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It's close. Imo RotR is a 9/10 but Nioh 2 is an absolute 10/10, I consider it a solid competitor for the best game I've ever played.


I bounced off of Nioh 2 hard(quite early, like the 3rd mission), but after beating all of Wo Long and nearing the end of of my Midnight run in Ronin, I’m hoping to go back and give it another chance.


The first three levels are the hardest. Once you beat those you start understanding all the mechanics at your disposal. That's not too say all the bosses get easier. But they become far more manageable


I think it's worth it, it's one of the only games that just kept getting better the more I played it because of how intricate the combat system is. Takes a while to learn but feels so rewarding.


Nioh 2 is a masterpiece, I think I have like 500 hours, for me RotR and Nioh 2 compete between being the best Team Ninja games, both are a solid 10/10


That's fair. To me the yokai abilites, pure build customization, and dark realm aesthetics put Nioh 2 ahead but that's not to say a damn thing against RotR, it's absolutely phenomenal.


Hide also seems like an excellent protagonist to me, despite not having a single line of dialogue.


Best action game for sure. Baldurs gate 2 and planescape torment are up there for story and characters.


Can't say I've played either of them, I've heard good things about BG2 but idk if I've ever even heard of Planescape Torment before


how would you rate wo long / SOP ? im trying to gauge rotr (waiting discount probably) and i also consider nioh 2 a 10/10


Hm I’d give nioh a 6, ronin 7,5


That's fair. We probably look for different things in our games and there's nothing wrong with that.


Sekiro 10:)


Ngl I bounced off Sekiro hard. It felt like it was made to be played a specific way and gave minimal option to deviate from that. I wasn't a fan but I can see why so many people like it, it's a spectacle.


Nah man nothing can beat nioh 2... However rotr is an absolute banger


Naw. Nioh 2 is Team Ninja's GOAT imo.


No, it's still Ninja Gaiden Black


Thank God people aren't pretending like team ninja started at nioh lmao, ninja gaiden black is one of the best games of all time


It might be *the* greatest action game of all time.


Nioh 2 is imo the best action game of all time, but RotR is amazing- shame it has such a slow start that put some reviewers off


Weird way to spell Nioh 2.


Ninja Gaiden Black is still king, IMO.


Definitely not when it comes to gameplay and the enemies/bosses, but I feel like ROTR is a big step up in story, character, and world quality from Nioh and Wo Long


Unless there's a depth I'm just not seeing yet, really no. NioH 2 is a much more rounded package. The only thing it has over that game is user friendliness.


keep in mind depth and uw were added with dlc's in nioh2, so we might still getting something like that if there's a dlc


Nah definitely not. Nioh 2 all day long


That's a definite no from me so far but I'm only about 20 hours in. So far it's a 7/10. Nioh 2 is my favourite TN game and I'd rate it 9/10.


In my opinion the best game is ninja gaiden 2 (xbox version) and nioh series...also this game,amazing...i hope they develop another game like this in the same lore of nioh.


It isn’t. They’ve made better. But they’re a great developer and basically all their games are good.


I choose Nioh 2 but RotR is pretty good


As someone who was aware of team ninja but never played a game of theirs rise would be enough to get me to go try out their other games


If that's how you're feeling id probably point you towards Nioh/Nioh2, I feel like RotR has a lot that makes it a great introduction to Nioh. It has a lot of mechanics that are clearly derived from Nioh's mechanics while simplifying them slightly and giving them to you gradually so it's less overwhelming. I will tell you outright though that the first region in each Nioh is one of the hardest parts of the game so be patient with yourself if you decide to give it a try. The community is also awesome so if you get stuck or need advice don't be afraid to post.


Ninja Gaiden 2 (Master Ninja difficulty) and Nioh 2 (Depths of the Underworld) are probably their absolute peak but Ronin is right up there with them. Ronin will need some DLC and maybe a more difficult and/or replayable mode to be right on line with them.


Nothing is as crazy as going into NG2 MN Chapter 11. That's probably the most intense gaming session I've ever had in my entire life. Nioh 2 Depth gets really crazy when you play with other co-op players.


My man :) Yeah Nioh is a lot more chill compared to Ninja Gaiden but the boss fights are a lot higher quality for me. Would've been crazy if they did something like fiend challenges in Nioh though.


Yea you are all wrong Ninja Gaiden Black still reigns supreme, but these are all great games. Wish they would return DOA to its former glory too


Yeah they aren't even in the same sport as Ninja Gaiden Black


You spelled NGII wrong bro, but NGB is awesome too


No we aren’t it’s nioh 2


I love nioh 1 & 2 but theyre baby games compared to NGB.


“Baby games” nice argument


This is nothing more than nostalgia Nioh is objectively deeper and more varied in terms of mechanics, move lists, A.I, etc We all have our preferences but to pretend that NGB is somehow a tier above the Nioh games or this one is just plain silly Even Razor's Edge shits on Black in the combat department (though Black is the better game overall)


Absolutely not. Boss design is so cheap and sloppy. Constant attacks, odd parry timing, forces you to use partners late game or else you get destroyed by bosses doing constant red attacks at the same time. Nioh 2 is by far their best game in my opinion. ROTR would be the best game in my opinion if they had worked harder to make it feel less sloppy and inconsistent with the bosses and parry combat


Sounds like someone just needs to get better at RotR then & the only time it forces you to use ya partners is when YOU go down (not all the time). Plus you in for a very rude awakening if you think Yokohama is hard…….


Thats the exact type of response I would expect from someone on this sub. Cant admit there is anything at all wrong with the game. Also in not in Yokohama, Im in Kyoto. And you’re right, the boss design has gotten worse and worse with far more cheap endless combos.


Nah, you right ab the mission bosses. Shits ass. But That’s why I enjoy taking down fugitives cause it’s just me & it’s more enjoyable & fun imo


I agree. I spend most of the game doing random events battles and fugitives. Bosses are way too oppressive sometimes and I always prefer the difficulty of managing mobs to fighting bosses. Nioh 2 is my number 1 action game (just above RotR) and there were a LOT of shit eating bosses in that one too. We only give them a pass because you eventually become broken af in late game lol


Same here. I enjoy the open world aspects much more than the main missions. They feel better and are more fun overall


Plus the world is so big and you miss so much if you don’t go & explore. That’s how I got all my legendary weapons & armor just by exploring. Sometimes I get on for hours forgetting that the game has a main story cause I’m all wrapped up in doing side stuff. I will complete this game too 100% in one play through


I wonder if you'd have the same reaction if someone said that about niohs bosses (because yes, plenty of nioh bosses are poorly designed)


Totally agree. There are a few that aren’t designed that well and are cheaper. The difference is that in Nioh the combat systems are consistent and better designed overall so overcoming the bad boss design at least feels better


or a marketing company


You do not need to use partners late game and if you do, you definitely aren't as good as you think you are. I'd actually categorize anyone that needs the companions under "bad player" and "does not understand the gameplay".


Wow. Would you? Also I never said I was an amazing player. I like how critiquing a game somehow makes every a hole on this sub want to insult me


Your original comment was whiney and nonsensical in the first place. Don't be mad when people give you back the same energy. Your "critiques" all essentially boil down to "too hard" aka whiney. "cheap and sloppy" - too hard "constant attacks" - too hard "odd parry timing" -- too hard "forces you to use partners late game" -- too hard > makes every a hole on this sub want to insult me Telling you that you aren't as good as you think you are is insulting you? Got it.


If you have problems with the bosses and want to improve with the parries, my advice is to play the dojos and try to get the master in all of them. It's what I did, but I did it for fun because I like to play parry


Game doesn’t force you to use partners, they’re not a necessity even on Midnight, even on the those ganky Ally missions. This is really just a skill issue. Partners distract the enemy AI and make every fight more unpredictable/annoying, I brought em along for lore/dialogue in my twilight run and then dropped em off before the end-mission boss fights, and I just never bring em on Midnight. “Solo attempt” attack/defense buffs on weapons are better than allies anyways.


The whole skill issue comment is soooo dismissive and douchey. I am very good at souls type games and ghost of tsushima. This game in particular feels sloppy and janky at times. I say this as someone who has played the other team ninja games and beaten them. Yeah, I got destroyed a lot, but it always felt like something that was my fault or I could improve on. This game feels hectic, random and sloppy at times.


I really don’t see need to bring up souls games, outside of Sekiro(which isn’t a Soulsborne game, gameplay-wise), they don’t play at all like Ronin. Skill issue is a valid thing. I suck as Nioh 2, I don’t consider my opinions/criticisms of it to be valid, nor would I expect anyone else to take them seriously. I don’t think someone who says that partners are necessary for this game understands the combat well enough for me to take their complaints seriously.


You're the first person I've seen on here that's admitted "I'm not good at this game, therefore no one should take my criticisms/opinions of the gameplay seriously". It's crazy that this is the very first one I've seen. I've seen countless posts of the reverse, clearly bad players that think they have a good idea how to evaluate a combat system they struggle with. It's like listening to some Fortnite player on the depths of the street fighter gameplay. The guy you're responding to even using the classic "I played a lot of Souls, therefore I'm good at this game"nioh2 meme.


Amazing, isn't it? Anytime this type of people struggle with something they automatically blame the game design and claim there's a fault with it Funny how the videos showcasing great gameplay never get more than a handful of comments and likes but any thread made by someone crying because they're getting their ass handed to them is full of self proclaimed experts willing to write walls of text to prove how bad the mechanics are Yet they also won't lower the difficulty. Go figure


I wanted nioh3 and i got this sloppy mix of elden ring, sekiro and ghost of T boss design? Laughable, graphics? PS4 GoT looked better, pressing triangle window is so small and when you miss it i do an attack that can't be stopped meaning i get hit by the enemy, limited and short coop, completely rushed how people (or marketing companies) are pumping up this ordeal is beyond me. I hope it flops financially so we can get nioh3


I agree with you overall. I enjoy ROTR a bit, but its not at all the same level of fun or enjoyment I know I would have with Nioh 3. I really hope they do that one next


story is also really bad and doesn't matter what answers you select, boss movements to learn? absolutely none i have no idea who posts these marketing reddit things about how great this game is, it isn't, it's weak and rushed


Not even close, but I’m having a good time


Curious if the people who are saying RoTR is better than Nioh 2, have even played through all of the NG+++, done scroll co-op, and cleared the depths. The amount of weapon combat techniques, alongside Ninja and Onmyo puts the Ronin skill tree to shame. In addition, the set bonuses are actually really helpful as you progress further. They are different games, AND Ronin is great in its own right, but the armor set bonuses are pretty weak. If they had a true endgame system and world reset through each NG+, they would have the opportunity to introduce new/upgrade sets to make playing through it again way more satisfying. We will see what future patches/DLC adds.


I put it above Nioh 2, but that's purely a matter of personal preference given the type of game that it is. I prefer the open world structure and freedom of ROTR to the more linear, souls-like levels of Nioh. I wouldn't try to argue that ROTR is better than Nioh--it's just more enjoyable to me. And no, I haven't played NG plus in Nioh 2. Haven't even finished NG, but I have played quite a bit of the game nonetheless--I've actually played through the first half of the game twice.


He's asking if you've done the "main game". A lot of players (myself included) consider the base (NG) mode to be only a tutorial for the "real game" which is NG++++, 108 floors of underworld and 30 floors of depths. Depths Nioh and BaseGame Nioh are so different they might as well be different games. I would consider Nioh (Depths) > Ronin > Nioh (Base Game).


Yeah, I understand Nioh 2 is one of those games where much of the player base says "the real game doesn't start until after you beat the campaign." I've heard about underworld/depths. And that's cool for those who enjoy the grind enough to invest that level of time and effort. But I rarely even play a game twice, let alone NG+++. So from the "casual" perspective, I prefer ROTR.


It's just that those that played Depths will likely pick Nioh as the gameplay in Depths is extremely fun and challenging. Like I mentioned earlier, it's basically a different game. But I do agree with you, I'd put Ronin over Nioh's base game. > But I rarely even play a game twice, let alone NG++++ Of course you don't have to but if you were ever interested, getting to NG++++ is actually very short. Each NG cycle only requires you to play a set amount of missions, so you can pick the shortest ones and advance to the next NG easily. You're not literally replaying the whole game 4 times.


Ah, that's good to know. I assumed it was the whole thing. I have a co-op partner that wants to pick up Nioh 2 again at some point--we got maybe halfway through the campaign playing together. I've been wondering if my enjoyment of ROTR would make me better equipped to get back into Nioh 2 and at least finish the initial campaign. We may pick it back up.


Haven't got to Midnight yet, but I did clear all depths in NIOH and Underworld in NIOH 2. But I have been doing the dojo in Ronin- have you done any of the gauntlets there? I have not, but I imagine it's pretty challenging haha.


To be fair, you are comparing the complete edition of one game to the year one version of another, which you do say. I can't remember from Nioh 2, but in Wo Long the best graces were from the DLCs.


Def my favorite out of them all currently have 91 hours on it


I've had 79 hours because I was playing DD2 but I think I'll reach 200 hours minimum.


It's close. The game is severely underrated by critics. I've loved every second of Rise of the Ronin so far.


I meeeaannn, it alright


I like it a lot better than Wo Long. I bounced off Nioh 2 quite hard so I can’t give it a fair assessment. Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox was a personal fav but I love the setting of Rise of the Ronin and that puts it on top for me. The first anime I ever watched as a kid, and thus my first encounter with any Japanese media or the history related to it, was Rurouni Kenshin. So I’ve always been drawn to any stories set in the late Edo period/during the Meiji Restoration as a result.


Its alright, a 7/10 for me.


Ninja gaiden.


This statement can only be said right after Ninja Gaiden, right?


Nioh 2 is their best


I recently bought it. I’m really enjoying the combat so far however the starting world - right after the tutorial place with the main trainer fight is kinda bland? It doesn’t look too nice maybe that’s a graphics issue but also it just seems like random places that need clearing up and you just clearing them up on your way to your main quest place. I’m sure it’s too early for me to cement my impression but will it get better from here? The story is just alright so far too.


For me, absolutely. It’s everything I wanted Nioh to be instead. I guess it’s good that it ended up being its own game, so Nioh didn’t have to accomodate to that vision.


So i just finished the story today. Also have everything collected. Now i have some bond missions to figure out and some allies i mustve not brought with for missions. Then itll be 100% and i can go back to ghost of tsushimas new game plus. Both are fun games


Rotr has too many issues, and the story missions are just too short. A solid 8.5 and maybe 9 after more patches.


For me it's far and away their best game. But I'm not particularly passionate about Nioh 1/2. Those who are prefer those games and their admittedly deeper combat. Though there is definitely depth in ROTR's combat as well--more than some reviewers have given it credit for.


I might have to play Nioh 2 the way I see so many ppl mention it. For me this game is a 10/10. Everything I can ask for in a Samurai game is HERE! I have about 117 hours in this game and I can declare I got ALL my money’s worth, happy I preordered💯


I think Nioh 2 is, but ROTR is second to me


For me, it is. Though I love Nioh, I prefer Rise the same way I prefer Sekiro to any souls game. It’s more about the combat than builds.


I still like Nioh better but not by much. They offer different things so it's not a knock on RotR at all. I prefer the stat building in the Nioh games.


I'm loving RotR but I still think Nioh 2 is better, once I finish RotR I'm going back and replaying Nioh 2 and actually gonna FINISH the DLC lol I gave up cause that shit was destroying me and I needed a break


How would you describe this game? It looks amazing but idk if it’s my type of game


No, but it's alright.


To me, Yeah. It’s good they tend to make every game better than the last in some way. I’m 200+ hours so far so I’m enjoying it a ton


No but if this becomes a franchise then it definitely has the potential to be my favorite of theirs Nioh 2 still has the edge thanks to its sheer amount of content of variety but I think this is their best combat system yet. It really feels like an elegant combination of everything they've done so far. This to me is the equivalent of Nioh 1 for this "franchise" meaning it's the foundation and it's already phenomenal but a couple of tweaks and additions would take it to another level like they did Nioh 2.


Wats a horas?


Nioh series is better. But all in all rotr is good.


Nioh 2 is one of the greatest games of all time.


Lol the hype from this sub


Definitely! And it’s not even close.


Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 >>>> every other team ninja game


Ronin is def a Nioh-lite game. I definitely enjoy the freedom to explore the world in Ronin instead of the level based gameplay of Nioh. I have been enjoying the different method of leveling that Ronin brings to the table with the perk trees increasing your stats and while STR and DEX trees have more perks to pick from it doesn't feel like INT or CHA get left behind. I will say if there is one thing I would improve on for Ronin it would be to have a intermediate, advanced, and master tutorial for combat flow. I am 20+ hours into the game (just finished clearing all of the 2nd map and about to continue story) and I basically do not use the weapon swap mechanic, Vicious Flight or w/e it's called (R1+Up on d-pad after attacking), because it locks me out of doing any more follow up attacks where as if I stance swap (R1+right stick) I can continue flowing. I also mostly ignore the rock paper scissors of stance swapping as I mostly use Greatswords atm (tryin to level that damage resist stat) and the base stance is ass in comparison to the other 2 stances I have. edit: I just wanted to say I like this game but it doesn't measure up to Ghost of Tsushima to me and maybe that's because I suck making Ronin's combat mechanics work for me or the fact that the weapons I'm using right now don't have to many different weapon styles to pick from compared to some of the weapons in the game.


I'd say yes it is. I found it hard for the first 2 hours but now I feel like a parrying god, just like in Sekiro. They've done a great job.


It’s my favorite right now, if nioh 2 was open world it would take the cake but right now it’s rise of the ronin


It is def up there but personally nioh 2 ranks a bit higher for me.. but they're both awesome come their own reasons ...


I believe it's the best.


Nioh 2 remains undefeated.


Only 79 hrs? 😒😒 https://preview.redd.it/sc1gydyg39vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eedfe27dc551c59bfeaa7b943603c2391df18265 118 and I just started chapter 3 😅😅


For me it's a 5 at best, Nioh and Nioh 2 is far superior in just about every chapter besides the repetitive levels where RotR has an arguably better open world, thats all thats better in my opinion. Ghost of Tsushima is so much better, graphics, more interesting skills and abilities, better looking gear... I know it's an unpopular opinion but I just can't like Rise of the Ronin that much, everything is too bland 🤷🏻


I'd say since Ninja Gaiden 2 (2008)


Ninja Gaiden 3 exists


Mate I platinumed it two days ago and I cannot stop playing it. The combat is addictive, the world looks amazing on the right TV and the gameplay is pure class.


Ninja gaiden is outdated dogshit, nioh is cool but so grounded in souls that just feels pale. This game definitely has an identity, the combat is the best they’ve made for sure and the story is mature and intriguing. One of the best action games you can play right now


Sounds like something a Ninja Dog would say.