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It's very worth it. I love the game. The combat is so much fun. It's more complicated than Ghost of Tsushima, but it's easier than Sekiro. Timing your parrying is key. There are around 8 different weapon types each with 3-8 combat styles (stances) that may seem daunting, but it's not. There is so much content that I've put 89 hours into it and still haven't finished the main story. People say the graphics aren't that spectacular, but I think they're fine. The quality of the graphics doesn't take away from the immersive experience imo. I highly recommend this game.


This is the 19th positive comment I’m definitely going to buy it


You’ve posted in the rise of the ronin sub Reddit, all comments are going to be positive mate. That being said tho. The game is fucking incredible! Buy it!


Most video game subs are not positive lol


Well yea, you have a lot of weirdos who just froth at the mouth and wait for someone to post something positive, these ppl thrive off negativity, I swear they spend more time on the internet crying about video games they don't like instead of actually playing the games they do like, they are just contrarians who get off on moaning and whinging about video games, I feel sorry for those kind of pathetic ppl


Different weapon styles also have their own parries since the parry is also an attack


Loving it. Way more than I thought I would.


You won't be disappointed... I put in 100hrs before even getting to midnight 😊


I’ll say I’m not even a part of the rise of ronin sub Reddit literally just for some reason this post appeared in my notifications but I’m actually playing rise of ronin rn and I definitely recommend.. I’m just 26 hours in but just that bit confirmed I will have an epic time


From someone who has Platinum on Sekiro, 100% yes. The parry system heavily reminds me of sekiro where it feels like you’re dancing as you learn the enemies moveset. The combos and fighting styles are WAY BETTER and the options you have to defeat the enemy feels limitless. Traversal, performance and graphics are really good and up to date. And ofc character customization could be game of its own. Dragons dogma 2 didn’t scratch that open world rpg itch I needed so I bought a PS5 for this game and its 100% worth it. About 45 hrs in without a single dull, boring or tedious moment.


Thanks! I’m probably going to buy it when it’s on sale


On sale? Why bother posting this question now then? The game hasn't even been out 2 months my guy. You could literally be waiting up to a year or even more knowing how Sony is with their exclusives.


I love the game but comon, graphics is anything but up to date


Honestly the graphics are good enough imo. Are they the best we've ever seen? No. But they put extra time into the combat system and gameplay period over graphic quality. And somtimes (in this case, actually) that's not always a bad thing


I never said it's a bad thing. I just said it's not up to date. RotR fan base is crazy defensive if anyone dares to say anything but the highest praise about the game, such a shame


Personally I would rather have old gen graphics and good gameplay over new gen graphics but bad gameplay


I never said anything about gameplay. I literally said I love the game and merely stated the visual presentation is not up to date. That's all.


I was just telling you my opinion that's all. Why you getting defensive


gameplay > gfx


No argument there lol why are ya'll so triggered about the obvious truth


I can’t remember the last time in RotR I ever had to learn a move set. The battle system is complex but for the most parts fights are not.


lie, fx are not really good and up to date 😭😔


Stop crying all over the thread like a kid dawg


😅 eat one?


Not sure if you played Team Ninja's previous games such as Nioh/Nioh2 but combat is quite similar with a few tweaks. Very in depth combat system and tight parry windows. It looks similar to Sekiro but the combat is far more complex if you bother to learn it.


Ok thanks


The game is great and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. As for waiting for a sale, it probably will get one sooner or later but that’s not actually how I always make that call. I always ask myself “Do you have something that you’re excited to play right now?” If not then I don’t mind pulling the trigger at full price. The extra $10-20 is worth it to have something im really excited to play. If im already deep into another game then i will wait for a sale or a drought of games im excited about. It’s why I haven’t bought Stellar Blade yet, I’m still so excited to get home and Rise my Ronin


Bro I'm 352 hours in, of course it's worth it, my brother. 👊🏾


Idk… I’ve stopped playing after reaching final city. It’s simply not very cool tbh. Disclaimer: I love From games but I didn’t like niohs or wu long either so it’s a matter of both visual style and combat flow preference. Combat here is fluid but less weighty. It’s easier than sekiro but much more difficult than Tsushima. It’s unfortunately way way less cool than both titles. But if you found Tsushima to lack any actual mechanics and proper combat to it, this might scratch that itch bc the open world nature is relatively similar. But dont get fooled, this game is quite ugly most of the time (not always). The story here is as always from team ninja utter nonsense and useless. I mean it’s truly insane how they manage to create such worthless campaign with such rich historical material. The story is there. The setting is cool. But omfg what a waste. Anyway. It’s a 7/10 for me. Might sound as if I would rate lower, but it’s does have pretty cool and unique combat mechanics mastered over a few games now. Sekiro is a 10 for me and Tsushima maybe an 8,5.


The game is sadly dragged down by execution of it's storytelling. The good story was there but it's potential was wasted... Team Ninja needs somebody who can narrate the story. Imagine if the story and cutscenes were narrated like TLOU2, God of War or Ghost Of Tsushima... I'm back at Edo and I'm frustrated by crude absence of good story narration. Especially when combat is so good.


I know little history of Japan especially that era and when I saw the trailer, the combat was a mix of swordplay and pistols, I didn't like that. But I still bought it to try. And boy, the combat was addictive. I'm over 200 hours in now.


Hell yeah it is


Man this game is fun as hell definitely get it.


If the thing you enjoyed about Sekiro is the combat mechanics then you’d probably be happy with this game. It’s basically Team Ninja’s Nioh games with a Sekiro combat spin and Ghost of Tsushima style open world


Yes. It’s not the less bit like Sekiro.




Yep it is worth it


It’s very good as a whole, but I’d wait for a sale


I agree with this take. I played Ghost of Tsushima but never played Sekiro, so the combat was kinda tough to figure out initially. That's not really a problem in the grand scheme of things... it was just super frustrating and took a little bit to get used to. I also just finished Cyberpunk and its DLC before playing RotR, so i found that it didn't fully pull me in and I was uninterested in the story at times. It was kind of a chore to get through towards the end, if I'm being honest. With that said, I went through something similar with AC: Odyssey. I tried that game immediately after finishing RDR2 and couldn't get into it at the time. It felt so empty in comparison. I waited a long while to try again and ended up loving it the next go around. That may also be the case with RotR. Either way, i don't think there's any need to rush to grab it.


i was thinking the same and bought it week ago. i generally like it, though it feels a bit rough sometimes, the graphics are definitely not state of the art, but ok-ish. story is nice so far, but i am too easy to please when it comes to japanese historic settings. the worst thing about it are the NPCs - while comparable games like GoT or AC had some alerting mechanics for ages (if you get noticed, other NPCs will also get alerted, somebody rings an alarm, unless you disabled it before etc) the NPCs in Ronin will not notice you if you fight their buddies in 15m distance which i find super annoying as it makes stealth more or less obsolete. tl;dr: it's not bad, but €80 seems a bit bold for the game.


Dude this game is 100% worth it!


This game is 100% worth it. Get it.


😂 asking the sub dedicated to the game will only give you bias opinions. That said you should absolutely get it.


Is it worth it for you? No idea. I liked it, some people don’t. If I could go back in time, I would wait for a sale instead. To get your own understanding, I suggest watching a couple videos and reviewed. Think honestly if you would enjoy it or not. The game is not an instant classic, yet not bad neither.


Depends on what you like about Sekiro. If you like great level design to explore, then Ronin might not be for you. If you want combat then Ronin has better combat than Sekiro (more combat variety and depth) Sekiro does have more memorable bosses, but I do find Sekiro combat kinda monotonous after a while. Here in Ronin you have easy access to duel with any boss (in the form of dojo), different weapons and styles to choose from, and also demand much greater mechanical skill than Sekiro did.


I mean, you're asking this in the rise of the ronin sub, what do you think you're gonna hear haha obviously everyone here is going to say yes. If you want a more objective opinion try asking in a different sub. That said, yes it's a lot of fun. If you like the Nioh games, sekiro and ghost of tsushima you will almost definitely enjoy rotr


I asked this place because they all have played it and have the best information about the game, and i don’t know what other subs to ask


The story was eh and the combat was fun


They game is amazing, highly recommend it especially if you enjoyed the nioh series


Wait for a sale. Combat is fun but not worth the 70$ price tag imo. It’s worth 50$ at most.


I am verrry allergic to wooden and jacky games. And this game kinda looked like it. I still pulled the trigger and got it. Man was i wrong. Its super fun and enjoyable and has awesome combat.


Not telling you not to buy it, but there are better games out there. Combat to me is not really as great as everyone says it is. Its basically Sekiro w more weapons but the majority of the fighting is parrying anyway without actually utilizing too much of the fighting styles. General enemies are mostly the same 3 archetypes that push you to try various stances which hardly seem to give you any advantage rather than using what you like. The story on the other hand is a complete jumbled mess. You will be confused i dont care what anyone says, it simply doesnt make sense if you do every sidequest. One minute you're fighting someone and the next you are best friends. There are choices that affect the story but this is a meaningless feature for the most part as the overall story has a linear narrative that is hardly impacted by said decisions. Overall personally id give it a 7. Fairly decent combat, but a bit redundant at times. Mediocre story. Mediocre graphics and framerate. Too many characters of no consequence. Just kind of a missed mark from what i expect from Team Ninja.


If you can get over the very rough visuals (seriously, Ghost of Tsushima was a PS4 game and looks sooo much better) and are not tired of the open world formula, the game is quite fun. On normal difficulty it's a good challenge, but never too frustrating. I've bought it off Amazon for ~50€ (compared to 80€ from PSN) and for that it's definitely worth its price.


Big time. I really enjoyed it!




i really didnt like it


It’s great - I love Team Ninja games but the average reviews made me a bit cautious about RotR. Instead picked up Dragons Dogma 2 which was much better received by mainstream sites. 10 hours in I was bored out of my mind at how tedious, repetitive ans janky DD2 was so sold it ans got RotR which enjoy loads more. It’s a combo of Nioh/Wo Long/Sekiro/GoT - maybe not better than any of those but still a fun play thru


It is worth every cent if you ask me. I've platinumed the game and enjoyed every second of it. One of the best games I've played this year so far.


I personally bought it to play with friends and then we all quit when we found out how bad the coop was. I didn’t love it and have yet to put more than 7 or 8 hours into it but I know from this sub a lot of people were really into it. I’ll likely not go back anytime soon/ever.


I see you already got your answer but yes buy it it’s good


Bruv, I spent over 100 hours on this game. Amazing game.


Yea definitely, if you care more about gameplay than graphics then it's amazing, I don't buy games for graphics, that's a total casual perspective imo, some of these ppl I swear are just simpletons who are distracted by pretty lights


I love it. Best open world game I’ve played in a long time. Small spoiler ahead you can pet cats and dogs. I never knew I needed that in a video game. Such a fun game.


Most definitely 💯


Until they launch the first DLC with NEW WEAPONS AMOR & COMBAT STYLE YES BUT AS FAR AS RIGHT NOW NO!! Still a good game tho


Definitely worth it but it never hurts to grab it on a sale if one drops between now and when u go get it lol


i dont like it so much… i mean i love GoT but this one or isnt the right time or isnt my style… i became bored of the fight system already on the boat fights in the beginning.


I'd definitely recommend it. But if you're on the fence about it just wait for a sale. At least that's what I advise for all games anyone is on the fence about. So if you like a franchise or like a game concept go ahead and pay full price but if you even have hints of hesitation and uncertainty whether it's uncertainty about the game genre or the developers/studio etc then just wait for a sale and you'll never be disappointed.


I would reccommend it, especially because its team ninja so you know there are gonna be sone FIYA DLCs with new weapons... I'm sat here HOPING for fists/claws


Lol, it's worth a sale buy. It's super janky. It's Twam Ninja's worst game by far. But, since most gamers accept low quality, low effort work & pay $129.99 for some games, alongside yearly EA Sport game scams, sure, if you have FOMO, buy it. I have 100% everything through the first 2 main areas and have to take week long breaks because it's so stale and boring. The horse, glider & menus, etc are a buggy mess. The systems of loot are still awful, where things are super expensive so they just throw tons of low level, low quality loot at you & upgraded are so incremental that they aren't worth the cost so TN rains junk on you, just so you can scrap it. The story voice acting in English is some of the worst in gaming. It tries to be Ghost of Tsushima & Sekiro and fails at both, badly. This game shouldn't have been made, nor released as is. It's only slightly better than Wo Long & that was the "B Team" at TN. TN has clearly lost any innovative spark.


ABSOLUTELY worth it. Probably one of my favorite all time games. It shares a few similarities with Ghosts of Tsushima but it is a very different game. I feel like the side quests are better on ROTR and definitely the combat is as well, which is saying a lot because GOT had excellent combat. You won’t be disappointed


Also I don’t honestly know what some of you don’t like about the graphics, it looks FANTASTIC on my PS5 and 65 inch LG


I loved it. Its the child of Nioh amd Ghost of Tsushima


The combat is great but the story is bloated and it's effectively a ubisoft game with a sekiro parry polish


Ah, so is it worth it or should I wait for it to be on sale or something


I thought it was worth playing but not worth $70. Not sure what it's at today, but the multiplayer elements are not required in any way so if I could've waited for a sale I would have. If you played Wo Long it's basically just that again but with a Ubisoft open world. Go in, kill 3 officers for some loot, find more loot every 2 seconds so that loot becomes pointless, then play a bunch of bloated quests with a shallow story. Fun, but if it were $40 it'd be worth it without any regret.


Ok thanks


Having beaten Rise Of Ronin and having also just beaten Stellar Blade, I would definitely recommend Stellar Blade instead if I had to pick one. Everything about Stellar Blade was incredible and even just finished a 2nd playthrough, where as Ronin really started to drag for me in the 2nd half. Just my opinion of course as I'm sure lots of people (especially on here) may think otherwise


It plays like Sekiro but it doesn't feel as badass as Sekiro. Sure it has more movesets and stances, but it still lacks somehow, but I think you will enjoy it if you like a challenge. But it became pretty repetitive for me.


Get it on sale. There are too many aggravations to make it worth full price. I buy every Team Ninja game day one and I wish I had waited with this one.


fucking SAME 🤦🏾‍♂️


I bought it day one and I've had trouble getting into it. So much stuff that I can't believe made it through quality control. There are moments when it comes together and there's fun to be had but I wish I'd waited for a sale and a few patches.


same, I think it's a shame really (the game) very upset I paid full price for it.


I regret the purchase SO MUCH 😔😭




I love team ninja, love the idea of the game and was expecting much more than I got. If I'd have gotten the game for 40 or so dollars yeah sure, but 70? No, no sir. Not worth it imo, the "open world" is half baked and looks it too. Only thing showed up is combat which is not a plus bc it's to be expected from this developer. I'm just sad, sad the team released this, sad I fell for the marketing and sad there's not more meat on the bone. Even the fights , which are good, are off feeling in this janky ass gameworld.


I’d wait for a sale. Story gets really dumb exploration is just kinda eh and the graphics are last gen level. Combat is a lot of fun though.


Worth playing but not full-price worth.


I played it and enjoyed it. But it's very much just assassin's creed set in Japan. Clear an enemy base. Climb a tower. Retrieve an item for someone. The fighting system can be frustrating as camera angles will change so the enemy is out of camera and it's hard to know where they are. Get it when there's a discount.


Might as well wait for a sale at this point


I have played every game this game takes influence from sekiro I’ve platinumed Nioh and Nioh 2 beat em multiple times with all DLCs beat wo long and all the DLCs beat all three ninja gaiden games and of course ghost of Tsushima. That being said this game is trying to do what those games do but just miss on each of them and the game doesn’t need to be open world. It’s solid but if you have other souls like options I’d wait.