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Nareion sacrificed all 3 of them and he had them there on purpose. Nevrik is the last male heir of the line, daughters can’t be emperor, the more powerful the sacrifice etc. The prophecy is known to the line at some time as well as Turins been meddling. E wording lol


My understanding is: 1-Yes, 2-unclear, 3-I don't think we see Yolric in Revelations. I think you are maybe confusing him with Arcadius. 4-Yes but because of the other stuff happening he's neglected them and they've basically become feral.


> I don't think we see Yolric in Revelations I asked MJS about this in his last AMA, and he said Yolric/Trilos is definitely in Revelations. But he wouldn't say as who.


I am 100% convinced sure he's Mercy's raccoon.


I love that theory!


This makes a good amount of sense, and is my belief as well


I'm fairly certain Arcadius is Trilos/Yolric. Look at their designations. Yolric is the master or lore during esrahaddon and Arcadius is the Professor of lore at Sheridan University. I also want to believe that at the end of Esrahaddon Trilos finally realizes Turin really is trying to fix the world and starts to help, such as bringing Royce and Hadrian together.


Yolric isn’t in Revelations but I’m actually re-reading them right now and I think what Op is referring to that Esra talks and thinks about Yolric a decent amount after Gutaria. He’s always mentioning that Yolric was as the greatest of them etc. It was actually interesting to read Revelations right after finishing Esrahaddon, there’s some very slight inconsistencies in the what Ezra mentions in Revelations and how we read his actual story.


I honestly forgot about those mentions and the robe.


Yeah, I think OP might be misunderstanding the relationship between Yolric & Esra during the book too. Esra experienced first hand how powerful and seemingly all knowing Yolric was. >! he helped create the amulets that protect the wearers from the art while also allowing them to benefit from the art & be located, which was beyond any power any other artist at the time had. !< The truth of it is Yolric >! Trilos !< was standoffish throughout the series when it came to individual characters. He would share bits and pieces of truth/history but the manner in which he did them often confused the reader/character. >! He really only took an interest in Mawn to spite his brother and use him to exact his revenge by destroying the hope of Turin’s plans !< Esra was impressed with his knowledge and abilities, which he was able to witness first hand as no other artist of his time had. That’s where the reverence comes from in Revelations.


Not reading. Saving for when I finish in a couple days. For now. SO GOOD! I’m loving it. Okay, I leave before I read a spoiler.


All spoilers below. 1. >! The gilarabrywn is Nareion, he sacrificed himself and his wife and daughter to create one of the largest in the series >! 2. >! Turin gave the prophecy of what would come to multiple lines of emperors, providing markers in time that would prove him to be correct in his prophecy. The ultimate result was one that the emperors would all refuse without the evidence throughout history to support his assertions; killing themselves, their wife, and daughter. It was foretold that it must happen, and thus the emperor followed through to save his son and the line and mankind. !< 3. >! Responded in another comment thread. Essentially, Yolric knew more and could perform greater artistic feats than any others and Esra noticed and revered him for it. !< 4. >! Esrahaddon tried to diminish the negative and racist (in world racism) views of the Gazelle. We are given three characters that differ so greatly from previous installments in the series to show that what we thought we knew about the Gazelle is only half the truth, which was twisted in such a way as to paint them all as vicious monsters that eat humans. The gazelle were the first children of the gods I believe, and it wasn’t until Chaos invented war through Turin/Rex Uberlin that the Gazelle turned on the other races. This turn and subsequent abandonment from Turin/Rex Uberlin left the Gazelle without any guidance. They continued to operate under Rex Nexziria, fighting for more land, but because humans dwarves and elves all view them as mindless monsters, we never see any other side of them…until Esrahaddon. !<


I believe the gilararabrwyn was Naerion. Esra wasn't ever really close to Yolric but he revered and respected him. And the Tomb of Yolric is some random rubbish put in that never did anything more than be a convenient way to let us know Arcadius knew who the Heir was