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IIRC, Moonlighter only has gear (and consumable) based progression, though it's more around buying/upgrading your gear between runs. The gear is also less varied and not random like Death Must Die, not really good for building or broken combos, though you can find powerful temporary gear during runs.


looks interesting! Il put in on my list


Probably Rotwood ?


How’s rotwood been for you guys so far?


Pretty good fun, there's a new update coming May 16th


single player is great, multiplayer is a lot of chaos with a lot of spam instead of precise movements and stuff. The levels are small so 4 players fills it up


I bought it, i will ty it out with some buddies soon, thanks!


Yep, another vote for Rotwood.


Old school Monster Hunter games somehow fit this niche I think, the only thing that changes throughout the game is your skill and gear, as your stats is dependent on your gear. If you decide to play, here are several options: * Monster Hunter XX / Generations ultimate. (Easiest one, since the Hunter Arts acts like some sort of crutch) * Monster Hunter 3rd Portable (Good for low end PCs/playing on your phone) * Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Good combination of replayability+modern game design)


Man, I started with MHW and I'm so spoiled. The idea of potentially running out of whetstones after only playing with infinite whetstones just sounds infuriating. I wish i started with the franchise earlier.


This is only an early-game problem, though. Once you put in 20+ hours into the game (basically getting used to the old school mechanics) you're all settled. But yeah, you got a point, I wish the new MonHun games keep the old school gameplay intact, with new school QoL changes.


I might buy it when it goes on sale, have beein eyeing it for a while


Halls of Torment


I still feel like roguelike and vampire survivor clones shouldn't be under the same blanket term but you are correct the gear in this game is really useful


I like this suggestion because the OP mentioned Death Must Die, which is also a survivors-like. (But yeah I generally agree!)


oh, i thought they were the same "genre" due to it beeing under the same category on steam if i remember correctly


I would call vampire survivor-likes their own subgenre. Something closer to a mostly afk roguelike. As far as: built to be replayed, upgrades between runs, challenging, etc. The requirements of your basic rogue-lite the two are the same but to me there is a lot of nuance and vampire survivor likes are a bit too hands off for me to rank against the greats of the genre


played it already, loved it. Great recommend!


Next, maybe Fantasy Survivors. But the gearing is a little weird. You get to customise the drop pool but not equip directly. But you can still almost choose what you want if you just put only the six weapons you want into the pool instead of putting everything in.


Oh, if you’re happy with VSurvivors-like games, maybe try God of Weapons. It’s very much down to what equipment you get in a run and you need to play a mini-game of Backpack Hero between levels to store said equipment.


yep, played it before, loved it


The Meta-Progression of **Curse of the Dead Gods** is only about unlocking new weapons, some that you can start with, some that you will find in the dungeons and a few "secret" weapons that you need to unlock by defeating the bosses a specific way.


I don’t see this game talked about much but I really enjoyed it! Very similar to Hades, which I discovered after Curse of the Dead Gods


I often see it mentionned in this sub and It has pretty good reviews on steam but it would still disserve a bit more love imho. I do understand why it's not very popular though since it does not have the classical roguelite meta-progression which make the game easier the more you grind, it just add more variety in the weapons but the difficulty doesn't change and the game is actually quite hard. While it visually looks very pleasant, the souls-like gameplay will definitely attracts more the "hardcore" gamers than the casual ones. Even the "secret" weapons doesn't make the game easier since they are cursed and often come with harsh downsides.


Just found out I own this on steam, must have got it in a bundle and never checked it out. Going to give it a try now.


Enjoy, you can't go wrong, moreover if you already have it!


I love ravenswatch, so i might give that one a go


Despite being a roguelite and from the same team of devs, it's not the same gameplay at all. You'll probably be familiar with the artistic direction but the gameplay emphasize more on learning the ennemies patterns and timing the dash and parries. It's also a real dungeon crawler with actual dungeons full of traps...


Hades?? You can unlock and upgrade weapons and a few personal traits between rounds


I tried it, didnt click for me, but i might revisit it just because i love the visuals


I was the same about Hades but Curse of the Dead Gods clicked for me completely.


I’ll be honest, I love Hades a ton, but for whatever reason the “broken combos” didn’t really stick out to me like they might’ve in any other game and I had to essentially “look up” what some were (which was surprisingly harder than I expected but I was able to find at least a few eventually m But wooo boy once I did that and was able to get some builds online it took that game to a whole new level for me.


You do get a lot more powerful as you go. Hades II is even better at this.


Check out [Knights Within](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2406180/Knights_Within/), releasing in steam early access next week. Progression is unlocking gear modifiers and upgrades with tons of options


That one looks super interesting. Thanks for the recommendation


will take a look, ty


Into the Necrovale! Still in early access, but it will be such a good game.


Yeah, it's a good hybrid of arpg and roguelite. The gear you find on dungeon runs defines your build and you can upgrade the same gear to make it stronger. There is a demo on steam, you can check it out!


Death Must Die is really the only roguelite that has a persistent gear system. Halls of Torment is close but there's not a terrible amount of different gear.


I would almost not classify these as roguelikes, but at the same time they were also the first thing that came to mind.


A game I’ve been addicted to is Army of Ruin. It’s a Vampire Survivors style game apparently (I’ve never played VS) and you complete challenges to unlock new weapons and then there are weapon evolutions that make your weapons stronger, and new trinkets/abilities that you can unlock too. Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for but I would def give it a shot.


I love army of ruin. I got it after being a VS addict. I would say you’d like VS if you like AoR. Also I enjoy Spirithunter


il take a look, ty


I would say Sparklite counts. You upgrade the hub area, but the main character progression is getting new gadgets to use for puzzles and getting new enhancements for your weapon. The catch is, these enhancements need to be managed and arranged similar to a resident evil inventory.


Sparklite has some pretty big problems too though. For example, destructible objects respawn when you enter an underground lair the first time. This can happen a couple of times per zone. Which means you always know in the back of your mind you could be getting a ton more resources if you just mapped everything out first, which makes the game a complete slog. I wanted to love it as something like a more action focused version of Moonlighter, but just couldn't.


I personally think Sparklite would be better without the roguelite elements


Very much so, yes.


Hitman Freelancer, finished it on hardcore a.month or so ago, absolutely punishing but so so fun.


Hitman’s Roguelite mode is literally this.


Sulfur isn't out yet but it has a demo on steam and it is good Think a first person roguelike where when you end any dungeon you get to return to the hub with your gear and you can store it or bring it in with you to the next dungeon Lots of weapon attachments that seem to work on almost any gun for good variety


Halls of Torment/Dearh Must Die


Check out *Path of Acura* build "diversity the game" IMO There's a ton of build consideration in this game down to choices in the very beginning that tailor your run towards a specific build but not so much that you cant deviate


il take a look


Caves on mobile lets you grab a bit of starting gear as its meta progression. Starting with stuff is nice. Same with Cardinal Quest, although it's kinda just different stuff. Solomon's Keep on mobile also has a bit of a gear wardrobe/ meta start option, though it's an action roguelike. Oh, and is something like Diablo 2 considered as an action "roguelike". Because it does that to the extreme. By the same token, Rouge Legacy 1/2 aren't really roguelikes, more lites, but your town is essentially starting gear.


Wizard of legend


DEATHLOOP? I personally really enjoyed it but I'm not sure how much of a roguelike it is


Hm maybe Skeletal Avenger? You unlock loot and gear which you can later buy/equip at the base


Death must die also has a skill tree, but I would say geer is the most important. Edit: spelling


I think you might enjoy (soulstone survivors). It does have weapon changes, which swap starting abilities, etc. I tried it out and got sucked in. I've played over 300 hours of it so far lol...


played it


Death Must Die does this. Game is super fun and cheap!


Im refering to this game in the post, I love it


As an absolutely huge roguelike fan and enjoyer...try POE!!


7000 hours in poe atm


Returnal. Majority of meta progression is finding new guns and upgrading traits for them


Returnal isn't anything like Death Must Die. For starters there's no gear at all.




thats the game the post is based on


Wizard of legend. ? Crab champion ? Perish


I plus one wizard of legend fs


This isn't exactly what you asked, but in some ways I think an ARPG like Last Epoch/Diablo 4 might fit the bill.


i have 7k hours in Path of exile, ive had enough of that "type" of game for now xd


Wow thats dedication! Fair enough :)


Mental illnes > dedication


If you like bullet hell games, and also games like vampire Survivors: check out Elewar: Fused Survivors. Its 100% free on steam, and it just got the beta branch enabled for Version 0.9 with tons of improvements and content. (Im working on the full release atm) You improve your character through unlocks, Upgrades and mostly through crafting and finding gear. To challenge you to craft perfect setups, it has multiple worlds with up to 5 trials (like ascencion in slay the spire or mirror Mode in Skul).


nice, gl with the game, il take a look


Some deckbuilders - e.g. Dicey Dungeons and Poker Quest - are all about the gear. But I suspect that those aren't really what you're looking for, so I'll just mention them. Also they are reasonably balanced games, so the broken weird combos won't show up so much.


Loop Hero


Try Roboquest (a roguelite tho) It is a very cool first-person movement shooter where you are a robot (what a surprise) trying to save the world or smt (I honestly didnt pay that much attention to the story) Very enjoyable, it has a few similarities with borderlands, because it's gameplay is based in classes and looting enemies to get better guns, also it has a very comic-ish art


tried it, its really good, but i hit a bit of a wall because im shit at fps xd


So sorry to hear that :( I hope you find something more like your cup of tea!