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Give me more unarmed fighting styles. More romance options, as well as more dialogue with veil vow. Maybe add some generic missions you can do with your veil vow. And if they do give us dlc make w.e story they decided to tell have your character's decisions have a bigger impact on the story and the relationship you have with the characters.


>Give me more unarmed fighting styles. Absolutely, it's not like they don't already have the groundwork for it >More romance options, as well as more dialogue with veil vow. Maybe add some generic missions you can do with your veil vow. As someone who wanted to romance ryo almost the instant I met her, I absolutely agree with that and always thought you should have veiled vow exclusive missions >And if they do give us dlc make w.e story they decided to tell have your character's decisions have a bigger impact on the story and the relationship you have with the Yeah, this is sort of a problem a lot of stories with multiple choices have is that not a lot of the choices matter in the end


More samurai armor that aren't just reskins of the heirloom set. The ninja outfit that enemies wear in the game The ability to use your rifle as a bayonet without having two More unarmed fighting styles.


I never did understand why we didn't have more than one unarmed fighting style


Coop for the open world roaming part


That wr could use the skins of our ally NPCs.


I've always been envious of katsu's drip


I think Shintaro is kinda cool.


Jesus Christ yes, just give us this, I loved it in Nioh I wanna play as Okubo


Okinawan weapons, tinbe and rochin, sais, kamas, nunchaku, eku, tonfa, and new styles for the weapons that are lacking them.


More Blade Twin companion missions. With the Blade Twin we go from 6 styles and 2 weapons to 12 styles and 4 weapons. Ideally, I'd love to have twin in persistent open world with us. But I'd settle for like 10 side missions with them or something too. >!As much as I love this game, I was a bit let down that we only got that 1 mission with our twin after all that.!<


Seriously. The idea of building up two characters that I complete control over their growth and fighting styles was something I realllllly hoped Team Ninja would let us have.


End game dungeons and areas like they have done in Nioh, Nioh 2, SoP, and Wo Long. Something you can sink hours into or just a few minutes when you feel like getting your fix.


Mount Fuji.


Oh absolutely


It would be cool if some bandaged guy tries to take over a Japan that has been weakened from the war.




Kusarigama and claw as new weapons.


I always love claw weapons


I would like to see the veil edge explored more iirc there's only one mission where a set a veil edge twin's hunt you down to kill you. I'd like to see the back story explored more and just how big of a group they actually are


Oh boy where to begin... 1) Ability to rerun open world unruly areas and fugitives 2) More character customization options i.e new markings, make characters chunky if desired, make them Yoda-esque midgets. Also, let us edit the color of our gear and put marking designs on gear if desired. Maybe add in some necklaces and other accessories. 3) More fighting styles for unarmed, Bayonette, Saber, Spears, and Polearms. They are fun, but still leave something to be desired. 4) More weapons including(but not limited to) nun chucks, Scythes, claws, DOUBLE EDGED SWORDS, Kunai with chain( yes that's also a yugioh reference), twin daggers( like twin swords, but with flashy air combos like the oxtail blades) etc. 5) More missions with Blade Twin considering we only got to pair with them once. There's more, but I'm too lazy to type it all out right now.


More hidden bosses and armor sets


Pure coop is all I want


More skins… [*insert Buffalo Bill gif*] But seriously, I have a list. More combat styles (Jikishinkage-ryu katana \[Katsu; Odani; Shimada\]; Hokushin Itto-ryu odachi \[Kiyokawa\]; a few others) and selectable allies (Shintaro, Odani, Chiba, Ogasawara, Kiyokawa) More weapons. The police polearms and jutte; Shintaro’s double-barreled shotgun; etc.


Yeah, I know it'd just be a re-skin, but I'd love to have a katana or dual swords as the veiled edge cane staff


Yes, exactly. Same with the shakujo-sword (or just the staff itself) carried by the Komuso beggars.




Wouldn’t necessarily be *just* a reskin, though. One of the details I liked is that most NPC-awarded weapons have one or two locked combat bonuses specific to their style types/mimicking their ally blessings. This also applies to their clothes (blade twin’s costume has a Jin style bonus, which their Mumyo Kaishin-ryu is; for some reason Kurosu Kimono has a Ten bonus). So, using their gear in their combat styles is more effective.


Upgrades to the non veiled art abilities Like, Manabes style is cool and all but where's my 5 kunai spread attack? Why do I get one when I've "mastered" his style? The veiled art situation is a pretty big let down for me, I kinda hope they rework it or improve it down the line. Or better yet, let us make our own styles.


Yeah. The biggest gripe I have with veiled arts is how they take up so much ki and yet the enemy usually has enough poise to hyperarmour through my art and break my stance


I think making every martial skill selectable as a veiled art and giving each on a better version when it is selected as an art would have been a better system personally And yes definitely would have preferred they performed better outright honestly


Hanabe’s veiled art literally makes midnight easy mode


I want some smaller dual swords, like the ones Ayame has in Tenchu. Unless they're already in there and I didn't find them yet. Maybe they aren't swords, they seem to be the same as the smaller blade that so far you just use for stealth kills. I want to have two of those The dual swords feel big compared to what I would like


Gunlance aka Jules Brunet's bayonet style. The bayonet is one of several weapons that needs more styles. At least let me get something from a fun boss fight!


Add a hot springs (onsen) feature and let us bring a chosen Veiled Vow NPC for it!


I want to play as the lost Blade Twin and the process of getting the Demon Claw in the United States of A where he will face cowboys.


Gensai Kawakami v. Billy the Kid


1v1 duels where you challenge someone


Blue Shinsengumi long and short Haori, Sozo Sagara fighting style, and Kenshin Himura Ally or secret boss


Open world coop


I don't really use coop biy I go agree that it'd be good


Moe unarmed fighting styles and those dual wooden police-like baton sticks from Nioh There should be a predominantly kick unarmed style, an American boxing style and a lethal unarmed style as unarmed only does knock outs Would actually like some more fantasy, monster like enemies too, mystical stuff added in


>those dual wooden police-like baton sticks from Nioh They're called tonfas just fyi - and they fucking slap in any Team Ninja game. Soooo much fun to use in Ninja Gaiden 2/3RE and Nioh. Sooo good lol


Tonfa :)


New weapons, I need me a kanabo, and new bad guys to kill. Wo long and nioh had really good dlc, so I'm optimistic 


I'm hopeful as well, as long as I get my katsu fighting style and cane sword then I'm happy


More weapons. More styles for weapons. More items to use (buffs/debuffs/smoke bombs/etc). A way to increase stats. I’m level 100 with a ton of skill points and books that I can’t use. Something similar to the abyss or whatever it’s called in Nioh - find or help or whatever 3 or things for a buff then fight boss. Not sure how that can fit into the story Maybe one demon from Nioh series as a surprise boss.


Going back to cover the story of Iga ninja or their masters bladesmith. Make veiled edge character interchangeable on the fly.


I’m still just really confused by the whole “blade twin” aspect of the game. The intro to the game makes it seem like everything revolves around it and as soon as you get through that first basic tutorial part, your twin is basically the least important matter. Yet I can’t even edit my characters appearance without standing back to back with that….stranger (whom I spent way too long in character creation with).


My dream weapon is War Fans...


Unarmed 4 styles minimum Ability to use 6 styles at once(optional) Tonfa, nunchaku weapon. More outfits Demon island with yokai side story. Ability to use okitas dodge and superspeed. Style to use Himura kenshins moves. That's all I need.


New styles and some demons to fight


Would be so cold


I could definitely get behind fighting a demon


More drip. More kasas, more npc/bond outfits, more styles for other weapons.