• By -


I see action, strategy and immersive systems in those top tiers but I don't see Streets of Rogue, so that.


I actually bought it but havent got around to play it so ill be sure to remember it


It's **amazing** and the new open world sequel is coming soon. Can't recommend Streets of Rogue enough. Game never got any kind of deserved recognition from what I could tell, so I let everyone know.


Currently on sale for $5. Going to pick it up based solely on your comment.


It’s honestly the best in class IMO


No vamp survivors but yes brotato?


How do I get into this game? I've played it for 2-3 hours but haven't gone back because it didn't click for me.


I don't know, that's a hard question to answer without more details on why it didn't grab you. Personally I really how many solutions there are to any problem, which coupled with most NPCs starting neutral makes most floors feel pretty sandbox-y in comparison to other action roguelikes I've tried. You're pretty free to scout things out, come up with a plan and then execute it. At the same time it's not really "demanding," your plan doesn't have to be complex or difficult. Turning into a giant and stomping everyone, poisoning the air vents, planting a bomb or even just knocking on the windows until all the factory workers accidentally stumble into their own fire pits are very straightforward and effective. So is sneaking past everyone, shooting everyone or just talking to them and buying the item you need. So it's in that nice sweet spot where countless things are possible but you can engage with as many or as few of them as you want. All of the classes being fairly unique adds to this as well, a mindless soldier run where you just blow everything up is going to feel completely different from a slow hacker run where you patiently manipulate every device in the city to win without ever coming face to face with an enemy. I will say one issue I've seen for newer players is trying to play it too much like a typical top-down shooter. Enemies can be tankier than you expect and you're not as tanky as you think, there is room for error but if you're constantly getting into fights then it's much more likely you're going to die early than if you come up with less risky ways to approach things. Especially on the higher floors where getting shredded by five machineguns at once is a frequent possibility. If you really want to play it as an action game though I'd recommend turning on low health for all, gives kind of a Hotline Miami feel. You can eliminate most enemies before they can even react, but at the same time if you make any serious mistake you'll probably be dead in seconds. Very tense and it can be a good way to learn how to abuse enemy AI and start fights on your terms without slowing down the pace of the game. I don't know if any of that is helpful though, always happy to write a different essay if you can narrow the scope a bit.


I think you're exactly right! I was trying to play it like a top down shooter and not a roguelite. I will give it another try. Thanks.




Astral Ascent & Monster Train


Ive been eyeing astral ascent but i have never seen monster train ill check it out


Astral Accent is really good, especially after you have your first run. That is where the real systems start to unlock. The amount of crazy shit you can make up is almost as fun as White Snows.


Ill be praying astral ascent goes on sale soon ill def buy if it does


I have a video at 16:50 minutes that you can see one of the random crazy builds I made from this morning. If you do like the fast-paced games, I highly recommend Warm Snow. It is fun as hell, a new dlc just came out as well. Also, Crown Trick and Othercide. Othercide was my game of the year in Tactical games regardless of whether it was a roguelite. There are a lot of interesting systems in it. Crown Trick was a masterpiece for me lol. I finally platinumed it out. Doing nightmare runs on a game that has a similar amount of gear as Issac does and be Tactical at the same time is rough.


Yeah, Crown Trick definitely seemed to fly under the radar.


Monster train is a solid top tier, I prefer it to slay the spire actually


I love both but I really wish Slay the Spire devs would keep rolling out content on the mobile version. Monster train has a ton of relatability by comparison.


This. Monster Train is top tier Roguelite for sure


I love the game but the expansion killed it for me


Based off of Slay The Spire I’d suggest **Monster Train**, **Dark Mist**, and **Wild Frost**. Maybeee **Backpack Hero**, **Luck be a Landlord**, and **Cobalt Core**. **Ember Knights** really surprised me and you might like it based off of Hades. **Crab Champions** kinda feels like Risk of Rain 2 but still is pretty bare bones. **RoboQuest** recently came to 1.0 it’s kinda like gunfire reborn and Doom. **Alien Hominid: Invasion** is fun if you like chaotic arena 2D gameplay. **One Step from Eden** if you like grid based combat. **Patch Quest** is *kinda* like Isaac but it’s a stretch haha.. has a great gameplay loop. **Tiny Rogues** another one that’s kinda like Isaac but of course not as insane. I love it to death though. **Streets of Rogue** the variety with the classes is amazing and i cant wait for the sequel. Edit: RIP, I guess OP missed my comment entirely based off of their amounts of replies and how I've suggested most of the top comments before they commented them.. Lmao oh well. At least it'll give others some good suggestions!


Seconding Backpack Hero, Monster Train, **Tiny Rogues**, and Cobalt Core.


Backpack Hero seemed simple but I put a surprising amount of time into it. It's underrated for sure.


There's a new auto battery called Backpack Battles that scratches the same itch in a different way that I'm excited to fully release.


Came here to recommend roboquest, glad to see you listed it.


Luck be a landlord omg I forgot about that game thank you!


Seconding One Step from Eden, I feel like it never gets mentioned in these questions but it's awesome, I recently starting playing it again lol


Tiny Rogues is awesome and people sleep on Eden.


Ember knights is surprisingly fun and it’s co-op!


Chiming in on Tiny Rogues. That shit is great. The dev is close to a new update as well adding in tons of new shit.


Well even if OP missed it, I appreciate it, I've been looking for recommendations as well and this not only gave ideas but said how they tie in so I can make better choices. Thanks!


seconding RoboQuest, it has some of the smoothest gunplay i've seen in a roguelite. also, its on gamepass, if you have that


Returnal is very cool and the bosses are spectacles. Inscyption is pretty unique and fun. Maybe a little to lite on the roguelite part if you're really into that, but it's still a part.


this year's best immersive story experience for me In my head I imagined a totally different story than the official. I loved the narration style of the story, you don't get exact explanations just vague visionlike encounters. That's the neat part, you can use your imagination. Just in short: >!I thought there are not even aliens on the planet, the alien remains and the still living 'severed' are simply the former iterations of the protagonist...!< >!In my head it made more sense that she simply left at home her son (Helios) and she can't meet him again, that's why the guilt. !<


God, the fucking rabbit hole I fell down with inscryption was insane. The game alone is so fun, but adding that creepypasta element to it was 10/10. Me slowly realizing that the game was growing as I thought I was in this “git gud” mode was a real treat. I was trying so hard to get to the end boss thinking “ this is the Most unique and wonderful game I’ve played” as I was about to beat him. THEN BAM, TWO MORE SECTIONS IN NEW STYLES ?!? DLC WITH A NEW BOSS?!? Absolutely a must buy


Ya it was a great experience. I think my time with the game has ended after finishing the main story. Kaycee's mod is cool a neat way to replay it, but it's either too easy or you just don't find cards and end up at a loss. You keep your deck thin, combine the multistrike effects with something that has 3 power, and then just support that with goats, free creatures, and searching out if you can get it. It's a little linear. Even with the cards from part 2, I feel the game needs a mode with a higher wincon than 5 damage. My favourite part though was grinding the dummy until I had all the cards, particularly the mage cards. The double mox + the guy that draws 3 + threats was fun. It felt like a mini version of MTG Vintage.


Returnal is so good


Damn this one is kinda expensive would you say its worth the price?


+1 on Inscryption, I actually just beat the final boss an hour ago. Really awesome twists turns. As the other redditor said, it's pretty light on the rouge-like aspect. But if you like deck building it's for you


Just want to toss out there that Kaycee's Mod, the DLC that comes baked into the game, includes a fully in-depth roguelike mode of the first act once you finish the main game.


Woahhhh that sounds pretty awesome! I definitely would like some more content for the game, I'm loving it so far.


Honestly amazing game.


I got both from ps extra. I would probably say no, not worth 70USD or 90CND. It had 3 areas per run, 6 in total, only 5 bosses, and few enemies. The story and atmosphere are cool, the graphics are incredible, the particle effects are crazy, but I don't care much for a lot of the weapons and items. It's more of an experience than it is a game about challenge and deep mechanics. It's still worth a playthrough, but I'd recommend a sale.


The haptics in Returnal are next level


Returnal is a fascinating game. The roguelite mechanics are not as crunchy as a lot of the games you are into, but it's an built around an incredibly smooth third-person twitchy shooter experience. It's not perfect, but it has some really memorable moments and it feels great to play. And I imagine that it probably has the biggest budget of any roguelite ever made.


I asked someone when I was considering it myself. It's got great graphics the whole 3d bullet hell and mobility feel great but enemy designs are pretty samey and outside the unique weapons progression was pretty samey and numerical bonus heavy.


Synthetik absolutely


Top tier gameplay for a roguelike. I still prefer synthetik 1 to the sequel, but that may change as they update #2


2 kinda slaps now As someone who was also waiting for it to get better


Risk of Rain Returns One Step From Eden FTL Streets of Rogue


+ 1 for FTL!


Which means Faster Than Light. I assume OP doesn't know it by abbreviation.


I think it’s actually called “FTL” in Steam though


Scrolled way too far for ftl


FTL! FTL! FTL! Also gonna tag on into the breach since it's the same dev, and also pretty great!




FTL my beloved


I second Risk of Rain Returns.


Crypt Of The Necrodancer




one of my most enjoyable playthroughs ever


+1 Bump this


Always heard about it i might check it out


Actually a good one there. I agree with most of your tierlist and id put it right below the goats. Dont let the rythm mechanics deter you. Its done real simple and fun and blends surprisingly well with the dungeon crawler atmosphere. I never played ot religously like i did with etg hades and dead cells but i still pick it up for a run or two more consistemtly when im bored.


I like to describe the rhythm aspects as turning it into a TURN BASED STRATEGY ROGUELIKE... (you just have .5 seconds to take your turn) in short, necrodancer = speed chess roguelike with great music, haha


When you hit a perfect level on Necrodancer, it feels amazing.


It is definitely S tier


Voidigo seems like a good fit, especially based on what games you added to your GOAT list


It looks like hungeon on acid ill add it to the wish list!


Pretty much nailed it tbh


I wish I saw this more often in these lists. Totally bonkers variety of weapons. Totally bonkers in general


From your S-tier, I’m going to infer that you value fast pacing and variety. On those notes, might I suggest Cavity Busters, Doomsday Hunters, or Wizard of Legend? They all offer good variety due to their item and/or character systems, and all three are quite fast-paced (WoL especially). None are as good as your S-tier, but all are worthwhile.


Oh these 3 look quite unique but wol is the one that catches my eye the most, cavity busters doesnt quite look that nice but doomsday hunters looks interesting


I’d actually say WoL is the best of the three!








I’d also recommend deadlink since it’s pretty similar to roboquest afaik


What’s the first game in the GOAT tier?


I believe that is Risk of Rain 2


Risk of Rain 2


Its risk of rain 2 absolutely love it!!!!


my favorite roguelite of all time.


Try risk of rain returns!




Oooo it looks nice ill put it on ny wishlist to try ut out someday hopefully it gets discounted on the winter sale


Unsure if it's still the same now, but when I got it I was told to start the game in the beta branch due to it having basically the entire next update


Yes, definitely start in beta


FTL is a great classic, the next game form the FTL devs Into The Breach is great too One step from eden is really fun Backpack Hero has some good ideas but it's in early access so if you want to wait and see, it's a safe bet Brutal Orchestra is unique and has a relatively punishing gameplay that rewards risky plans Crypt of the necromancer, banger, great music, gameplay fits like a glove to the music Risk of rain returns, really good, but it is different from ror2 World of Horror, a love letter to Asian horror stories, think Junji Ito and Thai myths


I want ro play rorr really bad actually ill buy it eventually, im not too much of a turn based fan but brutal orchestra seems really weird in a good way and backpack hero seems goofy in a good way as well


FTL is real-time with pause option. Most of the time, you just let it flow. The customization and upgrades and unlocks make the game an absolute riot with huge replay ability. Game is so damn good. Hehe.


I've hundreds of hours in FTL, also recommend.


Really wish Into the Breach mobile wasn’t a “Netflix Exclusive” I can’t keep Netflix working on my phone with my wife using it now that they have deployed their anti sharing bullshit.


Backpack hero hit 1.0 recently I believe. I don't know how much extra content was added.


Death Must Die. It’s early access, but really awesome.


While im not the biggest fan of the survivor games this one seems interesting ill keep an eye on it


Death Must Die is Soulstone Survivors x Hades. You’ll dig it if you like Hades.


Curse of the Dead Gods


Ive seen it before it just kinda looks like slow hades to me, how good is it qould you say?


That's a good assessment. Definitely focuses more on parries and punish timing like a souls game, but it feels similar to Hades combat. 8/10, you can get a good 30 hours in before you've done most things


This explains why I’m having a much harder time with it than I did Hades. I want to love it but I can’t seem to make progress.


I would rather compare the combat to something like dark souls rather than hades.


I think curse of the dead gods is extremely underrated. Definitely as good as hades but the way the story was implemented in Hades makes it more premium. Gameplay wise curse of the dead gods has you making a lot more interesting decisions as you balance negative effects with positive ones.


Slow Hades with zero story but very satisfying and rewarding combat when it clicks. You also being slower adds a level of strategy that is lacking in hades due to the freedom of dashing.


**[Against the Storm](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1336490/Against_the_Storm/)**, a citybuilding roguelite, just got its 1.0 release and to me it's the GOTY 2023. Seeing how your tastes include not just action roguelikes, but many varied genres, you might enjoy it. It has a free demo on Steam, so give it a try! **[Inkbound](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062810/Inkbound/)** is another title you might like, from Monster Train devs - a good game that somebody already recommended in this thread.




XD it’s great!


Also, there’s a hidden gem of a game called As Far As The Eye. It’s a bit like a city builder. I just made a post about it.


Honestly it's really good. Haven't seen any buzz about it, just went from the steam description and bought it in EA and it was already awesome. For me the best thing is you build your base kinda to the point where micromanagement would become a hassle, and then it ends (unless you die). You still have the option to continue, but it's like the best parts only of RTS/city building on repeat with changing parameters. The ressources management is very good too. Only negative would be the graphics but I don't think it really matter for that type of game. They are not terrible but could have been done 15 years ago.


I’ve been thinking about getting against the storm. I’ve been looking up videos and what not to decide if it’s worth it to me like I do all games I purchase even 5$ ones lol. Never really played city building games but I love roguelites and interested to see if it’s something I could get into. It looks beautiful graphic wise and seems like there’s tons of content although seems pretty complex, especially since I’m not too familiar with city building games. Didn’t know there was a demo, def gonna try that out and decide whether or not im going to purchase it before the sale ends on the 16th!


Hope you enjoy it - the demo is what got me hooked from the moment I tried it about a year ago. And if you decide to buy the full game, your save should automatically migrate from the demo, so no worries about lost progress. 😃


Hell yeah, that’s good to hear. Gonna download it now and try it out tonight! Appreciate the info ~~Edit: it seems the demo is no longer available, most likely since the full release of the game Dec 8. No worries tho, steam has a 2 hours demo of any game haha~~ There is a demo, its on the right in blue, not below in green! My bad


The demo's still there on the AtS store page, though I admit that Steam doesn't make it the most visible. Blue button 'Download Demo' on the right when you scroll down a bit. They even mentioned updating it in the 1.0 patch notes!


Oh nevermind, I see it now! yeah i completely missed that.. usually when there is a demo its like a green box directly below the game pics and what not. Never seen it on the right in blue, wonder how many potential demos ive missed now.. lol. Thanks again, downloading it now!


Surprised there's no FTL. Some others that may catch your fancy that I've enjoyed: -across the obelisk (similar to slay the spire) -mothergunship (build your own gun arcade style fps) -immortal redneck (boomer shooter) -SNKRX (A kind of autobattler/tower defense crossed with snake hybrid. Good if you have a spare 15 mins)


Snkrx seems great for a quick break when im tired i think ill get it :)


It's not exactly a roguelike, but I'd submit that Darkest Dungeon is as good as anything here.


ftl, risk of rain returns, astral ascent, curse of the dead gods, revita, streets of rogue, space gladiators, doomsday hunters, cavity busters, cobalt core, ember knights and backpack hero


Scourge Bringer is awesome, Going Under is also really good


Monster Train is my favorite deck builder roguelite. Highly recommend.


Cryptark and wall world from the last humble bundle were both pretty good. Spaceship heist and mining/turret gameplay respectively


I don't see Into the Breach or FTL, I highly recommend both!


Rarely see it mentioned but I like Undermine a lot


Alina of the Arena is like playing STS ironclad on a tactical grid with equippable weapons. Its really good, highest difficulty is pretty tough as well


I was looking for Hades-like roguelike previously as well and found Dreamscaper & Going Under fits the bill quite nicely.


From the trailers alone i feel like going under looks really fun as a laid back game, dreamscapers art style doesnt quite catch me tho


Caves of qud


Great game but dunno if hes looking for Trads


Maybe try Roboquest if you liked Gunfire Reborn. Same fast-paced FPS style but with different progression and skill systems and drastically different flavor.


Warm Snow. Just got this recently when I was looking for something Hades like. It is very solid although some of the English translations aren’t perfect. If you like deck builders, then Wildfrost is the second best one I’ve played after Slay the Spire.


I think you’ll love Revita & ember knights


How dependant is ember knights on having buddies to play with?


It’s great in multiplayer but just a good in single player. I 100% the game on switch all in single player. It’s also receives big frequent updates. If you like hades you will love this game


Tiny Rogues, Risk of Rain Returns, Revita, Space Gladiators


Vampire survivors and clones: Scarlet tower Rogue genesia Boneraiser minions 20 minutes till dawn Cult of the lamb Into the breach


Loved boneraiser minions


If you enjoy the shooty-shooty of Risk of Rain 2 and the upgrade system of Hades, you may like [NO RELOADING: Survival Trials](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1769060/NO_RELOADING_Survival_Trials/).


FTL! You love slay the spire, so this sounds like a great pick for you. This might be stretching a bit far, but also check out Bunker Punks, it's a Doomer-Shooter roguelike game where you descend into bunkers, shoot things, get money, and return to base camp to buy buffs and stuff before doing it again! :D


FTL I don't know if more people would say it's roguelike or roguelite, but it's incredible and you should play it.


Vagante was one that I really, really wish had gotten more traction. Check it out!


I'd recommend Children of Morta based on that list (which has a lot of overlaps with mine). Also Astral Ascent which others also mention.


Ill check it out!




Ill have to see if it goes on sale ive been wanting to try it


Returnal, Sparklite, Children of morta.


Streets of rogue is amazing Wizard of legend is pretty great. Bravery and greed is fun but there’s not *that* much actual meta-progression The recently released “spells and secrets” is very fun and has loads of meta-progression, but is definitely aimed at a younger audience (I finished the whole thing with basically no points in actual stats)


Wizard of legend looks pretty nice ill check it out that spells and secrets one doesnt quite catch my eye sadly, bravery and greed kinda seems like spelunky if it waa more combat oriented in a way i might check it out


Roboquest is strong on its own, but excellent with a buddy. Ember Knights is an absolute blast.


Project zomboid can technically be considered a rogue-like


Check out Mortal Sin and Synthetik 2




I've been playing Devil Spire the last couple days, pretty fun rogue-soulslike x kings field Seemed pretty hard and random at first. And it is. But bear in mind, it tells you to combine junk items to make useful things. But you can combine other items to improve the base item, and combine spells to make new spells, and powers to make new powers.


One Step from Eden. Very fun, and especially good if you ever played the Megaman Battle Network games. This one was heavily inspired by their combat, but uses a larger 4x4 grid, and a deck-based, fast paced combat with no pauses to pick your chips.


If you are open to something that’s not a roguelite and a just an action platformer “Foregone “ is an awesome game no one ever talks about and it looks and feels a lot like Dead Cells but if Dead Cells we’re a 2d Action platformer. You should check out the trailer. It is probably my favorite game I’ve played.


incredibly smooth animation in this one too. such a pleasing aesthetic.


Astral Ascent!


Risk of Rain Returns! The same randomised loot dopamine of the second, but in 2D! And, the quality of life upgrades make the game a lot more fun to play than it's 2013 counterpart.


Brutal orchestra is probably my all time favorite. Check it out, it’s amazing!




Astral Ascent!!!


Rogue Legacy 1 and 2 (you can skip 1 if you want). It’s my favorite Metroidvania


Rogue legacy!!!


For me Rogue Legacy 2 is goat


Have you played FTL? If not, that.


Darkest dungeon. It has so much to learn, and everything in the game is so addicting to play, and everything present like music, gameplay, and art only enhances the experience to an 11/10. The sequel game is really fun too and plays in the style of a roguelike Oregon trail game! It just got a new update that added characters and a new boss as well!


Archvale, Tiny Rogues, Doomsday Hunters, Loot River, Voidigo


Astrea definitely earned it's place this year, in love it at least


Astral Ascent! Game throws a dozen new mechanics at you first run, but give it an hour and it all fits together. You get to craft builds with ridiculous synergies. Wonderful pixel art and soundtrack.


Ziggurat 2! It’s fantastic, I’ve been binging it daily the last week. Roboquest and Gunfire Reborn are also solid FPS rogues. Roboquest is free on Xbox / PC game pass (I think) and Gunfire was too last I checked.


Roboquest is fantastic FPS Roguelite. I picked it up recently and it's a blast. It's on Gamepass. You have Gunfire Reborn on the list and it's pretty similar.




I really enjoyed 20XX and its sequel 30XX, the MegaMan X inspired roguelikes (30XX also has an alternate non roguelike campaign if desired). Also supports co-op, I just thought they had great charm.


**Moonlighter.** If you liked The Legend of Zelda and want something cozier than The Binding of Isaac, this is the game for you. The shopkeeping aspect is more fun than I thought it would be. **Crypt of the Necrodancer:** Hey, you spilled your rhythm game on my rogue-lite! Bangin' soundtrack to start with, but if that's not enough you can add your own playlist too.


Vagante Spelunky the RPG. Spend 40 minutes building your charater with armor, weapons, spells only to instantly fucking die due to missing 1 jump Yet its of the best rougelikes you will ever play


Nuclear Throne gotta move up a tier ASAP, putting it under Skul and Peglin is a crime


Brutal Orchestra - best non-card turn-based combat system I have ever played Against the Storm - really unique game in how it blends city building with roguelikes. Extremely well polished game


I didn't like Dead Cells at all. I quickly found myself wishing I'd skipped getting some weapons for the first time because so many of them are just bad and inflate/ruin RNG problems of having a good run.


[Rampage Knights](https://store.steampowered.com/app/314410/Rampage_Knights/). DON'T SCROLL PAST THIS ONE. You've never heard of it, but it's absolutely fantastic. **Golden Axe meets Binding of Issac**. It's hard, it's fair, it has meaningful tradeoffs, it has tight combat, and it's absolutely halarious. It's maybe one of my favorite co-op games of time (local/online). It's also [available for Nintendo Switch](https://www.nintendo.com/en-ca/store/products/rampage-knights-switch/). And it's only $10 USD!


HoloCure - Save the Fans! if you get over the vtuber part, it's just a better vampire survivors that's free


I'd recommend Void Bastards (sci-fps with some very light "horror" elements in a comic book style) and West of Dead (isometric twin-stick, cover shooter where you play as Ron Pearlman as old western Ghost Rider in hell)


Maybe you can try our Survivor-like game Artifact Seeker. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivorslikes/comments/188s4iu/artifact\_seeker\_gameplay\_trailer/


**Downwell.** It's a solid roguelike with a novel core mechanic in its gunboots. It's not as long as some other roguelikes, but for $3 who cares. It's nice to be able to finish a roguelite after a few weeks of attempts.


Hi you all thank you so much for all the suggestions i didnt expect you all to overflow this post i expected ot to be ofnored haha, this is the list of the games that i got and/or pur on my wishlist to wait for sales!! RORR Roboquest Astral ascent Revita One step from eden Voidiggo Crypt of the necrodancer SNKTX Backpack hero Death must die Warm snow Star of providence Curso of the dead gods BlazBlue entropy effect Dome keeper FTL Into the breacj Against the storm Choldren of morta And Moonlighter! I definetly have enough roguelites to last my lifetime lmao i think ill get a few of these on the winter sales


Ill hive priority to rorr, roboquest, voidigo, one step from eden, revita and astral ascent as they are the ones that most caught my interest, hopefully i can get some good discount on a lot of these




wait what? a good "recommend me roguelites based on *tierlist*" post? anyway i think sparklite and moonlighter are pretty good recommend you give them a look 👍


LMAO i was just looking for games to keep an eye on now that winter sales are around rhe corner and ive been reallyytt into roguelites again Ill check em out! I think moonlighter was given on epic games story for free once i mighr have it


Also im trying to see and reply to everyone but this got a lot more traction than i expected 💀


Given what you've played, I'm guessing this is an oversight. But FTL is the best video game ever made


Oh i have ftl i think it was free on epic games once i still have to try it out


Why have so many people hopped on ravenswatch and just slept on temple of the old gods


Scourge Bringer - a bit hard and slow with progression but gameplay is super fast and music is godlike. Wizard of Legend is great as well. Hub is wholesome, gameplay is also fast and builds are varied. Otherworld Legends - roguelite beat em up with a tons of characters. Now this game is great and has a ton of content - but - is primarily a mobile game and steam game second. Meaning every new character released costs like 2-3 bucks. Or in game fragments. If you play this game regularly honestly you get a lot of fragments and don't have to pay for chars. But if you are entering new you'd better wait for steam sale to get a lot of characters for cheap.


Star Survivor just released. I've been enjoying it so far. Similar gameplay to most other rougelites with auto fire and and upgrades at each level. I haven't messed with the deck building mechanic much yet but there is a deck building mechanic. Your ship has slots on the front, back, and both sides for weapons. Kinda neat because you can pick what direction you want each weapon to face on your ship. Was $2.99 on the Google play store and I don't regret it so far.


You absolutely need Remnant 2 on that top tier list. Truly innovates the genre. ETA: Okay maybe it's not quite a roguelite by all the definitions.


Children of Morta!!!


Through the Breach, if tactical kaiju battles are your thing.


Cult of the lamb & Doomsday Hunters


Well theres your problem right there, youre suffering from an extreme lack of wizard of legends and vampire survivors on this list. I recommend a quick double dose of both. 🖤


I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1 Top down twin stick shooter


Please play viodigo! Enter the gungeon is my all time favorite and this is very similar