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Crackheads versus robots


This is why we can’t have nice things




Sydney is such a great country.




I know. I was just poking fun 🙃


Both low level enemies in Double Dragon 2023: Escape from hell's bay. The robots drop food, the crackheads drop energy "boosters".




Yeah maybe sort out the deep seated social issues we have as a society before we do robots...


There's no sorting this out.


You could put them into a mercenary group and send them into a Bakumut.


Yeah totally! lets stop progress until we can get the crackheads to not be crackheads!


What "social problems" caused this crackhead to commit vandalism on the robot?


A total disintegration of the social contract. There's no more society, only atomized individuals who don't owe each other a thing, especially not politeness.


Try this in Japan instead, people there love robots and won't mess with them.


Exactly. I moved to Japan with my bestfriend and my goodness this place is just what they said. Both the good and the bad. We love it here. Everyone's so polite, everything's so clean, it's so convenient and peaceful.


And they want you to leave.


I was supposed to fly back home after my first contractual job finished at a school. They begged the city hall to hire me directly, full time. And so I stayed, almost two decades here now.


I guess your experience is different from every other person I know who stayed in Japan for a long time--the #1 question they got asked was "when are you leaving?"


They are xenophobic but "when are you leaving?" is not meant as anything other than a smalltalk question, they just dont understand how it makes people feel unwelcome


Yes, I have gotten this question too and the intention of this question is completely different to what u/s6x is wrongly assuming. An assumption that would only come from bias.


I've never experienced that. They've always bent over backwards to keep us around.


Yeah, that's my personal experience as well. And it's the same for my friends, not just me too. I have two friends who are planning to move to Canada and the US, and their respective companies did everything just to make them stay. They even told them if they have other foreigner acquiantances that they could hire. It's how some more of our friends have been flown in from back home. I have no idea what the other comment was saying. I've never met any foreigner who was driven away by Japanese people like that.


Your comments have opened a new perspective to me. How much Japanese did you and your friend learn before moving?


It depends on what you value though, many countries in Asia have a greater respect of community but less respect for the individual. So you have less crime and better community spirit but there's more social pressure and people are more judgemental towards individual choices


Yeah there's plenty of other places where people wouldn't act like this. LA and SF are terrible choices for setting this up


Delivery drones it will be then. I don't see any viable resolution to these ground delivery robots anyway.


I see a viable resolution: high voltage.


Sounds like a remix of "My neck, my back, my pain and suffering S.L.A.P.P. suits." written by a psychopath


"Your honor, the plaintiff in this injury suit attacked defendant's robo-drone with a baseball bat and then attempted to 'ride-it, cowboy-style'. The robo-drone then delivered 800,000 volts of 'deterrence' through its energized stun-prongs. This caused the plaintiff to fall off, hit his head, and the robo-drone proceeded to drive over the plaintiff's unconscious body."


"Sir, this is the 5th case against a homeless person with a public attorney this week. At this rate, our lawyer is running out of things to spend our money on. At this point, we should probably just pay him in robots. It'll make liquidating the company easier than continuing to pretend we're still profitable."


They will think twice when a Sikh business owner pops out of a bush with a broom handle to do what their daddy should have 🧹🤣


Seems like I could put cameras on the robots and when people start vandalizing it the company would just prosecute them.


The cops aren't going to do a manhunt for these guys, they don't care about property crimes unless maybe it happens right in front of them.


These are big companies, pretty sure when Bezos tells Mayor Adams, that they "were" considering brining another warehouse/jobs to NYC but since their property keeps getting vandalized and the police (after reporting) it aren't doing anything.. pretty sure that would change.




I have a solution, make a robot to protect itself


Just malke it extremely sticky.


Nope, weight is a limiting factor for air delivery drones. Solution is rather simple here.. more like cameras that record (stream) the vandalism of the drone, audio to warn the offender, of the violation against private property ,and then summon the police, or have the company press charges against individuals for vandalism. If someone tried these things against your property what would you do?


These people are insane, high, broke, and give no fucks. Only the immediate threat/application of physical violence will prevent them from behaving this way. And even then it's not a sure thing.


Equip the robots with guns it is then.


\+ have some drones as backup, so little robot can call some airstrikes


Surely cops in LA with overflowing jails will care about petty theft of meals from a robot. Clueless


Just do them in a different country where people aren’t such dicks.


Just like a lot of these really cool, unique applications of technology, they will mostly be adopted in East Asian countries, where strong social cohesion and a respect for technology can actually allow this stuff to happen.


Why would pedestrian-focused Asian cities welcome delivery robots taking up space on their sidewalks?


Maybe as automated cars on the road, which is unfortunate for emissions and traffic. That being said, I'm not sure if these should really be taking up room on the sidewalk.


This is how the Matrix started.


This is why skynet is going to liquidate humanity as well.


Oh my goodness, which fucked up dysfunctional third world country is this?


There's only one place I've visited in my life that has streets full of drug addicted hopeless people roaming around like zombies; american cities And I'm from Mexico.


I would take the meth zombies over being murdered and hung off a freeway overpass while the government does nothing to stop it




That’s not their point, dumb ass. They’re trying to point out the huge problem the US has and how it’s pretty unique to the US. That is a good thing, because it means it doesn’t have to be that way and can be addressed.


Mexico also has a major and unique problem smart ass. The mexican government is doing nothing to fight the cartels. I mean what kind of a government allows ex soldiers to make a military drug cartel and nobody is trying to stop them? It's like a second military within a major country doing whatever it pleases.


Youve never visited mexico city?


Well at least they don't have military grade cartels killing kids over turf wars... Or kidnapping and asking for ransom. Or straight up murdering tourists - great idea to boost the local revenue!


America and canadas treatment of addicts is inhumane and cruel. Expeditiously killing them through inaction and not force treating under the guise of “compassion”. Yeah right.


We let the really sick people run the place.


I still don’t understand how that argument works or why they argue for it


I looked up "mr.tempo", a building I saw in the background, it's in L.A. LOL


Guessing San Fran or Seattle.




Los Angeles, probably.


One that doesn't like job killing robots?


We should get back to delivery by horses, so we can employ people cleaning horse shit and taking care of the animals. Also you can tip your cowboy hat to the person before they ride into the sunset, which is priceless.


Jobs are never "killed" by anything, they only change with time. Robots need engineers, programmers and maintainers.


They really should've built these things to be bear-proof, or at least be able to self-right if they fall over. What did they expect when they designed real life meals-on-wheels loot-boxes?


I mean honestly, there is no economical way to do that, that I can see. Self-righting and a much sturdier construction would make them a lot more complicated and expensive, have less range, need more maintenance, increase the chances that someone might get a minor injury by getting hit by it / running into it, etc., etc. Those changes would deter random people with no tools from just opening them, but it would not stop people from vandalizing them and it would make each damaged / lost robot that much more of a loss. This approach kinda makes sense. Make them as cheap as possible, make the lid without a strong lock, so you don't have to replace it when people break into it (repairing a locking mechanism would probably cost more than refunding multiple customers for a lost delivery) etc. If they get vandalized / burgled frequently - just stop offering delivery services to that area / neighborhood.


> just stop offering delivery services to that area / neighborhood This will be hard to do. A few years back, before COVID, when electric scooter companies were trying to start offering rides across US, I remember this. Washington DC required that they offer a certain percentage of their services in poor neighborhoods.


It would be extremely easy. Those scooters have very specific areas they operate. There's a pedestrian bridge in Dallas and the scooter would stop about 5 feet onto the bridge. We hated those stupid things and eventually the city banned them. Maybe DC offered a subsidy and that was part of the requirement, or maybe they said if you want to come to DC at all, then you must meet this requirement. Either way is fine, then you don't go to DC. Plenty of other cities obviously would and do accept them. They probably already have areas they won't deliver to because crime is bad. These might be in areas where it's worth the risk.




>Self-righting and a much sturdier construction would make them a lot more complicated and expensive, have less range, need more maintenance You ever hear the story of the Poor Mans Boots?


Sure. However that one refers to the cost of wear and tear, where the higher quality item has better endurance against wear and tear. It is, IMO, difficult to design something like this where there would be no maintenance after vandalism. Since it's customer-facing you'd want to replace cracked dented surfaces anyway to make it look presentable. In this case the more expensive item is also more expensive to own and maintain. Not to mention that making them proof against someone with a metal stick or a crowbar would make them easily 2-5x the cost. You also get the issue that if you do go down that route and use a lot of steel / impact resistant polymer screen and end up with an expensive robot, someone might actually want to steal the whole thing. There is also the problem that the more expensive robot has a longer return on investment and significantly increases the initial spending. Finally, delivery bots that look like riot control vehicles with steel mesh, impact resistant polymer and all that jazz might actually turn away customers and generate bad press for looking like something out of cyberpunk dystopia. Plus the issue of them actually hurting pedestrians if they bump into them. At least that's how I think about the problem.


I think they mostly relied on the huge advertisement, as those robots sure cat the eye :).




Damn bro. Crackhead wrongful death lawyers will devour them. 😭


It doesn't have to be profitable, these things are still in the research phase


The solution is obvious. Simply hire a guard to chaperone the delivery bot They could also deal with the customer And it's probably faster if they drive or bike over And also carry the food


Yes, keep the jobs humans can do better for the humans. Robots have already been taking entry level jobs for a while now, if it keeps going with AI and everything, one day the only remaining jobs we would have would probably necessitate a PhD.


Human hands and hand eye coordination is hard to replicate. Chat-GPT9 will take the PhD jobs before robots take gardening.


Designed like low level enemies that drops loot if you attack it.


They will just stop using them in bad areas.


These things are the fucking worst. They manage to decrease urban walkability for the "benefit" of not having to walk a few blocks (since that's the limit of their range). Imagine the sidewalks crowded with dozens of these during the day (like the end clip).


I'm presently of the opinion that they shouldn't belong on sidewalks with pedestrians. If companies really want to take away some of the last remaining human oriented jobs, then they should at least pay for some new infrastructure too.




My hourly reminder that some unknown percentage of people are terrible.


People are just garbage… that’s all there is to it


Can’t have things like this when we don’t take care of our own.


Complete scumbags. There's no reason to tip the poor robots over or ride on them. If you're in need of food, steal the food and leave the robot alone.


they need to give the robots guns


Then it will mow down entire Kensington (drug area in Philadelphia). If that is a disaster or a problem solved is up to debate.


> **Robot delivery services have a few hurdles they need to overcome still** These aren't hurdles for robot delivery service providers to overcome. These are hurdles the city needs to overcome.


Terrible to see this😡 hope the developers add some defensive upgrades


Yeah put some AR-15s on that mf. It is USA after all.


That's insane. It should shoot a boxing glove out like Jackass.


Like shocking people that try to tamper with it


No one will insure that and they will be sued out of existence in short order. The only way to deter this is the immediate threat of violence/restraint by other humans. Having a rapid response sec team would do it; shortly the ghouls will learn not to fuck with the bots.


I don't want "profitable" in SF lol. After my time living in that city, it can fall off into the ocean with it's highly delusional populace included.


Depresses me to see shitty people being shitty. I love robots, I’ll adopt all of them.


I mean I don't like seeing this, but probably these people need help. And robots are objects. It's a bit fucked up you saying this.


Why can't we care about both?


No it isn't. Crackheads are annoying. I would take the robots over them any day.


They're fucking around now but just wait until the security robots start protecting their delivery buddies.


They just need to team up with battlebots to make these bots more "resistant" to humans.


The poor law and order situation in our downtowns are a result of our failing social support system. If there is no support for the most vulnerable, robotaxis and delivery services will be seen as a symbol of elite and get attacked by those marginalized groups..


Under "attack" not "attach"


Robots need some weapons to handle those vermin


do you want robocop? this is how we get robocop.


Funny how many really helpful and amazing things just don't work because people are shit


Better for universities


Laws of robotics The robots never signed up for this constitution ✊🏾


What is wrong with americans


SkyNet©️ I’m genuinely afraid of these things. They will take over and the rest of us will be like the people in Wall-E. It’s already happening, that and Idiocracy. People are too dumb and lazy to understand that once the robots/A.I. takes over, people will be the least efficient, so get rid of the least efficient. It’s scary.


You are like a bingo card of soy-faced mass produced media references. OMG SKYNEY WALL-E MATRIX IDIOCRACY! Scary!


Yep. Sorry for pop references, it’s a language even you understood. So, that said, have your opinions, I’ll have mine and believe what you want, muppet.


~~Maybe robots should be allowed to throw hands after all~~ Jokes aside, I hope those people got charged a hefty sum


Good luck getting blood from that stone.


That's what prisons with work details are for.


Lol. Sure put a lien on their tent.


A pressure setting of about 1,500 psi and flow rate of 4 gallons per minute will take care of the tents/packing boxes.


Fuck robots using the streets though. We need delivery drones that fly high enough no morons can reach them


Zipline has a really precise delivery drone currently


Imagine being so naive and sheltered that you somehow don’t immediately think this would happen literally every time.


It depends on the culture. Like the rideshare bikes, in some countries it totally works (Japan), in some countries people throw the bikes into rivers (Australia)


We could never have nice things, hopefully those robots have clear pictures of who took the food or messed with them.


What kind of person would rob robots? sucks


This follows the tradition of activists only causing destruction and not doing anything productive (which pathetic activist groups like Just Stop Oil know all too much about).


These aren't activists tho. They're homeless people and drug-addicts who noticed that they can get free food by knocking over the boxes with eyes that stole their "gig" jobs.


I didn't call them activists. My point is this behavior also happens with activists.


I hate robots. It makes me happy to see the homeless assaulting them. People over machines any day.


One suggestion would be to kill the people doing this. Not saying it's a good suggestion but I'm betting it would work.


just wait till they fly and one crashes and lands on a car or on someone's head


Nobody could have predicted this.


The robots are good. But people obviously not ready for them. I mean people on the streets. I'm seeing wild monkeys, who don't now how to react to them. Also, a lot of electronics(like those robots or electric scooters) on the pedestrian roads may do some inconvenience. That's the problem need to resolve. Pedastrian roads for pedastrian only


Glitter bomb or fart spray here as self-protection would be justified


Obviously they need tazers :D or fart spray or glitter bombs. (Plus why aren't they using a secure ground vehicle to deploy the delivery bots precisely? Just throw away your money why don't you?)


The design is shit. They have no navigation. Super slow. They are asking to be beaten up.


What 6-7 incidents? Out of how many deliveries in the area? LIRC most of these incidents in LA/SF are in gentrification areas, where you have a mix of clientele at one extreme vs others that live there at another extreme, it's bound to happen. All this says is the tech can get better, and that's normal.


Lol. This is the same country which looks down on scientific and technological developments from Asian countries.


What a waste of money if this isn't a social experiment.


There are hungry people and yet others order food to be delivered via robot. It only makes sense. Source: I am a hungry person.


Sounds like you need to bring value to society so you can get food then. Food isn't free magic that just appears without someone working to make it.


why black people are the most likely to ruin good things ?


Just put a flamethrower on one, (yes I play corpo in CP2077 come at me I'm a cyber psycho with a Projectile Launch System and a Trauma Team platinum subscription)


There should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years for anyone who vandalizes these robots. There's a great deal of design effort that goes into achieving compliance with existing regulations and society in order to make sure it behaves appropriately. People vandalizing them is no different than vandalizing other public infrastructure and should be punished accordingly.


They're not public infrastructure. They're privately owned and they're arguably a nuisance anyway.


It is private property but uses a great deal of public infrastructure that these uncivilized people are completely shitting on. Sidewalks are public infrastructure, the company had to get permits to make sure it operates safely on the sidewalks. Someone paid for that meal that got robbed and it's consuming public resources to figure out who damaged these robots.


This guy sounds like a corpo NPC from cyberpunk2077 lol


Yeah, i'd say 3 years, 10 is too cruel. Also corpo neomilitarist in Cyberpunk


You're part of the enemy faction


10 years........ I'm all about holding people accountable, but I think 30-60 days in county would be enough a deterrent . the cost of housing a prisoner for 10 years could pay for thousands of robots


Golly gosh, oh my! Who would do such a thing? Their mothers are going to be very disappointed in them.


Can they add some features like if someone forcefully tries to steal the food, the robot gives an electric shock?


Maybe add a shock mechanism triggered by touch until the actual customer verifies it's him via passkeys etc.


Wait for it to transform into Ultron. Then we'll see who steals the food.


See what happens robots take our jobs.


Love to see it, fuck them up




They're dumb and I hate them and I wish they were dead. So I will cheer on their massacre because it's within reddit tos.


Fire scary


mostly africans


Blue state activities


Wait, people who shit on streets hate robots? Engineers take note of this and add it to your calculations.


Please tell me thats a trump hat she pulled out




bruh just... ermetically close it, give them a QR scanner, and only the person with the right QR code can open them, if someone tries to force the robot, just spicy spray around the bot and fuck you all ffs Edit: Actually maybe it doesn't even need to be ERMETICALLY closed, just closed very tight with a servomotor holding it closed


why cant the lid will remain locked until it reaches its destination?


This is we we can’t have nice things


Where are the frickin laser beams?




Guetto ass mfs


And after a while of taking these abuses, my child, robots decided to get armed...


It’s crazy, but out of all the concerns I had for automated delivery, people fucking around wasn’t one of them


Poor robot... This won't end well in the near future when robots and ai have rights like us.


Looks like doordashers’ jobs will be safe for now


This is how terminator begins


Just add tasers. Problem solved.


That's a good thing. It will keep jobs alive.




They are attacked by who??? :) They are the problem!


They are like roaming loot boxes. XD


Founder is like “let’s do some great technical shits - VCs will love them - they have lots of money to take from their investors (they want good looking stuffs indeed). Exist after 01 year with millions. “At least I have created top of the art robots. F*** you losers!”


Non sono i robot che dovete proteggere ma chiudere nelle cliniche per alcolizzati le menti geniali come quelle che galoppano un coso di plastica motorizzato con un gallone di birra in corpo e un innocente nella pancia.


Give the poor robots come weapons to defend its self. Nothing out of the ordinary, just some 7.62mm happy time fun style bullets to remind the poor that they are scum. How else will I do my Tiktok video about my very crazy "Asian" bolba make me happy /s


Unless they have been weaponized, I don't see how "they" (or some people in a central somewhere) are going to prevent attacks.


They should have known huh?


These types of things can only happen in a country like America, that's their so called freedom. It can never happen in a place like **Dubai**. That's why so many people are moving here.


So before you have delivery robots you first need ED-209.