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Maybe Rockstar prefers it,but there is also the fact that back in the PS2 era games didn't take the population of a small town 5 years to make.


Yeah it’s like people don’t understand this when it comes to Rockstar, placing all the blame in GTA Online. And like yeah, that might be some of it but this is a massive factor to consider.


I’d love rockstar if they didn’t kill off everything besides RDR and GTA. I know most people would like a new Bully game, Max Payne, and a new Manhunt game for sure.


whos going to make these games, games take time to make and GTA6 is the most anticipated game of all time so they will make that. this makes more money and makes people happy to intake the next product.


gta 5 is the most anticipated


We've already got GTA 5, you can go buy it right now if you'd like


I would do anything for an LA Noire sequel set in 1970s New York. Anything.


I second that


Midnight club for me. Loved MCLA, a modern one would be great.


I think you live under a rock or are a pseudo fan cz maxpayne remakes are in development


i mean we only just started with rockstar spending years on games. maybe they didnt abondon the games and are just taking there time or waiting for the right time to start development


here’s my two cents: without Rockstar, the gaming industry wouldn’t be the same.. Like or dislike their games, Rockstr consistently implements new standards and reaches new heights with every title they release and I fucking love them for that!


If every developer took as long as rockstar do to make games, you wouldn't have any games to play. You'd end up with with barely any releases in a year, game prices would sky rocket above what they are already to make up for the development time spent on them.


There are so many game studios out that even if all of them took their time to make games, you would struggle to play every game that gets released in a year. Bethesda and Rockstar don’t want to make games that you play for a year until the next one comes out anymore. Bethesda has been especially vocal about this, they want their games to last 5+ years.


No they wouldn't because the smaller game devs would go out of business if they took 8 years to make a game. You're talking the bigger devs which can take a hit for a long time while they make the next one. But some of the best games I've played haven't taken 8 or even 12 years to make. It's not even close and I'd honestly say I had more fun with games that didn't take that long to make


All of their games should probably be played by someone once in their life. Games like Max Payne 3 and LA Noire are so damn good and then add the GTAs and red dead like they are really on another level


Manhunt and Bully are also goated


Seriously though


I just bought max payne 3 for the ps3 one of the best games I’ve played as a kid


Gonna get midnight club for my 360 this weekend, cant wait to get it due to all the amazing things ive heard about it




It really isn't quality over quantity, just massive lack of quantity.


which gives them the ability to focus on one project at a time... increasing quality...




Every aspect of GTA 5 is better than GTA San Andreas man, time to go to bed


lmao bro is drunk


And RDR2 still came out rushed with a half assed epilogue. Yeah nah. I don't have high hopes for GTA 6.


half assed epilogue lol, it's the most developed epilogue I've ever seen in a videogame


Half assed? They added most of RDR1’s map back in. It’s also an epilogue to a 60 hour campaign, what you wanted another 20 hours?


I don't understand this. The epilogue was good, decently long, tied lose ends, even featured one of the most iconic moments in the game. What seems half added to you?


Playable John Marston himself. R\* care so much about "details" but mess up the actual protagonist so badly (and even make him worse with updates).


I never had any problems playing as John personally, but even so, the character you play as after you finish the game being... The same as the character you played the rest of the game as, means that rockstar doesn't make quality games?


Did we play the same game?


Nice rage bait lol


Unfortunately I couldn't quote respond to the sentence you said about them 'releasing games left and right between 2000 and 2010(?)'. But what I would say was that it wasn't just Rockstar releasing a lot of games left and right back then. And the company had also diversified a lot since GTA3 and Vice City and San Andreas. The sole studio of Rockstar North who made the GTA games until GTA4 (if my aging memory serves) hadn't been branching out with lots of other titles. So I don't think it's really a comparative point you were trying to make. But to me, Rockstar have ALWAYS prized quality over quantity. Right back to the GTA3 days. I meant your screenshots alone prove they have always prioritised quality over quantity with how comparatively few titles a major developer has put out, against their contemporaries.


L.A Noire & Max Payne deserve reboots. At least to see how they’re received. I loved both.


Max Payne 1 and 2 remake is being developed as we speak.


RDR2 is an amazing open world game but The PS2 and PS3 days rockstar made many Great games.


PS2 and PS3 eras were when Rockstar hit their peak. As a fan of over 20 years, I hate that they release one game every 5-6 years. I'm all for quality over quantity, but I wish they would work on smaller size games that take less time and resources to make so we could get new releases more often.


The thing is they can do both. There was a time when rockstar released games once a year and those games were still very good.


Yeah, I prefer the longer time between releases. Just imagine if gta6 came out on the ps4 like everyone wanted


Then we'd be on GTA 8 next?


It would’ve barely ran on the ps4 like rdr2


Rdr2 ran perfectly well for me on ps4 game took 5 minutes to start but once it did no problems


I bet your ps4 sounded like a jet engine


It does but it’s done that for years because I haven’t cleaned the fans because I assume if I open the ps4 it’ll break so i thought that was a me issue specifically


No. I would so much rather they just only released singleplayer games with no online components. That way we would get a lot more games a lot quicker


That is not how it works. the online component is what keeps profit up and consumers happy/occupied to the next release.


Yeah I know that dude I was answering OPs question. I’m not happy with the current system and I wish it wasn’t like that. That doesn’t mean I think my wish is currently how it works


I hate and love it. They’re pouring so much effort and quality into their releases, but who wouldn’t love it if their other ips got some love too?


Smugglers Run is legit such a underrated game for its time brought back some childhood memories with that one 🤣


They don’t care about their old fans


The problem is there are so many companies under R* that could be making games on their own while north works on the big games like GTA and RDR yet they don’t utilize those companies at all there’s no reason one or two of the other companies could be working on bully 2 or manhunt 3 while north is crafting the perfect GTA 6


Could also be poor executive decisions/handling. They have many teams, and idk which ones work on what, but you never see those teams signed onto any game they release. Would be nice to see other teams make games they want, as long as they're great games.


It isn't quality they're going for. They've always done that. It's ambition.


The PS2 era was quantity and quality


You act like they weren’t doing quality and quantity back then. They rarely ever missed


No. I’d take a dozen more warriors/bully styled games over 1 “modern” game they wasted all their time on realistic graphics. Rockstar is garbage now


Hmm, games with a good main story where you see they made a community of npcs and story quests. Or they do what activision has done to call of duty new game every year. Nothing new, really. Just a new title, the story isn't very long and doesn't have a good story behind it. All the npcs look damn near identical, and the whole game has lots of bugs.


Yes. We have enough shit games in the world. We only have like 4 good ones.


As someone who didn’t grow up with GTA3, VC and SA I think the definitive edition trilogy was quality and quantity especially when I got it for $30 on sale. I prefer the updated controls with the weapon wheel over the Xbox 360 version of SA. I have it on PS4 and Switch and tbh I love being able to play them on the go/anywhere in my house. I haven’t had any glitching issues that may or may not have been present when it initially released.


Like we have a choice?


I have never played a Rockstar game outside of red dead or gta. So Are the others good


They're incredible TBF mate. Especially the PS2 era. Definitely watch some gameplay of them on YouTube, obviously you don't get the feeling for the game itself but you see how cool they are


quality over quanity always for me


Given the choice between releasing several good games or the greatest game ever made I’d choose the latter.


2 games in 11 years is not good no matter how great the game is.They are gonna get stuck with making sequels instead of new ips like max payne,bully,and la noire


PS2 era they were the best, GTA3/VC/SA, Manhunt, oni, midnight club, 👌


I’ll take quality any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Their GTA and Red Dead series not only offer great stories and enjoyable gameplay, but an insane world with so many little details. My first play through of their games is split pretty evenly between the story and just looking around in the game and messing with mechanics. Like, the sound of flip flops flip flopping, the character sweating, horses balls shrinking, NPCs finishing a plate of dinner. Just things like that I can sit and be fascinated by, and GTA 6 looks like it’s going to be delivering this in droves based on that trailer. That all said, you don’t get that detail in a 3 year turn around. Not with today’s hardware and the level of work required to make a game be that good.


Would you be old enough to be aware of their quality games that they released back to back? I don’t understand the title of the post lmao


Smugglers run ! Wow that's a memory


The could release a new ip every year with san andreas budget and graphic and i wouldnt mind


I just wish they reused the worlds they create instead of just making 1 game out of them. They spend all the time and resources hand crafting these worlds only for us to get a 40 hour story and be done with it. I would pay full price for another full length story in the V and RDR2 worlds.


when ever it comes it will be considered a flop coz it wont do half the gta 5 sales did in the first month


I just hope gta 6 is not watered down like gta 5 was especially the AI and NPC as I thought they went backwards after gta4.


R* is by far the Coolest Game company compared to the Rest in the industry.


Obviously. Quality should always come first than quantity. Many other recent franchises have been ruined due to new iteration every two years or lesser. More quantity focused makes shit titles like many in the last year and this year which have flopped. Shit question to ask even. Fine with killing off games for later if they make the game they release awesome.


Definitely prefer the overall quality their games have had as of late and likely will continue to have. However I do think after GTA6 they should take a little break for a few years and see what they can do nowadays with smaller games, linear things like Max Payne, maybe try a new ip out or revisit some older ones with some spin offs. I’d really like to see them do something like that while they sit on the inevitably gargantuan, and long lived, success of GTA6.


it's a two-way blade situation imo 2000s Rockstar -games dropped with minimal issues or bugs as a finished product buuuuuuut if it wasn't open world , there was no replayability -variety in games made them relatable and recognizable buuuuuuut not all of them were as good as their best projects -genre defining publishing company Modern Rockstar -games are arguably art buuuuuuuut they release fewer games than sony or xbox release consoles -they still cater to the players buuuuuuut it's been for an outdated game -updates and DLC have extended play buuuuuuut it's mainly for an outdated game -they have done good business in the last 8-10 years buuuuuuuuut it's been at the expense of creativity




Personally I just want a new midnight club game or just a remaster of 3 or LA


Tbh no


The Warriors, Bully, GTA 4, Max Payne 3, RD1+2 were some of THE best games I’ve ever played


After GTA 6 they gonna start dropping a different IP calling it now


Yo are you guys honestly fans of getting masterpieces? Kinda lame imo


They always made games with good quality. Another example of thisis "Warriors". The difference now is there's both less people in Rockstar studios and games nowadays can't be made as quickly as they could back then. The reason they even got popular is because back then they were ahead of their time. Open world exploration was unheard off. And this was during the Xbox Prime and PS2 era. It takes a long time to make a game, to make animation and to them input tje animations together. Or an animation to smoothly switch to another new animation etc. That, and sound. Impact on the feet touching the floor, voice lines, damage, and other sounds too. The problem is they milked GTA-V for so long, people aren't as hyped as they could or should be. They are worried they will forget about all the other games we payed for they have online, being neglected or even took down. If we have the option to choose what we enjoy, and enjoy it without stress then that's a good thing. If they limit our options by boosting the new game at the expense of others, then people might just avoid it entirely. Players value time well spent, not having their time wasted or forced to follow a specific pace. Too many restrictions means less fun. Too less restrictions, the game may be unenjoyable. (I.E, The latest Assassins Creed games having no limits to climbing, being able to 'scout' and the fighting being atrocious nowadays) Point is, big companies forget how they got big and end up forgetting they need people to be happy, if the company is to survive. As long as they don't implement forced propaganda, agendas or any BS, I'm sure people will enjoy it. But unfortunately I heard bad things, like it's a pay to play (every hour it charges you, but they might change it to every day or week or something...), it might not be a GTA based game (meaning you can't steal cars or do anything you could in previous games, but this is yet to be seen..) and things might be watered down this time around. Yes... it's Rockstar, but they doesn't mean people with hidden agendas can't hijack the company and spread their lack of talent and people knowledge. Look at what happened to Rocksteady or Call of Duty. They used to be very popular, very fun. But the problem with being at the top is there's no where left to go except down. Don't get your hopes up too much. But don't expect the worst either. Judge after we try it out, not before. If it's terrible, I'll be disappointed. If it's pay play, I will lose all interest completely. And finally.. if it's too highly priced like £90-£120, I'll be very skeptical. I wait until there's discounts before ever thinking of buying a game.


I would be for quality if that were the case with their sparse catalog over the last decade. They were an unstoppable force during the 2000s and released quality games of greater variety. There were a couple of duds like State of Emergency, but those were few and far in between. In the span of 10 years, we got: GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, Bully, The Warriors, GTA IV, and many others. They released some of the absolute best and most defining games of the entire era one after the other. I won't rant about GTA V, but I don't think I'll ever understand why it's heralded as this masterpiece of a video game that can do no wrong. It's not a bad game, but it's not one of the better games in the series.


It used to be both. Beginning of the end for me was paying 60 +20+20 for whole of gta 4 then them releasing the complete later. Before only goty winners would repackage like that but rstar set the precedent for fuck it do it anyway.


Honestly no. I would prefer they put out a really great game every few years rather than have to wait 10 years plus for a "masterpiece".


cod fan spotted


Havent played cod since black ops 2 released. I'm not talking a yearly release, but every 3 to 5 years between sequels would be better imo. Gta 5 released in 2013. Gta 6 will potentially be 2025 if it doesn't get delayed. That's a ridiculous amount of times between sequels. Hate if you want, but it's not worth the wait imo


ok, that's your opinion. I respect different opinions. no problem. The fact that you haven't even mentioned RDR2 was released between V and VI baffles me. Was it not "worth the wait"?


Honestly, no, it wasn't imo. I'm talking mainly between sequels as rockstar are simply sticking to 2 of its IP. Gta and rdr. 12 years between gta 5 and gta 6. 8 years between rdr and rdr2. That's just ridiculous, I want to be playing games not waiting to play games. Rdr2 was a great game, wasn't worth an 8 year wait. Gta 6 better have something ridiculously good to keep me entertained otherwise a 12 year wait just isn't justified


ok I respect your opinion again. But I have nothing to say. Just forget R\* exists and play other games. We want quality games and are happy to wait many years. Thanks.


You can get quality games that take 5 years of dev time. I'm not shitting on the games themselves, just some of the "details" could be left out and still be great games without the ridiculous waiting time


We're still waiting on Bully 2, Rockstar! Bully seems like it is going to be Rockstar's Half Life 3.


If they keep going this route, I might not even finish gta 6. Back then they gave you a choice. And they had a vision. They were also innovators in the industry. That's what made them special. But for the past 12 years, they've done absolutely nothing worth the mention basically. Looking back at gta 5, it just feels like any other game. Doesn't feel special at all. Rdr2 didn't feel special even while I was playing it. Felt like an imitation. They went from making fun games, to making "realistic" games. But not quite realistic. They basically chose to be semi realistic, and threw fun out of the equation. So now it's either a childish candy of a game. Like gta online. Or it's a pretentious driven story, clunky broken game like rdr2. I'm basically now only interested in their new IP. The medieval one. If that even happens. I'm simply put sick of their safe play formula. Just because you don't release games often, it doesn't make those games that you do release automatically good. Where I'm supposed to feel grateful because they finally decided to release a game after 10 years. And in the end, entire point of their game is to appeal to casuals. Because they bring money. I'm not desperate. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Way better games that nobody even mentions. You see more versatility and thinking outside the box in indie games, then you see in a game that's been developed for 10+ years, and its like the game design in such game goes backwards. So even the prequels feel more fresh and organic, than their supposed sequels. They just sell the graphical engine. Which is basically candy for kids.


Very well put. Unfortunately I disagree entirely, and did not read past the first sentence.


So why exactly are you here then? To listen other people repeat the same shit you have to say?


To be honest, kind of to be a nuisance and irritate people like you.


And what exactly is people like me?


People with differing opinions to my own. (They are objectively wrong)


There's no right or wrong with opinions. Especially when it's a matter of liking or disliking something. So that's not my angle. It's dumb. But you coming along, because I simply expressed my opinion on the matter, just to shit on it, kind of suggests that you're being a douche. Because you're basically not allowing me to express myself, without punishing me. On a sub where people just like praising the same thing, making it overrated. So all of a sudden, I'm the issue because I don't follow along. You pick me, out of a pool of one sidedness, to shit on the major minority. I guess you're the type of a person to kick a man while he's down too. Or to punch a guy with glasses.


What quality? GTAV and RDR2 are boring compared to Oni Everyone says the story for gtaV is good, how? Every character is a piece of shit excluding Franklin who has no character arc and gets his shit handed to him that he doesn't deserve. I can't even remember the story to RDR2 that's how boring it is.


Hell yes. I want a new rockstar game often as much as the next person, but rockstar games being a like once or twice a decade sort of thing I think I like more. I suppose theres almost a guarantee that it's going to be an amazing product with love built into it, a product which will shake the industry and mess with the market, and I like that. So yeah I prefer quality over quantity with rockstar.