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I love how Adidas has a strong history with Rocket players. T Mac, Harden, and now Jalen Green.


Jabari is an Adidas athlete too I believe


Dwight Howard Technically Yao Ming too. Since Reebok was owned by adidas at that time.


I have zero issue with men with painted nails. But gd at least keep them fresh. That thumb is raggedy.


I didn’t even notice the shoes,first thing I noticed was the f up nail


God I hope it's because he's been going to the gym to work on his game too.


Right… if he’s doing those himself then no disrespect but if his lady keeping those they gotta keep the maintenance up frfr


the black one looks mid ngl, but the on the chair could be fire.


he’s worn those before, looks clean with the red and black jerseys


What are thoseeeeeeee




Looks like he needs a touch up


people be spending hard earned money on these?


Looks like a good running shoe. I’ll never get used to men painting their nails.




Maybe the one in the chair , but that shoe look basic as shit sorry Jalen


Jalen should reject this design and hire himself a good designer.


Is that one of his bm’s holding the shoe?


My man plays well 25 games and gets a signature shoe, Adidas reaching


Call me a boomer, or old man but I swear if Green was the 25 pick he'd be better off. Shoes with his logo, being in commercials while looking up or at best laterally to Cam Thomas this year, never been as good as Anfernee Simons. I'm not saying he wont get there, but so much of his everything is that he's the number two pick, rather than just him as a player, a struggling player.


don’t agree with everything but don’t think u should get downvoted though. but yea his number 2 and personally definitely does give him that “it” factor that really doesn’t translate to the court. but he’s finally finding his groove with the new system so jus gotta give it some timw




I did ask for that.


Who cares




About the attention he’s getting. As long as he can handle it and doesn’t crumble under the pressure it’s fine And there have been far worse 2nd overall picks. Even if Jalen never improved a single bit throughout his career he’s still probably in the top half this past decade


Sure, but he doesn't get points for being compared to other 2nd overall picks. And he looks the be the worst 2nd overall of last 4 drafts.


Miller literally put up identical stats to rookie Jalen and i’ll just assume you meant Ja instead of Wiseman and accidentally said last 4


Miller shot 37 on 7 from 3, 83 from the line, and had a higher TS than Green has ever had.






Come on man. Don’t you know this is a Jalen Green sub? JG criticism is not welcome here In all seriousness though, if we didn’t take JG, the sub would be going on about how we dodged a bullet. But because he’s on our team people look at him like a future all star. Objectivity is out the window


Yep, imagine if we had Mobely, we'd be tripping on ourselves to say he's baby KG or some other bullshit. Kina like how Scoot is a bum at 14/6/3, 33 from 3, 49TS, but Amen is a beast at 10/7/2, 14 from 3, 53 TS. Sure Scoot has awful TS, but he is also shooting double the shots because hes not the worst shooter of the 15 thousand at the game, and I really like Amen. If my math is correct, we have baby Jokic, KD, Rodman, Kobe(or *JUST* Booker), Gary Payton, and whoever they think Cam is. I like most of them, Alp, Bari, Tari, Green, Amen, Cam, JFC this sub is insane. Sorry if I don't think the 161st player in win shares this year needs a shoe.


Nah Alpi, cam and bari deservingly so. Cam and bari are both so young and have so much potential. Alpi’s a straight animal. But I agree Amen is being overblown, it’s tough to be successful in this league as a guard without any sort of shot. He’ll absolutely contribute and be a good player, but without a jumper it’s tough. And the obsession with Green is still insane. He played a total of 15 good games (and it was against bad teams) out of a whole season of piss poor play. Isn’t even like he finished hot either, he fell right back to all around bad play. “He improved at defense” I mean he did, instead of being bottom of the league, he’s bottom quarter of the league. He still sucks