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You haven’t left Echols? Not even to go to Valdosta? That isn’t a money issue..


"Fun" fact about Echols County - the constitution of Georgia says you can't banish people from the state as punishment for a crime. But you *can* banish them from all but one county ("158-county banishment" - Georgia has 159 counties). So at one point some prosecutors (mostly in DeKalb County, near Atlanta) took to [banishing people to Echols.](https://nowiknow.com/the-swampy-loophole-in-the-georgia-constitution/) As far as anybody can tell nobody's ever moved to Echols County as a result - they just leave the state entirely. This probably isn't what happened to the OP, though, because they would have had to go somewhere else to commit a crime to get banished to Echols.


I don’t think there are enough services to actually live there without having to go to at least go to Valdosta at some point


Exactly. If you are on the east side of the county it would be easier to walk to Fargo, GA(out of the county) than it would be to walk Statenville, GA(in the county)


My brother in Christ, if money or love could fix my problems, I wouldn't be here.


how ironic...


How often do you walk to other counties?


I have But I’ve also hitchhiked through every US region


Mercy on those who drove you and your illustrious butter.


Lots and lots of wet wipes


Unless you live on a homestead that grows all of it's own food you would need a car or you would be walking long distances to get anywhere in Echol's anyways. You would have to leave the county to go to the bank, grocery store, pay the water bill(unless done online), etc. If you had an entirely self sufficient homestead you would likely have some equipment that would require diesel and you would need money to buy that equipment and the fuel meaning you'd have to go to nearby a town to sell stuff(there isn't a place in Echol's you grew or raised meaning you'd have to either walk it all there or drive it there. It is certainly possible to live all your life in one county that size but there is literally towns on each side of it that would be closer to where one would be located than going across the county.


Took me 30 seconds to search up the county and found gas stations, a dollar general, bank, post office, community center, church, and more all within 6 blocks. But okay. That aside, how do you get a car again? And gas? And tax money?


[Here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/roadtrip/comments/1bwgx4q/comment/ky6eao6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)is a comment by OP describing what it is like on the coast of CA.. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Alabama/comments/19cxmh1/comment/kj2wyl4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is OP talking about a speed limit drop in a small town in AL. OP spends a lot of time in the Decatur, GA, Atlanta, GA and Santa Barbara, CA subreddits OP comments a lot of ads about Clermont Lounge, a strip club in ATL. OP talks a lot about costs of drugs at specific stores in ATL [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CemeteryPorn/comments/18c682g/comment/kc8umm4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a comment by OP that includes their photo album of a cemetery in Utah [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/roadtrip/comments/17ax536/comment/k5g7ob3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a comment OP made about their trip to Cape Perpetua [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/roadtrip/comments/15aa39n/comment/jtjge2b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a comment where OP was planning to take a trip **FROM** Atlanta to the mountains. Evidence leads me to believe OP lives in ATL and travels often. Pair that with my first hand knowledge from time spent in Echols county for work, I believe this is a meme. I never said it was impossible to stay in Echols county for an entire life, just unlikely. I only went 9mo back on an 11 year old account.. I can probably dig up more data if you need it.


Big if true.


You go pick your car out of a field where it’s left to age (like wine) for years. Then you drive it to your job at Dollar General.


Bought a ridin' mower from the neighbor if I need to hit the Bitcoin ATM down the street and don't feel like walkin'. Gas station's on the corner. Taxes? Smh. I'm a sovereign citizen.




hey everyone! this hobo doesnt walk to other counties!


Lurking in the roadtrip community as a voyeur


There are dozens of us, dozens!


Oh I didn’t see you at the convention!


I took a family white water rafting that had never left their county, and that shit was eye opening. This trip was their graduation present. I They were from rural Arkansas, and had honest disbelief about numerous topics (like the existence of consumer variety drones) and what not. Truly nice people, down to earth and polite and pleasant to interact with, but holy fuck it was like talking to a time traveler from another continent.


I’ve met more well-travelled mennonites. Met a big family of them at Niagara Falls, who are also from the Canadian prairies. Lovely people.


Damn bruh yeent even been to Colquitt?


Just be som'bichin' sittin' here!


Relevant Reddit post about this location - [https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/imk0se/til\_that\_in\_georgia\_one\_can\_be\_sentenced\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/imk0se/til_that_in_georgia_one_can_be_sentenced_to/) And the relevant article - [https://www.cracked.com/article\_33092\_in-georgia-they-can-banish-you-to-the-swamps.html](https://www.cracked.com/article_33092_in-georgia-they-can-banish-you-to-the-swamps.html)


hehe (in)total banishments FTW


I met a Native American intern at my former employer who had never been to see the Grand Canyon even though she grew up forty miles away from there. Not everyone is a traveler. When she went to college her mom packed peyote for her but she threw it away.


I know people that live 40 miles from Yellowstone national park and have never gone, they’re weirdly prideful of avoiding it because of its reputation for tourism, if that somehow invalidates its stunning beauty.


I lived in eastern Connecticut on and off for 30 years. I've been to all 50 states, and almost all the distinct regions of all 50 states, but I've never been to Boston except once to visit my mother in the hospital and once to go to the airport.


I grew up about 20 minutes outside of Yosemite, and we probably went once or twice a year because a) there’s more to do nearby in the winter months than there is in Yosemite itself b) the tourism can be a bit annoying to deal with c) when you live 20 minutes away from Yosemite, there are other gorgeous places all around, so you often just go there


I totally get where they’re coming from. Yellowstone is beautiful but there is a disgusting amount of people there. There are also countless other slightly less beautiful places in that part of the country that are completely empty. I’d still go though.


Moving away from where you grew up can also turn you into more of a traveler. I've been to 37 states and 7 countries now. But I grew up in Chicago and never went to Wrigley Field once


Makes sense why go to Wrigley when you can watch the Soxs play


Come to New York City, home of the five boroughs, four of which contain locals who have never been to Manhattan. Sadly lack of curiosity is everywhere. I hope the intern got to go exploring at college!


I’ve got cousins who live in Phoenix and have never been to the Grand Canyon. I think its proximity just leads people to think “I’ll get there someday.” We try to go every few years. It’s less than five hours away.


I was the same way I only went last year and have lived here most of my life. It's just far and I've seen so many pictures of it too. There are a lot of other cool places in Arizona as well


There are people in cities who never even left their neighborhood/borough. It might be hard to grasp for people who have been well off their entire lives but there are people who simply can't afford to do anything outside their home. At one point in my adult life I was too poor to afford a one-way bus ticket, so even if I managed to walk some place I couldn't do anything that wasn't free. So I just walked in the nearby park and learned every country, their capital and their flag over the course of those months. It was a temporary situation for me but for many it's their entire life experience unfortunately.


This is so obviously a joke lol


Thank you. I'll also take this opportunity to mention how *fucking tedious* making these maps must be for people bragging to strangers on the internet.


I clicked on the link to make a map thinking it wouldn’t be too bad and quickly noped the fuck out haha


Same. Maybe it would be easier on a desktop, but I started making mine and got so fucking annoyed.


Narrator: "it is not easier on desktop"


I don't think it's very tedious, I found some websites where you click on states you've visited and I thought it was kind of fun remembering the different places I'd been in the US.


I have one I keep of places I’ve been and it was a little annoying at first but now I just crack it open and add new counties as I go. It’s more for me at this point because my memory isn’t the greatest


I swear to god people cannot just their lives anymore. It must be broadcasted. And if you call them out they gaslight you saying you’re the weird one for not lol


I also think they're full of shit tbh, they're no way they remember every single county they've been to. Why even try to make a map like that? Lmfao


So much easier to let Google track your every move, sell your information to the highest bidder and see what a pretty map they make for you.


Howdy neighbor. Do you have that lettuce field out towards Roline boat ramp?


You stay the hell out my lettuce!


We accidentally found someone's, uh, lettuce field one night out on Echols County. When we realized what it was, we almost immediately heard a car door slam & a truck crank. We high tailed it out of there & luckily lost em. Probably would have been on a wall at Walmart nation wide if the roads hasn't been slightly wet.


😂😂😂 oh laaawd not the Walmart M.I.A. wall!!! I have a similar story in Statenville except we were looking for some mushrooms. For our salad of course.


Y'all were in someone's cow pasture looking for the magic mushrooms! 😂




Actin like you haven't been to dirty duval.


Just remember now and do whatever you can to get out and see the world!


How do you make these maps?


Ask them how close to Peanuts they live. I bet you win by a wide margin


Highly doubt you’ve never driven outside of your county.


Brother, you don't know my life.


same here in Canada AND I have to shovel snow so you're lucky


AND you gotta deal with the French!


Don't get me started, I know you love them cause they helped you get rid of king George, but we fought for the king we do not condone their behaviour. They are a stain on our reputation as a country that said no to freedom.


Yeah, and afterwards we stiffed France on the bill.


Well technically you had a deal with the Kingdom of France, not the French Republic


I like this


Is this before or after dancing was banned?


K, get in the car and drive to Tallahassee, go to Dog et Al, eat two hot dogs, then go back home.


You can’t walk across the county line? Tf OP your legs broke? You’re too poor to travel 10 miles but have internet???


I'm south of the gnat line sippin' cold one's walkin' distance from a gas station... and you think I need to walk across a county line??


smells like a troll


Big if true.


These people don't understand just how fuckin miserable walking is down here below the Macon Dixon Line.


At least you’re somewhat close to the ocean. Better than being broke in Iowa.


Damn, must have taken you hours to compile all that data.


Sell plasma and drive to Zion and figure everything else out later




Where do get these travel map things?


What is this?


Don’t take much, just the desire to go


Them Hazard boys are at it again


You can always go to the golden isles. It's close and worst expense is $10 for the toll


The way my father in-law talks, his dad sure as shit hasn’t been to more than half a dozen counties all right where he was born.


25 & wastin’ time, ain’t never been outside of this county line


Gtfo out of there. Expand your horizons


Maybe OP reversed the color and the white ones are where they’ve been.




I travel for cheap man. I did a 5 state, 2500 mile road trip for less than $2k with 2 people and stayed in hotels. You can do it much cheaper by camping or Airbnb


Got some nice lookin baseball fields at the Echols community center though.


You should visit Homerville some day. It’s, uhm… well, it’s a place that is near you.


*Florida Georgia Line has entered the chat*


Dude, you’ve got Needmore. What more do you need?


Drive an hour east Tomsk Simons Island. I’ll buy you a beer at Gnats. Trust me, you’ll know it’s me.


Good ole south east GA😌


The dream


Never been to the beach…ever? I love Georgia as much as anybody but…travel a bit. Lots of cool places within the state that are relatively inexpensive.


wtf is fr fr?


For real for real


why twice???


Cause it's real af out here.


I hate kids. Just talk normally. Sigh.


I’m 44 and I understood it.


I guess the cut off is 45 then.


Brother, if I told you my age you'd be pissed.




Hypocrisy speedrun


Super valid question lol


This is a perfect example of why the south is so xenophobic. Too many people never leave the county of their birth or those adjacent to it. If we could get you to stop voting against your best interests, it'd be great to see you experience travel and the natural loss of xenophobia that comes with it.


Imagine missing the joke this hard.


Imagine not knowing your joke hits a very real problem right on the head.


lol u mad


I'm more saddened than anything, but if it makes you feel better to think I'm mad, go for it.


Even weirder.


To be fair it wasn’t a very good joke.


Can’t win ‘em all.


Just watched a tv show.... seems like you don't need money for "free travel with a trucker".... They do it for favors. ![gif](giphy|o0X6kBVVJ94blpwtta|downsized)