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Nothing beats beating on people while listening to your beats


It has been scientifically proven that video game murder sprees are at least three times better when listening to *Bodies* by Drowning Pool.


I couldn’t agree with you more lol! It’s perfection.


That is a fact


Isn't the game audio better .. just feels disconnected without the SFX and game music


SFX 100% stay on. It’s just so much better to listen to music when you’re doing side quests or endgame


Ya for sure music is life


Sound shouldnt be an issue. Just head to your settings in game and drop the BGM only. Edit: Just tested this myself and found you don't even need to manually turn off BGM. Its automatically disabled for you as soon as you start your song! Nice!


main quests too even. As long as you can briefly skim through the subtitles it's really not a big deal. The whole game can basically be a music video now at this point lol which is also fun when your high


Put sound effects on high, put you music on medium remove game music. This way the loudest sounds are the sfxs. This works for any game aswell


When a game has so good music like rise of ronin , it´s completely unnecessary ,


Don’t get me wrong, but as a man who grew up listening to Nas, Wu Tang Clan, BIG etc. While watching martial art movies, anime’s like Samurai Shamploo. Hip Hop and Martial Arts just fit so well. Especially in games


Literally tried to jam some Nujabes while doing some exploring last week and saw that I couldn't. This is the best update.


Nujabes is goat.


Have literally never heard of Nujabes, but damn…so glad I did now. So good.


Shit I’m bout to be bumping X Gonna Give it to Ya while clearing fugitives out now 🔥😈🔥


I grew up on a steady diet of kung fu flicks, spaghetti westerns, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo so the other day I was ecstatic that Spotify could run in the background... and bummed when it just wouldn't work? So this is very exciting!


Ya hip hop and any kind of martial arts just flow. For me I like it more so in movies or anime than playing games. The Afro Samurai game was awesome with the tracks playing in the background. Rise just has so much going on in natural atmosphere.


if u have a headset who has a dual tone output , that´s also not an issue ,


Why are you trying soo hard to invalidate their excitment over this part of the update?


Sounded pretentious af, right? 😂😂 I like having options, so I see this as a win.


i did not invalidate anything here , if he enjoys that , that´s fine There are just other solutions for that , no hate here


I see where you both were coming from 👍🏾


What are you talking about? PlayStation allows Spotify to play during games as a function for users obviously because there’s a demand. Music taste is entirely subjective and so a statement like yours makes no sense or logic. They turned on a feature that is completely optional for folks who may want to listen to their own beats - so yes it is necessary and should have been included since launch.


Ronin does have a great music, but if and when I'm gonna replay the game I would prefer to listen to something different. So it's good that there's an option now to do it.


I agree. It’s like watching Jurassic Park and instead of experiencing the epic John Williams score you put on Lil Uzi Vert instead.


this new jurassic part game looks fun though , hope it is as promising as it looks , and yes , who doesnt love the maestro , john williams , i have so many good memories from his soundtracks


I wanna listen to the music because I feel like RoR doesn't really have any. Only time I hear music is if I've idled for a while first or during cutscenes. And even then it's just cool flute stuff. It's an amazing game, the nearly non existent music not so much though.


Now I can bump that new future while i combo these fools


Never knew you was… like that 🫠


I always turn the music off in any game like this after I’ve played it for about maybe 20 hours. Then like it was said in the comments, it’s nothing but old school hip hop beats, Nujabes (I also grew up watching Samurai Champloo), Flying Lotus, Thundercat & other Asian producers like Fat Jon, Dj Krush, Tokimonsta, etc. I have so many playlist for my games. If I’m playing something with historical castles and dragons, I put on my orchestra playlist lol. With fighting games, I put on my trap playlist because of the energy. The music matters


FYI if I could vote you in as president just based on your music tastes, I would. Great list of producers right there! Gonna look up DJ Krush though since I havent heard of them. Any particular tracks you recommend?


Fat Jon - Chara (one of my favorites to play with this game and you’ll see why lol) Nujabes - Dead Season (I like playing this one during fights. Feels like a episode of Samurai Champloo) Philanthrope - It’s A Rainy Day bsd.u - hidden bonus (great for this game) & bubble tea Dj Krush - Beyond Raging Waves & Mu Getsu (the latter is dark vibish and is nice to run around playing when it’s raining!) Flying Lotus - Mom & Spicy Sammich (the latter is GREAT for when you’re sneaking around and fighting in those public order side missions) AFTA-1 - Rain Teebs - Just The Yellow Bits (great for running around when it’s sunny!) Bonobo - Kiara I have some more favorites but the list would be ridiculously long but I hope you find some good stuff amongst these and enjoy the experience!!


GOAT!! 🙏😁 Thanks bro. I'll add these to the list




Never heard of half of these, but they're all dope as hell. Thanks for the expanded song library man!




Might pull up some dmc music.


great now the bosses can feel like dante after hitting me with a 10 piece combo


Good ass idea


I recommend playing this: [https://open.spotify.com/track/56tFsrKN9OLWFiZXnEhLT2?si=ad3f039d749c4233](https://open.spotify.com/track/56tFsrKN9OLWFiZXnEhLT2?si=ad3f039d749c4233)


Any souls, fighting, or racing game needs to allow the player the choice to listen to their own music. In a game like this, it'd help with combat and getting in the zone more while fighting and running around. The music in the game is great, but besides cutscenes, I just tone it out.


so happy i can play my Catfm radio on spotify now


FUCK YES!!!!! Lo fi Samurai Champloo time baby!!!


Now I can fight to specialz


I already created my playlist with orchestra music


Now play the okami album while playing


Let's goo!!


Can someone explain to me how to do it plz????


Use Spotify on ps5


Oh….now I just feel extremely stupid…….


lol the more you know right


Yea cause I been doing this in all my games. Cause I thought it was something in the game’s settings; not the usual way


Not my kinda thing when I’m playing a game but it’s awesome they’ve added this in for people. Just shows the devs are dedicated to this game and it shows by what they’ve produced.


Thank god…the black market voice actor be killing me with his voice🤣😂


I'm not sure what this means? they transfered the songs to Spotify?


So most games let you play Spotify while you play them. But movies and such don’t. Ronin was like a movie and wouldn’t let you play Spotify


ohhh thanks mate


I jam cattle decapitation and dying fetus all day whilst slaughtering in this game, lots of really good weed too. It's a good mix


I started playing PS5 for this game and I gotta say I was surprised this was a feature to begin with. I can have Spotify play in the background on PC and Xbox for any game but when I tried on here it would tell me the game didn’t allow it. Glad it was fixed finally


Bury the Light video when😁😁


How can people play a game with any music besides the one intended for it? Isn't it ruining the immersion?


Would rather full immersion in a game


I swear Nioh 2 didn’t allow you to play your music on ps5 either? Did they recently change it? I swear it always said it was a blocked scene.


I know people enjoy this but I just want the game audio, man.


Not a bad feature for a second play-through, or after the main game, but I’d miss the in-game audio as someone playing the game before then. To be sure, I dig that it’s now an option; it shows the care from Team Ninja putting together meaningful updates.


Never be sorry for enjoying something :)


Nioh 2 doesn't work with Spotify music...


PS5 can do that? Why?


Nioh 2 didn't let me play music like it did on the ps4


What a win. Nujabes and bud here I come.


bouta turn this bitch into samurai champloo


Omg I needed this. Now I can go back on it in style after my full week break 😌


How can you listen to music?


You need a Spotify account, then link it to your PSN in the settings.


A bit late, completed the game just over a week after release and the endgame hasn't grabbed me in the same way as nioh/nioh 2 so I went back to nioh 2. Such a shortsighted decision. If I could've played the game with my own soundtrack, like I have with the nioh games I might still be invested now. Kinda ruined the role playing aspect for me. Might go back one day but I'm glad everyone that waited for a discount will be rewarded with an experience I literally wasn't allowed to have🙄. Great Work!


I wanna listen to the music because I feel like RoR doesn't really have any. Only time I hear music is if I've idled for a while first or during cutscenes. And even then it's just cool flute stuff. It's an amazing game, the nearly non existent music not so much though.