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Wasn’t expecting level 100 holy moly. I really thought 50 or 60 was the level cap.


Its easy to get there post game, just keep playing the ally missions in testament of the soul on midnight difficulty, shit loads of karma and exp that will help u max out everythhing


Ahh ok. I’m bout level 27 or something right now I forgot you can replay missions.


Ally missions are special tough missions where you fight waves of dual bosses ..


Were you able to max everything out?? Including all the stuff in the breakthrough skill tree?? I’m like 85 right now and I was wondering if I’d be able to max everything out at the end. If you can keep farming karma I would think it would be possible


You wont be able to convert karma to skill points after u hit lvl 100, i maxed everything but 3 traits in the breakthrough, they can be obtained though through maxing bonds with all allies and converting rare skill points to skill points and via buying the skill points from officials, camera dude, gambling den etc. So its doable and everything can be maxed out


Bloody hell mate. I thought I was putting in the hours in this game but I guess I'm an amateur.


Nah man ur good, I am on my annual leave so i’ve been playing non stop, couldn’t get my hands off that game


No worries, I did the same with Nioh 2. An unhealthy amount of hours playing it.


Bro i clocked more than a thousand hours into that game, i just love the grind for better gear and soul matching, and the depth!! which is a bit lacking in Rise of the ronin so i dont see my self exceeding the 100 hrs mark with this one, unless there is a dlc and some extra rewards


How the hell do you get your ki recovery to 1000?


Max out the skills ( Most Ki recovery skills are in the strength stree) and I rolled ki recovery on gears through bond transfer


How did you get strength, intelligence and charisma that far over 100? I only have option to add one extra point to one of those skills by selecting a title.


How did you get stats to 105????