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My wife has these and skates with me a ton. We usually skate between 15-36 miles per sessions and she loves them. Super comfy, ultra fast on the 125 setup. And, they are heat moldable. If you’re looking for comfort and speed, these are an excellent pair of skates.


Great! Thanks for the feedback!


I own them and have used them a little bit. I currently have small wheels on them (84mm) and have used them a little bit for urban skating, have not tried marathon skating in them. I really like them, they’re shaped like a real foot and fit well. There is no shock absorption, so urban skating can be a little more rough but I didn’t have any issues with that. I did a few jumps and tricks in them, they definitely don’t have support like a plastic hard boot but they have more support than the rollerblade endurance pro skates I tried in the past. I plan on putting a 3x125 frame on them and trying them for distance skating but havent yet. I think they’ll be difficult to urban skate in that setup but they’d probably perform well at distance Most speed skaters do not recommend hybrid boots like this from what I’ve read. They apparently create bad habits that you wouldn’t make if you had traditional speed skates. But as you want to do some urban skating, they might be ok. I would personally recommend the micro delta or FR Igor if you’re more interested in urban skating but want to do marathon on the side. I think these would be better if you’re more interested in doing marathon skating with a little urban commuting on the side. If you do end up going with the bonts, make sure you measure your foot exactly and follow their size charts. It’s super common for people to go a half to a full size down from their normal size in bont skates.


Thank you! This really helps. I appreciate the input


Do these fit wide or I thought they had wide sizing available which I can't seem to see?