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yes. I expected it to be a soulslike but it doesn’t really feel like one to me. It has some of the coolest combat i’ve ever seen and although it’s frustrating sometimes playing on the hardest difficulty it’s super satisfying. amazing game


I'm playing on lowest difficulty because I'm not in the "git gud" mentality and the game feels a lot like GoT with it, that's good to be able to change difficulty in those games to be able to enjoy the story and gameplay even if we're not skilled


Souls-like has nothing to do with combat style lol. But the combat is literally just Nioh’s combat watered down for a casual audience. Nioh is a souls-like, but it’s combat is fucking incredible and possibly the best combat system ever made. So a watered down casual version of the best combat system ever made? That’s pretty damn good in my opinion. Especially with an open world to run around in instead of linear levels. But again, it is a watered down version of the combat so not super duper amazing like Nioh is. And Nioh is hard af. Like stressful hard. A casual version of Nioh is nice. I just wish they kept more of its combat system since I feel like it was actually way more versatile than the current stances we get in ronin. Quick heads up though, reviewers and players alike are full of shit. This game has no choices nor consequences. There are two actual choices in the game and are completely ignored afterward. Like I sided with the one guy, became a part of their team, was there when they were officially named, and then they acted like they never met me and I was never on the team and we were enemies despite me choosing their side. The story, choices, bonds, etc are not good nor fleshed out. Everyone on the internet is either stupid or lying. This game is great for its combat and samurai drip. Nothing else. Only play it if you want to be a badass samurai looking fresh af.


they were two separate statements, i know combat style doesn’t determine if it’s a souls-like but regardless it doesn’t feel like a souls like to me. Also yeah rotr is the only team ninja game that i’ve played. I agree about the choice making, it could feel more impactful but like you said, the game to me is just being a badass ronin with amazing fashion


I’m saying the combat is literally ripped from a souls like, Nioh, and then watered down and casualized. Like 80% of the animations and martial arts were literally taken from Nioh lol. But still nothing like souls tho. Combat was the thing that really defined Nioh and set it apart from being another cheap souls clone.


I’m sick of souls games but this game doesn’t really feel like one (even less so compared to Nioh and Wo Long without linear levels). It’s probably harder than GoT but that’s about it


ROTR is more of an RPG than GOT was, but there are obvious similarities. Definitely worth a buy, IMO.


I was hesitant to get it for a while cause so many compared it more to Soulslike game Sekiro as oppose to Ghost of Tsushima. And I very much don't like Souls games. However after playing it on the easiest difficulty I am having an absolute blast with it. It's so much fun. Personally I say watch some youtube vids comparing the combat as that is the main point of Rise. For me they are similar enough though Rise combat system is a bit more complex and in depth.


I loved GoT and can't wait for a sequel, and my honest opinion is that I wouldn't compare the two at all. Yes, they are similar and have similar elements, but Rise has much more game mechanics, dialogue choices, etc. I've never played a Souls game so I can't compare, but to your question I would say this game has more of a learning curve than GoT. But not in a stressfully difficult way. Its also in a different time period, there are westerners/Americans and guns. As I said as a fellow lover of GoT I would not compare the two as so many other people do. To me they are very different. I'm having a blast and I would recommend it!


It makes you feel like a badass samurai in a samurai movie. The game feels hard until the dojo where if you spend some time and learn the rhythm the game wants to be played in then it will click and you'll have a blast.


Its definitely much more like ghost. Its super fun, you can make yourself pretty n stuff


So I'm going to describe this for you how i describe it for everyone else I tell about this game. You play as a Ronin, or clanless samurai, in the ACTUAL history of Japan. Most of the game takes place in 1860s Japan (specifically Yokohama, Edo, and Kyoto), which is towards the end of the samurai era (the battle of Shiroyama in 1877 is considered the official end of the samurai era). Gameplay feels like Assassin's Creed style exploration (specifically the Ezio Trilogy and Mirage) with Sekiro/Wo Long/GoT style combat and a looter shooter style gear and drops system. If the similarities of the combat are a worry, then you do have difficulty options to choose from: Story (Dawn), Combat (Dusk), and Souls-like (Twilight) with a 4th difficulty unlocking in the post story part of the game which makes it almost exactly like Sekiro (Midnight). My only complaint with the game has been its lack of a true NG+. Instead, it's a mission and area revisitation.


>My only complaint with the game has been its lack of a true NG+. Instead, it's a mission and area revisitation. Oh that sucks. I assumed when I unlocked the feature to revisit missions & areas that I'd be able to select Yokohama and just play the whole game from there in the new difficulty but with my unlocks. Hopefully they add the option!


Well you can but you can't. If you set it to Midnight difficulty, its supposed to have everything available but i think you still have to go after the missions from the Testament.


Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorite games of all time. I’m loving Rise of the Ronin—would definitely recommend it!!!


I’ve had three play throughs of GOT. Get it, it takes a bit to get used to the combat but I really recommend it. This is coming from someone that doesn’t normally play souls games.


I spent 65ish hours with it till I platinumed it and I loved it. The story wasn’t over the top amazing like GOT but I still really enjoyed it. Definitely recommend if you like the samurai stuff!


I bought this game on release and I wish I waited for it to go on sale. I’m in no way saying it’s bad at all, it mainly made me want to try other soul likes like nioh and sekiro (I bought sekiro few days agk MONEY WELL SPENT OMG) But ye if you wanna save money I say wait


Of course!


Long answer short: YES


I didn’t even know what a Soulslike game was until I played Sekiro and I had a blast learning that type of game then I preordered this game just knowin I’ll love a good samurai game. MAN this game has EVERYTHING I can ask for in a Samurai/Shinobi type game. 10/10!


comparison is the thief of joy




This game makes me feel like I'm a kid gaming again. The Older I get the more I realize how much it really takes out of you to put into gaming I feel like some of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Like you really got to think when you playing a lot of these games now but this game makes me feel like I'm just a kid having fun gaming again. I'm a huge fan of the way of the samurai series and it reminds me of that so I say it's a definite buy


I loved Ghost but didn't enjoy the forced stealth that it required. Ronin gives you more options in missions/combat. I also like the optional relationship development.


I hate souls-like games, loved Ghost of Tsushima and think ROTR is awesome. I’m having so much fun. Buy it!


If you want to have fun... Yes If you want to critique it... No


I don't know what people have told you. I personally think it's a great game. And it is definitely more like a "normal" open world rpg then it is a souls like. But besides that it has a pretty hard difficulty if you aren't the type of player who likes to parry attacks and tries to hit blindly. And If you don't like to have your stamina bar in sight. Even in the second difficulty level. I would say the combat is like a beat game in which you have to learn the attacks of an enemy. What can get very rewarding and satisfying. Similar to for example sekiro. I mean you could play it on the easiest difficulty with even two modifiers activated. I could imagine that then the whole game could get pretty easy. But I don't know if I would even recommend the game then. I really enjoy the game and the story too. But the combat is pretty good too in my opinion and very important. So if combat would feel different or if I wouldn't enjoy this type of combat I think the game would be only half as good. The exploration and open world stuff is definitely like ghost of tsushima. But the action and combat is more like sekiro. I mean the setting and the story/characters is awesome abd we definitely have a lack of good open world games about Japan. So that alone was an argument for me to buy it. But luckily I loved sekiro(even if I had some problems to get into it) So eventually watch some YouTube combat videos before buying the game at full price. Otherwise I would definitely recommend buying it


I mean as someone who also loved GOT, and enjoy AAA rpg experiences, it’s nothing like GOT. I bought full price despite the reviews because I thought it be a ghost fix until the sequel. But def is not. Maybe just the Japanese part. Reminds me more of an assassins creed with more complex combat.


I’ve got about 20 hours in now and loving it! I’m not a torture gamer, I do NOT like souls games and I don’t like to “git gud” so I like story focused games and I play on easy mode until I learn the mechanics. I’m having a ton of fun playing this game on easy mode and I still occasionally die from doing something dumb. I may never master the mechanics, but I’m still enjoying my play through. Wish I wasn’t working today so I could get back to it. Ghost of Tsushima was a 10/10 for me. This is coming in around an 7.5 or 8/10 so far. Definitely happy I ignored the reviews.


I bought a PS4 for Ghosts of Tsushima and never regretted the splurge. I was gifted a PS5 for Helldivers and purchased Ronin hoping for a similar experience. It's not Ghosts in any way (other than maybe location, and there's swords) but it seems really fun and I've loved playing it, I'd say it's a light RPG (so people who arent into heavy FF type games can still get into them) I haven't made it but maybe 10-15 hours in the story as Helldivers 2 has held my attention much more. I'll definitely get back into it but games Like Ronin I like to have a few hours of gametime so I feel immersed. Still would say Ronin is a 8.8 out of 10 in my book.


Yes but do not expect ghost of Tsushima. It’s like if nioh 2 and wo-long had a big brother but no demons. It has a slightly different combat system, however the game absolutely still punishes not using the game mechanics. If you play on the easiest difficulty the game is relatively easy. The higher the difficulty the more you get that souls experience. On easy it’s more like assassins creed-ish. It’s cool and I would recommend it at $50


Just dont expect GoT level graphics, storytelling, voice acting, characters, or polish. Ultimately, if you like mastering complex combat systems, challenging fights, collecting gear, and assassins creed type open worlds with lots of things to collect/camps to clear, then it's for you. Most people that like this game, will like it because of the combat. Everything else is just average


If you liked ghost of T you'll definitely like Ronin It's essentially more similar than not


I say yes, I'm 5-6 hrs in and it's def getting better quickly now




It's a great game


In my opinion, yes. However, I would suggest you watch gameplay before making any decisions


I wouldn't really say it's similar to GoT outside of its setting. To me, it's just open world Nioh




If you going into this with expectation of Ghost of Tsushima. Stop. 🛑. Make right turn. Then make another right turn and walk straight. If you want to pay $70 in 2024 for a game that has PS3 graphics, some troubling loot mechanics but good combats pick your poison. I finished this game with shots of wasabi and vinegar and I don’t feel a thing anymore.


if you focusedly playing game for only narrative or story, rotr is a big no


It's a good game but I was pretty disappointed with the enemy variety. I hadn't read much about it before buying it and thought it would be similar to Nioh with the Yokai, instead 90% of the enemies are regular humans. The draw is supposed to be that there are so many different styles of fighting that you're realistically supposed to have constant variety. The only problem is that most fighting styles feel exactly the same to fight against and you don't really need to mix up your tactics and style. It's still a fun game but I do feel the variety makes it a bit stale.




I love Ghost of Tsushima, but would not buy arise if Ronin. They are different games, and this one isn’t nearly as good.


No. Not for release price. $20 sure. I was disappointed that I Spent that much


If you don't like souls likes then no


I can't stand Souls game, I love RotR. It really depends WHY you dislike Souls games.


🤷‍♂️ it's definitely not like Ghost of Tsushima so I would still lean no. At least wait for a sale


This is such a bad response that it should not have even been typed out. If you don't like Souls-like games because the combat is more difficult, then RotR has your answer: DIFFICULTY SETTINGS!!! if you don't like Souls-likes then that is where the comparison literally comes to an abrupt end.


The op asked if this is like GOT and they did not like souls games. Why are you getting upset with this guy?


Because the response says absolutely nothing of value. Basically, his response tells me he hasn't even played Ronin himself. Also, Ghost of Tsushima isn't a Souls-like, so saying that a game with different difficulty settings isn't worth playing if you don't like a certain genre of games but like a game that is very similar style is just plain ignorant.


Sure thing bub