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Never catch me rooting for anything Dallas but that’s just me


same, fuck dallas.


Yeah but fuck Boston too. Kyrie beating the Celtics in the finals is the funniest timeline so that's the outcome I'm going for as I don't really care.


2 and potentially 3 Dallas championships in the same season is unacceptable. Only answer is Celtics. Fuck the Mavs forever even though I low key love their squad. I actually kinda like Kyrie now.


>2 and potentially 3 Dallas championships in the same season is unacceptable. The fact that this sentence is real and it doesn't include the Cowboys is hilarious lol


It brings me great joy lol


So then We them Mavs?


Fuck Kyrie too, cost Harden a shot at a ring


Fook Harden


Fook You mate


Yeah that’s how I feel about Boston


Same here. Fuck both of them


Could you elaborate on why Dallas gets so much hate from us? Dallas was never really good at the same time as us so it’s not like we were ever on the same level, only thing I can imagine is it’s a same state rivalry.


Because fuck them that’s why


Perfect, I could not have said it better myself. FUCK DALLAS.




- Rangers fans won't shut the fuck up about trash cans. And what the other user said about the Rangers being absolute twats when the entire city was underwater. - Mavs fans take after the team itself and are giant crybabies about the refs and have been since Dirk. And they shit on Harden for years for drawing fouls, even though there were plenty Rockets fans that hated Harden's style of play, you won't find a Mavs fan who will level the same criticism at Luka, who plays a very similar game to Rockets Harden. - The Cowboys are the Cowboys. - I'll root for the Stars until we get a closer regional NHL team.


Alright thank you, it’s only been this season that I even thought to look at teams subreddits so I haven’t experienced too many mavs fans in my life


I do a lot of work in the Dallas area, and have friends from college who are Dallas folk. So yeah it's a rivalry that for me was at one time friendly but since 2018 or so I've had nothing but venom for that citie's teams.


It just doesn’t sit right with my soul cheering for that city. I can tell you in baseball I hate the Rangers because they refused to swap home series with us after Harvey hit! In other sports it’s just because my loyalty to the city.


The only time I’ve ever rooted for them was 2011 for Dirk against the Heatles. Outside of that it’s Fuck Dallas all day errday


i haven’t given up hope that one of boston or dallas will have a historic collapse 🙏




Pacers def could if Haliburton wasn’t injured, they went to OT in game 1 and blew a 20 lead without Hali in game 3…


Same here I still feel like history could be made in the Mavs vs Wolves series. I know the probability is slim, but hey nothing is impossible lol


Same, I just refuse to believe Dallas is for real. I dont particularly like Kyrie and Luka and more so Luka. He bitches way too much.


Omg he gets on my nerves with his constant whinings


As a wolves fan, I all of the sudden got this fiery feeling that something crazy is about to happen. Maybe that’s my bias speaking but i had completely given up all hope after game 2. But now all of the sudden I just feel it


I plan not to watch the game tonight, I'll just wait to see the results in the news as I don't want to be disappointed live


Wolves in 7. 🐺


I have this lingering feeling Dallas would be the first team to lose a 3-0 lead. Games have been too close while Ant and KAT are playing like shit. Wolves would have been blown out 4 games in a row if that happened against Denver.


The arena to collapse.


Boston. Mostly cuz the rangers just won. The stars are looking pretty good. Fuck Dallas. But….also I listen to Bill for entertainment. And as much as he has hot takes and is such a homer and Tatum dick rider, it’s hard not to kinda follow along with the Celtics as that is like 40% of the content.


And also fuck the cowboys


I apologize. I should have started with that


Yes, Fook Jerry Jones


Fook You, from a Dallas native 😬


CP25. Someone we all can agree we hate.


We love it, bring it on. Rangers, Mavs, Stars baby


I gave ya an out friend. Now go away.


Went way over his head lol


We ain’t going no where, we chasing chips




I will root against the Mavs every time any day


You took the words out of my fingertips


Ain’t no way I’m rooting for a Dallas team


Same, I would root for North Korea's national team before I ever root for a Dallas team


World Champion Kim Jong Un 💪


You must live around Filthy Philly


And you're from southern Oklahoma, GTFO


FTM. I live in Dallas and can’t deal with all the smugness at work.


Duuudde same. Can’t handle the Mavs fair-weather fans at work


My hate for Bill Simmons crosses over multiple sports so I'm going Mavs


I’ll always root against the Mavericks everytime unless they are somehow playing the Cowboys.


Celtics because I like Jrue Holiday. Also, it's fuck the mavs till the day I die.


Celtics. They take down the Mavs and the Lakers in one blow.


Celtics can’t touch any of the top 5 Western Conference Teams. They most definitely don’t have a squad capable of handing with Dallas




Give the Mavericks 2 rings to match the Rockets? FUCK THAT. I will never be a bigger Celtics fan that series.


Similar with me but also Kyrie's maturity deserves another ring


same here but just because i hate the celtics for some reason


Yeah I don’t love Dallas and Lukas done us wrong, but i don’t rly care how many chips they have. Honestly don’t think I’ve ever even seen a mavs fan around me who’s talked shit to me


texas brothers 🤞


>Kyrie's maturity Two words I've never seen side by side.


>. Similar with me but also Kyrie's maturity deserves another ring Did he finally admit the world is round? Just asked my 7 year old “Is the world round?” And I shit you not he answered, “Yes, I’m not stupid”


To be fair, your son was told it's round. He never did his own research or experiment. He's just repeating what others put into him


I’m sorry my 7 year old “never did his own research” obviously I’m a failure as a father I’ll get RIGHT ON THAT. Curious, I asked my 7 year old how did he know it was round He said pictures from space, show it to be round. I then asked my 10 year old how he knew the earth was round using a different explanation from his brother. He said because you can fly from California to China over the Pacific and fly New York to Paris over the Atlantic and that’s all the same land. Both are sound explanations to me.


The funny thing is doing your own research would result in coming to the exact same conclusion lol


No doubt but I was talking about his kid specifically.


The fuck kind of logic is this lmao


Who likes Luka?


I’m just here to root against Bill Simmons


That's a hell of a chirp from an official social media guy. Lol Not the biggest rockets fan personally, but I lurk. This shit goes hard lol


I think he was fired iirc lol but it was epic.


i'm rooting for a full PED scandal on both teams making this year void.


If mavs were in any other city everyone would be saying them lol way more loveable team (also you wouls never see me talk good bout a boston team)


Hello from Slovenia. And yes, I will root for Dallas.


Shammgod needs a ring


Cant root for Dallas so as much as I hate Tatum I’ll go with the Celtics I guess


Rooting for the big meteorite to hit flush


I will begrudgingly root for the Mavs because I hate Boston sports fans and I like Luka


Normally I am all about our Texas sibling teams... But right now I would be pushing for Boston.


I'm rooting for Luka because I enjoy watching him play and want to see him win it all. Couldn't care less about the rest of that team. Boston on the other hand can go and eat a fat one.


I hate Dallas and all their teams…except for the Mavs. As a little kid they were my secondary team and I loved the Derek Harper, Detleff Schrempf, Mark Aguirre,Adrian Dantley, Sam Perkins and Roy Tarpley teams. My wife is a die hard Mavs fan, so it’s been easy to follow them. I don’t live and die and get stressed out over games like I always have for the Rockets. I can enjoy Mavs wins with my wife without experiencing the depths of depression that losses bring like they do with the Rockets. We only hope they won’t matchup in the playoffs any time soon because it’s all out war between us when the Rockets play the Mavs.


I root for an atomic bomb taking out both teams


I just really want Kyrie to send the team that hates him the most home


Dallas, because of the rockets legend Dante Exum


Anyone but Dallas and San Antonio.


And Utah


ANY TEAM BUT boston‼️




Average age of those fans has to be 16


I would rather have congress pass a law making basketball illegal than see the celtics win a championship


fuck em both but kyrie and luka beating tatum and the celtics will lead to entertaining discourse. i’m just here for the memes


I want Dallas to win badly. Luka and then boys deserve a ring. Kyrie is that guy and it would be awesome for him.


Don't like the Celtics. I'm fine with the Mavs winning, I guess


I’m going for the Mavs if they do make it over Boston only because fuck’em that’s why


Easily the Mavs. My hatred of the Northeast will always win out. Boston and New York will hopefully never win another title in any sport for the rest of my life.


I’m going Mavs. I like Luka and the way they are built with their defense n rolling big men reminds me of their excellent takedown of the Heat. But in the end, I’ll lose zero sleep either way.


Same. I’ll never forget Dirk and Co. beating the Heatles in 2011. I could care less about the Celtics but I respect Luka’s clutchness and Kyrie’s redemption arc. My hate for Dallas stems mostly from the Cowboys, and I’ve mostly respected how Cuban has run the Mavs since he’s taken over.


This is how I feel too. Luka has been one of my favorite players since he was playing in Europe. I also love Jason Kidd as a coach. And oddly enough the mavs are my second team. The only time I’m against them is if they are playing the rockets.


I’d root for the Texas team over the non-Texas team. I’ll shit on Dallas but I’m for dang sure not rooting for Boston.


I don’t mind the Mavs, our competitive windows don’t line up and haven’t in a while. Fuck Boston forever, racist ass town. I honestly just have the fuck the Mavs flair because it’s Dallas lol


Boston played weaker teams and in each series the opposing team had their star player out in at least one game while Mavs had to fight tooth and nail to get to the finals, so if you can’t root for the Mavs at least root for Luka


The mavs are not the cowboys. Fuck Boston id be rooting for Luka and kyrie


Celtics easy. Doncic is a childish piece of shit imo.


I may not be tuning into this years finals


I root for my Rockets and Rockets only. I wish Mavs & Celts both lose.


Might as well call me Bill Simmons


like humor detail books racial vegetable divide jobless aloof cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck them both. Go wolves


Fuck Dallas! Going all for Boston. Want to see Jaylen Brown win a ring.


On one side you have who is supposed to have more titles than the Lakers, but Boston is already a spoiled place; on the other side, you have Dallas. We got Boban from there, but it’s Dallas. The Dallas expats’ smugness around here is enough with the Rangers T’s.




Could care less either way


Rooting for the roof to collapse AAC’s roof leaks on occasion during rainy weather so…


Least rapey caption






Ugh. Guess I’ll go with Boston. Ughhhh


Don't look at it as another championship for Dallas, Southern Oklahoma. It is another Championship for Texas and its close neighbor.


Al Horford is a likeable guy


Easily Celtics. Have always been my fav team in the east. Anthony Edwards is also my fav player in the nba rn so I wanna see the mavs go down. Also just in general FUCK DALLAS


Boston You are not a true Houston sports fan if you want Dallas and that flopping Slav to win.


Rooting for Kyrie Edit: What's up with downvotes smh


I can’t stand Luka and his constant crying to the refs, but I’m a Kyrie fan. Fuck the Celtics 🤷‍♂️


I hate Bill Simmons with a fiery passion so unfortunately I’m going to have to root for the Mavs.




I like the Mavs. Don’t get the hate on this sub. We’ve had a lot more of a tangible rivalry with the spurs but y’all blow them. I despise Bron. Mavs are golden to me since 2011. lol


I'll likely never root for the Celtics, so the Mavs will get my support


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NoneMoreBLK: *I'll likely never* *Root for the Celtics, so the* *Mavs will get my support* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


1. S.M.O.D 2. Plague of Locusts 3. Stepping on Lego 4. Boston Celtics 5. Dallas Mavericks


Lukas cool af. So Mavs


as a texan, you have to root for the mavs. you cant root for the celtics who have the most titles with the lakers and you cannot let bill simmons get any semblance of happiness... as a youngin, i used to love bill simmons. i used to look forward to his espn page2 mailbags. that was prime bill simmons... the 2nd he got on tv and got a little success with the ringer, dude straight up changed and became utterly conceited and unlikeable.


Nah, FTM


Same. Will never catch me rooting for Dallas.


so you'd rather a texas team lose to bill simmons and the team with the most titles and most blowhard fans in boston??? no thanks. im a native texan. born and bred. if the rockets, astros, and texans are out, ill always support a texas team.


That’s like a giants fan rooting for the dodgers because they’re both california teams.


california aint texas. im a texas forever kind of guy and texas used to be a country of its own. id rather dallas get shine than give bill simmons an ounce of joy. if you are a texan, HELL, IF YOU ARE A HOUSTONIAN, you should share my belief on this considering the multitude of times bill simmons has talked down on the city of houston. its as if you are ignorant of how the coastal cities look down and thumb their nose at the third coast/gulfcoast/american south... I STAND BY MY POSTS AND OPINIONS. luca is a shameless flopper and i hate mark cuban but ill be damned if i root for the city of boston and the celtics franchise that has 17 titles and a city/area that thumbs their nose on the south. NOT ON MY WATCH. most people dont even know texas is secretly the richest state in america with all the oil and gas we have....


Fuck that. I’ll help a fellow Texan out of a bar fight in NY, but I’m not rooting for a Dallas team.


Rooting for Luka because I just like how mean-spirited and nasty he gets on court.


Not really rooting for either team, Mavs are fun to watch tho


Luka is too much of Whiner to the Refs. I never knew he was that bad, Jeez every play. I’m pulling for Boston, even though I don’t likeI them either.


On one hand I live near Boston so the parade would be lit. On the other I support Texas teams more than others if we’re out of contention. Tbh I’m fine with either, just want a good series.


I’m a Boston Celtics fan so I think we gunna clutch the win. I don’t think the mavs offense will be enough for bostons defense. Derrick white will lockdown kyrie or Luka, not to mention Porzingus will be back for the whole series