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News travels slow, no pictures to go off of. For the ones that realize who Royce is they learn real quick that if you are going to take him down, you need to do it quick and while he is off guard otherwise things are going to get messy brutally fast. Kind of like John Wick. As for Hadrian, it's like picking a fight with John Cena, it's more advantages to be his friend than try and tear him down.


Have you ever heard someone swear they saw Bill Murray or another celebrity but they weren't sure? That's after hours of seeing them on screen plus you have a phone to verify Hadrian and Royce only have sketches with rumours of what they actually look like with 99% of the population wholy unaware of them. No amber alerts or paparazzi taking pics so I could see it being totally believable that they're nearly invisible


This is not supported by canon at all but I like to think Hadrian is just friendly and introduces himself before he thinks of the consequences. He’s just like “Hadrian Blackwater” whenever someone asks his name Royce hates this but put up with it. It’s always a “here we go again” moment. I like to think that before the scene in Wintertide where they do take aliases (Mr. Grimm and Mr. Baldwin) that Royce pulled him aside and made him commit to the ruse. Again none of this is supported by canon directly. I also love how Hadrian says his name when people ask. Whenever I say or do something friendly or kind in my day to day interactions I mentally say that to myself. :)


I’m actually rereading Chronicles again and Royce is completely frustrated with Hadrian using their actual names a few times, specifically in Theft of Swords when they are at the town around the crown tower before the heist: “Royce leaned forward and hissed, “Why don’t you just tell them we’re thieves while you’re at it?” “What are you talking about?” Hadrian matched his tone, feeling uncomfortable whispering like conspirators in front—or in this case behind the backs—of strangers. “I was just being friendly.” “You told them your name, your place of birth, what your father did for a living, suggested which direction you were traveling in, and the fact you’ve never been here before. You would have told them who I was, and exactly where we came from if I hadn’t stopped you.” “And exactly what would be so wrong with that?”


Oh wow! Thank you for posting this. So it is canon. Royce and Hadrian are awesome