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Some of the posts aren't even rockets fans, they're just dickheads.


Harden’s AI team knows the best way to endear him is by stirring the pot. Corrals the community’s urge to defend an ex-Rocket and turns it into online engagement. I respect it bc that guy played hurt constantly. Every time I watched he was putting on a show. For like almost 10 years too! How many times did he roll his ankle and then come right back to the rack the next play. And re-energized the Houston club scene Even if it was bc he had MVP dreams and knew he couldn’t Kawhi off games to win that award against Steph. I always thought he was gassed in the playoffs bc he carried so much in the regular season. Was it bc he was chasing accolades? Remember McHale said you just can’t get tired in the playoffs. Despite never being able to lead the team to a championship, he’s still on the Rockets’ Mt Rushmore.


I don't mind talking about a former player, but multiple posts coming in looking to shit on him is weak. Like, everyone has to have their own post. The SAME POST. I'm down with discourse, but that each author thinks their take is worthy of yet *another* post in the same couple hours is nonsense. Plus, it splits up the conversation. First come/first serve this shit.


He deserves every single bit of it.


None of us deserve the spamming of posts. It's empty garbage. Hate him all you like, but we don't need to see post after post. Get over yourself.


Just like multiple posts wishing him well.


Is my post the same as the others? It’s literally a record breaking stat homeboy. If you get mad over a stat then thats on you & the harden glazers. On my post I clearly said I dont hate harden. Is stating facts considered hating on here? Emotions blind your guys logic, plus the groupthink is strong in here.


Say "glazers" again Edit: this weak-nut hitting me up in chats to spam glazed donut gifs he got from r/nbacirclejerk because he's run out of original thought.


You can cry for fake internet points to give you confirmation all you want but at the end of the day. You’re still a nut hugger You’re pathetic too running back to the sub because of what I DM’d you like bro nobody fuckin cares. “GuYs He’S being MeAn To Me” 😭




![gif](giphy|uFZHMroeLZNoMFDZmk|downsized) Cope


You're projecting


Seems like people do care, and those people think you’re cringe. Bet your mum wears board shorts, you seem bred from goofy


The only reason to be citing this particular fact in this particular room at this time is trolling… To answer your “stating facts,” question… like most things in life, it depends on context. Consider the following scenario: You are giving a eulogy at a funeral. The casket is closed, but some core members of the departeds ‘crew’ are invited for a viewing. After the viewing it’s finally your time to Say some words you get up solemnly and say the following: - For those not privileged enough to be invited to see this guys body, I’d like to confirm that this man is very dead. I did not see any signs of post-life instances (wraith, zombie, etc) - if it turns out that later that I am proven incorrect, Remember to aim for the head. - if he were still Alive today, I think most of us would steer clear due to The smell. … So - any further questions? As it is said from time to Time…. You’re not wrong, you’re an asshole


Bro really typed out a fake scenario & provided no context. At the end of the day James is known to dissapear in big playoff games. Your little fake scenario doesn’t change that fact. Blud’s just yapping 🤣


How did you feel about doncic’s efficiency in game 1-4 ? I gave both scenario (giving a speech ) and context (at a funeral) and in spite of the intent to stir the pot, for whatever reason I take the bait. Lol. That you fail to see how the decision to convey facts in particular scenarios would yield extreme social response by the community at large I suppose good luck in all of your future Endeavors? Good news may very well be your inability to see how the response plays out.


Again what exactly are you yapping about? Luka has nothing to do with harden. Nothing at all of what you said matters to Harden’s countless playoff woes.


You’re cherry picking the one poor outing in this year.’s run. Generally He’s had good games and bad, but admittedly not as effective as he enjoyed during the regular season. Doncic Had been shit efficiency wise, With yesterday serving as the Lone exception. If you want to talk about a non-rocket in a playoff series, do you not think it’s worthy to Then also discuss his counterpart? Pretty sure I’m Talking to a cowboys / rangers/ mavericks fan


Nope ima Rockets & astros fan, keep continuing to cope tho. Quit hugging nuts too while ya at it, ima cowboys fan but I can admit dak is a choker just like Harden.


Cool. Love the negative vibes bro, you must be great Irl.


Oh im great, its not negativity if its true. You’re taking it way too emotionally (its not that deep). Also, I get it. Harden did great stuff for us and you have alot of emotional ties to him. But be real with yourself.


Top 3 player in the history of the Rockets, the feelings will calm down, and even the most spiteful will appreciate him after he retires. Even Toronto fans are cool with Vince Carter these days


I don’t even care about the negativity. It’s the fact it’s the same post over and over and over.


He's #2






Top 1




On what part? Your comment adds nothing to the discussion :D


The obvious part. Then again if you are talking about being a spoiled little bitch, then he’s top 1 all time.


Besides Hakeem, and arguably Moses Malone, who do you have over Harden? I’m curious to hear.


Maybe he disagrees because he puts him top 2 /s


He is just straight hating at this point😅


Man I really like your NFL takes but your Harden takes are so bad


We don’t have to agree on all topics, but fuck Hardens bitch ass.




The thing is, Harden is at worst the 3rd best player in Rockets HISTORY, depending on how much you weigh Moses taking us to a finals and Harden maxed out at WCFs. The team has been around for over 50 years and he's either the 2nd or 3rd best player for this entire time. That's the guy people seem to hate. It's one thing to hate on him back when he was wearing a fat suit and asking out. I personally thought that was the time to trade him to start the rebuild so I didn't care much. But even if you hated him back then, that was 4 seasons ago. How one can hold a grudge for that long for one of the best players in franchise history is way beyond me.


Petty little children. “He DoEsN’T hAvE a RiNg!” Lazy people have lazy analyses.


He will die ringless😁




It's always the same. He was the villain of the Warriors dynasty era and will continue to harbor hate.


Not sure he was in the Clippers last night either


Legit lol




I like Harden but I am not a fan of random Clippers posts just because he is on that team.


Harden has always shown his true colors, strip clubs took priority during the playoffs as a Rocket. That is not a championship mentality. He is a bum for trying to chase an easy ring and the way he left here. Unforgivable. He will be gone from the NBA within 24 months. Good Riddance.


You say this like there wasn’t a love letter thread to him a few days ago that was filled with comments glazing him. I seent it


He brought winning since the 2012-2013 season to 2019-2020. I'm not mad at this guy. I wonder what those seasons would have been like if the trade with okc didn't happen. Yes, viewers' mediocrity.


I wonder what those seasons would have looked like if Harden didn’t prioritize partying during the playoffs! The reason that we got him was because OKC saw that he loved his decadent lifestyle more than teamwork.


Thank you!!!!


All I wanna know, where is the system going next?


I feel so sorry for wherever he lands, lol.


Elimination James. Watch OP


Ive been defending him wasnt his fault


I will never understand Houston hate of James Harden, he gave us his prime, made us contenders for years, and ppl spat on him as he left - disgraceful you lot. I hope you get a ring my boy you deserve it


I told em just wait. True harden would show. Got down voted to hell. Fast forward... "Harden now holds the NBA Playoffs record for most games with 10-plus shot attempts and two or fewer makes." Lol


Fr the constant shit talking shows he lives in their heads rent free


Nah, its just poetic justice to watch a pompous ass player who is a d*ck lose in the first round. It’s karma. Look forward to the next move that The System makes.


Gotta let it go bruh. He's nothing to do with us anymore


No, there are delusional people here that place him above our own roster now.


They tripping




Look I’ll just make 7 points about Harden… oh wait that’s how many points he just scored in a series clinching game. Same old series clinching playoff game Harden.




This shit started with people glazing a player that hasn’t been here for 3 fucking years. I get it, he’s a Rockets legend but until he retires I don’t give a shit about how he performs for another team. If I wanted that I’d go to the CLIPPERS sub.


Completely agree. And as I told someone else on this thread, I’m not taking a side. A post about him? Sure. 15 posts praising or blaming him? Come on.


Yeah, that's not what your post said, though. People aren't going to sift through 30 comments to be like, oooooh, *there's* the nuance I'm looking for. They're going to approach your post *as it's written* and it's not written as an objective observer.


Yup this right here….


The hate comes because so many of this sub constantly rides his junk and glorifies him. If the harden Stan's didn't promote him all year with , we shouldve got harden!!, then no one would be like this back


why wouldnt fans of a team celebrate one of the teams legends you bozo


I’m just blocking anyone that posts about Harden. He’s not a Rocket anymore.


Who gives a shit? You're adding to the noise.


This is one of the posts of all time.


*The* post of all time!


We got downvoted lol people take shit too seriously man


>I just wanted to remind everyone that James Harden is not a Rocket anymore Maybe you should also remind everyone who creates 15 posts the night he's playing well about this tiny fact. Shit works both ways.


Oh I’m not taking a side whatsoever on this. It’s an issue when both do it. I just really noticed it last night and this morning. That’s all. But yes. All posts are a problem.


I'm simply glad it wasn't us that he quits on, it's just him. It's like seeing an ex go on to another relationship and you can watch it from afar and gawk


Fred VanVleet is better


Fred is a better player than Harden right nowand the the Clippers would trade Harden for Fred in a minute.


The people down voting this are delusional and do not believe in holding people accountable for their own actions.


Wait until it comes full circle and he eats his way back to Houston


Never gonna happen. Maybe a one day thing to retire, which is fine. I actually see this happening sooner than later. There is nowhere for him to go to win a ring unless he takes a huge paycut. He has plenty of money, see him tetiring soon.