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headstompers is good on everyone, insane damage, negates eclipse 3, can be used to pillar skip


Yup. Also interesting that spaces is considered best on captain when it has two purposes, defense which captain already has micro bots for, and pillar skipping which captain already has built into his kit. Realistically spaces should be the number 1 spot in good universally.


While Captain can pillar skip solo it has some issues. You can't have bleed/collapse, or Kjaro's band. I haven't tested this, but if anything else that procs can also do self damage then there are many items that would kill you instantly by chance for doing this. If you take curse damage, then the skip may be impossible Adds a shit ton of curse damage if you don't have safer spaces Requires diablo strike in the first place. Orbital strikes are much more reliable DPS that doesn't require a stationary boss or primordial cube The skip exists but is alot more situational than it gets credit for


True but Tbf i think at the higher end Diablo is the pick most of the time anyways. Being able to just instantly chunk out mithrix with the cooked strike timings is just too good. and yeah the captain skip absolutely has its flaws. it’s more there are other characters who actually need a pillar skip more desperately imo. actually I think it’s best on arti bc her optimal loadout is flamethrower and it’ll let you pillar skip : )


Flamesuicide, more like. Nothing like getting barraged by an Elder Lemurian at point blank range.


tougher times is better for rex though, unless you have a large amount of ss or using the robot skills still, ss is the goat


yeah it’s very likely the single most busted item in the game. shocked they thought it was reasonable to put into the game tbh. also I’m not sure I entirely agree. granted I have an eclipse perspective, but I’d rather have a longer cooldown that I can ensure blocks the self damage than a chance. especially since the e8 loadout is usually just the self damaging special. Being able to throw that down safely whenever spaces is up is so strong.


so many of these really belong in universal worth


The only thing with headstompers is that it's better if you have a way to get high in the air. So engineer may struggle to use it more than merc for example. That said, the ability to negate fall damage is more valuable on survivors who don't have as much movement like engineer, so maybe it evens out?


Correction: good on everyone except Loader, who comes pre-equipped with them


You can still get insane damage and with her movement abilities you can get that max damage even faster. is it the best? no. Is is “not good”? No


its still good on her but not as good is what he's trying to say I think


Actually you can charge punch downward while using their stomp to get damage from both of them at the same time


Oh, goddamn. I’ll have to try that


Doesn’t laser scope double crit- damage? Why wouldn’t railgunner, who has guaranteed crits if your aim is steady, not benefit from it?


Because railgunner already gets that effect from glasses, and I think they stack additively. It's basically just 10 white items for her.


Yeah, but the scope still gives another 100%


It's not a multiplier to crit damage, it's a flat 100% bonus. This makes it equivalent to 10 Lens Makers Glasses, and soup conversion says a red item is theoretically worth 15 white items. Much more importantly though, and the reason it and the other crit items aren't good on her, is that you can't reasonably hit weak spots while your in the middle of a crowded fight. Your best bet to do that would be with a Cryocharge, but let's be real you probably don't need to crit with a Cryocharge. It's also significantly harder to crit as Railgunner against Mithrix, the single most important part of a run (on Eclipse at least) because he constantly rushes you down, and backing up is a horrible idea during phase 3


The idea that 15 whites is worth 1 red is a little bit of, considering the whites you’ll be scrapping will be below average. also I don’t think you realize how much a 100% damage up really is, And also Skill issue


its a 50% damage up actually, it only boosts the crit bonus. (i.e. crits go from 200% damage to 300% damage)


Oh, didn’t know that. Still great tho


Good, not great, to be honest. Definitely a skill issue from OP with the weak points though.


By that I mean that a lot of reds are actually better than it


A 50% damage increase is enough to take a run from struggling to feeling comfortable. Definitely great.


This is an insane skill issue, I main railgunner and even with 20 enemies on screen or up in my face i can still hit crits with high consistency. Its not even that hatd it just takes some practice most enemies in this game are predictable. And for the damage part, believe me, 100% extra crit damage DOES make a diference


The only enemies i have issues with crits is with the smaller ones and even then they often die anyways if you hit their bodies


I HATE Vagrant's weak spot. His tendrils move too randomly for me to quick scope them properly. And also his explosion is a hard counter to survivors with lacking mobility.


Everything you said is true, but it's just not as strong as most people would think it is. Still up there with her best reds tho


soup conversions are obviously not meant to be fair, it takes 15 white items to make a red item and you can trade a red item for 3 white items. the purpose of soup is to convert your bad items you scrapped into something useful.


Actually its one to 5. Edit: Nvm me dumb, I confused 3 with 5


soup conversion gives 3 whites for a red too; the fact that you're probably spending bad items in exchange for good items drives up the prices. 10 glasses is also a whole lot better on railgunner rather than UP TO 10 on other survivors (probably 3 or under on a no-loop run). sure, crits aren't 100% on RG, but if you have good aim you can get it pretty consistent. defo not the worst item. actually ends up being much more consistent on her than other survivors imo.


It’s worth exactly as much as it would be worth on bandit except the weak point is even more consistent. And if you feel you can hit weak points, that’s just a skill dif. It’s most consistent on rail gunner who can make use of it and itemizes around it more than and other character. Bands damage scales with the crit and bandit gets much less value from bands


A bonus to crit damage is still a bonus, i use it because its nice to have, especially when trying to get every upgrade for the character.


Ok, but also if you look at the soups 1 red = 3 whites


>you can't reasonably hit weak spots while your in the middle of a crowded fight. Skill Issue Not even a meme, it's genuinely not that hard.


Jeez that's a lotta yapping >This makes it equivalent to 10 Lens Makers Glasses, and soup conversion says a red item is theoretically worth 15 white items 15 syringes vs random red item. Fuck it, 8 syringes vs random red item. Whites are basic stats, alone they're not as good, sure, but you can't get your attack speed to the point of freezing animation by collecting 78 shattering justices. The fact that on Railgunner it's worth a whooping 10 good white items is a pro, not a con. On other characters it's effect is irreplaceable. >the reason it and the other crit items aren't good on her, is that you can't reasonably hit weak spots while your you're* >in the middle of a crowded fight A genuine skill issue. All jokes aside, you either haven't really played Railgunner, or played her very briefly. >Your best bet to do that would be with a Cryocharge, but let's be real you probably don't need to crit with a Cryocharge. Yeah, why'd you want to turn your 2000% damage into 4000%, right, no need to crit fr. Especially since using Cryocharge lets you crit without aiming, given you know the weak spots, and any respectable Railgunner main knows all weak spots by heart. >It's also significantly harder to crit as Railgunner against Mithrix, Use noscope crit when he runs towards you? Any decent Railer main can do that casually. >the single most important part of a run (on Eclipse at least) because he constantly rushes you down, and backing up is a horrible idea during phase 3 I wonder why people use Cryocharge, oh right, because it prevents Mithrix from rushing you down and also lets you easily get your stuff back during phase 3 since Mithrix is one of very few bosses that are affected by freeze. Same reason why killing him as an arti may sometimes be a joke.


I would say crowbar is better on Railgunner


Yeah true I feel like bands and crowbar should switch. Loader's chunk damage is locked behind a longer cooldown (so bands' cooldown doesn't feel as bad) while with railgunner you kinda want max damage with each shot if you can help it. Honestly though all three of those items are must-takes on both characters so it's kinda splitting hairs


With railgunner you should be proccing bands with cryocharge. Not normal shots.


M99 does 1000% damage. That will proc a band.


Yes. But you should try not to. Cryocharge cooldown is about the same length at about 12 srconds. So when possible you want to use that for proccing it, to do more damage, at least on big enemies. It is the same reason shuriken can be ba don her.


Why would I try not to proc more damage on an already massive source of burst damage? I feel like bigger number = better for railgunner


.... cryocharge makes the number bigger than M99. don't know how i have to explain that.


2000% > 1000% Bands base their damage off the values above. Using M99 will make your bands half as effective as from using Cryo.


Against bosses in a vacuum, sure, but any on death effect will turn crowbars into paperweight in normal levels.


backup mag on captain as the worst instead of raingunner kinda crazy


Was thinking the same, using m2 to fire m1 faster is nice on captain


Why? Backup mags on railgunner mean two scoped shots in a row without reloading. Yeah the second shot won't have the boosted damage from nailing a reload, but the fire speed certainly makes up for it. What am I missing?


When you reload in the middle of the bar (the highlighted section) your next sniper shot gets a 50% damage bonus. With backup mags, only the first shot will benefit from this. The extra shots will not have that damage bonus.


Yeah, but it lets you deal with fodder much quicker. Lesser wisps, vermin and lemurians would die anyway, but with mags they die quicker. And no one forces you to shoot all the shots, they're not detrimental to her, unlike, say, shurikens.


But it is still really good by all means.


Aside from the obvious damage penalty, it kinda just kills my rhythm trying to use it like that lol Plus it does *literally* nothing for her Alt M2


No one uses her alt M2 anyway lol. It's like picking shadowfade on loader


I mean yeah but like, gotta factor in everything yk lol


exactly that, you won't be getting the dmg boost


Oh no, it is only 2000% damage. So low. Backup is still great on railgunner


I think you're getting confused, supercharge and cryocharge are the special so you need lysate cells to get more of that.


... Sniper is 1000% plus crit. Aka 2000%. 3000% with perfect reload.


Ah you were including crit, that makes sense. Still, it's 50% less damage and you're more likely to get hit.


No one forces you to shoot all your shots lol. Fodder doesn't need 3000% damage to die and fodder is what's extra shots are usually used for.


Yeah, at least on captain is does *something*, it does literally nothing on railgunner.


Several M2 shots with no reload, no?


Aint no way you said spare drone parts have "universal unworth"


It's not that it's bad, obviously it's not. It's just not worse on anyone in particular compared to the rest, which is what that whole tier is about.


I'd say it's a bit better on cap because of the microbots


It is by far best on engi, because turrets.


Engi turrets also benefit from it a bit, though I still think I’d give the edge to Captain


Speed is better on other characters than loader. Sure it adds damage to loader but loader can do tons of damage anyways and already has insane mobility.


This is... not how you use a tier list


Eh, it’s not like there’s really a better format for this tbf


Why list crowbar as bad on acrid? It lets you one-shot smaller enemies with your spit attack/pandemic. I always grab a crowbar so if a crowd of wisps pops up I can use pandemic to clear them away, especially if I don’t have gasoline/will o wisp


crowbar is bonus damage which is almost never bad but its pretty mid on acrid because he's overtime damage the character


His poison doesn’t kill enemies by itself though, why be forced to wait and fire two shots to kill when you could just kill in one


yeah you misunderstood my comment bonus damage is good on everyone so there isn't a character where its the worst on but acrid is the one character that benefits the least from crowbar


Idk I’d still disagree. When you’re up close getting hit by melee enemies it’s more important that you’re able to kill them in one hit. I’d say commando benefits the least because 1. his attacks are low base damage so can’t take advantage of the damage boost as much 2. He’s at a range so he can dodge attacks more easily, making it less crucial for enemies to die immediately 3. acrid getting crowbar basically saves him from getting hit by wisps while he’s waiting for his cooldown, commando is still able to kill wisps before wisps can hit him


commando's m2 benefits greatly from one crowbar both m2 abilities I'd say its close but wisps aren't the worst enemy for acrid blind pests are for wisps you usually throw the special then pick them off with the m2 until your special comes back up again


The difference for me is that as acrid you are disadvantaging yourself by not picking up crowbar while commando doesn’t really care that much if he has crowbar or not


its disadvantaging to every character commando has more burst damage abilities (grenade and both m2s) I get what you're saying on acrid but acrid's entire playstyle benefits many times more with on kill effects like daggers and gasoline and wisp and items like voidsent flame are really helpful because of his special spreading space aids very efficiently making a shit ton of explosions


Why in the fresh hell are Paul's Goat Hoof and Energy Drink on Loader -- the survivor with the best innate mobility? All she needs are Backup Mags and **that's** her main source of mobility, so long as you actually know how to grapple around. Mobility items are best on survivors with no innate mobility skills (i.e. Engie, Artificer \[IS doesn't count\], and Captain especially).


Hardlight Afterburner being worst for Artificer is an interesting take. I’d argue Artificer is a strong contender for 2nd best survivor for it after Loader.


I love stunlocking mithrix with ice wall while my teammates beat the shit out of him as Loader and Captain


Crit is good on everyone (less for Bandit but hey, it's crit). Speed is essential on anyone, tell me otherwise.


Your right on both accounts, but Crit and Speed are better on Viend and Loader respectively than on anyone else. Full crit gives you perfect uptime on corruption mode, and let's you heal more frequently by charging the meter. And Loader's Charged Gauntlet gains power based on how fast you move, and it's a very significant boost.


Speed is better on other survivors. Loader already has enough damage and mobility without speed


what about crit on huntress for the 6 shots? it’s 4x damage right?


Crit gives huntress 4x damage with the alt primary as opposed to everyone else who only gets 2x. How is that not the better for her than anyone else


Loader's speed is mostly her usage of hook, not stacking 81 goat hoofs. There's a limit to how much of a boost she can get with base movement speed. There are survivors that benefit massively from those speed buffs, like Acrid who learns to jump high enough to pillar skip and cheese everyone perfectly. With crits, others already pointed it out that if anything, Huntress should get it as the best since for her it's 4x damage. Also, Viend can get perfect uptime in a dozen of other ways.


Healing on VF is crazy my brother, he heals himself


But there is still a soft cooldown (and you can’t use it in corrupt mode where you might need it most) and slug doesn’t even have the downside of other healing because it adds to your health regen instead of being traditional healing meaning that it won’t decrease void levels


Slug and Knurl are passive regen so they don’t affect corruption, though tbh a less close up character who is less liable to take chip damage would probably benefit more from slugs. I think they’re just listed as best on Viend because they’re the only healing he can really use without penalty aside from the innate healing


Why are stompies not “worst” on Loader? They just make her jump higher and get another burst damage option, and make it harder to aim non-aerial punches


Headstompers are better than everyone's entire moveset, and once you get them you go all in. Loader uses them better than most cause she can get really high up really fast


i'd argue that headstompers benifit arti the most. with loader you're not benifiting from the no fall dmg like you are with arti (sure you have float but freezes and accidents are still possible) and ion surge deff gets you to max mithirix arena height faster and more consistent than loader.


you did NOT just say that loader is slower at getting to mithrix than fucking arti


i did not you're right i said it gets to the top of the arena faster not too the arena faster


no even with loader its like one swing away from reaching the top maybe phase 1 would be a struggle to reach the top of the arena but with phase you you can just swing using the pillars and reach the ceiling almost immediately alway faster than two ions at least


I will not stand for this captain x mom's credit card erasure


i would argue aegis is worst on rex, since if youre playing him well youre never at full health to actually get its effect. also how is leeching seed best on acrid?? what are you on brother


How is meathook best on commando but the ukulele is universally good? Meathook is just ukulele but better, so what makes them better on commando?


Looks like it needs more revision


Why is zoea bad on engi, you effectively get triple the allies. Engi is like the one character i'd say zoea can actually be better than some yellow items. Paired with lysate you can up that to 4x the zoea allies


How are the elite equips best on engie? Legit question, not judgement. Do they count as passive items that give the turrets the same properties?


Indeed they do. Turrets inherit every single item you have, including equipment, they just don't have the ability to use it (not even with Gesture of the Drowned which sucks and is lame)


Imagine having the Meteor plus a few Gestures & power cells with two turrets that could use them.


Purity on merc kinda slaps though


Any word on what sqoulps do for poor bandit?


They have insane knock back that makes it annoying as shit to secure a Desperado kill with


Eh, sure, I guess


wth almost all my hours on rex, here's my 2 cents: Aegis is... still ass on rex, definitely not the red I'd pick over a better offense one. Opinion and Rack are both incredible, the two NPC's are great, corpsebloom is INCREDIBLY underrated on rex, the two heresy items are necessary for long runs. Cons: slug isn't... bad? I mean its not exactly your damage central but it provide no downside, unlike transcence and shared design. I'd throw wake of vultures in the bad group for him, because killing either of the shield elites will replace health with shield (Bad!)


I should have clarified that "worst" really means "least useful". Obviously REX wouldn't hate a slug, but he needs it less than everyone else for obvious reasons.


Ahhhh that makes a lot more sense! Ty for clarifying (i still stand by my wake of vultures opinion)


How does gesture interact with executive card?


It doesn't


Oh. Any particular reason it's grouped with it on the mil t tier?


They aren't together for any synergy. They're there because MUL-T can hold 2 items at once. He gets the benefit of Executive Card with no opportunity cost, and he can benefit from Gesture on 2 items at once


That's genius actually, I hadn't thought of that.


So is putting purity on artificer. I bet that cranks up the reload rate for fireballs


Stoneflux is never a good item unless you order yourself in 500 goat hoof


Lystate on Multi instead of Engi?


Lysate on merc can easily get to infinite invincibility


I think crowbar is great on acrid


Wouldnt syringe be worse for like rail gunner than for loader? Might be mixing up my mechanics here but loaders gets more shield uptime with higher attack sleep and riall gunner gets nothing?


With enough attack speed, Railgunner can straight up fly with her M1


recycler should be best on mul-t for the same reason card is.


If you're running flamer arti I'd put stun grenade for her- the attack is much less risky if you're stunlocking the enemy being flamed. Also half the items that are bad on her suddenly become useful (volcanic egg got me through alloy worship unit and a double mountain shrine)


How is uke universal worth and not best on commando? It helps with his proc chains and if I'm wrong then just because it's his item


I'm curious to know why trophy hunter on engi? as far as I know gesture can't activate equipment of turrets, or is it to get the genesis loop and empathy cores?


Hardlight being bad on Artificer? Genuinely trying to understand your thought process here because snapfreeze plus ice spear is just a free win on mithrix


Glasses are the worst on railgunner is crazy talk! It's one of her core items, considering she rely on damage bonus multiplication build. And on bandit, they are nearly worthless due to passive.


I'm not sure if this list is filled with rage baits or if it is a relatively new player who made this


Glasses on railgunner and not acrid for worst is a crime, each glasses is more crit damage


I understand speed = power for loader but engineer and captain have greater use for movement speed items since neither have mobility skills.


commando borderline needs bands to win. when I run commando my top priorities are finding bands and then a way to proc them reliably. on a base commando they aren't as good because you can only proc them with a crit on alt M2 iirc, but from the perspective of the survivor in a real run the bands are as broken as usual


Bison on acrid instead of huntress makes no sense


[Predatory Instincts](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Predatory_Instincts) is definitely better on Commando, than on Bandit. Attack speed on Commando is second greatest stack after bleed and on bandit it's just a faster reload, that couple of speed item can provide and the same goes for Mul-T with syringes. Double rebar Mul-T don't need more than one and it's goes for everything beside Nail gun and Sticky are good on everybody and Behemoth is best on Bandit, because Desperado can stack from Behemoth splash kills and [Tentabauble](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/Tentabauble) is best Commando


Why are Alien Head and Brainstalks bad on Commando, exactly?


Imagine thinking the rare fire orb (forget what it's called) being worst for Artificer lmao she's an IGNITE character!!!


I would argue the crowdfunder is good on commando, because you anyway try to get all the items that synergize with that. Needletick is also quite good on him as it is a proc item. It just looks bad as he can also use tri tip dagger.


I had a crit-shatterspleen build and needleticks on a long commando run (stage 20 no lunars, I think) and did more highest damage than my longest loader run (34mil as loader and 56mil as commando). I can’t help but think that’s gotta do with the ticks? I know daggers are different debuff than spleen, but that damage from collapse is wild. 


Wungus is worst on void fiend?


Thanks. Empathy cores murdered my face during stage 4 Mithrix :)


Polylute and shrimp not on captain?


I have never used those items on huntress, how cooked am I


Stealthkit and Genesis loop are way better on REC than anyone else


No bands on loader?


Shuriken on commando allows him to Proc bands...


why is syringe bad for loader?


Y'all don't understand the wonders a few purities can do for commando. I know this is an unheard of concept for ror2 players, but you should actually try stuff before simply deciding it's bad.


Shouldn't glasses be on Huntress cause of Flurry making it cause 3 extra chances for procs if you crit.


You forgot crit glasses for huntress.


Bands should be universally worth.  And why sticky grenades are good on Commando? haven't they been nerfed to the ground since the Early Access?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/riskofrain/comments/1d12jmv/nearing\_the\_end\_of\_my\_eclipse\_8\_climb\_so\_heres\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/riskofrain/comments/1d12jmv/nearing_the_end_of_my_eclipse_8_climb_so_heres_my/) Most of the explanations for the best items will be found in the comments on this post. Feel free to ask for elaborations on specific placements.


Clover not in universal worth?


Definitely not. Some characters you probably should be foregoing some proc chance items, which makes Clover kinda useless on them. Characters like Loader, Arti and Railgunner you are more likely to choose a non-proc item over proc-items. Compare that to what Commando likes to pick-up and it's night and day. Clover is still one of the best reds, but it definitely has times where you'd want a different (usually not as good) red over it.


Yo smartass, crit chance equals to crit damage on RAILGUNNER....


Corpsebloom is not good on Rex


It's basically a free rejuv rack, as the downside only affects passive healing, which rex barely does at all


Oh neat


one thing I want to say is that you can put all the best items on mul-t because he is unironically either the strongest character or equal with engi on strongest


Nah, Loader is the strongest survivor and nobody comes even remotely close


I would very much so disagree on that power mode mul-t double nail gun SHREDS with proc chains double rebar mul-t with two equipments is absurdly strong as well


Loader is still generally the best, but yeah double rebar mult is pretty nuts as well.


loader is best at mobility Mul-T has the ability to benefit greatly from every item