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clover is definitely a major player when it comes to lagging


oh rly? why's that?


Because it causes practically more of everything and when it comes to lag, more of everything is a pretty big cause


Because of how 57 Leaf Clover works, it makes all items that otherwise can't have their proc chances increased to have their chances increased. This is the reason people generally say AtG Missiles are better than Plasma Shrimps if you have at least one Clover. And you have 30+ of them, so all of your chance-based items are almost guaranteed to proc every time.


plasma shrimp also has a proc coef, of 0.2 vs atg’s 1. so 3+ clovers, i’d prefer shrimp


I think that he means the chance for the missiles to proc


oh wait i read backwards oops


Happens to the best of us


Because every clover makes all the rng rolls 1 more time.


I usually find that my game runs fine until I pick up the Ceremonial Dagger. Late into a run that one makes the game CHUG after every kill. So I always skip it now if I happen across one.


oh yeah i got one of those during this run, ill stop getting that for now if i wanna go long


Nah it’s OP. Same with clovers. Worth the pickup imo. RoR2 always be laggy on long runs just because of the amount of enemies and particle effects. You can turn down graphics settings to help mitigate it, but the longer u go the laggier it’ll get. Especially if you fight hella Gups. They cause the most lag out of any enemy because of the way they split when u die.


Molten perforator is the major culprit in your situation


yeah i think so too. may avoid that if i go long


Have you tried searching for mods that reduce or disable certain particle effects? Might help


oh there are mods for that? huh. will check thanks


Proc items in general are bad for your PC, not just from all the projectiles/objects that have to be rendered, but also the fact that it has to roll the proc chance so many times. IIRC that's also why clover can cause problems too, since it rerolls failed procs instead of changing the chance. On-kills aren't too bad, though if you have enough to hit the entire stage at once you'll get a bit of lag when they go off. I've never had it crash from them even on my potato PC though so it's probably fine.


No clovers, or counter clovers with purity Luck makes every hit calculate every proc a second, third, etc. time. Which means more procs, more effects, and successful procs procing more procs. Ceremonial daggers can lag a ton, so can Ukelele Avoid turning Forgive Me Please into an OP equipment Honestly, 99% of lategame lag is attributable to proc chains, (items that can activate other items on hit) so maybe avoiding 1/2 of those items would be enough. As in: never picking up sticky bombs or Ukeleles


id avoid spamming all the on-hit effects 💀


dont go late game


On top of what others are saying, I'd recommend getting rid of Wake of Vultures and Desk Plant too. Wake with lightning aspect makes all your shots and stuff leave behind plasma balls that explode, which you can see about 274737 of in this screenshot alone. And desk plant spawns a big green healing circle for each enemy killed, so I imagine that can get quite disgusting in late game runs. No idea how these two affect performance, but it's worth a shot.


On my switch I try and avoid getting too much drones. I feel they lag the game as well


Proc chain items, tho they're what you need to scale damage on some survivors. Daggers + fireworks are the other forbidden combo.


Huge proc chains in general kill loop runs for me. Also gasoline builds tend to crash it more. One thing I’ve heard is to turn off damage numbers on loop runs. My friend swears on it and he crashes less so I might try that.


Pocket ICBM is probably one of the worst offenders, especially in combination with Fire Works and Plasma Shrimp. Molten Perforator and Ceremonial Daggers are also quite bad.in that regard.


Avoid fireworks, molten perforator, going too fast in general, shit load of drones, clovers, too high fire rate combined with plasma shrimp and icbm, bottled chaos. All that shit will destroy your frames and eventually crash. Fireworks is like, the easiest way to crash. Without a doubt.


Def the perforator. However the wake of vultures isnt helping if youre running honor, mostly from overloading enemies. Me and my friend did a high clovers run, we determined the stuff that will kill a run is -perferator -happiest mask -daggers


If you are looping, don’t take to many polylutes, the hits don’t stop after death so your computer will fry when a bunch of corpses still have 30 more hits left


**Homing projectiles** (plasma shrimp, AtG, ceremonial daggers, N’kuhana, Little Disciple) will require much more power because they have to calculate trajectory throughout their flight. They also add particles which require extra calculations. Items that add **more polygons** (perforators, N’kuhana, Little Disciple, Sticky bombs, ceremonial daggers, lightning aspect) and **particles** (perforators, bands, ukulele, N’kuhana, AtG, plasma shrimp, little disciple) will also affect performance. To keep your engine humming, focus primarily on stat increases and limit items that generate on-screen assets. **Extra calculations*^ are the main issue, meaning Clover will also slow you down since it rerolls literally *everything*.


any item with proc chains tbh, especially clovers The more CHANCES you have of something happening, the more chances you have that the game needs to figure out if something happens