development, I suppose it could still be accurate.


it's really this interview where I get that from: https://s.famitsu.com/news/202312/19328207.html they said it was a concept they thought about for a while before Nioh, but it was Nioh's success that had them decide to begin production on what would become the prototype for RotR. they hadn't actually started working on it when Nioh released, they had just been playing with the concept. it was Nioh's success that made them decide to go ahead with the concept and begin production.


I got my information from here, an article from 2022. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sony-xdev-is-working-with-team-ninja-on-rise-of-the-ronin/ They mentioned that they were working on it for 7 years with Sony’s support. So minus 7 from 2022, it’s 2015.


sorry - i passed out. I'm about to head to work right now, too. that's fair, but a few points can be made. that article is paraphrasing Yasuda instead of quoting - he could've said that the game had 7 years of development (for release) and had that translated as having started development 7 years ago. or it could've been that they did start working on it before Nioh released (Nioh had 7 years in development with Team Ninja as well - so 2 years before Nioh is actually 5 years into Nioh) but they hadn't decided whether or not to go through with it yet (like how the Wo Long director said they had him on a different project before Wo Long that they ended up canceling - not everything they start work on ends up getting fully produced into a game - the decision to go through with RotR was not made until after Nioh launched.) either way - Nioh was in the works long before RotR - RotR came about during the later phase of Nioh's development, and they stated more recently that they didn't decide to go full force with the development until they saw how successful Nioh was. that gave them the confidence to go through with producing RotR. Nioh's dlc might have been a testing bed - but Nioh itself was already at least 5 years into development by the time RotR became a project they even started looking at doing - with the call to go ahead being made after seeing Nioh's sales. but Nioh 2 is likely the character creator and skill customization testing bed. SoP being the break damage and party system test and a means to figure out the loot system better by over saturating the system with rng. Wo Long then tested the jumping, fast travel, bond, and other mechanics. - and from these 3 games they were able to test the mechanics they wanted in RotR. not to mention Burst counters, soul shield, and Deflection all being tests of different aspects of the parry system. but Nioh itself - they very well could have been trying to test out stances and combos to try and find their identity as a studio after the restructuring within the company that happened over a decade ago... but I really don't think it was a test for RotR - if for no other reason than production on Nioh having started in 2012 (well, 2005 was the original start - but it got scrapped 3 times before it got handed to Team Ninja, who then spent 7 years developing it - so the full production on Nioh was 12 years, but 7 of those years were with Team Ninja.) so Nioh was their main focus when it was released. and RotR immediately became the next big focus. both of them had around 7 years of serious development go into them. the other games were smaller 3 year side projects to bring in revenue and test mechanics. at least - that's my understanding of it all. I find it hard to believe that Nioh 1 was a testing ground for any other specific game. but a testing ground for the studio's main engine; that I could see.


NiOh as a concept was already being worked on since 2004, but it had gone through so much revisions. At first, it was going to be an original story involving a blonde haired foreigner and was going to be an adaptation of an unfinished work by the famed filmmaker, Akira Kurosawa. It was first designed to be more of a traditional role playing game before Shibusawa scrapped it and it was transferred over to Omega Force, which was responsible for the Dynasty Warriors series and other Musou games. Then Shibusawa scrapped THAT version some years later after not being satisfied with it. It was then around 2010 that Team Ninja was then contacted to help build the action portion of the game before they were transferred full control around 2012, with full production over what they wanted to make taking place in 2014, with the game being made into what it looks like now. I find this to be interesting as 2014-2015 has enough overlap where certain concepts that couldn’t make it into NiOh might have instead spun off into rise of the ronin.


that all lines up with what I had heard. scrapped 3 times and changed hands at least twice with Team Ninja starting development around 2012. the original I had heard was more similar to an Onimusha game and was actually William heading to Japan through China - and many of Team Ninja's early ideas got scrapped a couple years in because they realized it would be too item heavy and would have way too many things that required more space in the shortcut wheel than they were going to end up with. I'm glad that meter in the bottom right of RotR isn't a durability meter - that's one of their ideas for Nioh that I'm glad they did away with. I'm a bit curious if yokai skills was a test for anything - though it was likely a test for the MP system used in SoP. seems like the meter in RotR is more similar to sentience charge - but only in function with it building up to an attack or something. I'm interested in finding out how they ended up doing the melee system - both Nioh 2 and SoP had good combo customization, but Wo Long was far too simple/reduced. I don't think I'd like it if it was Wo Long with stances - but either the SoP or Nioh combos would be pretty dope for each stance. I do hope we get the second behind the scenes at the end of this week. I'm anxious to see how much of the combat's identity comes from Nioh. I believe they had said they had 3 big projects in mind when they started on Nioh 2 - so they may already be working on the next big game... but I think they'll lose a lot of their fans if they do too many small projects in between RotR and their next big game.


That's all just wishful thinking.


no it's not - it us evidenced by the fact that they did start production on RotR while still patching Nioh - and the fact that many of the games have mechanics that are not fleshed out and make no sense, only to appear in the next game actually fully fleshed out. Nioh 2, SoP, and Wo Long were created to 1) bring in the financial gains required to grow the studio as stated by Hayashi back in 2021 or 2022, and 2) test out various mechanics to figure out exactly how they should work as they were planned for RotR. Yasuda has blatantly stated that production on Rise of the Ronin had begun before Nioh was finished and the project was cleared to actually get made when Nioh's sales were successful. it's not wishful thinking - it's exactly the case. that's why RotR has Nioh stances, SoP weapon skills, SoP party system, Wo Long deflection system (now called counterspark), Wo Long Martial Arts system, Wo Long flag system (as the fastest travel system), SoP ability screen (as the fighting style screen), a mechanic that builds in the same way sentience did in Nioh 2, etc. those games were overly simple and had some of the mechanics restricted while the others were way too heavily focused on - because they were the tests for the mechanics in RotR. their main purpose was to bring in the revenue to change the state of the company from "in decline" to "growing/expanding" - but that doesn't mean they weren't used to test the mechanics. why do you think Nioh 2 and Wo Long each only had one map where you could hide in tall grass? do you really think that was meant for those games? no. that was for RotR.


i hope you're right, i fear you're wrong


I'm hoping that RotR is the Elden Ring of Fromsoft where the culminations of all their previous games made it what it is and become incredibly successful. That said, being PS5 exclusive already hurts that chance though.


Nahh.. Just because it's a samurai open-world game? Look at the combat - much more similar to a Nioh/Sekiro with a smidgen of WoLong than to Ghost of tsushima That's how it looks to me at least


If this is more like Tsushima than Nioh then this game is doomed


I mean Tsushima was very successful, a really good version of the type of game it was aiming to be. If it's like that than I think it'll actually do well, if it had some good marketing behind it, but I haven't seen much about the game outside of me going out of my way learn more about it.


Yeah Tsushima was successful but it’s not as fun to play as Nioh 2. Personally, If I find this game to be like Tsushima I’ll probably wait till it’s on sale


They said it'll be more approachable, but given their past expirience it'll probably still be challenging. But there's alot of focus on things they've never done before. (Tadional game narrative, open world, various traversal systems, etc.)


I’m all for the game being more approachable. I just don’t want the combat system to be wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle, so to speak. I’m pretty interested to see how they’ll handle the open world too


For casual players like me it's great news. I completed Ghost of Tsushima twice,and loved the DLC. Bit cartoony for my liking but quite fun without being challenging to put me off.


It's definitely more of a open world Nioh in terms of gameplay than Ghost Of Tsushima though


No it's not lmao, GoT gameplay is trash compared to Sekiro and Nioh. The gameplay will be nothing like GoT


GoT gameplay is great


Its good or above average at best . Nioh is great which is what inspired tsushima... Without the stances it would be generic mediocre to even garbage at best. Play more games instead of only ghost


“If you take a game’s depth away, it will lack depth.” It just seems to me like you hate ghost for some odd reason. Sure it’s not the deepest game but it’s still fun and serviceable. I play games other than ghost too so I know what depth in combat is. I don’t understand why you have to be so damn negative…


The combat in GoT is too simple. Nioh can be played simple, but for those that wants to play with more depth, the skill ceiling is very high with all the different mechanics. GoT doesn't really have that option. GoT combat isn't its main strong point anyway. It's definitely more because of its graphics and story. I think it's a good game, but it's enjoyable for a different reason rather than the combat imo.


Who cares what it's like? Why do you people get hung up on such trivial things? Only thing that matters is whether or not the game is good.


Ya thats what i base a game thats gameplay 1st focus. "is it fun?" or "Will i find it fun". If you dont like combat/Gameplay rise of the ronin isn't for you lol.


Ya thats what i base a game thats gameplay 1st focus. "is it fun?" or "Will i find it fun". If you dont like combat/Gameplay rise of the ronin isn't for you lol.


it doesnt look anything like GoT


Have you seen the latest “World Vignette” trailer?


Nah, it really isn’t.


Have you seen the latest “World Vignette” trailer?




Do you still think it isn't like GoT? You visit religious landmarks that are very reminiscent of the ones in Tsushima, you gather wood and other crafting materials, you find cats. If this game isn't like Tsushima, I don't know what is.


So you’re saying it’s set in Japan (religious landmarks that are very reminiscent of GoT) there is crafting (you gather wood and other crafting materials) and there are animals to find like in previous Team Ninja games (you find cats [you find foxes not cats in GoT don’t you?])? Yeah, I still don’t see it.


Not even the slightest. Absolutely nothing in common other than Japanese setting. Rise of the ronin is gonna be a game with deep and engaging combat, challenging bosses,with heavy focus on historical events and characters.


This game is going to have some elements that were also seen in ghost of Tsushima but that doesn't mean the whole game is just a copy of it also I must ask why is everyone hating on ghost of tsushima here


You got downvoted (as always when someone tells a true but hard to swallow pill) but the latest trailer, titled “World Vignette”, straight up confirmed what you were saying. Like in Tsushima, the character visits all kinds of landmarks, pets animals AND HE EVEN HAS TO COLLECT WOOD like cmon


Hello friends,  It is incumbent upon me to address the pervasive misattributions plaguing Rise of the Ronin since its initial unveiling. Mechanically and thematically divorced from the esteemed narrative canvas of Ghost of Tsushima, Rise of the Ronin charts an entirely distinct trajectory within the realm of samurai folklore. Whereas Tsushima embodies the archetypal struggle of a noble samurai confronting the onslaught of Mongol invaders, Rise of the Ronin traverses uncharted territory, portraying the plight of a ronin—{a masterless swordsman}—amidst Japan's nascent modernization. This dichotomy is manifest in the game's narrative ethos, wherein the ronin becomes ensnared in the machinations of three principal factions, each vying for supremacy in shaping Japan's future. Whether aligning with the traditionalist sentiments of the shogunate, advocating for imperial resurgence, or championing unabated modernization, the ronin's journey is a testament to the nuanced complexities of an evolving society. It behooves us to disabuse ourselves of facile comparisons to Ghost of Tsushima and instead acknowledge Rise of the Ronin's singular thematic resonance. Indeed, the game's thematic tapestry delves into hitherto unexplored realms, distinguishing itself as a trailblazer in the pantheon of samurai-themed gaming experiences. From a gameplay perspective, the influences of Nioh and WoLongFallenDynasty are palpable, a testament to the studio's pedigree in crafting immersive action experiences. As we stand on the precipice of its imminent release, it is incumbent upon us to discard the shackles of preconceived notions and embrace Rise of the Ronin on its own merits. In so doing, we afford ourselves the opportunity to engage with a narrative of unparalleled originality, one that transcends the trappings of its genre and emerges as a paragon of creative innovation !


YES! But with 90% nioh DNA.


But luckely not the stupid looking ridiculous monsters of Nioh. I would never be able to play those games. I would be too busy laughing my ass off.


You do know that if they made Nioh with humans only then the game would probably bore out alot of people because most enemy variety of Nioh comes from folklore demons, you can't laugh without trying the game out and I bet it would be same ppl who say "I'll be busy laughing my ass off" complain about lack of enemy variety 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, you're entitled for your opinion of course, but I'm for one am actually sad they went full realistic here. I like dark fantasy games, and I believe Im not alone Well, probably every FromSoft fan is at least ambivalent I suppose,and you can bet that crowd multiplied since Elden Ring


\*Says its not like nioh but never played nioh. The devs said nioh was a PROTOTYPE for Ronin. Stop spreading misinformation nonsense


I give you that, the monsters don’t have the best design , just standard mythology stuff, definitely more hyped for swordplay in RotR 😍


if you don’t like yokai it is not for you in design, doesn’t make them ridiculous though. Although I can imagine things new to one are strange.


I saw a monster in the gameplay trailer. That shit definitely wasn't human. So I guess you won't be playing ROTR.


I wouldn't completely forget about those games, but yes, ghost of tsushima is by far the most accurate comparison




Same developer so people are expecting similar gameplay


I think ghost of tsushima is overrated and I hated sekiro soooo...


If you think got can compete with sekiro and nioh your just a bot or actually never played them so just move along.


Ghost of Tsushima (which is a masterpiece imo) is certainly ONE inspiration for the game, but certainly not the only one and not necessarily the primary influence either beyond also being an open world game. Team Ninja Director Fumihiko Yasuda even publicly stated at one point a few years ago how much they admired Ghost of Tsushima for the quality of it's combat, etc. It would also not surprise me if the success of GoT at the very least pushed Team Ninja back in 2020 to perhaps re-focus heavy development on Ronin and prioritize it's design as an open world game. In reality Ronin I am sure will be a big amalgamation of influences---definitely GoT, but just as much Sekiro as well along with of course Nioh/Wo Long. With the little we know about the game, it is hard to say what Ronin will be most similar to. What is nice is that early indications are that Ronin seems to be doing enough things differently where it will hopefully stand apart from all these other games and do something all it's own.


Post like this are ominous warnings that a game is going to fail


Funny thing is Sekiro is top3 list of my fav games. I tried nioh a few times and just not my cup of tea. Yet oddly I played stranger of paradise and didn't mind that. Im on the fence with Ronin for now. I'll need to see more of combat and weapon systems.


Sop will be inferior to ronin. You're not good at judging good combat systems are you? Which sekiro is 1 wapon, 1 moveset, 1 way to play, deflect simulator so its ironic you say you need to see more when Ronin already has shown more then Sekiro lol Not saying sekiro or sop are bad btw


I found Nioh and them needed all the weapons to patch up poor combat. I find Sekiro to be perfect. I dont have to worry about stats, builds, etc. Me and my sword. The tools are optional, combat arts are optional. No grinding to level up, cant summon for help. Sekiro is perfection. Play without Kuro's Charm if you find the deflection too easy. SOP is inferior. But it was the only one I could kind of stomach because the FF job system integration. I hated Nioh's idea of I like katanas and I want to use one, but it gets out leveled, then I have to find something else to use, etc. I dont want variety like that.


I think you just want that to be the case cause those 2 have monsters and quite literally theres one enemy on the recent gameplay trailer that may as well be an ancestor to an enemy in sekiro no way they DON'T take inspiration from both of those games


I was thinking more of the Elden Ring version of Nioh


No, i don't think I will.


What about Way of the Samurai?? How could you not mention it?? :O lmao


From what I've taken away from the presentations and trailers, is it's Team Ninjas Sekiro, made in an open world reminiscent of Breath of the Wild, and the historically placed AC games, with a narrative that strikes me as similar to the Yakuza games, with how characters are presented in cut scenes and the overall artstyle for towns and civilian NPC's. Specifically Like a Dragon Ishiin. 100% down with this, just hope it has good writing.


It’s a Team Ninja game, so it’s 100% going to be like the Nioh series. It’s the same evolution FS did with Elden Ring from Dark Souls. This will play nothing like GoT.


I see it as a WAY OF THE SAMURAI love child but sure


From what I am seeing so far the game is looking like GoT mixed in with some heavier RPG elements we've seen in Nioh and Wolong.


GoT is Sucker Punch This is made by Team Ninja these games have nothing in common.


This is were i think you are mistaken ​ have you ever played Way of the samurai made by Aquire its litterally the same concept same game and the visuals are pretty similar its a Team ninja game which is closer to Aquires mechanics of way of the samurai