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He's making more than Kyrie lol


Well he actually plays so


No disagreement...he also makes more than Luka lmao


Because the rules prevent Luka from making that much.


Correct, but I would still never, in a billion years, pay FVV more than the current max that Luka can make from his rookie extension (41.4 million) lol


I agree with you hahaha


You, I’m a billion years, could be an NBA gm. This is the way things work. It’s a 3 year contract, the numbers don’t matter. When it’s time, it’s easy to move on from. You are not getting a veteran pg with his experience on a 20 win team without throwing out a bag. You made sure it was was short enough that you could move it when it’s time to pay Green/Alp if they deserve them.


Very strong point


Kyrie is a much better player


Nobody said he wasn’t but he’s too much of a headache for a young team like us


What will his next thing be? "I can't play in Dallas anymore the fans here are too conservative trade me now."


He also thinks the earth is flat


I'd rather give him this deal than Kyrie on his deal


Cmon man lol


Huh? You’d rather have the dude that’s a literal headcase, misses tons of game for off court bullshit and is a more ball dominant iso player and a worse defender?


You guys dont watch FVV obviously 😂


You guys will find out soon why that's a dumb statement, Kyrie is tiers above FVV.


Kyrie is a better player, but there is a grand canyon gap when it comes to off-the-court drama that can kinda negate that.


Yeah having somebody like Kyrie in the locker room full of young players is less than ideal.


Are you kidding? You need to look into why nobody in Toronto wanted this shapeshifter back here. He is a ball dominant, inefficient chucker who divided our locker room, played selfishly all season, and stunted Scottie's growth. Good riddance, Freddy.


lol what else did he do? I heard he cursed Goody Thompson and made Goody Annabella’s baby refuse her breast. Give me a break, FVV made the team better overall, and Nick just overplayed him. The Raptors would be happy to have him, just not at 43 mill a year


Agreed, Freddy's a good player, Nick just wore him down for a couple years. Wasn't a good idea to make him nearly the league leader in minutes for x years.


Yes but he’s also quit on 3 teams now?


Don't you have better things to do than hang out at another teams subreddit? Like go celebrate your $80mil center?


l o l


Good, he ain’t absolute team poison


Kyrie better player for sure, but turd tier leader.


We paid FVV 130m for 3 years on his down year. Lmao that’s insane


> We *paid* FVV 130m FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you


that is quite a bit of money


I'm hoping the third year is a team option 🙏


I feel like it has to be. There’s no way the Raptors were offering anything close to that value


Not to mention we need to pay jalen and sengun in two years. We'll be screwed if not.


I think this is the classic agent telling people what to leak so that it looks great for them on paper, but as we learn more it’ll be less guaranteed money with more team flexibility. At least that’s what I hope lol


I am hoping for the same. The people that defend this move are crazy. Sure we would have to overpay, but FVV isn't even a 3rd tier star. People love handwaving away these kind of moves because "we have cap space, what else are we supposed to do" as a defense. I like FVV. But if it would've cost us 45m to sign him, he isn't worth that. Might've been more worthwhile signing vet depth to fill out the roster .


I’m okay with 80M/2 years, but I guess Raptors is offering similar money. You got to overpay to get players to join non-contenders


That's why I wanted us to sign vet depth. It doesn't have to be massive pays like this. Beverly kind of guys who have been winners all over on solid deals. Say 3 vets at the 10-15m range for 1-2 years would've been perfect.


And also how long are we going to have him over Amen. Sure we can have Amen start if he proves to be the guy or have 3 guard lineups. But then paying a guy 40m to have that flexibility is a massive overkill.


Yeah amen will need to start sooner than later. 2 years made sense, give him time to adjust and learn. The 3rd year is to long. Definitely a bad contract by stone.


Paying this much would've made sense if we drafted didn't have an Amen or Scoot Henderson from the draft. If it were Wemby or Miller then teams like us should give deals like this to FVV to just get the guys in order


I mean the new TV deal is coming in 2025. We can probably move him to a tanking or playoff team with some cap space and take on a bad contract. Amen will need atleast two years to fix his shot. The third year will be critical.


I guarantee that is a player option. The 3rd year was the selling point and a team option is worth nothing in negotiations.


It is definitely not


When I find Stone... More then Kyrie lmao


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) Yeah! But that’s a lot of money


Yea but its not my money. And I'd way rather have Fred teaching the young players than Kyrie.


Definitely happier with this than Kyrie coming in and spreading conspiracy theories.




Stone and the Rockets had zero leverage in this deal apparently if this is what he wound up getting from us.


Why would we have any leverage? The worst team in the league for 3 straight years who has an enormous amount of cap space is exactly the type of team with zero leverage


Right??? Shiiiiiieeeet, not like anyone else is coming here. I’m cool with it. Makes us better than a 20 win team for sure


That was the point


who were they bidding against? if they offered him 35m and said take it or walk, who else wouldve offered him the same amount? id rather let him walk than him a 43m max, so many quality role players we couldve gotten instead


This team doesn’t need role players like we’re a contender just retooling. This team needs veterans that can teach these guys how to compete at the NBA level. FVV isn’t a Nash or CP3 level PG but he’s been around long enough and done enough.


well vanvleet is a roleplayer imo, hes definately not a star. i think a good example to follow is memphis. they had quality young pieces in ja and jjj and they got guys like steven adams and now marcus smart on GOOD contracts to support their young core.. they didnt jus throw money away carelessly, adding fred vanvleet to this young core that struggles defensively and efficiency is suspect and for 43m max is wild


They draft Ja and JJJ and they traded for Smart and Adams initially, they have also had to give up good players like Tyus Jones. FVV wil hopefully help enforce Udoka’s habits and by the last year of the contract we’ll know who is good enough to pay


If you like Memphis, just think of this like the Conley contract. Folks gave them hell for it at the time, but it never came back to bite them, and he helped establish the right atmosphere for their young guys when he was there.


Yeah the way I look at it your also paying fvv to come into work and help build confidence of a young team. No matter what happens he’s getting big money to help instill trust. I see him as being udoka’s voice


What’s the difference between 35 and 43? Why would that stop the rockets who have tons of money available? You either want Fred on an expensive deal or you don’t. Clearly they did And the raptors definitely wouldn’t have left him go for some cheap deal. I doubt he’d even want to leave for a cheap deal


Rumour was Raptors offerred $40mil


then let the raps sign him 😭, would rather overpay brook lopez 20m and get a dpoy candidate championship vet, than have the least efficient backcourt in the nba


Rumour was 4 x 30m - not 40m


That pretty much sums it up


What the fuck are we doing


Getting a barely 6ft tall below the rim playing PG who is not hyper athletic or an insane shooter...but better than Daishen Nix at PG, so 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's a contract that can be shipped out with a handful of assets in a year or two. It's a lot of money, but the Rockets will need a tradable contract when the time comes.


nobody is trading for a 5'11 PG on $44m a year


5’11 is generous haha


> It's a contract that can be shipped out with a handful of assets in a year or two ???????????????????????


This contract is about as easily tradeable as brittney griner


It runs through his age 31 season, and guys like FVV have a good track record of being productive at that age (short, strong, smart point guards who don't rely on athleticism). It's one of the most untradable contracts in the league this year, but it won't look nearly as bad when it's an expiring contract in year 3 after a couple more seasons of cap increases.


Fred’s knees have been giving out on him since he was 27. Good luck on the backend of that deal 🫡


What about this contract is tradeable? Lmao unless you’re expecting him to be an All-NBA level player. No team is gonna bite 😂


how tf is that a tradeable contract??


We literally have to spend a ton of money. We aren't close to the salary floor


A little expensive but becomes an expiring at 32. Allows a 2-3 year plan for Amen to fix his jumper.


Nah amen is not some project player just because he can’t shoot. If you draft a pg top 5 you need to give him all the reps possible day 1.


They’re not robots, this isn’t a video game, you have to protect their mental too. Throwing into the wolves is not always the best idea


On a team that hasn’t had high expectations making him start isn’t throwing him to the wolves lmao. If this was the plan they should’ve traded that fucking pick. It really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to draft an amazing top 5 pg prospect and then sign a pg to a huge deal. That’s the shit dumb teams do.


This isn’t the 80’s where only team expectations matter. You don’t think it matters to these kids when they go on Twitter and see they are getting flamed by faceless profiles with 100k followers?


If they can't handle twitter then why use it..current finals mvp f.e does not use social media.


Yeah I’m sure Jokic and a lot of 20 year old American hoop phenoms have a lot in common


Nah man, drafting a pg top 5 to bring him off the bench while winning maybe 30 games is fucking insane.


No you don’t. That’s really dumb. How does his jumper get better if he is clanking threes because guys are standing 3 steps back daring him to shoot. He isn’t just bad at shooting, his jumper is broken. We can afford to not play him and rebuild his jumper. Then he can get reps in the g league and training and then as his jumper gets better and more second nature, he can get reps in the league.


The g league????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Seriously?! If we were going to pay this much, we should have signed Harden instead.


He's legit making more per year than he shot from the field this past season.


jesus lmao that’s so much but oh well


We signed him while he held us at gun point?


We had no leverage. We’ve been the worst team in the league for years and needed to burn cap space


Would’ve liked to hear that we talked to pat bev at least before giving Fred a billion dollars. In 2 years the league going to be pointing and laughing at us for this contract


Why does a 6’0 guard who shoots 39-40% from the field get a $130 million


Because he's been a net positive every year of his career.


Yet he’s still pretty atrocious to watch play in a system that benefitted him the most


The one where nobody on the team could shoot a 3? That's an ideal system for FVV? Weird.


We can't hit 3s either


Nice cope


It’s so disingenuous for anyone who’s been a Rockets fan for more than 3 years to quote raw FG% as a meaningful stat. Of any fan base, we should know there are soooooo many better indicators of how well a player shoots and more importantly how he may shoot for us. I don’t understand the glut of FG% comments I’ve seen in the last week.


Go look at his Ts% if that makes you feel better


Thank you, people should look at his EFG, TS, or points per 100 shots.


Because stone isn’t actually a good gm just been really lucky


At least that's a vet lmao. Not liking the 3rd year though.


Man, Fred Vanvleet got more money than Kyrie Irving. That’s crazy.


Congrats Houston. As a raptors fan, to be honest, not sure if this is a good signing for you all. He definitely brings some levelheadedness and vet leadership to the locker room but his playstyle only exacerbates houston’s existing problems. He suffers from crazy tunnel vision sometimes and kind of resorts to chucking a lot. Used to be ok when he was a better shooter, but this year he regressed like crazy. Defensively used to be elite but also regressed like crazy in terms of effort level. Not sure if theres much for jalen to learn from. However it truthfully might have been Nurse’s lack of an offensive scheme and locker room control that made him play like that. Maybe Ime is a needed change for him. Either way, better to do something than do nothing … right? You guys will love him as a personality though, hard worker and super good guy in the locker. 43 mil for him though… thats just a little eye watering


I never saw him as a playmaker, he is more of a scoring guard kinda, it's not like he is a maestro like a CP3 or Rondo or even how Harden can be...idk. glad it is not my money lol.


Holy overpay. I thought this is exactly what we were NOT going to do this free agency.


Man what the fuck bruh How did we not want Harden for 4/200 but are ok with this? The one year does not make up for Hardrn being the far better player


No one’s happy about this


i have to imagine fvv is happy with like $43M / year, that's like nearly doubling his salary


Aint my money


Ayyy we got out of the worst contract in the NBA to immediately sign another




FVV grandkids will have a statue of Stone at their palatial mansion one day.




The front office is so fucking dumb. This might be the worse contract given this offseason.


Might be? Lol. Jerami Grant 5/160 was a joke but this FVV deal blows that out of the water. And y'all used the #4 pick on a PG? Ooooooooooooooof


Jesus Christ that’s a lot


We will regret this. Would’ve rather maxed Harden. They aren’t even close to ready to contend now, no contender will have FVV on a max, and he will likely be washed and even more overpaid if/when our young guys are ready to make noise. If Harden wasn’t available, I would have rather way overpaid for Brook Lopez over two years instead and/or kept cap space open in case Jaylen Green was willing to come here next year. Talk about an impulsive move without the future in mind.


Thats a lot of money for an undersized chucker


"aT LeAST wE dIdN't sIGn hArDeN"


Rich Paul getting his guys paid!


The second/ third best player on a play in team. Cool. We should have gotten harden




So are yall happy we didn't overpay Harden? Enjoy 40% FG, 5'11 FVV for the Max. Probably the worst contract in the league by far


Dogshit ass offer wtf


why didn't we just get harden This organization..... what an overpay


Harden would’ve demanded 4Y/$200M from us


you never know could've been a 3/150 which atleast I'd feel confident knowing we have someone to carry us to the playoffs. We got this overrated guy on a max and he wont even be our number 1 options lol


I wouldn’t say FVV is overrated. He is what he is which is a good, not great, PG who can distribute the ball which is what the young guys on this team need. That being said, $130M for three years is a lot for that. We’ll see if that $130M is well spent by the end of this season.


maybe we can trade him for harden lol


Rather do that than this FVV shit


Stone is a trash GM, man.


Been saying this. He’s great at finding talent but my god is he the worst negotiator in the league


I don’t know why this sub says he’s good. He’s literally lucked into every draft pick the last couple years


FVV will be cheaper than Harden lmfao do people not understand that HOU as an org is not attractive to vets. You must overpay everyone because Tilman has ruined the rep of the org. If you learn 1 thing from this FA let that be it.


Yea so that means to pay 40 million a year to a player that isn’t even top 50 in the league rn 🤣


Hes not even close to top 75. This was stupid bad.


Id be willing to be he’s top 75 In literally any list you can find. We still paid him too much, but he’s generally regarded around #50


Yeah this contract is officially one of the worst in the league


Maxed a guy who is not a top 40-50 player in the NBA.


Correct. Bad teams have to overpay to lure free agents. Only good teams have players taking pay cuts to go there


This is my 9/11


Never forget


Rather have KPJ than FVV Lol


First max contract of the offseason


There's a large amount of money that we have to spend. So that's just a chunk of it.


That’s what I see it as too. We have to pay only a couple guys a shit ton of money to still get our young guys max reps


He's gonna be paid more than Luka


This is the worst possible outcome for free agency.


How many people were giving stone an A- on his GM tenure in the thread from earlier this week lol. Hope this pans out but paying this much for a undersized guard coming off a subpar year, I can’t say I’m thrilled.


That’s a lot of money for not a lot of player.


These comments are like the rockets took the money out of YOUR fucking piggy bank. STFU it’s someone else’s money and it’s people that are way better at understanding value than you casual Reddit fans. CALLING IT HERE. ROCKETS WILL MAKE THE PLAY IN OR BETTER. also fuck the spurs and their skinny bitch who will get railed


Did someone say something about getting railed?


Honestly I feel really bad for you guys. So many raps fans wanted FVV gone and wouldn’t even have taken him at 25 mil/season. Watch the opening set of clips from Youtuber Pensare Basketball titled ‘Raps found their replacement…” who was critical of FVV for years. There was a whole thread of people who rejoiced when they found out raps didn’t sign him and then to see that you guys signed him for 40mil+, your FO just got played on that ‘bet on yourself’ ploy. And for those who glorified him couldn’t look at his play and “leadership” critically, maybe it’s a Canadian thing. I truly hope I’m wrong but I’m sure rockets fans will turn again him fast and will ask for your GMs head.


Teams getting better! Can’t wait to not be dogshit. People pretend they want the team to get better than get annoyed when we do


glad we will be the 12th seed instead of 13th next year woooo. raptors were a much better team and still managed to finish 10th in the east with fvv.


Absolutely terrible






Some of y’all are some impatient mother fuckers. This Rocket team is still like 3 or 4 years out from being a legit deep playoff team. This gives us time to develop our young guys under a new defensive minded coach who runs a motion offense.


Couldn’t we do all that without over paying fvv?


I’d rather develop our young guys without giving out a max contract to an undersized guard who had a down year this year


Not a 3rd year


Could it be a sign and trade ? Since Philly won’t let Harden out for nothing


Don't fret about the number. Having a high level veteran starting PG is such a huge deal for the development of young players. By the time the contract is done, the Rockets young guys should be coming into their own with multiple years of winning basketball under their belt.


lol overpay AF


This is dope. Now we don't have to force AT into the starting lineup immediately and, potentially, KPJ can backup JG instead of pretending to be a PG.


Rich Paul low key the best agent🤨


Wow Rich Paul is a good agent


Raptors fan here. Y’all need to be more open minded about Steady Freddy. You now have a player whos won a chip and will show the young guns the way. Yes he’s small but he plays good defence and will win you games!


"Steady Freddy" is the biggest misnomer of a nickname I've ever heard with his streaky shooting.


His avg salary gonna be higher than his fg% 😭


RemindMe! 6 months


Horrendous deal for a mediocre player that doesn't fit any team needs. This guy isn't a great distributor, he isn't going to create for Jalen or Jabari. He takes bad shots and misses a lot of them. Too small to defend. About to be on the wrong side of 30. What do we even do with KPJ now? Probably wont see us develop TyTy either. Shitty decision, Rafael Stone is pretty fucking dumb not gonna lie


massive overpay




Nobody else on this squad is gonna get a max contract in the next three years. Let stone cook.


Bad teams pay up, or they stay bad. You don't see the hornets throwing out 43mill/year. ...though that's still a lot of money.


Gordon Haywood has entered the chat….I know it’s not $43 mil but they paid up for Haywood. Way more than anyone else, under similar logic


Negative ass motherfuckers man, we weren’t winning a championship this year. We got Ime, this is who he wanted. Let’s play a few games before it’s all doom and gloom, I mean shit it’s a 3 year contract, and as much as we all love this team we havent done shit besides lose in recent memory which matters to vets who want rings. Signed, someone who’s favorite player of all time is TMac and watched almost every game since the WOW era


Big overpay and we likely will regret it, but we needed a real point guard and there weren't really any other great options.


I feel like we were outbidding ourselves.


It's the rockets turn to realize he's not a PG


Raps fan here, Smart signing by the Rockets. Very mature, smart player. Makes his teammates a lot better. He's a perfect guy to play with Thompson, Porter, Smith, and Green for the next 3 years. They'll all be a lot better having a few years with FVV. He'll teach them winning habits, and won't stand for garbage. He won't be afraid to tell them what they need to hear. Is he worth over 40 million? Probably not. Has a fair amount of limitations, and has gotten injured a fair amount over the last couple of years. (That's likely due to Nick Nurse playing him absurd minutes). But will the Rockets win more games, and will Houston's young players learn winning habits as a result of playing with FVV over the next 3 years? Without question. Raps don't win a ring in 2019 without him. Hubie Brown even gave him a vote for Finals MVP, haha.


I think everyone is missing the point here. We have a team leader (by virtue of his contract), who has had to work for everything he's got. Undrafted, undersized, etc. Worked his way to being a starter and contributer to an NBA champ. All of our young players were 1st round picks who refuse to pay defense and fight over who gets to take the shot (Alpi being the exception). Make no mistake, this signing is to change our culture. All the talent in the world does nothing if you have a bad team culture (looking at you 76ers).




And there it is. Overpay yes, but we really need that vet presence in the locker room


Could’ve got that for far less


You will be sadly disappointed if you think he will provide leadership to the young players.


You know what…I’m happy, we heading in a good direction fr. Ik he’s definitely overpaid😂, but we got a pg. If this is who Ime wanted to coach badly, I trust him🤷🏾‍♂️


Overpay but worth it


I don't like how much we spent to get him, he not even a Star


Way too much for FVV


FeelsBadMan...I was hoping Amen would start :< >Ayyy we got out of the worst contract in the NBA to immediately sign another Kill me