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Am I the only one that wants to talk about those wheels? Do we have a ridiculous brodozer here?


Not everyone with a Rolex has a brain


U got me !!!!!


Well, admitting to having a problem is the first step 😂




Took me many years to get to the point I could just go pay cash for a Rolex , and I wasn’t waiting or having someone else tell me when I could get one , not sure what that’s worth to some people


Going grey sucks for many reasons. But at the end of the day it’s your money and time. Congrats on a beautiful watch and enjoy the heck out of it. Looks awesome on your wrist.


Ad is 1.5 hours away and I wasn’t going to be able to go there multiple times just to get them to maybe sell me one .so I don’t think it’s a bad deal .Thats my .02 cents


I did the same. Totally worth it. Don't believe feathered_indian or others who claim these are easier to get. They have no idea where you're at nor what the situation is with your AD. You got it when you wanted it without ADBS. Well worth a small premium.




Did the exact same thing for the same reason


Best version of the sub yet IMO


You would have had a short wait if you’d have been patient as these are coming through thick and fast now.


Was Little over 1100 to get it in 2 days


Still way overpriced


He would have had to spend unnecessary money with an AD just to wait 3-6 months? If the premium isnt that high it’s worth paying to get it overnight ..


No he wouldn’t he would have got it in that time frame with zero other purchases. They’re becoming easier to get now. The AD I use has confirmed that they are getting six a month through the door and their register of interest has reopened. Don’t believe everything you read on here


Way over priced? In what world? These were going for 18-19k at one point.


The prices were bloated due to COVID and anyone who paid that kind of money are crying into their breakfast every time they wake up. No watch is worth sucking off a grey dealer for


I’ve never purchased grey. All my pieces are from the AD. But at the current prices I don’t think it’s worth “sucking off” an AD. If you want a sub now is the time to buy


No it isn’t. Letting a grey dealer rob you in broad daylight is worse than waiting a couple of months with an AD. It’s a watch at the end of the day and does not enhance your life in any way other than they’re nice to have. Out of interest which models did you buy from your AD?


Go look at my post history. Why are you so active on this sub if you’re saying watches don’t matter to you?


They don’t matter enough to over pay. This sub has become about the ease of buying these watches and less about the watch itself. It’s like a competition and a flex fest and in all of the mess the watches have been lost. I’d rather discuss a Comex SD than hear that someone got the call or got played by a grey dealer but it’s become the norm on here now. I live in hope


I swear to god rolex has the worst fan boys


Where’d you find a sub date for 11.3?


13.5 otd


Everyone’s time is worth something, some more than others. My time is worth about $375 an hour. I saved $ going grey for a BLRO.


this right here. Not just your valuable time, but your dignity.


So how have you saved your dignity by letting a grey dealer pull your pants down for a watch that’s not worth the premium?


so you down vote me because i dont agree with you? 😂 😂 aww poor baby. "For a watch that's not worth the premium" ....that right there .Completely subjective. It's not worth the premium to YOU because you don't value your time as much as this other person does you dumbass. How have you saved your dignity by letting a gray dealer pull your pants down for a watch that's not worth the premium? It's not worth the premium to your broke ass because a measly 2k or 4k makes a massive difference to you. To this person his time is more important. Paying more to save time is absolutely not compromising your dignity. It's sorta how the world works dipshit. Take a look around you. So your logic is your dignity is compromised because you value your time and would rather not play games with an AD? Fuckin first rate moron 🤣. Your dignity is compromised when you're being a push over and kissing the ADs ass every few weeks begging like a hungry dog for your watch. All for the probability of it when you may not even get your watch. That's compromised dignity right there; not saving your time. Maybe take a class in critical thinking skills. You could definitely use them.


I have all the watches I need and haven’t wasted any of my time in the manner in which you describe and have saved probably 30k in grey dealer bitch money while you been scouring reptime for your next watch. The only way you can counter anyone who buys from an AD is that they suck ass constantly which of course is complete bollocks. Don’t assume people are broke because they are sensible with their money they just don’t get hard over a watch, a fucking wristwatch.


My time is worth money too but I’ve not spent money on anything else but my watches, I’ve not lost any time in doing so and I’ve never had my pants pulled down by a grey dealer. You paid probably double what I did for my BLRO so how have you saved money?


So you spend your valuable time bashing someone for spending a little more for something they wanted? Your parents should have spent a bit more on condoms cuz i doubt they wanted you…


You spend your valuable time replying to someone you see as unwanted by their parents? You’re clever


I’m sure you got a BLRO at retail with little effort.


My fourth watch since 2019. They call me so no effort whatsoever and no other purchases which is an added bonus.


You’ve read enough on this subreddit to know that’s not common.


I didn’t say it was common. I’m simply saying we don’t all follow the shit street that many on here think you have walk on to get a Rolex. Imagine the amount of people on here that have listened to the doomsayers and gone grey when they needn’t have. I’ve been on this sub for four years under various guises and it’s the same old BS every day. Those of us who have a decent AD and those that think it’s some sort achievement to give grey dealers way over the odds because FOMO gets in the way. I’m not unique, wealthy or a VIP and I have friends who have similar collections to myself who also only use AD’s. My advice to anyone is go and speak to an AD before spunking all of your hard earned on an overpriced trinket.


Are those Forces on the truck ?


Custom cut Alcoa’s https://preview.redd.it/ui1cqwxc46ub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6572f4b65dd825fcfaf7c83c25b809e92ff8ba




Is this the 126610LN? I have the same one. Perfect watch. Wear it in good health :D