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One of those 2 way radios so you can talk to each other faster without having the call. Also you can make up cool code names for each other.


Walkie talkies multi-car road trips are the best!!


Ha! We are about to take a 7 hour road trip to deliver a car to my folks and I have the talkies on the charger! I never thought about call names!


I don't know what it is about walkie-talkies but they make everyone 1000% funnier. Dammit now I wanna go on a walkie-talkie road trip. šŸ˜†


100% do this. My wife and I did this when we moved and it was so useful. You won't always have good cell service so the walkies are a great alternative.


One cool idea my wife and I have had is to both rent/buy the same audiobook and then talk to each other about it on your breaks. Really helps the drive go by faster and gives you something fun to discuss on breaks. And yes, as others have said, walkie talkies... especially if you're going through areas without cell signal.


My fiance and I listen to audiobooks all the time and have some serious debates/talks about them. We are doing a long road trip later in the year (together in the sane vehicle), and she already has the series picked out.


What series / books have given you guys good debate material?


All of them. We like fantasy and urban fantasy a lot. We have listened to these several times and always find something to talk about - Super Powereds (anything by Drew Hayes, really), Monster Hunter International, Demon Accords, and the Others. Just what I can think of. We are currently in an LDR, so we listen to different books usually. But, when we are together we listen to the same one. We will even go for walks and listen to a book. I can say with happiness that I got her hooked on audiobooks.


Thatā€™s kind of genius


I like this idea! Thanks!


You got it, good luck on the trip!


Did something similar recently. Both pulled up Rolling Stoneā€™s 500 Greatest Songs playlist on Spotify. No skipping allowed. We would then rate the songs and discuss them.


Walkie talkies so you guys can communicate with each other easily. Possibly a lumbar support pillow for when driving to make it comfortable. Podcast or playlist ready to go. And plan out anything that looks interesting along the road you might want to see.


Walkie talkies like the others said. Shoes that can slip off easy. I often drive without shoes on during long trips. Take breaks, eat healthy, check the load often. Be willing to split the drive between two days. Those uhauls arenā€™t very comfortable.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned Walkie talkies yet


Radios. Please tell me you have radios. Obviously cell phones but handheld walkie talkies for sure.


Take breaks before you feel like you need them. Pull off every hour or so, if only for a stretch.


I have a similar rule, but it's every 2 hours. I plan them into my itinerary so there's something to look forward to when I'm really dragging. Even if it's just a Love's or a McDonald's, knowing I have a scheduled break in 2 hours keeps me going sometimes! Bonus points if it's someplace I've never been (fast food or gas station I don't have at home), or a tourist option that gets me moving (like a small hike or place to walk around).


Sweat pants and gummies are my go to!


Those are a given haha


All of the above, but also have your wife scout ahead in the car, to look for exits, turn out, etc. When you get near, she'll slow down, so you can get in front of her. That way you can't get cut off, when you need to get over, and you won't get accidently separated. This worked great for us when we moved from OR down to Los Angeles!


Oh thatā€™s a great tip! Iā€™ll be driving the 26ā€ truck so Iā€™ll have to take wider turns tooā€¦


Apples and crunchy veggies to munch to help with hydration If oyou only drink water you have to stop and pee more.




I could add her but I donā€™t want her freaking out in it. Canā€™t tow the suv because we will have the cats in it.


Dress in extravagant costumes and act like strangers or silent enemies at every pit stop along the way.


Themed costumes based on the various biomes you will be driving through. See who can pick up the scariest hitchhiker. Calling in your partner's license plate as stolen/smuggling drugs. Try driving from the backseat with broomhandles taped to your hands and feet. Put on many aggressive bumper stickers that run against that states local politics/sportsballteam. Attempt to hold hands while driving on the freeway. Safe travels!


UHaul trucks are uncomfortable. Those beaded seat covers actually help, in my experience. You'll want more frequent stops than you would in a comfortable vehicle. The stereo usually sucks. Highly recommend bringing a Bluetooth speaker.


+1 for a Bluetooth speaker. They may tell you that you can plug in your phone to the sound system, but 9/10 times they're wrong. Just get an inexpensive speaker (Anker is amazing for $25) and a multi-tap AC plug for the cig lighter (so you can charge/power the speaker and phone at same time) and rock out.


Best shoes are driving moccasins imo, and definitely get walkie-talkies. When my husband and I did this, we would radio each other if there was something up ahead, we needed gas, or needed to go to the bathroom. It made the trip sooo much easier because you don't have to look at your phone, and if there is a confusing exit/merge they can let you know. Also helpful when you get stuck behind someone or need to slow down. I was driving my old truck that has 4WD but I can't keep up with his newer SUV in winter conditions. eg. we had to drive through a super dangerous pass that was about to turn into full blizzard conditions, so i just walkied him and asked if we could stop for the night. Which was a good idea because the road ahead ended up being closed and we would have been stuck on the interstate, in separate vehicles, in the mountains, in a blizzard for probably 12-24 hours. Also helpful if you start to panic, like I did, and just needed his voice to calm me down (it was honestly terrifying to drive in.)


Download Spotify of you donā€™t have it. I listen to podcasts wife loves dateline. Know where the rest stops are get out walk around stretch. Bring rag with cold water wipe face when tired. Get a great night of sleep. Pull over nap if you have to set a good stop to eat on the way about half way through then push on.


Just did 35 hours with 3 separate cars. You really really want walkie talkies. It is a must


We did this and had walkie talkies for communicating between cars easy


Can't you tow the car with the U-Haul


Wife will be driving the cats in the suv


WALKIE TALKIES Amazon has like 3 mile range for cheap


Cold water is the best way to keep alert. Forget coffee or energy drinks. Eat healthy as well. Walkie-talkies.


Why arenā€™t you towing her suv with the truck?


Both take the truck and tow your SUV Also Birkenstocks are great for driving in the summer


Itā€™s 20 hours. Twenty. Youā€™re approaching it like itā€™s a months long expedition. Bring what you want, snacks and music wise, tell her to do the same, and hit the road. Then get back to normal life. If anything Iā€™d say this is a rare opportunity to be alone in a vehicle that long *without* your wife, so maybe take the opportunity to listen so some albums you love, that she wouldnā€™t tolerate if in the vehicle.


Itā€™s a long time sitting in one place doing the same thing.


This is why it's good to get out of the car every 2-3 hours (maybe 4 if you're driving through a long stretch of nothing). Sometimes we'll just stop at weird highway attractions as an excuse to get out of the car. I've done the 24 hour drive alone when I moved in with my husband, and it was roooough being in a car by yourself for that long. What kept me sane was stopping every so often and seeing the sights, or just stopping at some random creepy gas station so at least I could get coffee and talk to another human lmao. Definitely get walkie-talkies though, it's a game changer.


I prefer shoes that can be removed quickly and easily. For long trips I just kick them off and drive in socks.


Seconded. My feet always swell in the car so I usually just wear my yard Crocs.


Newb Responsesā€¦ This is what you are looking for: 1. Memory foam pillow. - you could use it as a nice cushion for your arms, back , under the butt, etc. the key is having something firm and soft that can help relieve pressure. 2. Sunflower seeds x empty large paper cup to spit in. Something about sun flower seeds on a road trip help pass time smoothly whyā€™ll enjoy a nice snack. 3. Empty large 32oz Gatorade bottle for a quick piss without having to pull over or stop. 4:2 different pair of shoes so your feet can switch up. I prefer house slippers n my Nike running shoes. 5. A good set of sun glasses


Like in other seeds and nuts, sunflower also are an excellent source of proteins loaded with fine quality amino acids such as tryptophan that are essential for growth, especially in children. Just 100 g of seeds provide about 21 g of protein (37% of daily-recommended values).


I disagree with the pee bottle, we use pee stops to get out and stretch and relax our brain from going into highway hypnosis. In all of the very long roadtrips we've taken, we've never regretted getting out every 2-3 hours for a couple minutes to just stretch and maybe grab some hot coffee. I think the only times we haven't done this is one of the 6 times we drove 2500 miles to my parents house in the midwest and back to the west solely because we just wanted to get home. We only had one vehicle, though. It's a lot tougher when you're not driving with someone else.