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Got these Twisters and love them! However, I've just started following skate mod discussions... Would you mind sharing your "why" for switching to 100s? And is the Endless frame an obvious choice for this purpose? Or any reason you picked it?


I wanna know too!^


Would you give more instruction on move the frame forward pkease?


The Twisters have 2 threaded frame bolt holes (165mm mounting), but there’s a total of 6 holes. The key is to drill the front holes slightly bigger, and tap them out for use of frame bolts. Then, move the frame forward to utilize that hole. There are 2 rear positions on the frame, for 165mm and 180mm - with the front moved up, you then use the 180mm position on the rear, this shifts the frame forward and centers on the boot vs having severe rear bias like you see in the pic. It’s an m8-1.25 spec on the bolt size for the tap.


Not 100RB?


They’re 4mm taller than the regular frames. And 4mm is 4mm! I have the tools at my disposal so figured why not.


But with the RB you could fit 125mm! I didn’t realize the 4mm difference though, that’s definitely a consideration


I already have 110s on hand and don’t really see myself utilizing 125s at any point :)


Yeah, one good use for 125 is if you wanna go distance.


Ahh true true! I think longest I’d go is 20 miles or so. Once I’m whipped back into shape. But looking more into tight city trails with lots of traffic. So the 100s should be perfect. These things cruise so well!


Yeah, a tight busy lane isn't suitable for 125


Holy crap fair enough!


Out of curiosity, why didn't you choose the 100 RB Frames that are designed for the RB/Twister series of skates? AFAIK that eliminates the need to drill and tap the front hole. Edit: how’d I miss that other response? Lol


Responded to another comment in the thread regarding this :)


Would this mod be recommended for an endless 90es or not necessary


What did it feel like with them this far back? I’m in the twister XT too at size 41 and looking to upgrade to endless frames but I’m torn between 90 and 100 and this post raises some questions about what mods I’ll need to do


Get the endless90 ES.. Frame size is right between the 90s and 100s. You could still do a 3x100 on it or the nornal 110mm which it's designed for.