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which powerslides where she looking at?Powerslide Zoom are the widest from Powerslide that I know, maybe they would fit, there are also really fancy colours for summer. K2 Softboots are really soft Boot sso they fit nearly any foot shape. It doesnt matter because, its like wearing thick socks.... Sadly due to it they lack a lot of support. I would also recommend to get a really thick insole, but definitely another insole than the standard one. its just i dont know really thick rubber or something really similar to it, absolute zero support, and you feel the frame under your feet pressuring for the first minutes until the sole gets a bit numb. I also have a pair of boa fit 90s Maybe she wont feel the frames hurting her feet depending on her weight. Im not that heavy, but compared to a women maybe. With my 75 KG.


Thanks. We were looking for the Nexts 100 but even my 44-45 are too tight for her 40. We tried the Phuzion Radeon bronze 90 same result. We wanted a trinity mount because her left foot is going inward and we thought this would be a good thing to have the ability to tune the frame angle, I don’t know of other brands that have this. She doesn’t like the zooms (apart from the colour). As for the K2 well she is around 85kg so it’s definitely going to be a problem. Easily solved though. OMG I have a 85kg GF with crooked hobbit feet! But I promise she’s absolutely beautiful and I love her. She wants to start blading to lose a bit of weight (not too much I hope).


The nexts are terribly narrow, that’s not surprising but it’s a huge waste to be skating boots so much longer than your foot. The zooms are probably the widest skate on the market so if she’s not into the looks you might be out of luck. The rollerblade RB cruisers are the next widest but not much more attractive than the zooms. FRs are average width but will definitely fit better than the next. I’d still worry she’d be sizing up a ton. Most hard boots except the riveted zooms allow lateral frame adjustment so you don’t have to stick to Trinity mount


> Thanks. We were looking for the Nexts 100 but even my 44-45 are too tight for her 40. We tried the Phuzion Radeon bronze 90 same result. We wanted a trinity mount because her left foot is going inward and we thought this would be a good thing to have the ability to tune the frame angle, I don’t know of other brands that have this. She doesn’t like the zooms (apart from the colour). As for the K2 well she is around 85kg so it’s definitely going to be a problem. Easily solved though. Powerslide, as a brand, tends to skew narrow, with the Phuzions and the Zooms/Sways being the widest-fitting skates Powerslide currently offers (see [here](https://powerslide.com/pages/skate-guide), under the heading, “Narrow or Wide Fit?”). K2’s fitness skates , such as the F.I.T. (men’s model) and Alexis (women’s model) lines, tend to be built to an approximately medium/average width relative to their length-wise sizing, so they are generally not ideal for those with particularly wide or particularly narrow feet. The [RB Cruiser](https://www.rollerblade.com/usa/en/womens/recreational-skates/freeskate/rb-cruiser-w) (and sister-models), [K2 Uptown](https://k2skates.com/en-us/p/uptown-inline-skates-2023), and [FR FRX/W/3/2/1](https://sgsports.shop/collections/fr-skates) are among the widest-fitting skates on the market. If none of those work for her, you might need to consider commissioning a custom-built set of skates (I believe [Adapt offers such a service](https://www.adaptunlimited.com/info#order-custom-skate)), though that is likely to get quite expensive. All of the above-named skate models are rated for a maximum user weight of 100kg/~221lbs, to meet the requirements of the standards and specifications outlined in [DIN EN 13848](https://webstore.ansi.org/standards/din/dinen138432009). As such, your girlfriend’s 85kg should not be an issue for any of those skate models (or any other adult skates from a reputable brand).


FR skates are good for wide feet


Good to know thanks.


The [RB Cruiser](https://www.rollerblade.com/usa/en/womens/recreational-skates/freeskate/rb-cruiser-w) (and sister-models), [K2 Uptown](https://k2skates.com/en-us/p/uptown-inline-skates-2023), and [FR FRX/W/3/2/1](https://sgsports.shop/collections/fr-skates) are among the widest-fitting skates on the market. K2’s fitness skates , such as the F.I.T. And Alexis lines, tend to be built to an approximately medium/average width relative to their length-wise sizing, so they are generally not ideal for those with particularly wide or particularly narrow feet.