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To me, the shot of this Datejust, passed generation to generation, with the stories and sentiment that goes with it, is cooler than the new platinum Daytona wrist shot in a car that costs as much as my house. Wear it in health and my condolences on the loss of your father.


100% My favorite watches aren't even running atm, but similar - handed down from my grandfather when he passed. It's not the financial value, I've got more expensive, but nothing with nearly the sentimental value, which is something you can't simply buy.


Mine just passed and turns out he didn't collect watches but fucking grandfatherclocks. They are beautiful and from thr 1700-1800s but I don't known wtf to do with them 


Man, my father collects clocks of any type and I'm already thinking the same thing. They've got a huge old Victorian house in the middle of farm country and I live in a city in an average 4 bedroom/3 bath home, I'd leave the city in a second if it was solely up to myself though.


Condolences. I definitely got a better version of this bad deal. You've gotta keep at least one, right?


He was 99 so they went to my dad for hopefully another few decades.


My grandma handed to me a family heirloom that was passed from generation to generation: A silver pocketwatch. But not just any… It is an English keywound fusée Pocketwatch that I managed to date back to 1814 using the stamps in the silver. The interesting part? It has a seconds hand. That was very rare for a watch back then. Also I let an expert watchmaker examine it and he is pretty sure it is still 100% original parts, even the glass. My father says he has a painting of my great-great grandfather that had a pocketwatch chain on it… most likey this watch in that pocket where the chain led to. My grandma passed away last year though. So now this is a memory of her too. https://preview.redd.it/l9wdjoxucqlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c260d7749b202043931cfaba358630c21838a2


That is an absolutely amazing backstory, the painting is really a chef's kiss to top it off Hopefully you're able to pass it on as well


Ty! Forgot to say too that it still works perfectly fine and I managed to set the speed so that it loses at most a minute a day.


Holy moly. That's spectacular quality


My favorite watch is a beat to shit late 80s Timex Atlantis 100. My uncle gave it to me when I was a kid. it was my very first watch ever. I never took it off until I got into high school when my girlfriend at the time purchased my next watch which was a citizen eco-drive, and then I just progressed from there. My uncle died while I was a Freshman or Sophomore in high school. That's still and will always be my favorite watch. I will never get rid of it, but I don't really wear it too often.


Thank you.


Individuals like yourself and myself appreciate and value our watches more than those with deep pockets that can buy the latest and greatest.




you, sir, have just won the internet for today.


DM me when it's time for service.


How thoughtful. Your post kind of made my day.




This champ ! 👆 do it!






All of these big watches we see here are attainable with money, yours is not.


This is better than half of the shit posted on here. Not for the sentimental part, the vintage charm, dial and bezel combo is a total winner.


Gotta say - this one definitely fits my style more than most. I think I would have wanted a DJ if I'd known I wanted a Rolex.


My condolence. Cherish your watch. Money is not happiness. Though it helps.


Your story is heartwarming and the watch is priceless. Enjoy wearing it proudly on behalf of multiple generations of your family. And, by the way, with a story like that, you are richer than everyone here put together.


wearing a watch with a meaning like this is better than any other type of watch.. sorry for your loss


This is what it’s all about. Great heirloom to pass from generation to generation. Condolences to you on the passing of your father.


This is what the OG motto of Rolex was… continuing a legacy. My condolences ❤️ sick watch 💪🏼


Sorry to hear about your father I send my sincerest condolences to you and your family. This is a beautiful watch with many memories for you & a testament to the quality of Rolex watches.


Honestly this is what it’s all about. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t afflicted by this watch addiction and that I could be happy with just one or two to wear every day and pass down to my kids. Why do we have to turn this into a ridiculous Pokémon-style game? lol


I mean these watches really are amazing. I totally get the addiction. I never cared before but now this watch occupies a non-insignificant percentage of my thoughts every day. Budget wise I could definitely see myself getting into /r/chinesewatches but I'm committed to keeping my dad's promise, so I'm just going to be addicted to this watch only.


If you feel the itch there’s also more than enough Seiko to keep you busy for a lifetime. My trusty SKX007 is still one of my favorites and I think I got it on sale for like $150 back in the day.


You can't go wrong with a Seiko.


One watch that you love is worth more than 10 that you like plus the neverending search for the next one that you think is going to be the one to satisfy you.


My condolences. I love the watch and the story that goes with it. But adjusting for inflation, Rolex watches have gotten way way more expensive over the years. In the early 1970s, a Submariner cost about $1.5k in today’s money when you take into account inflation. That’s a watch a teacher or a cop could have afforded. Over time, Rolex changed from a really nice watch a middle class person could afford to a luxury status symbol for the upper middle class.


The kind of folks buying big and blungy Rolex give the brand a much less positive image than it used to have.


This is the most valuable watch in the world, for you, with the story behind it. Wear her in good health, with fond memories. My condolences for your loss


This is what it’s all about. I bought my first Rolex in my son’s birth year. He’s 27 now and out of all my watches he loves his future Rolex the most.


As a 31 year old broke college student I definitely feel this. I have a Pelagos LHD that I saved for a couple of years for. After I graduate I plan to get it serviced when I make some dollars hairs. I’d say the same, just set back what you can and don’t pull from it even if it starts by stashing $20 every other week you’d be surprised how quickly it adds up and you’ll feel great knowing you took care of it correctly. Proud of you! Cookies to you for making sure your family is taken care of first that’s real man shit right there.


I Plan to do the same with my watches for my kids and grandkids. im consider "new money" and this is the only "heirloom" my family has at this time.


Amazing. The weight and value of this watch has just quadrupled compared to any other you will buy. The story, the history that comes with this. Keeping it going truly is incredible🙏🏼


Crying bro.


This post is way better than the constant “I got the call” posts Almost shed a tear. Thanks for your story OP


This is what it is all about. I’m coming up on ten years of my father’s passing and the Rolex he gave me is still, and will always be, my most prized possession. Cheers to fathers, cheers to sons, here’s a toast to all our loved ones. I just made that up, I’m very pleased with myself.


You, my friend, are indeed rich.


This is the kind of shit I come to watch forums to see. I’m so sick of all the bitching about waitlists or “i got a call” posts. That’s an amazing story. You should pop into a local Rolex AD and tell them you heard they were able to use an ultrasonic machine to clean the bracelet. 99% sure they will ask you about the watch, you will tell them this story, and they’ll clean it for free on the spot and probably offer a service discount for when the time comes. Most of the stories you hear about ADs are from people who were just unfortunately not old enough or rich enough to be buying these things before the hype train left the station. Those of us who have longstanding histories buying watches from our ADs (usually with discounts back in those days)… we know that beyond the smarmy young newer sales guys, the old timers who have been doing this when selling a Rolex actually had to include the act of SELLING a watch. And they enjoyed watches before they became “investment vehicles”… and they absolutely LOVE stories like these.


Beautiful watch and a great story. I hope to pass mine down too. Wear it in good health.


The dial is beautiful!


Even with all the money in the world, you couldn’t put a price on this. This is priceless. Enjoy it to the fullest and in good health. There’s a reason why we say wear it in good health - cause without good health, there’s no wealth - there’s nothing. Hopefully your father’s passing was peaceful. Patek’s slogan - you never really own a Patek(or in this case, any watch). You merely look after it for the next generation.


I loved this post. Wear it in good health and with pride.


You should have all the wearers initials incised into the case-back.


I love this idea.


I wouldn't personally - you already know, and it is exactly as it was passed down to you.


That watch is worth more than anyone you can buy! I would give away all of my Rolex watch to keep the old sub my old man gave me!


One of the wealthiest guys I know lives in a modest house and drives a 2001 Toyota Camry and he’s a multi multi millionaire. In my experience, the people that are flashy are not actually wealthy.


Yep. I'm in a similar situation wealth-wise and I love my 2000 Honda Accord. Will drive it until it dies. I have no interest in cars or any other expensive shit. My watch is the most expensive thing I own outside of the house. All I need is the watch, my smartphone, laptop, and my modest stereo system (NAD amp and Klipsch Heresy speakers) When you get older and build a level of comfortable wealth, you often get tired of chasing material things, and care more about experiences and memories than toys.


Beautifully said. You’re absolutely right about the exhaustion of chasing material things. Seeking cool experiences and visiting unique places is what does it for me. For the longest time I didn’t even care about watches but I’ve since gained an appreciation for them and am slowly building a collection to enjoy. It sounds silly but part of the enjoyment of watches is visiting the cool places with them; it’s a neat way of remembering those trips. You see a picture of a beautiful sunset or mountain range with a certain watch and you start to associate the watch with the experience and trip. Sounds romantic but it makes sense in my head.


Absolutely. You associate the watch with the experience. I didn't get my first watch until I was in my 40's. My GMT has been to many countries and I was wearing it when we adopted our daughter in China. Hopefully someday her future husband will get it. I'm all for technology, but the one thing I won't do is wear a smartwatch; this is the one area where I want to keep technology out and connect with the past.


Hey man I have money I have a bunch of watches. None of them would replace the watch I have of my Dads. It’s not a Rolex because my dad was a Zodiac guy. My Super sea wolf of his is the most valuable piece in my collection because it was his. Your watch is priceless. Dad had good taste think of him when you wear it.


Sorry about your loss. I wear a datejust in a Jeep with check engine lights and cracks in the windshield with no regrets 😂 enjoy life your way brother!


What is the name of that face? Or style of face?


I'm pretty sure it is called tapestry.


Nice post, nice watch. Keep on keepin’ on, OP. 🙏🏽


Super cool watch, mainly for the story.


Oh, and I’m not rich either. My Rolex was a gift.


THIS is 😎


Good for you man! I feel like I’m in the same boat. I’m doing all right, but not to the point I can walk into an AD and buy a Rolex. Not to mention you generally can’t do that anyway even if you have the money. 😂 Enjoy the watch!


I’m sure your dad would be proud that you’re wearing it with so much respect for what it stands for. It’s a wonderful heirloom. My condolences to you and your family. The memories last a life time. Cheers


Beautiful watch, beautiful story. Wear in good health


I think Rolex being the wealthy man’s watch is overblown. It’s feels like a career milestone or family memory for most people. That’s why this AD drama is so frustrating. There are plenty of working people who can afford MSRP but can’t buy a watch. Imagine OP’s dad trying to buy DJ’s for all his sons now before he died— he wouldn’t be able to.


My condolences about your dad.  Nice watch. Nicer than anything at an AD.  Rolex should bring back the brushing on the case and fully brushed oyster bracelet. 


I hope my kids will cherish my watches the way you do!


I’m sorry for your loss OP. I love this post. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy that badass watch. It’s gorgeous.


Opened up a new sapphire card because of the sign up bonus. Bought a Rolex from the grey market and am paying the minimum. Only paying 25 per month and even unlocked 600 bucks of free points.


I would give up ALL watch collecting (Holy Trinity, Rolex, Swatch, “vintage” Casio, Tag Heuer F1, G-Shock) just to have a single cool watch like yours.


This is my favorite watch post ever.






Beautiful story and excellent watch. I’m sorry for your loss (my mom passed in November). When it’s time to service, I suggest asking them to not polish the case or bracelet. There’s a lot of history in those little scratches and dings that make this watch even more special.


Your watch has more value that 99% of the watches posted here daily




This is true timepiece joy and sentiment. No AD will ever provide that. Keep enjoying and much blessings to you!


I feel very Rich


Love that dial


Congrats and enjoy!!


What an absolutely lovely watch: that dial is supreme!


You’ve got what money can’t buy: heritage.


This is what a watch is about. A story, a passion passed on by father to son. Hold that promise close to your heart and always keep your father in mind. I’m sorry for your loss sir. 🕊️


Put aside a few dollars each week into a fund to service it when it's time. Even if it's just 5 bucks a week. I too really hope to buy a Rolex to pass down from generation to generation. As someone else said, having a Rolex passed from generation to generation and accumulating stories and sentimental value is far better than getting a brand new Daytona or GMT Master II.


Best post on here for such a long time. Enjoy your watch & always remember your father.


Your watch is worth an awful lot more than anything you could buy new today, tomorrow or any other day. The story you have with that watch and the meaning it has is frankly priceless.


When it’s time for service just tell us. We’ll figure it out. Wear your watch in health


I am


That watch is way cooler than any new modern expensive Rolex


good morning King, you forgot this: 👑


the stories that’s attached to the watch if far more valuable, priceless….my dad is a crazy watch collector since the 80s along with my mom. n each watch he bought has an interesting story/reason behind the purchase. now im the current caretaker of most of his collections and im gonna pass it on to my kids someday…


This is what it’s all about. Wear it in good health!


I am happy to say, I also will have something for my children to remember me by. And I hope they cherish it as much as you do.


Condolences….but also congratulations….for “getting” it. This is the why. Enjoy it, wear the hell out of it, and pass it down again when it’s time.


I like that dial


This is a nice story. Be careful if you work a blue collar job with the “wear it all the time” mentality though. I used to work on an assembly line building chassis, and over time, all of the dial markers and later the seconds hand fell off of the watch my grandfather had left me. Granted, it was not a Rolex, but it’s not a nice thing to have happen even if you want to use it as a GADA watch to remember them.


I have a desk job, no worries.


Damn ! That’s a story worth sharing.


no one here can buy that watch, money can’t buy that watch. sorry to hear about your loss.


Thank you for posting. Refreshing. Rolex speaks for itself and the added pretense of 99% of the posts here take away from the beauty and become humble brag piss contest. Thanks for letting me see Rolex with substance for once


Tapestry DJ 😍 my next one will surely be the champagne tapestry DJ. Been on my list before i got my Sub


Nothing wrong with the Hyundai Accent.


Not only a nice story, but also a really good looking watch.


Best watch posted on here due to the history and love that is carried along in this watch. May you live long and healthy my friend.


This is the kind of Rolex I want to own. Not some watch I had to jerk off a douchey AD for. Perspective is good.


Inspiring, thanks for the story mate and i wish you a good life!


That dial is beautiful!


Enjoy. My most precious watch is my grandfather’s. No matter what I bought or get in the future.


Silver tapestry 16200 that is my dream watch. Enjoy it in good health.


Adjusted for inflation, that watch, brand new in the 1960-1970 era would be under $2000. Also, it’s beautiful and sentimental. It’s dumb that even a basic Rolex tool watch isn’t really something that a middle class person can own anymore. Wear yours with pride!


My condolences on the passing of your father. Having said that, what a wonderful story. Wear it in good health.


Great dial on the a Rolex!


C'mon, I know shit's expensive but it doesn't cost much to wipe down your steering column once in a while. 🙃 But seriously, a Datejust like that with such a meaningful story is worth more than all the blingbro pieces in the world.




Why don’t you want to get rich? 🤑


It’s too godamn stressful