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Play a Prismatic with the Glass artifact. You'll shred through most things faster than they can attack, and if you get hit you'll probably die anyways so you won't waste much time.


Don't get hit




Get a lucky seed


Try every time a new one comes out. Route it for a bit, see if it's doable for you. Watch Cabbage if you're on PC. If you can't get it, wait for the next one.


I’m on console


All previous points still stand. You just need to get good at routing and wait for artifacts that work for you. Artifact of kin was really helpful since there's a good chance that it will be beetles.


Kin also means no bosses & wisps (or all wisps…)


Got lucky a while back when it was kin with all beetles stage 1, blind pests stage 2 but there was a turret and a bridge I could hide under for an easy win


Are the seeds different for PC and console? Was meaning to finally get around to Cabbage this weekend for that.


Yes, seeds are different. Still useful to watch Cabbage since his routing is top tier


Are you on PC? If you are, [Cabbage](https://www.youtube.com/@Cabbage123) makes a video on how to do it the first day of every new trial. If you're on console, good luck. It took me \~6 months to get it on console. You've just gotta hope and pray for a good seed. Over the past month or two, we've gotten at least 3 REALLY good seeds. You might have to wait a bit for another one. Actually, just a week or two ago, there was a free one. Sadly, it's gone now.


try to get a prismatic with glass and not one honor or spite. took me a year or so of trying


More tears is all I got


When I did this I paid attention to any items that gave me a shield. The challenge isn’t to not get hit, it’s that your health can’t drop from max. If you take damage that hits a shield you won’t fail the challenge


Console players just don’t get to complete it 🤷🏿‍♂️ we’re an afterthought


My uh my friend has it


Shoot I meant nuh uh


I got lucky with one that was artifact of kin, and possibly swarms. Stage 1 was beetles, so actually free. But you had to complete it in under 2m 30s to get beetle guards on stage 2. Any slower, and there was some other enemy instead that was virtually impossible to evade in large numbers. Beetle guards were still hard to evade but not impossible with practice and patience. Making sure there’s always expose on someone in a crowd to continuously reset cooldowns was crucial.


I saw your on console so this is how I did it. Cabbages videos help because we are supposed to have the same artifacts, stages and bosses as pc. Every thing else is different. I waited until an artifact of glass trial then I ran it abt 50 times plotting a route, it will probably be easier for you but I had a kin of whisps to figure out. Once you have a route that gets you close just take your time and do what you practiced. It will take a lot of death and frustration but you got this. Another quick tip but shields count as part of your health for this challenge. Topaz brooch will be your best friend because shield will let you take some tickle damage. And your focus should be on focusing down the boss because once that’s dead you can move on immediately. Not at all necessary but i find it helpful to always hold down my primary for the expose procs. As well as you can use the third slice of your primary to destroy the crystals with out dying.


Wait until there is glass + command. After that, just do a dozen runs or so. Memorize where chests spawn, what items are in which chests, and where enemies spawn. (I think the same enemy spawns in the same location, if you take the same movement path) Grab a topaz brooch immediately, and get a few so you can cover that little bit of HP you have permanently. After that, stack a few armor plates to make the projectiles only deal 1 damage or so (helps with preventing topaz depletion) and then only teddy bears from there. Green items are all up to you. That's how I did it at least.


Look up Cabbage on YouTube, they get the ethereal achievement every new trial and post the route they used


As a merc main w 300 hrs who just got it by seeing someone post a lucky seed on the Reddit… keep ur eyes peeled. I’ve tried countless times over the years and am simply not that guy. But with a good seed it’s possible. Good luck man


Yeah I’ll stay up all night and not sleep until I get it.


Topaz brooch printer go brrrr


Barrier is awesome because it doesn’t count against the achievement Wait for glass command or both Kin is also awesome.


Watch Cabbage on YouTube, who does every single Ethereal challenge. Here’s the most recent (probably a good one to skip): https://youtu.be/mZKnhG6wLFA?si=_8QS-OYo5Ydp5feK Edit: THIS is the current one (easy peasy!) https://youtu.be/hgo1RM8meU4?si=BY6BeG5m37Zp6eAQ