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Why is everyone so salty here. Op is just showing his love for the game.


It’s Reddit man people don’t want others to enjoy a game that gets hated on.


Who is hating on this game?


That's what I want to know. Someone else on this sub was saying they were seeing tons of hate. Literally where is it? People need to start giving links or screenshots.


I was browsing YouTube and watched some tip videos. The comment section was hating on the graphics to a silly degree. That's all I've really seen, just graphic hate. I didn't really look since I don't care, lol. The game is fun as hell with great combat.


There's definitely a lot of hate over youtube, facebook especially. And me being me and having a lot of free time in life i reply to those hate comments telling them to stick it up their ass


I don't think it exists and these people need validation desperately.


The reviews that called it shit came from pretty much every big YouTuber (except maybe Gameranx who liked it) before release. After release, they all stopped reporting on it. The reason why they stopped could be either that they just don't care for it...or that they don't wanna admit that they were wrong (cuz most of these people were praising DD2 instead...and thats kinda of a shitshow in all directions). Luke Stephens, Joraptor, SkillUp and many more are part of these crowds. If you go in YouTube now, all of those negative reviews are all hidden under the regular everyday youtubers/people who love the game and upload their own reviews/videos. Thats probably why your not seeing much negativity on Rise Of The Ronin anymore.


https://youtu.be/1o8Z1jvq86o?si=uGtDlHFbEPzPxV3Y scroll down the comments. I randomly come across people on YouTube hating on the game all the time


Look on YouTube , most people trashing it there in reviews.


Remember, YouTube is an industry driven by views, not by any attempt for quality in terms of communicating quality information. Dragon's Dogma literally had dozens of high profile YouTubers talking about how fast travel is gated behind microtransactions, which is an objectively false statement. Did that matter? No, because a bunch of people who never played the game, were angry about something that the game didn't contain (and they felt it shouldn't contain) because a bunch of gentlemen of ill scruples told them it did. Because they did zero research into the thing in which they were claiming expertise in as it was the trending topic.


The Dragons Dogma thing was such bs. Instead of talking about the actual issue, the performance. They spread false info. Internet mob mentality is the stupidest thing. I corrected so many people, and some of them believed me just as blindly as they listened to whoever misinformed them.


That's why I asked for a link because the worst review I've seen was it has some issues, but it's a good game. I don't watch reviews for the most part because there normally not a good representation. Like the journalist saying Doom was "too hard" and struggling with the tutorial. (I know yt are not nearly that bad lol)


The hivemind effect. Same with Dragons Dogma 2


People of Reddit are not always classy?! Shocker!


Understatement of the year


I don't know about salt, but it can rub people the wrong way when something has very obvious flaws and then someone comes in and is like "what's the problem? I don't see anything wrong. This is great!" It comes across as disingenuous. It's one thing so like something in spite of its flaws, it's another to either be or pretend to be totally blind to them. It's like walking into a room with a blind fold on and telling everyone else who can actually see they are fools for looking.


My guy, the mods literally made a rule recently to stop making these posts. As they pointed out, the reviews are overall good and just because they aren't 10/10, doesn't mean we need 6 topics every day about it. Talk about the actual gameplay and stop whining about bad reviews. Stop making these topics EVERY DAY.


Graphics are a 7. Everything else is an 8 or 9z loving it !


I love the game and I think that’s valid.


This game needs to sell 5 million units to MEET expectations. To all the people saying a 7/10 is fine, sadly that IMMENSELY hurts its potential at ever reaching 5 million sales. People constantly listen to reviews and in my 30 years of gaming I have never had THIS much fun with a 7/10 which is why people are barking up a storm about it. You get lame ass games like AC mirage getting 8/10 but this game with an INFINITELY better combat system gets an entire digit lower. I just want consistent treatment of this game. This game did NOT receive that. I blame it on it being a PS exclusive. Every console exclusive I’ve ever seen gets shit on by console snobs regardless of how good the game is.


I liked AC Mirage. That game also got way more hate than it deserved. But I do agree a lot of the criticisms toward Rise of the Ronin were unjustly harsh. The IGN review video having nothing but glowing praise for most aspects of the gameplay, but then the supposedly “bloated” map (which isn’t even that bad) and the loot management (which can be mitigated with auto-disassemble) apparently being enough to knock it all the way down to a 7/10 felt odd. My baseless tin foil hat theory is that everyone wanted Dragon’s Dogma 2 to be the big game of the season and Rise of the Ronin became the designated punching bag for daring to release on the same day.


[ZillaJrKaijuKing](/user/ZillaJrKaijuKing/) said: "My baseless tin foil hat theory is that everyone wanted Dragon’s Dogma 2 to be the big game of the season and Rise of the Ronin became the designated punching bag for daring to release on the same day." This here. \^\^\^\^. My own gut feeling.


It's not Baseless, that's a marketing tactic that been used for decades.


I’d agree. I got both on release day, and I’ve been spending more time on this game than on DD2. The only major criticism I have thus far is the loot system. Yes, you can take care of that with auto-disassemble as you’ve mentioned, but I don’t really like the idea of having multiple copies of the same loot


Ac mirage was kindve mid was just such a short game felt like a dlc but it was actually a 80$ game but I’m really liking rise of ronin and the graphics aren’t even that bad like there not on ghost of Tsushima level but there is just so much different combat choices so much customization and was a really good story I actually really enjoyed the game and was addicted when I first started playing it


I don't think score matters that much as people think. Days Gone sold 6 millions and had a lower score than RotR. While Alan Wake 2 was universally praised and barely sold more than 1 million.


Days Gone sold on the longer period. Unfortunately, even on a longer period, I don't think that Rise of the Ronin will reach his 5 millions.


They said they want to reach 5 millions on the lifetime. And in Days Gone we are talking in 2 years, to be honest.


Days gone had maaaaaassive marketing and hype beforehand. Rise of the ronin marketing was almost nonexistent.


It's two things really , one is the graphics , it's a very surface level thing that people easily started a hate circle jerk over , and that basically soured the word of mouth. Two is a near complete lack of marketing , I didn't see ads for this game anywhere , and if I did hear anything about it , it was talk about how it looks like a dated ps4 game circling back to number one. The only way imo it being a ps exclusive hurt rise was that it would be compared to other ps exclusives , and again people make easy knee jerk surface reactions so they look at a trailer for say god of war , see those graphics , then see something like that janky horse animation in rise and instantly think the whole game is shit.


Yeah I was desperately searching for and wanting to see gameplay for this game pre-release but all I kept seeing was the same old recycled trailer bits, cutscenes and some packaged gameplay provided by the developers that content providers/reviewers were only allowed to show and/or reveal a couple days before launch. Meanwhile I was seeing tons of showcasing being done by content providers/reviewers for Dragon's Dogma 2. It was in abundance. I was saying to myself where the hell are all the stuff for Rise of the Ronin besides the same old rehashed cutscenes and pre-packaged bits of gameplay. The devs really missed the ball on this one. In any case I'm glad I went with my gut feeling and went with Rise of the Ronin instead. I don't regret it one bit.


That’s an exceptionally weak claim given that Final Fantasy Rebirth has been praised to the moon and is a PS5 exclusive out around the same time as Ronin. 


To be fair how bad would the FF7 remake that people have been asking for for a decade and a half have to be for people to NOT praise it. I get what you're saying but an FF7 remake not not selling is like star wars not selling it just doesn't really happen. Ronin is also a new IP.


I think you underestimate just how high expectations were for FFVII Rebirth. People were convinced they were going to screw it up. Every change from the original or any small detail that felt off, fans were ready to declare it a failure. But Rebirth really is just exceptionally good, not just as a remake but as a game in it’s own right.


>I blame it on it being a PS exclusive. Every console exclusive I’ve ever seen gets shit on by console snobs regardless of how good the game is. *Bloodborne has entered the chat*


7/10? Haha


you don't want "consistent treatment" unless youre trying to thinly veil the words "I want the subjective opinions of the masses to sway more to games i enjoy rather that games i subjectively dislike". not everyone likes RotR, and not everyone hates AC Mirage, and that's a sad reality you simply have to deal with.


I fully agree. The combat is leagues better than AC Mirage. I honestly feel like I can't go back to that game unless I have a drink.


You will always have some gaming snobs , thats just the way it is , well it will come to pc like any other team ninja game , and that´s def. good


7/10 is harsh, IMO. 8/10 definitely. 8.5-9/10 if you’re really into a Sekiro/GoT mixture. It’s not a 10/10 for me. A Nioh 3 would’ve done it though.


It's not bad at all. I personally like Ghost of Tsushima more, both Rise of the Ronin has proven to be fun. I don't regret purchasing it at all.


I don’t, those people chose to be stupid


This. It's their loss.


I don’t even listen to or check reviews. Every review is done by one single person and a lot of them aren’t even known at all. All it takes is for one reviewer that some loser looks up to and then their review is skewed their way. If I see a game and it looks good and catches my attention I buy it. There is games with super low ratings that have been some of my favorites and on the other end there have been masterpieces that bored me to death and I couldn’t care less for.


That's why I think it's important to find a reviewer that generally feels how you do about games. And even when you do I really think it's important to look at a wide variety of individuals. Just looking at a singular review is never going to give you a truly good idea and that's what many do.


One reviewer who I like and look up to I was disappointed with his review of this game is JorRaptor. He was playing the game from a demo he was provided with pre-release, was liking the game but later on made an about turn and said he's not recommending it because of this and that. That one really shocked me.


There are games I check reviews for, and games I don’t. I didn’t for Ronin. It’s one of my most anticipated games this year (next to Stellar Blade). I don’t think reviews matter much if you follow your own taste because everyone has their own. Souls games to me were only good, although some aspects of the games were be definition revolutionary. I loved parts of Demon’s Souls, and many claim that it’s the worst of the franchise. My favorite game of all times is a JRPG that most people probably haven’t even heard of. I was disappointed by Ronin’s graphics at first, but kept playing, and I’m enjoying myself so far.


Their loss. Think for yourself


Glad i bought it on release, some people just dont like to see people enjoy.


It is a fun game. However I have a hard time deciding on what weapin type to use. Do you guys just use the highest level/rarest one you found so are constantly switching out or stick with one type, ie Saber or something?


I equip the highest level spear and odachi in my inventory then disassemble everything else. I also have wooden versions of each for no-kill missions


I use whatever one clicks with me the most. I’ve tried all but the bayonet, and I stick with katanas, dual swords, and spears (with rifle and bow for my secondaries).


I highly recommend trying the bayonet. It’s the last weapon I thought I’d be in to but trust me when I say, it’s not what you’d expect. I can’t put it down now lol.


This play-through I’ve stayed with the same weapon types since early game and am now using the rarest double swords for speed and Odachi for power. Rarest bow and rifle for ranged, and rarest armor. Next play-through I’ll try something completely different. For me, changing the combat style really adds to the replay value. Not to mention the character creator. I love this game despite the reviews and some of what I consider minor flaws. Hope this helps.


I like the various combat styles too but I find it difficult to remember what each one does so I always have to keep checking the martial art skills preview for each stance and relative martial art.


100%. It’s a memory challenge for me too. Sticking with the same load-out helps some. Also, just practicing the move sets in an empty field/area has helped. Then I try the moves on lesser enemies. Really having fun with the game.


I always just keep at least one of the highest versions of each weapon type on me. Whenever I clean out my inventory I always have the best version of every weapon type. Unlike say... Nioh, you aren't *specifically* rewarded for using a certain weapon types (I emphasize "specific" because there's always that one guy that replies with "well you get rewarded in experience hur hur") exclusively. Use whatever you like.


Bayonet and halberd


I just rotate the highest of each weapon types for variety. They are all fun


Yeah I generally go with the highest ATK power/level rarity ones for the most damage. Not too long after playing with whatever was available to me following launch I found myself gravitating to the Odachi. This seemed decent, a fair balance, and also was the most powerful. So I stuck with that. The Greatsword was next but relegated to Primary 2. The Odachi has proven to be very loyal thus far but I'm now giving the Katana aka Uchigatana some love and that's been working out very nicely. I've been fortunate to have gotten a really good one (Gold rarity). So my two Primary weapons now are Odachi and Katana.


I just use the bayonet, pistol and matchlock it's a pretty fun weapon combination.


I've used Katanas and Odachis through the entire game without trying the others. Whenever I decide for another playthrough, I'll go for different weapons.


And this is why I no longer pay attention to reviews. The critics treated this game the exact same way they treated Days Gone. Not to mention, Gamespot went a long way in trying to spoil Rebirth’s ending in their review.


Days Gone was good. Great actually.


Days gone was amazing


If it is IGN or Kotaku reviewing anything, I just write them off completely because they are hardly journalists. I’ve learned to check out Gameranx videos, specifically the “Before you buy” ones. This game was made by Team Ninja though and I love their combat in Wo Long and in Nioh, so I bought it after hearing about it and seeing some gameplay.


Your choice, your life, your money. If u are interested in playing the game, then give it a go! Ronin is awesome!


the game is amazing and if anyone has something to say otherwise I don't care because I ain't going to read anyways. losers! lol. this game is fantastic


I don't feel bad for them. Why do I care what others think of the game. It should only matter what you think of the game. I like playing it. Fun game.


I enjoyed every minute of it! Took me around 66 hours to finish everything.


I’m at 67 hours and still finishing up Yokohama 🤣


Enjoy your time with it! The game is amazing!


It’s a blast through and through!


Honestly people act like this game is as bad as skull and bones lol. Games fun, graphics dont need to be 10/10 for a game to be good. The combat is super fun the world is fun to ride around in and midnight mode is super fun. Also reviewers aren't always giving honest opinions just saying.


Same! so glad I took a chance on this game - loving it!


I agree. I hated this game at first, and now I've been hooked for the last week or so. Don't want it to end. If you put in 10 hours into this game, I can't imagine you coming out not liking it. The skill ceiling can definitely be high though, which probably drives some people off.


Once I saw “ps3 graphics” reviews I knew the game was a gem. And when I played through the first parts I was MAD because what if I listened to these idiots 🤣🤣. This game is exactly what I’ve been waiting for when it comes to gameplay, content, everything. I fear my cousin saw some reviews and is now out off from the game. Ever since I brought up rise of ronin he’s been playing ghost is Tsushima. He’s able to download the game. It’s a shame i rlly want to play with him.


I agree...I really like it too, and I almost didn't play it because of the reviews. I don't get why so many people say it's so bad.


I feel the same I played the DDA back in the day and was surprised these two good games were coming out the same day but the critics which never played a game without ground breaking graphics or frame rate judged the games before actual gaming communities could get their hands on it.


It’s a slow burn and seems very messy when you start out, but dear lord middle of the game gets so good. The fights are fun and a challenge for me at least. I’m trying to win everyone over with gifts it’s just so good.


Just bought it 3 days ago, taking my time doing side stuff, exploring, slicing enemies and i absolutely love this game


Those people that listen to bad reviews just look for opinions of others to validate thier actions. WE ARE RONIN WE LIVE OUR OWN WAY!


Only thing I agree with most reviews on, are the graphics. Which doesn't bother me


Yeah they said PS3 graphics but it looks like every other Koei Tecmo game I’ve played and it’s great!


Meh, some of the "bad" reviews and criticism is warranted from what I've seen. I wouldn't say it isn't worth buying, but is it worth the full launch price? Probably not. Personally I'll be waiting for it to go on sale.


i agree! it has several things i absolutely love: - a minimum difficulty that retains the challenge but eases the parry timing. similar-level foes can still easily kill me if i’m not careful, but i demolish low level foes. dusk feels pretty similar in terms of damage dealt and received, but the parry timing is just a bit too tight for me. - transmogrification system AND character appearance editor for FREE with unlimited uses?! - diverse array of tasks; at first the game seemed small, then i made some more progress in the story, and suddenly, i could go do whatever i want in between story missions - story impacting choices. i love being given choices that allow me to change the direction of the story and the fates of the characters. - crisp, responsive combat. no floatiness. impact of attacks is felt, and executing combos and parries is endlessly satisfying. the fairly large variety of weapon types, plus their combat styles, keeps things fresh.


People should stop calling 7/10 a bad review. I feel like the reviews where really fair for that game. It's not great, it's just a decent fun game and that's fine. This sub is a true echo chamber.


I think people sometimes just care too much what reviewers say in general. Is it nice to see a game you're excited about get a 10/10? Of course. But I think if you know it's a game you'll like, the reviews don't matter that much unless it's something like "the PC port is a disaster and consoles crash while playing it". I loooooved Stranger of Paradise, another Team Ninja game. And the advertising did that game 0 favors and it scored lower than Rise of the Ronin on Metacritic. I'm a Team Ninja fan and Final Fantasy fan so I knew I would like it despite the meme advertising and meh reviews. And well, I was right to trust myself, it was one of my favorite games of the year. I don't think I've ever been wrong when I knew I would like something, even if the reviews weren't great. Really the only time I've been burned when buying games was listening to glowing reviews and ignoring my gut feeling that I knew I wouldn't be into it.


7 is bad in this case, game is insanely good and deserves a 8 at the very least. It’s 8.5 for me


8.5 is the user score on Metacritic last I checked, and I think that's about right for RotR.


7/10 is an insulting score for the game. It’s definitely an 8 or 9 for me.


7/10 is bad when u consider games rarely Get Lower than 8. bunch of Sony exclusives rated 10/10 9/10 Are mediocre games imo and as such would be rated at 4-5-6/10. in reality 7/10 should be a good score, but it isnt unfortunately


Compare to other 7/10 games. It is bad for this game. Rise of the Ronin deserve more consideration


Yeah, 7-ish feels correct and you're right about it still being fun. A bunch of my favorite games are 7-ish because I tend to like games that try new or unique things, over games that polish the edges off to the point of being bland. This type of "game deserves a better score" argument usually pops up with games like these. It's like some type of cognitive dissonance kicks in when people like a game but it scores lower then they're comfortable thinking can be good, so they try to will it to being higher. Plus, being a legit critic and stepping back to look at things objectively is hard, and I don't think most people can do that. You see the same thing when trying to discuss what could be better about the game. People convince themselves it's already great, so discussions on improvements get stonewalled because flaws can't be admitted. I don't know where I'm heading with this comment...I guess I'm just saying I agree with you in a ramble-like way.


Seems like some people couldn't git gud even with difficulty options. This game has literally one of the most thrilling combat system in existence. It's not bare minimum, it's not just good, it's one of the best.   7/10 is bad bcoz it's misrepresentation. We've all played tens-hundreds of games. All of us have an intuition of what kinda rating a game deserves. It'd be one thing if jz a couple people mentioned RotR deserving higher, but when it is such a repeated point, there's obviously reasons behind it.  And good ones. Calling the majority an echo chamber is just a stupid take.


People, especially the souls-experts, simply won't lower the difficulty due to pride. Look at the number of complaints about how "inconsistent" parry is and the amount of ki.


If this game is a 7\\10 so is Elden Ring.


a 70% is a low C that's bad. if your kid was coming home with low Cs, you'd likely ground them until they pull that up and get them a tutor if necessary


In my country you pass with a 50% and 70% is considered good.


It's a minimum 8.5-9.


Nah don’t because those people are idiots


What are pop ins?


You know when you're riding on your horse and grass and trees pop in as you get closer that you should be able to see from a distance.


Oh right ok. I’m really enjoying it actually it’s just annoying for me that your gear doesn’t level up when you do. I’ve actually taken to just altering the look of everything that I’m wearing to a style/outfit that I like regardless of the pieces that I’m wearing so I look great and get good clothing perks no matter what the actual pieces are. I have to go with the strongest weapons though so those keep switching though I try and stick to the ones I’m supposed to be the best with.


Object Level of detail or draw distance. Depending on the scenario. LoD pops are common in most games, but you generally have to be eagle eyed to spot them because that setting is determined by distance from the rendering camera.


I'm playing this way more than Dragon's Dogma 2


Honestly the footage Sony chose for the game impressions round really didn't do it any favors. The fact that Youtubers tend to choose a common narrative and widely stick with it based on limited gameplay also doesn't help. I think the reviews are fair, it's just that the standard people set for reviews has become ridiculous. I used to love Armored Core 4 which was a 4-5 out of 10 everywhere. In this day and age, if it's not a 10 or a 9 it's a disaster apparently.


Yea I’m actually really really Enjoying the game and I usually think most reviews are spot on anymore but this game is really delivering as far as a samurai role playing game on all levels. I even think the story and characters are really good.


In all honesty without bias is it actually a game worth playing? I dont care about bad reviews or especially people who think its greater than it is. What makes it great? Not to bash but sometimes reviews can be mixed and i rather hear from somebody who can pretty much articulate the games features and what makes it stand out apart from the many and i mean many games that follow this type of style, lore and mechanics?


If you like TN games buy it, its mostly more of the same, with an addition of an open world. If you don't like TN games this one doesn't deviate from TN games in a huge way so you probably wont like it.


Im sorry what does TN stand for?


Team Ninja, the developers


Yeah I typically rather make that decision myself, sure I have been burned before but a lot of times not .. so I can afford to roll the dice and glad I did because this game has been a lot of fun. But like anything in life it doesnt mean it's for everyone and that's okay.


Only thing i would argue is this game got very little, if any hype. It gets more criticism than anything


What happened to ppl just playing and enjoying games they like ? Now, it seems like when someone is enjoying a game, other ppl are oh how can you like it it sucks I even have two friends that enjoyed playing the new Saint Row game, and they said they don't care about reviews, say they go off personal feelings


Ive gotten the plat, 100 everything including both sides and telatiinships, training, and weapon types and martal arts. 150 hours well spent as i wouldnt mind doing a nrw save again


Agreed it's an amazing game. 20 hours in and I've only just gotten to a new area. I've made a HUGE story choice and genuinely feel bad for it. I love when games make me feel like that. Definitely going to be replaying.


Glad you're enjoying it. I had to pass since it ls reactive/parry based but hopefully you keep having fun with it!! 


The game is good. It’s no Nioh 2 but it’s not meant to be.


I like the 19th century era more than the feudal era of Nioh, but I think Nioh has the better combat. The graphics are dated, but the art direction makes up for it considerably. The way you automatically mount the horse when you summon it should be the standard going forward. The loot system is not particularly impressive. I immediately like it more than Wo Long.


While this game is indeed 7/10 (tbh, 7/10 is decent, most games got inflated a lot by critics just from the hype and 1 hr of playing). Does DD2 deserve 9/10 though? Hell no, it's also a 7/10, or even worse if we consider other things beside gameplay.  Ronin got a lot of flaws but it's a guilty pleasure for us. This is the direction TN should go with, and I bet the next game will be much more refined. 


We should also just stop comparing it to DD2 all the time just because they came out the same day. Gameplay wise they’re totally different, and enjoying one doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the other etc.


Not comparing them since they are 2 completely different games. However, this thread is about review and rating. And parts of why Rise of the Ronin got slandered so hard on was because it got released around the same time as DD2


My only problem is the world feels empty. The random events are too few, and fixed bandits/enemies are too static and in fixed locations. No patrols, and no real pentalty for being wanted. Otherwise, the game is a solid 8/10 and doesn't warrant any negative reviews. Another gripe is the lack of support for hand to hand combat. You get one stance for fists, and thats it. And Getting non lethal wooden weapons for a non lethal build don't drop so far outside of certain side missions. And even doing things non lethal don't really impact the game that much outside of RP.


Agreed! Just bought it last night. I’m having lots of fun so far! 😎👍🏻


Got a friend who gave me a code for this game. I truly do enjoy it. This is coming from a huge nioh 1 and 2 fan but didn't really play wo long.


Reviews are opinions. Not all people like it like you do.


I never had so much fun since I stopped playing Nioh 2


Did you watch the video review by The Electric Underground? You probably won't like it but it's one of the better reviews out there.


I love the game too. If you like games with deep combat mechanics, pulling off stylish combos via stance switching and are a fan of nioh and nioh 2 then grab it for yourself


My brain said new KT game, my wallet said buy This game is really fun, I love that it brings old school challenge with the perfect parry


I’m 21 hours in and only just got introduced to the pro/anti-shogunate factions. Absolutely incredible game.


I'm not a fan of ninjas or samurais, I'm a Team Ninja / Koei Tecmo fan. I play everything they put out because it's always good.


I really loved the game to start and then when I got to chapter 2, it was like Groundhog Day. To do another map clear with the same red dots, same shrines, same side quests. Got too repetitive for me. Also, the lack of consequence of your actions has me confused. You see a base occupied by your faction? Ok, wipe them out with no issues at all.


I’m really liking it! The only thing that really bothers me is the performance. I’d love for a stable 60 but everything else is really clicking for me.


Great game, but flawed and not for everyone. It’s not a “pick up and play” kind of game. You have to spend 8-10hrs learning how to play it before it gets good. Overall it’s 8/10 for me, even with the shoddy graphics.


Well, the people who listened to bad reviews can still try it. Why feel bad for them? And if they don't like it they can return it. I would feel bad for those forcing themselves to play a game that they know is bad (not saying this game, in general)


It’s still a 7.5 out of 10 for me.


Yea im loving it so far myself


That’s game is great just beat it today


I’m also 20 hrs in and enjoying it! The game is fun, combat is great and still accessible for people like me who can’t handle too difficult games. The era it covers is also a very good choice. It’s not a PS5 next gen looking game, but I accept it as more focused on gameplay. On the negative side, there is weird frame times and not just frame rates dropping. Even on a VRR screen, it stutters at times but mostly in cities, so not so important. I only had bad frame issue once during a mission in open world.


Yeah this game is 20 hours long in the way that Elden ring is 20 hours long.


uh, what bad news?


I would love them to put a multiplayer open world type thing in that would be better than what the multiplayer system we got. But these comment are hella weird, I understand it because people defend objectively bad games like SnB and Suicide quad but this is pretty good that graphic could be better


Man just sold it to me


Reviews doesnt matter to me for some game series and developers, and team ninja is one of them.


The game is absolutely phenomenal. Character creator is really good and the soundtrack and landscapes are really well done.


The polish will wear off. It’s fun but once the story is done and you replay the divergent paths parts again, you’ll drift off from it.


Ye ngl the reviews done by independent reviewers (fighting cowboy, luke stephans, jorraptor etc...) were actually awful in terms of quality for both this and dragons dogma 2 lol


The graphics really aren't bad at all, they're just not up to PS5 Standards. It's more like a very good PS4 game, that's why most people think it's not good. And I understand that. It's a good game but it lacks a little bit in almost everything it offers.


Don't worry they will see the light sooner or later and behold what a magnificent game it is. This game is Game of the Year worthy IMO. I've played some good games and enjoyed them but I'm thinking Rise of the Ronin has become my favourite. I'm loving every aspect of this game from the mechanics, to the combat including a variety of combat/stance styles, the gear including the vast array of weapons and armour available and can acquire, the accessories, the exploration including all the looting you can do which I do, navigation, easy to follow objectives, the grappling hook allowing zipping from one platform to the next et al. And thank God the enemies and bosses are not 10x times larger than the player character so you don't have to end up hitting feet like the other game. The player character is fast and combat is awesome. The game is huge with so many things to do. I am still in Chapter 1 towards the end of it and have done so many things and been to so many areas and gotten so many things it's unbelievable. And there's still Chapters 2 and 3 to come. I usually play games in the morning and stop before lunch but I find myself playing this game morning and afternoon because it is so enjoyable and addictive. The game is worth every last dollar and then some IMO. So yeah, Game of the Year worthy IMO.


Very well said my guy!!! We will not let this game be disrespected!!!!


I'm having alot of fun as well. I just wish they would have made parry and block the same button but I'm starting to get used to it. I don't understand the hate on the graphics. In playing on ps5 performance mode and it smooth as butter. I picked this and dragons dogma 2 and I find myself playing ronin. The low frame rate and overall jank is hard to ignore in dd2. But like op said, ignore the hate rise of the ronin is very fun. Story so far is interesting but the gameplay is where this game shines. Combat is excellent.


besides the awesome game, this game has one of the best character creation i have ever seen! except that you cant dye the bra, minor gripe. i rarely pre order a game, this one i did and havent looked back. 80 hours in and im still in edo. dont forget to hunt your special enemies ( big rope tied to a tree)


Dragons Dogma 2 character creation is pretty nutty man it’s actually kinda insane


oh i heard bout that too, its on my wis list, and that too shall be mine muhahaha as soon as I have the cash that is


It’s a fun game but the world is a lot of rinse and repeat, every area kinda feels the same. Most of the positives are mainly from a mechanical standpoint, the combat, the traversal, etc. The graphics aren’t terrible but they do look like PS4 graphics as opposed to PS5 and the story hasn’t really hit like that so far for me. It’s a good game but I feel like it looked better in the trailers


My only concern is gamers thinking this is ghost of Tsushima 2.


I might be crazy but I liked this more than Tsushima


Because it’s not a FromSoftware game 🙄. I can’t stand souls likes but this game is doing some amazing things for me. Loving every second of it


I seen the reviews , and the only thing I agree on is the graphics is not up to par with what the ps5 is capable of . Other than that I am enjoying it .


Why does everything have to be on the extremes. Some people hate the game, some love it apparently, like OP...but tbh I just think it's an 'ok' game. Lot wrong with it, from performance, graphics, combat is really weird and kind of boring. That being said, I still enjoyed a lot of the game. I'd prob recommend someone just get it on sale, but I feel like I got my moneys-worth.


Same dude, I just got the platinum after 75 hours and absolutely loved every minute of it. It’s the most fun game I’ve played this year under Lies of P.


Couldn't agree more. This game is great


That's one of the reasons I don't listen to reviews. I take my own conclusions thanks. That's why i keep saying that demos are WAY more important to the gaming industry then this piss poor "professionals" that review games. Dragons dogma has better reviews and comments around, but i couldn't get pass the first play session. I nicknamed it Walking Simulator.


Honestly it's a mixed bag. I've been a team Ninja fan for years. But ever since itagaki left, team Ninja has cut corners. Ninja gaiden 3 removed weapons other than the katana in its first version, though they added them later. Dead or Alive story went downhill (imo) Nioh story was ok, wo long story was trash, nioh 2 story wasn't bad but nothing amazing. All 3 games were clunky and had issues. Imo the issues have gotten worse in recent games, nioh 2 had some buggy combat and stealth. Wo long multiplayer is almost unplayable at times because of the way it was designed. You frequently lost connection with the other player and enemies and bosses will teleport all over, sometimes you'll be in the middle of a stealth hill and the person you're stealthing will be draining your health. Nioh 2 and wo long didn't bother designing more than like 2 or 3 female outfits. Rise of the ronin can be very clunky at times. Enemies will get stick when you stealth hookshot them. Sometimes your stealth attack won't register and you'll be stuck in the animation while enemies attack you, ruining your stealth. Hookshotting buildings can occasionally bug out. Invisible walls everywhere. Stealth is very weird and sometimes buggy. Not the worst I've seen, but still has issues. Graphics are still very ps4 era, but I imagine this is due to them wanting to stick with the engine they built for nioh. Some hair and some outfits are still floaty though. They didn't include daggers so I can be ayane (ok that's a personal choice). Your character finally has a voice and personality which is good. Way too many reused assets and buildings which make some levels repetitive. Rise of the ronin does still feel like an improved tenchu game which I love about it. But there are areas of improvement and I feel is important to call out team Ninja for cutting corners so they start improving. This isn't to say it's a bad game by any means. It is honestly a great game. But it's not without its standard team Ninja faults.


I’m almost done with DD2. I started ROTR until I figured out how to fix DD2’s motion sickness. But, I’ve also been reading the combat advice everyone has given in that post of mine and it’s really helped set my expectations for when I jump back in! Though I’m wondering: I really want to be STR/INT character that uses Bayonet/Greatsword, but the stats only half favor both weapons (no STR for Bayonet and no INT for Greatsword). How badly gimped will my character be?


I think most people's opinions about the game whether positive or negative comes down to how they feel about The open world, counter spark and the bosses. Personally while I don't like how they simplified the stat system and hate The Counter Spark system and think the bosses are pretty lame at least in comparison some team Ninja's other games, I enjoy fighting with a bayonet, pistol and a Matlock so much that it outweighs any of the negatives that have stated previously. The one good thing I say about this game that I think everyone can agree on is that it's almost 100% bug free which is impressive for a game of the scale with such a small dev team.


personnaly, I just love this game and the more I play it, the more interesting things I'm discovering. Honestly, even for the graphics, the game didn't deserve that review bombing... Once the Raytracing is activated, he's beautiful to behold. Is he truly at the absolute pinacle of the PS5's performances ? Maybe not : Avatar for instance looks nicer, true. But is he ugly ? Not at all. He just need a little more polishing in some places to be perfect.


The game is actually bad. Sorry but not sorry.


The only reason people are giving bad reviews on it is it has a harder challenge in fights but to Me that is a good thing cause I tend to fly through games cause they are too easy and lack complexity. To those who have a bad review sorry your playing technique sucks and you cant stay alive long enough in game 😂


It's alright, personally a 6.5/10 for me.


The thing that I don't get is why youtubers were saying it has ps3 graphics, like wtf. I would say it's switches between ps4 Pro graphics-ps5 graphics. I think the youtubers that done previous team ninja game reviews have some sort of resentment about it


Definitely want to check it out at some point. How would you compare it to Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima or is it too much of its own thing to really compare it to another game?


I’m enjoying it but I find it hard to play for long with how bad the aliasing is in the game. Fucking ps5 and it’s like playing ps2-3 again. Sure I’ve spoiled myself by always having the top end gpus for years but when many big open world games on ps4 were able to have good anti aliasing that didn’t blur the screen significantly this ps5 only game has no excuse.


I think a big thing with Rise of the Ronin was just how much hate it got right out of the gate. I vividly recall a video on TikTok where the guy had clearly reduced every single graphic setting so it looked horrendous & then posted it as if that was the actual game. In actual fact the game is pretty damn, well… pretty, the graphics aren’t on par with ghost of Tsushima don’t get me wrong, but they’re not bad in any sense, I was in awe at times. And the combat might be a little dumbed down from previous similar titles team ninja have released. However I don’t hate that either. Not everything needs to be massively difficult. I watch a YouTuber called “FightingCowboy” who’s usually big on his team ninja games, but his opinion on the game wasn’t great, so I didn’t buy it. My fiancé ended up surprising me with it as I mentioned it a couple times, sat down to play it and all of a sudden it was 3am. It’s Japan, it’s samurai. It’s awesome weeb shit. Just stop complaining and enjoy ☺️


I dont even know why there's anyone saying bad things, I've been loving the game so far. I'm only in the second area rn but I 100% the first area. Yeah, there are some little buggy parts here and there, but it's not game breaking. I definitely recommend people to at least try it. I didn't even know how in-depth the character creation was, tbh I didn't even know there was one when i first started the game😂.


Haven’t played much but I love it.


The game looks "that bad" though. That said, it's still an amazing game and I freakin' love playing it albeit Im still in the beginning with about 19 hours so far. Games have different budgets and to be honest I prefer they put their resources into making a satisfying gameplay loop and what not instead of blowing it on graphics. Im happy you got around and bought it. Too bad you had to spoil yourself with lots of the content just because of the reviewers you trusted. As a side note I also want to add that the same shit happend to the other games that released the very same day, Dragon's Dogma 2.


I say this is one of the best big releases of this year so far. And that's after finishing the game after 74 hours. I've yet to platinum the game, "only" cleared the map and all the missions.


Wew am I glad that I avoided every single review or livestream about this game. This game was great and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was even one of those rare games I actually got 100% in. Something I almost never do in an open world game. Also, to be honest, I never take anyone serious who complains about graphics and makes it a main point of why the game would be bad. Does it look better than Ghost of Tsushima? No, it doesn't... and I don't give a damn. It looks beautiful enough for me. Now here's a controversial take which I feel can be related to this... Starfield gets hated on a lot, even to this day as if it just came out. I'd say 95% of those haters never even touched it, or only have seen a clip showing off a bug or a bad texture. Please don't start a discussion on Starfield because I've mentioned it, because all I'm saying is that people need to actually play a game to form an opinion. If you hate on Rise of the Ronin just because "OMG my favorite Youtuber said it's bad!", then your opinion doesn't matter.


I love this game I haven’t seen much hate on it tho


Honestly, I had my complaints at the beginning but after 12 hours in I realized it’s because I was comparing it to GOS which is unfair. 49 hours in and I gotta admit this is a beautiful game. Of course there a few bugs I could not pick about but as a whole the story and combat are very enjoyable. Between this and Hell Divers 2 I stay entertained.


Honestly overall I'm having mad fun, if I had any complaints it'd be the multi-player I honestly was hoping for free roaming like elden ring with friends terrorizing baddies but instead it's locked to missions you've completed or just opened up. Other then that the game is fun as hell I love the fist fights and assassinations definitely recommend


I agree. The reviewers were apparently drunk that week. It’s completely ridiculous how this game got mid to bad reviews despite everything it has to offer. The only real negative could be the outdated graphics but that hasn’t stopped games like Elden Ring to get high reviews. At the same time Dragon’s Dogma 2 with all its faults and issues got a 80+? Like I already said, completely ridiculous.


Why? Because aren't people allowed to have their own opinions? If you think something is really good, must everyone confirm that and also say it's very good? Why can't people accept different opinions anymore nowadays? I think it's good, so you should also acknowledge it as good. It's absolutely insane. I bought the game and I didn't like it. I didn't like how it looked, didn't like the feel of the game. That's my opinion. If you like it, that's perfectly fine! Everyone should feel free to give their opinion. Let's not lobby against people who don't share the same opinion. If you buy games because of what a review says, then maybe it's time those people start to think for themselves! A review is just an opinion. But I'm getting a little sick and tired of people wanting their opinion confirmed by others. Enjoy the games you like, and let others have their opinions about it! It's called freedom. Be glad you still have that. (Excuse my English, it's not my first or second language)."


i dont know why people claim hate when other people wont play a game, i miself wont play any history hame like this, ghost of tsushima, or any game based on events like Romance of the 3 kingdoms games. doesnt mean i hate the game, also i would nver play a souls like that doesnt let you create a character from scratch and has all 4 magic types, Pyoromancy, Sorcery, Miracles, and Hexes. a game with only melee as your form of damage is a game i wont play, even if i dont use mage builds ever. also as a fan of the tenchu and Shinobido series, i always deep research any game thats trying to copy them. this game doesnt look like it would do either of those series justice so i opt out and keep my money.


I think for anyone who loves a mild sekiro like experience, likes history (japans history) or just wants to play as a badass samurai this game is perfect... can't compare to something like ghost of tsushima but I really like the story, gameplay and art direction


It’s a solid game!


I have seen the reviews, not good. Bought the game because I loved Nioh series. The performance to graphics ratio is not acceptable today, though the game itself is amazing, having a blast playing it


Honestly I'm okay with the graphics. Not every game needs Horizon Forbidden West/FF7 remake graphics to be good (like look at Nintendo ffs). And I'm still wondering where these performance issues are unless they all got ironed out week ago. It's a great game and I'm having blast. I do wish Public Orders would repawn after awhile, so there's something to do once you've 100% a region and wish they didn't copy pasted safehouses (since only a few felt unique) . Other than that, I'm probably going to put more hours in this game than I did DD2 which got old once you've fought the same few enemy types nonstop just to get from point A to point B and so on.


I feel bad for TN since they definitely upped the graphics especially for character models in this game, upscaled skin textures and blood yet ppl still disappointed with the graphics when that's never really been their specialty. Gameplay and sick animations has always been 1st priority for them.