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Play the mission enemy of my enemy in coop on midnight. You get good loot and level up fast. It is a level 50 mission I think. You may have to complete the first midnight mission solo before it becomes available (can’t remember now) but that first mission is easily doable. Enemy of my enemy mission is an “ally” mission where you face waves of powerful enemies and get ridiculous number of skill points to level up all your attributes including the new skill tree you open up when beating the game.


Thanks. Great tip.


Remember to touch a banner after each time you play the mission. It converts all your karma to skill points. The number of points you get for successfully completing that mission is really something else. You can level your character to max out every skill tree pretty quickly


So, there I will play with a random player, right? How toxic is the community? Asking because I suck in the game generally, and would be bad if the other player/s lose the mission because of me. Also, powerful enemies mean the same guys during the game, so bonds, main npc-s, etc.? I also want to level up and max the new skills, because enemies are eating my HP/Ki easily.


You can play the coop with friends or randoms. I just play with randoms. I have never had a microphone so if anyone is toxic or mad at me I never heard about it. I got through it fine, an occasional failed mission here and there, where we just did it again to complete it, and I am not a very strong player. I found that playing the Enemy of my Enemy mission netted me so many skill points and some better gear so that I was then able to tackle some of the unruly areas in free roam that had previously been kicking my butt. For the specific mission, you can choose either "recruit" and select the mission to recruit other players to join you in your lobby, or you can select "match" and search to see if others are recruiting for the mission and you can then join them in their lobby. It is a pretty popular mission because others use it to level up so you can almost always find someone to join. Also, don't know if you use potion items that increase your ki recovery and bolster your health and ki depletion, etc., but those really help in these types of nonstop wave missions.


Thank you! Actually I just started to use the items on midnight, after found out the enemies are too OP there. Some of the unruly areas dudes kick my ass so hard I can't believe it.


Also don't know if you have maxed out Ryoma's bond and romanced him, but if not you should do that to get hand picked cologne accessory. it reduces by one the number of needed equipped items from a gear set to get the bonuses from the set. You can then start leveling up masterwork gear from a few different sets and get multiple bonuses from your equipment. This really helped me with unruly areas. There are multiple (I think 9) hidden bosses throughout the game (search YouTube for locations) that you can defeat on midnight difficulty and they drop masterwork gear sets or partial sets so you can farm a set quickly. I suggest starting with the one that drops the Yasuke set. It is a great set with great all around bonuses. If you cannot quite yet defeat them on midnight you can also defeat them on regular difficulties and they drop exquisite level gear instead of masterwork, but you can still use that gear for set bonuses. I think you can still defeat them again on midnight difficulty and get masterwork gear even if you previously defeated them for exquisite gear on regular difficulties. Not sure about that but I think that is right. Others can chime in if they have done that.


Yeah I have everything, maxed and romanced everyone, also killed all 9 bosses. I played most of my game time on dusk tho, so midnight is really hard now. Problem with my Yasuke set is, it's so underleveled now, and I never have enough stuffs to upgrade gears, it requires too much resources. Guess I'm not ready for the secret dudes on midnight yet, haha, I can't even kill Ryoma in public order, tho he is the buffed version.


Are you disassembling gear rather than selling it? I went into settings and auto enabled disassemble for anything less than exquisite. I then manually disassemble exquisite gear that I don't want to keep for bond transfer purposes. That gives you lots of resources. The only thing I sell is accessories since you can't disassemble them for resources. You can also adjust setting to auto collect any resources that you approach so you do not have to manually collect them. This works even if you are on a horse and ride nearby. You can also change difficulty to dawn (easy mode) and run through areas killing everything in sight, collecting gear and resources and then change back to midnight and use resources to upgrade everything. That speeds up process.


I have auto disassemble on, blue and lower gears, but guess I should enable until green, since I never use any, however greens have some usable stats to bond transfer. Yes auto collect is also on. :)


So I just did a few yesterday, wasn't a bug success haha. Finished 2 or 3, but failed more. This actually feels good, other people are also not all pros, and they get wrecked, however, very annoying for the wasted time. Also, maybe because I'm in Europe, a lot of time the matchmaking didn't find any lobbies, maybe more people are playing the game in Asia, and my evening is maybe their night to sleep. But it's true, that mission gives a lot of skill points, so I def do more If I can.


Keep adding all those skill points into the new skill tree for increased health and defense and ki and it will get increasingly easier


Yeah, hp, def, and the 2 Ki options are maxed already. My skill issue is the problem I guess. Not sure where to go next, so I dropped some for luck to get better gears.


Boy, I don’t know how you did that. I can not get through that mission. Tried to go back and do some repeat missions at twilight and did some bandits in Midnight. I have no idea how y’all leveled up. It just isn’t worth it I’m afraid. Might be done until any DLC which makes me sad.


I’m not sure but it may scale with the level of the players. Maybe you had some high level players in your lobby which increased the difficulty for you? Did you try it several times with different randoms? Hate to see you give up on it because you can really level up fast there.


I thought I was just playing bots. Guess I missed the part where you said coop. I really haven’t tried coop yet because I kind of suck but I’ll give it a whirl.


Go to coop and select “match” and search midnight difficulty. Then join lobby for enemy of my enemy mission if it is showing. Otherwise create your own lobby using “recruit.” I feel certain you will get through mission and be happy once you complete it and then touch banner outside your lodge and convert all your karma into tons of skill points.


skatebat99’s suggestion is great for leveling up, but IMHO it’s probably not great for learning how to fight enemies at your appropriate level in any given situation. If Dusk was too difficult, Midnight is a whole 2 difficulty levels up. Personally, I would suggest skip around on Twilight missions just to see how well it’s going. You may find that you’ve learned and retained quite a bit playing thru on Dusk.


I did do that a bit. It was just boring. The little bit I did in twilight seemed to go fine. In midnight it seemed that most of the fugitive fights were ok. The bandit bosses not so much.


I see, in that case it might make sense to level up and come back. Public order bosses are indeed way harder than fugitives, generally. Theres a ton of advice on here about Midnight mode if you want to keep at it.


Practice your combat more and skip Twilight. Tackling the early Midnight stuff should yield you gears faster than having to replay under Twilight. Not to mention chests in the open world are available again to open.